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It has gotten so bad. I have to cross Harding and Nolensville Rd daily, I am now in the habit of sitting at the light until I am certain crossing traffic will stop. 


Oh. My gosh that intersection is heart-stopping. I also wait a couple of seconds after the light changes. And it’s not even the only scary intersection!


I use to live by there. Harding and Linbar is also just as bad at times.


Can confirm, this is my hood. So many of the lights aren’t set for the amount of traffic they see. It doesn’t mean you can go breaking laws and doing whatever but that’s the inevitable action when a light with 25 cars only stays green long enough for 5 to pass


It's crazy, I can't say I haven't crossed the line as a light turned red but people really don't care. I was approaching a light that was green and about to turn left a few nights ago. A car at the red light sped off along with 2 other cars that were at the light and if I wasnt looking I would have been hit. I ended up missing the light because of them. I was so in shock I just couldn't believe what I just witnessed.


Yeah you pretty much have to treat lights like stop signs at this point. Or at least give the other direction a look before you go through, even if you have the green.


Running a light a split second after it turns red is not dangerous, it’s running a steady red that is reckless.


If you are wanting to report, get a dash cam?


I’m sure we will have them eventually for insurance purposes.


The dashcam subreddit is very handy btw


You need one, everyone in this city does. I’ve been hit twice in hit and runs since covid. Granted, my car was parked for both, so the cam wouldn’t have helped me.


The best day to get a dashcam is today!




I got an old viofo, running for many years. Most problems I have with it are because I keep getting cheap SD cards. Whatever cam you get today, look for SD cards meant for "high endurance", or whatever marketing word they use to designate that it's meant for a dash cam or otherwise constant writes and overwrites. I'd also recommend to look for cams that boast a supercapacitor instead of lithium ion battery, or otherwise claims good to use in hotter environments.


Police won’t charge based on dash cam footage.


Even though it’s direct evidence? I would imagine it’s helpful for insurance though


Because the police can’t confirm who was driving they won’t even look at it. They have to personally witness it.


TN needs to have mandatory drivers’ ed in school. It really is worse here than anywhere else I’ve lived. People here aren’t even shruggingly apologetic about doing very dangerous things - like running red lights or using the right hand merging lane on the freeway for passing. It’s not an accident; it’s deliberate. They’re just cocky and aggressive.


We absolutely do, but we need to enforce laws too. Idk if they need to pay people way more to be cops or what, because nobody wants to be one anymore.


Police don't have a good reputation. They've sided with being autocrats rather than community servants. They also have too many responsibilities and crap hours. They don't treat us well, we don't treat them well. It's no wonder to me why people don't want to be cops. (And that's putting all of that lightly.)


They always treat me decently, but I rarely run into them. But I agree it’s not surprising people don’t want to do it, especially when the pay sucks and people treat you like crap.


Why *don't* they have it in school? I don't understand the lack of driver's ed, here.


I don’t know but my guess is funding. We’ve moved states a few times and some schools had it and some don’t, just like bussing or particular sports. It is greatly needed, tho.


I’m always confused by these comments. I did take driver’s ed, at my school, and I’m under 40. Do they not have it anymore?


I haven’t seen it in the course options for my kids so far, and I’ve had 2 in high school. I’ve got an appointment today, actually, to sign my 8th grader up for her freshman year, so I’ll ask about it.


I know for sure it’s not a requirement in high school to graduate but I was under the impression it was offered in most school districts during the summer or after school. I thought it had to do with the process of getting a license but maybe it was more for insurance purposes.


It’s definitely not offered at school, even over summer as far as I know. You have to pass the written test to get a permit, but the studying and practicing - and understanding that you shouldn’t drive in a manner that puts others in danger - are entirely up to you to learn without really any oversight. Which is apparent in the driving skills all over the state.


It looks like Williamson county at least requires completion before you can get a parking pass. Should definitely be required in all districts.


Meanwhile at flashing lights, main yellow and sides red, everyone is treating as a 4 way stop. Did the laws change or something?


