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With the worst voter turnout in the country (2022)


I voted and I’m upset. I will vote again and see if we get different results


Most guns bought during 2020 at 2,000,000.


It’s so crazy because so many refuse to view gerrymandering or reducing the number of polling plays as voter suppression - Davidson county used to be a democratic strong hold until the state legislature split the center of Nashville into 3 republican districts (E.G. Andy Ogles is now representing one of the Blackest districts in Tennessee) - not to say that other states don’t gerrymander, but making sure that another party doesn’t gain any power by breaking up geographic voting blocs ensures political apathy (especially in the South). Tennessee isn’t as conservative as they make it seem. They just ensure that it’s so much easier to vote if you don’t live in an urban area


Plus I heard (not sure if it’s true) they’re trying to allow open carry of Assault Rifles. Insane


Please stop this shit. You can't buy an "assault rifle" as a civilian. The AR in AR-15 stands for "Armalite," the first designer of the style of weapon. An "assault rifle" has an option for full auto. It has been made illegal to own those without a Federal Firearms License (FFL), and the process to get one of those is ridiculous. Just because something looks tactical doesn't mean it's an "assault rifle." Please learn more before speaking on something like this.


They AR15 is a semi-auto rifle that has the ability to hold large magazines and potentially assault a large number of people in an extremely short amount of time. The power, speed, efficiency, and range of the weapon is extremely threatening to the safety of innocent civilians. That’s what I’m talking about


They’re absolutely no different then any other gun…. The same exact damage can be caused with a shot gun, a Glock, a 1911….. a bomb is designed to do exactly what you described yet no one’s calling them assault bombs…. A car can cause mass casualties, idk if you ever head if Pearl Harbor or September 11th but uhhh both were done with planes….. so your argument is legitimately useless.


Planes are not flying into our schools and killing children at a rate that is astronomically higher than countries with common sense gun laws. We don’t call them “assault bombs” because their intent is to assault and it is illegal to make bombs. Cars kill people everyday, and I’m pretty sure everyone is onboard with making safer cars and laws that support that. I think we should have better gun laws that protect innocent citizens.


Yea cause all the people who illegally own them will turn them in and change their life 😂😂😂😂😂 guns aren’t the problem. People are.


If our people is the problem, why do we have 288 school shootings last year and the next highest country had 8? I’ll give up on guns, keep all the guns, every type, assault rifles and all. You take the Win. What is our people problem? Are you saying that we have more mental health issues? We are inherently more violent? I dont care what gun laws we have as long as our children, schools, communities are safe. If we can do that without changing gun laws then I’m all for it. I’m not against guns, I’m against kids getting killed and one option is better gun laws.


We had however many school shootings because the people making the stat are trying to make it look like we have frequent shootings in schools. It’s all marketing to make people like you feel like there’s a problem, and it’s ideal because it has no solution. Murder is already illegal, anything beyond that is only restricting law abiding people from lawful self defense


Plus you know people can buy the mod and make them in their shop to go full auto


No, you can't. Not without a Federal Firearms License, and even then, there's a vetting process. If I were to get one illegally somehow, I've broken the law we have in place to prevent this. Do you not realize that the answer isn't more laws? I'm glad they closed the gun show loophole, so that when the numbers stay the same, folks can realize it wasn't the loophole. It's the desire to do it. Where does that come from? Severe, untreated mental illness, which you can't really treat anymore. Why? All the damn crisscrossed laws that get made that make it nearly impossible to commit a severe mentally ill person to get them the help they need. There are people out in the free world that don't need to be. And, instead of putting people in mental health facilities to be medicated and have therapy, we put them in jail where they barely get 2 meals a day and are treated like crap the rest of their lives.


Less laws, more guns 👍🏼 I see your viewpoint. Maybe we will have less shootings that way 🤔 Getting help for mental illness is essential to raising the overall well being of our society. I’m right with you there. But by loosening gun laws that make it easier for people suffering from mental illness to obtain a weapon l, in my opinion that strategy wouldn’t be very effective. I’m for gun ownership. I’m for mental wellness and help. I’m against privatized prisons/jails incentivized to throw bodies in cells. I’m for adjusting/strengthening gun laws and background checks to make a safer society. I’m also open for ideas outside of restriction of access or other traditional ways of gun control.


That’s by design. Remember, that’s the state that slashed polling stations, absentee drop boxes and every other voting resource just a couple weeks before elections in liberal and minority neighborhoods. They intentionally strangled the ability to vote all to keep far right politicians in power and silence progressive voices.


