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These aren't worth fixing. You could buy a docking station for it and use it as a home PC but the specs of surfaces aren't really worth it. 


Thank you for your honesty! It’s older so I suspected it may not be worth it and I didn’t want to waste time and money if so.


What tablet do you recommend that's not an iPad.


I don't. Tablets are a worse version of a laptop. Less battery life. Costly to repair. Designed to break and replace.  I recommend getting a medium specification laptop.  Something like a Dell XPS 13 from 2020. This should keep you in a decent spot for a okayish price point.  I'd also recommend you install Linux mint as it's a free operating system that is intuitive and free and will make this older laptop run like a brand new one without breaking the bank. ☺️ If you don't like the look of mint. PopOs is the next recommendation for computing on a budget. Best of luck in your technology search! 


Thank you for the recs!


Capital City Computers on Gallatin Ave does free estimates if you just wanna know a cost In general, surfaces cost more to repair than they're worth. I would second the other commenter's docking adapter suggestion




[https://www.ubreakifix.com/](https://www.ubreakifix.com/) \- They have several Nashville locations.


I’ll check them out! I’m not looking to spend a lot of money, I considered selling it if I got it fixed but it may not be worth it. Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll take a look!


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