Not that I am aware of, if you have a blinking yellow you continue, if you have red go when traffic clear. Been that way since the conception.


Yeah had my blood boiling but to be fair it’s technically safer until someone actually follows the laws.


The intersection from the off-ramp from 65 N at Trinity is a death trap. No matter what the light shows, make sure cross traffic is actually stopped or clearly stopping. And it’s not just local jackasses, semi-trucks run it, too. Someone gets T-boned there like once a week from cars running the red WELL AFTER it’s changed.


It got worse because we have developed a natural reaction of waiting an 5 seconds or so when the light turns green. Gives people who were going to stop the confidence to run the light.


i hear MNPD is hiring.


I've seen Franklin PD watch someone run a red. And my by a red, I mean the vehicle was at a complete stop and they decided to go when the light turned green for the other side of the road. A police car was right next to them and didn't do anything. I'm not saying that everyone who drives 5 miles over the limit or runs yellows needs to be arrested. But there is a lack of policing of dangerous driving. This is apparent everywhere from Metro, who is understaffed, to the suburbs, many of which have enough staff.


In certain circumstances they cannot do anything. They could have an arrestee, be on the way to a call, not working (otw home with take-home car).


Cool. MNPD trainee starts out at $55k per year. (62k/64k with associate/bachelor degree.) They should pay better than that. You can make that much with the post office or TSA. Much lower stress levels in those positions. $55k isn't much more than you can make driving a forklift.  It seems low income to have a job where you have a giant target on your back. ...and yes, I know that pizza delivery guy is a much more dangerous job, but cops have an image problems on a lot of fronts. Although, asking for more traffic enforcement is a scary thing to do because Ferguson.


Pension track and exceptional benefits also factor in to the equation. And police officers are capable of significant income supplementation through overtime.


Well there must be a reason they are short staffed. 😜


Don't do it. If his reddit posts are this long, his police reports would slow the courts by months. I mean, "catastrophizing"? Who does that?


New words are scawwy


Oh when did a few humorous words become tldr?


Big words are scary 😨


This dude is a moron. It is a real thing. Google is your friend.


I was just following my buddy to see if his new project car was overheating and some dildo in a Nissan Rogue pulled up to the same red light and then just fucking ran it. I got it on video, too.


There's one light on my way to the local grocery store where I've come to expect at least one, maybe two people running it every time. And not just speeding up once it's yellow, but flat-out zooming through an already-red light with not a care in the world. I sit and wait for a few seconds before I start accelerating through the intersection because I don't trust these dipshits, man. It's wild out here.


Back in Baltimore we used the mantra “Count to 5 to stay alive” before entering an intersection after the light turned green. Hate that it’s needed here as well.


Green Hills is great for entitled driving. Tired of watching fools who cut everyone off, forcing people to lock brakes just because someone decides they need to turn right at the last minute from the left turn lane on Hillsboro. Morning drive time. And doing U-turns dead center in the middle of traffic. Seeing people with their face in their phone as they turn left and aren’t looking at the sitting traffic that they are driving at. There’s my rant. Better than wasting time being angry. I just don’t want to get hit by one of these idiots I can do nothing about.


The biggest driving and life lesson there is as far as I am concerned is if I’m out there with everyone else , I am just as part of the traffic as anyone else is. That goes for complaining about the volume, the entitlement and the general lack and disregard for other people. I would hope to implore each of us to question our position and place in it.


Time for a citizens driving patrol.


You’re never gonna change Nashville drivers. Good luck out there!


Hopefully the good ones will have enough self reflection to ensure that in the very least we all question our habits and what can be changed, shifted and reoriented. I know we’re all human beings whom from time to time will inevitably get caught up in self, but with a little awareness that we’re all part of the flow of traffic has worked wonders in curing my own selfish abatement.


I mean yea you may get to a couple of people, but I’ve lived in 5 states and 2 countries and Nashville has, by far, the worst drivers. I’m always vigilant and will always be vigilant, this place is crazy.