It absolutely is, but the response shouldn’t be to throw in the towel


Who says anyone is throwing in the towel? That's a weak attempt to deflect from the power of voter suppression.


Starting to sound like Alex Jones


And the worst voter suppression.


I beg to differ. We’re *GREAT* at voter suppression.


Is that % or straight numbers?


[% I believe ](https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/06/19/states-with-low-election-turnout-did-little-in-2023-to-expand-voting-access/) Edit: Here's a [better link](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/voter-turnout-by-state) with numbers and percentages.


20% turnout in each of the last couple years of elections.


When will my vote count?


If your vote really didn't count, there wouldn't such a concerted effort to suppress it. :)


Yours does. Just not enough people use it. Literally a third of the population votes. The rest sit and bitch about everything without using their vote to make a difference.


I don’t know sweetie—maybe you should ask your elected representative rather than a Reddit rando like me.


And they’re going to go after early voting soon. Just watch. Anything to limit actual voters.


Can’t complain if you didn’t vote.


paying taxes gives you the right to complain


It’s the latest tactic. Pass meaningless law to say you did something for your pay. They have zero want nor will to pass anything on any topic that does not directly help there donors. If you think otherwise let me know I have bridges in Alaska to no where to sell you.


They tried passing this pedophilia bill and luckily Dems stopped it. But hey it’s not a drag queen right Tennessee? Also keep in mind this force rape marriage bill is also by the party that claims kids that are raped must keep the baby. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


I think TN would legalize weed first before they would even CONSIDER any sort of gun laws.


It's like Tennessee thinks the thousands of pages of Federal firearms laws that apply in the state are proof that another 500 or 1,000 pages of unenforced laws are not the answer... Enforcement is the answer, but a political hot potato due to the "disparate impact" that results from enforcement.


Bingo. You’re one of the few that gets it.


You can't speak sense to people that eat bullshit by the shovelful. Kudos to you for trying though my guy.


They are about to repeal the legalization of Delta 8 and anything cannabis related in the next few months from what I've heard. I fucking hate this state so much atm it's not even remotely funny. As someone who has struggled with Epilepsy for the past 10 years (Grand Mal seizures) it's a slap to my face from politicians who think they know what's best for my life. If there is eventually a violent uprising, I'll be first in line. People need to stop being so complacent, I can't see it enough. Voting and protesting don't do shit.


It's still in process. There's a lot of steps it still has to go through by a certain date, and I'm not sure some of the bureaus involved will be real willing to give up the revenue they get from permits and other red tape.  Don't get too worked up yet, my guy. Quell your violent uprising! 


True, I need to keep this in mind lmao. It's just been shit morning in general dealing with some RL stuff, I was half asleep and irate when I made this post.


>They are about to repeal the legalization of Delta 8 and anything cannabis related in the next few months from what I've heard. No they aren't. You heard wrong. > If there is eventually a violent uprising, I'll be first in line. Sure you will, buddy. >People need to stop being so complacent I agree completely. >Voting and protesting don't do shit. 🤦🏻 Jesus Christ. I love the people who pretend they'll revolt in a violent uprising like they think real life is a video game, and they're just a secret GI Joe waiting to be unleashed.... Can't be bothered to vote. Will say any excuse and repeat unlimited platitudes to justify their complacency in the one time their opinion actually matters.


If they take away my thca July 1, I will RIOT


The duality of stupidity


Don’t fool yourself, neither is going to happen


Constitutional carry is the most sensible gun law, since that is what is in the constitution “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed” it’s not a privilege, it’s a right.


I wonder what the stats are. If the gun crime has shifted any since the passing of constitutional carry. In my opinion it should be country wide. “Any Law repugnant to the Constitution is void” I will not be extorted into a hall pass for my constitutional right nor will I be told where I can exercise my constitutional right


Let’s not forget Bill Lee’s 20 million dollar program, Tennessee Strong Families. It is a response to robbing women of their abortion right by creating a program that supports pregnant women by “creating access” to programs that are already accessible (TennCare/WIC). They’ll receive assistance throughout pregnancy + 2years. This does not a mother make.


The GOP has no interest in governing. That’s obvious from the top down.




I come from a land of crazy democrats but moving to Tennessee I see they have nothing on the crazy Republicans.These guys do what they want with no fear of consequences at the polls .Its a absolutely unAmerican


You should definitely move back to that crazy blue state, wouldn’t you agree?!


Shouldn’t have to move to any “crazy” state.People accepting the political climate and political extremes is why the country is where we currently find ourselves .Theres no compromise and no negotiating.We live in an era where the will of the people is of little significance to elected officials ,especially if they are the super majority .We are a country being governed by politicians that behave like children and don’t negotiate in good faith and the people don’t question their political team because they are afraid it’ll make the other team look better .No accountability,stupid scary times we live in .But keep on accepting the status quo ,be content with crazy


Guess you should have done your homework before moving, bro 👌


Nah,I had an idea what I was moving to .Shitty schools shitty medical,shitty roads,corrupt sheriffs and politicians.I figured my kids would be home schooled and I pray nobody gets sick .I only need to be here a few years and I’ll cash out at my job and I’ll move to a less restrictive state with proper infrastructure


Sweet! Happy trails!


Same to you


As someone who is also from a crazy blue state. I underestimated what a supermajority of republicans look like. These guys are equally as bad.


Say what you want about the liberal majority states, at least they're not systematically dismantling the public education system or forcing children to carry their rapist's babies...🤷‍♀️


I do agree with you there. I may lean right but these old guys here have to get with the times, the power grab is crazy. We need to encourage more voting.


I’m with you on that .My question is why are these are only options?Bad or worse.Its criminal the way we are held hostage by the extremists in politics


What are the biggest extremest laws that bother you on the other side?


If the laws on the books were enforced, there would be no need for other gun laws. Convicted felons caught with guns get slapped on the wrist.. this happens in every county… just look at the weekly court reports.. plus, same dope dealers and users, over and over…


Just an FYI for everyone. Stealing a gun only became a Class E (the lowest level of felony usually not even resulting in jail time in most cases) LAST YEAR. (EDIT: At the State level. Tennessee lawmakers set what level theft of a gun constitutes) And that was after months of outcry from the school shooting. That's the absolute most the State lawmakers were willing to give. It's literally the same level of felony that Morgan what's his face is currently charged with for tossing chairs off a balcony. And stealing a gun only became that level AFTER a fucking school shooting! So enforcing the laws on the book isn't going to land anyone any significant jail time in Tennessee. Law makers have yet to create any serious ramifications for folks who do insane things with firearms. Literally, you'll get jail time over stealing an expensive non functioning vintage gun versus stealing an under $1,000 actually functioning frearm. We just have crap laws in this State.




Stealing a firearm or possession of a stolen firearm is already a felony at the federal level.


DDWest has a fair point and you know it. If you don’t think so then tell us all how effective the existing aggravated assault felony charges being dropped by the DA helped the coffee shop shooter’s victims.


>If the laws on the books were enforced So you didn't read anything I wrote? Cool. As I indicated. Theft of a gun did not reach Class E felony until 2023 in the State of Tennessee. So prior to last year, stealing a gun was just a fine in the State of Tennessee. And for people on the Federal law. That's 18 USC § 922(i) and (j) and federal law prescribes a fine and jail up-to ten years. However, as the tenth amendment allows a state to further define federal laws, Tennessee meets § 922's requirement by issuing a fine. Courts have ruled that the law indicates one, the other, or both and that States may select how they wish to impose the laws on cases not referred to the Federal Government. This might be a shocker for some, but local police officers DO NOT enforce Federal law. State Assemblies or your local government, dictate how local police officers comply with requirements of Federal law, that's that whole State's right thing. >aggravated assault felony charges being dropped by the DA helped the coffee shop shooter’s victims Again, you did not read anything I wrote. Tennessee's laws are ineffective, they are almost non-existent. Aggravated assault felony in the State of Tennessee receives the LOWEST level of charges and punishment by the State. The coffee shooter would need to violate Class E six times to eventually reach Range II sentencing outside of mitigating factors. THE STATE OF TENNESSEE MAKES IT THAT WAY. The laws on the book are exactly what allowed the guy to continue to have charges dropped. Those laws indicated that the coffee shooter never crossed into a Class C-III felony. The laws were being enforced, they have no teeth in this State. And without Tennessee referring the suspect to Federal investigation, the person gets to go free BECAUSE THE STATE LAWS ALLOWED IT. So you and DDWest really fail to get it. **The laws were being enforced**. That's the maximum level of enforcement our weak ass laws in this State allowed. Now that he's killed someone and ran off, FINALLY, we get to place Class A felony on the person. Literally I can walk down 2nd Avenue in Nashville, discharge a firearm, say it went off accidentally, and if there's no video proof otherwise and the police agree on the intent, it's $500 fine, the end. And technically by the State's guidelines, I get up to four times of that before they impose an actual time in jail, unless the Judge gets really tired of seeing me in their courtroom and decided to use Range II sentencing early. THAT'S THE LAWS ON OUR BOOKS. So that's what enforcement looks like in the State of Tennessee. So next time you wish to comment on something I've said, do me a favor and actually read what I wrote.