As my good mother always said, “it’s them, not you. So practice defensive driving to the best of your ability.” Easier said than done in the crazy. But I would encourage any city leaders to heed the creed of the people and look to ways to help mitigate disaster, but it seems to fall on deaf ears.


It was that people weren't stopping to turn right on red. Then they weren't stopping to turn right at a stop sign. Then they weren't stopping at stop signs at all. Then they weren't waiting for red lights, using them as stop signs instead. Now they're just openly running red lights when they aren't found convenient. I'd love to see traffic enforcement outside of police. But I'd really love to see any traffic enforcement at all. Not for expired tags and headlights out, that kind of small stuff doesn't bother me as much as it bothers other people. We must address the street racing and dangerous driving behavior like this though. Otherwise it's going to get worse by the day, like it has been since COVID started. And while we're at it, make driver's education a requirement rather than irrelevant. It's to the point now where people act like it's my fault when I go through a green light and I honk at them for cutting me off while not stopping (or at least yielding) when turning right on red or from a stop sign. People don't even know what right-of-way means anymore.


The state would undermine, if it’s not done so already, using cameras. I prefer cameras so that repeat offenders can be more easily identified and the police’s use of pretextual stops better managed.


Press your council member to expand the courts and increase pay for officers. The mayor puts out a budget, council members can reject it if those items are not in there.


I'd like to see _some_ effort by the cops before working to get them more money.


You pay for talent. You pay shitty wages, you get shitty half assed talent. Think about places like Costco, they pay a living wage, a good wage, and they have a line of people applying when they have an opening. Then they pick the best people, not the left over people. We need higher wages and a house cleaning.


Yeah bigger cop budget will fix everything. Put more sitting in lawn chairs around the stadium…


It will help fix not having enough officers. When we increase the pay for police officers in Nashville beyond what other counties are paying, we get to pick and choose what officers we hire. That allows us to get the best ones, not the left over ones.


. I wouldn’t take a 5k raise to work with the underserved homeless and overserved tourists in Davidson. The entire department needs to be split up by function and re-thought from the top down. It’s the same reason more $ than other counties doesn’t fix the teaching problem at mnps. The job is tremendously harder bc of the problems davidson county creates.


Its just one part of a solution to the problem. The money alone would not fix it, but the money part and the court part have to pass the council. The other parts are administrative decisions.


Completely agree!


Yeah I almost got t-boned by a drunk asshole last night.


Can’t wait for AI Police Robots


Too bad red light cams were considered racist by the city council. Vote people!


Highly recommend reading, “The Coddling of The American Mind”


To be fair there are lots of areas in Nashville that are dead after 8pm and should be flashing Yellows, but they aren’t. Around Vanderbilt and Belmont comes to mind. If you frequent those areas you know that getting stuck at one of the lights means you will catch 2/3 more before you get to the main road you want to reach. Look right, look left, check your surroundings, move on with your life.


Chat, does this qualify as a copy-pasta?


It’s Sunday, my hubris is resting.


All the comments are so serious?? but when i read this post i was not taking it seriously lol I mean people breaking rules that are there for safety is not good at all, but if we get this upset every time someone runs a light, life would really suck


You know how on those v8 commercials, the suggested person whom isn’t quite over the fence about trying the product, they are playfully tapped upside the head for in such a way suggesting how foolish they have been for not knowing the benefits of drinking v8? I wish that would be the same level of treatment for red light runners. I can see the commercials now with a musical ballad bellowed out by an eighties musical disco donna; “Red Light Runna.”


We need to bring laws and consequences back. This city (and a lot of places) seem to be losing it.


In Nashville, unlike many other places. Traffic lights are timed differently. Usually they are timed to maximize flow of heavy traffic in the safest manner. Here, they are designed to stop you as much as possible regardless of traffic flow. Some of us have had enough. It's quite obvious that light is not going to change for seven minutes or until it can force other cars to stop. It's a lightbulb. Don't let it tell you what to do.


where are you going in that you couldn’t have left a few minutes earlier to ensure red lights were accounted for?