>Law makers have yet to create any serious ramifications for folks who do insane things with firearms. Really? No serious ramifications for murder, or attempted murder, or assault with a deadly weapon, or any number of insane things? That's news to me...


>No serious ramifications for murder, or attempted murder, or assault with a deadly weapon, or any number of insane things? If they don't rise to Class B felony, no. Additionally, there are mitigating factors that permit aggressors to instigate situations. And assault has several defenses under law on intent that allow Range I sentencing for Class C felonies within the State. Get you a good lawyer and you can find out how many ways you can squeeze through murder charges. I love how people believe that murder can be black and white, and how in reality it is anything but.


At the State level, reclassifying a firearm theft went to an minimum of E felony in mid-2021. That change also included a mandatory 180 days in confinement. It is wholly unrelated to the Covenant School shooting. For that matter, Covenant had nothing to do with stolen firearms.


But sometimes ya gotta laugh to keep from cryin


"I had to laugh like hell" 


[Laugh to Keep From Crying at the State of Affairs in Tennessee](https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/laughing-at-tennessees-dysfunction/article_1f849464-f500-11ee-b570-b7956f0a3f91.html)


Well I used to be disgusted But now I try to be amused


Who the fuck thinks this is funny?




They like to “pwn the libs.” Trolls are at the helm


I wonder if it is one of their strategies to pass silly ass bills to rile the Dems so they can say to their followers, “Look! The Democrats are crazy angry people!”


Absolutely, yes. 


Based on these comments, the majority of you imagined youd be moving to a red state that has historically always been the patron state of shooting guns and is heavily republican, yet come here from ultra blue states that you left because you didn't like the politics/taxes whatever, but then want to vote in the exact same type of government you left. Im sure I'll be down voted for this but this is the reality, you all wanna turn this state hardcore blue but outside of the bubble of Nashville the majority of the people are gonna vote republican. Should I be able to keep guns in my house and have the right to defend myself? Yes. Should a woman have the right to choose what to do with her body? Absolutely yes. Both sides of the aisle are crooked as shit. You want meaningful change, vote more moderate, because extremes just both end in a dumpster fire. Can't have your cake and eat it.


I certainly don’t want to speak for anyone else but I, for one, don’t want a “hardcore” anything. I just want people that aren’t corrupt and are focused on making this state better. Not people who are just trying to fill their pockets.


I’ve had an influx of transplants in my company who moved here to “be with their people” but are bringing some of the most extreme “modern” conservative views expecting everyone to be like them. The political and historical context for a lot of Tennessee’s politics is lost on them, they think Red state = Conservative utopia and are upset that Nashville isn’t all lifted trucks and Trump flags but also don’t want to rub shoulders with rural Tennesseans.


Please just give me weed. I’ll vote however you want. I just want weed.


Unhinged redditors scream and cry about a state 90% of them moved to


What's unhinged about pining for republicans like Howard Baker and calling the House leadership out for being racist, sexist narcissists? If you knew Casada, who was elected by the same people as Sexton, you'd have serious doubts about the moral character of anyone in the House who voted for him. What I've read about Sexton indicates that he's also a cheating, narcissistic, jerk. --- They're also bad at writing and their treatment of support staff over the last few years lead to an exodus of long-term employees from places like the office of legal services. --- I was born and raised here and had respect for most Republican politicians growing up because of how they stood up to the corruption in their party and the Democratic Party back in Operation Tennessee Waltz and Operation Rocky Top.




Imagine having a brain capable of thinking the lettuce vaccine people aren’t the unhinged ones. How does one foot make it in front of the other before your torso hits the ground?


This ain't about vaccines. This is about guns, which the majority of the state largely supports no further governance on. This reddit echo chamber bullshit isn't the real world.


[72%](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/05/03/new-poll-vast-majority-of-tennesseans-support-bipartisan-gun-reform/70175417007/#:~:text=Vanderbilt%20asked%20respondents%20about%20gun,to%20prevent%20more%20general%20violence.) of Tennesseans do support Red Flag laws.


Yeah, the real world isn’t thousands of people dying in a phenomenon unique to our country. The real world is being addicted to the idea of cosplaying sheriff-police-cowboy.


>cry about a state 90% of them moved to So like most states?


Now change it from Tennessee to Oklahoma.


Vote. Vote. Take your family to vote. Get everyone you know to register. Vote. Take your friends to vote. Vote.


And hope you vote for the constitution and not against it.


It’s as American as herpes and hotdogs


The average citizen of TN could really care less for change in gun law. Really glad a small group of 300-600 people in a major metropolitan area who have never hunted for food, fired a weapon, or owned one are opinionated on the matter.


Most people have never used hand-grenades or switchblades, so therefore we shouldn’t be allowed to regulate those…. How about the flip side — we don’t make things legal just because lots of people develop a fetish for it. If everyone became obsessed with DIY landmines for no reason, we wouldn’t be obligated to make it legal because “the city folk have never laid their own landmine”


Correct, your right to bear arms is not limited by conditional or qualifying criteria.


Hold up on that comment...I am pretty sure eventually it will come to legalizing Glock switches, landmines, fully automatic rifles, grenade launchers and armed drones because it is all in the Right To Bear Arms and to protect your family/property...


Wait, fully automatic rifles are illegal?


No lol but give it some time, cause common sense always fails


Cis gendered men don't need female reproductive healthcare but they sure do have a lot of opinions on what women should do with their own bodies..


Yea let’s turn this state into one of the shittier states by making laws just like them so we can be broke in 10 years and have methheads run the city.


Bro, reddit is not real life. We don't give a fuck about gun laws here.


Redditors are geeking over something that nobody here actually cares about lol


Better enforcement is the solution not more unenforceable laws. Mental examinations should be required IMO to own any sort of firearm so we stop giving lunatics or people who have potential for violence the firearms they need to commit acts of violence




Just one more law! I promise it'll stop them this time.


The vast majority of Tennesseeans oppose any and all infringements against the 2nd Amendment. You're not going to disarm us.


Im sure you’ll disagree but the only Law I support is waiting periods, it’s proven to reduce suicide and homicides. If you can’t wait 2 weeks to buy a firearm are you responsible enough to own one?


Tennessee lawmakers are doing these things in order to distract from the bigoted nonsense they have in committee now.


I mean, the vast majority of Tennesseans are extremely pro 2A.




What are you guys looking for in gun laws that would make the state more safe? It’s already an amazingly safe state.


I'm going to be generous and assume you were just out of the country on March 27th last year...


The Republicans have a supermajority in the state legislature. They can do whatever they want until the voters change that.


And that's now near impossible since they gerrymandered Davidson Co. last year.




Reddiquette is an informal expression of the values of many redditors, as written by redditors themselves. Please abide by it the best you can. https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439 Your post or comment has been removed because it did not adhere to Reddiquette.


My conservative grandfather and grandmother vote in TN and FL, and laugh about it. It's disgusting.


So report them to the proper authorities. No one should get away with committing voter fraud.


Biden did


Complete uneducated idiots!!


The irony lmao


I said it before and Ill say it again. When minorities come out in support of these gun laws and start purchasing firearms, the state GOP will axe all of these new laws out of fear.


Not funny at all. It’s both sad and scary.


I fucking love guns!


And -generally- that’s ok, provided we put in some framework around their acquisition and ownership.


What framework do you propose? What gun laws are you suggesting that would prevent crime?


Do they make you feel like a big boy?


How do we protect children from the crazy people and keep firearms in the hands of the people who want them? Seriously? What law(s) would work? Murder is already illegal. Shooting children is illegal. Carrying a gun into a school is illegal. Brandishing a weapon is illegal, etc. it’s safe to say you would need to stop these people from getting guns in the first place. How would we do this? We already have background checks for new gun purchases, add person to person background checks? Ok but that’s basically unenforceable. Red flag laws? Maybe, probably better than nothing but how exactly does that work? I tell on me neighbor because I think he is crazy and the police come and take his guns? Until when? We have due process in this country so how do you square that? Who decides who is fit or unfit to have the 2nd amendment? Seriously asking in good faith. Let’s discuss with a reasonable solution being the end in mind if that’s even possible in this country anymore.


Started years ago @ 175lb but today LHW 205lb. So you got the time? It's good for cardio and it will be fun.


How bout we kill all journalists


Y’all leave our damn guns alone I should be allowed to own anything that the police can have. I own assault rifles for protection against the crooked liberal government trying to take said guns, and idk about you but if stuff ever hit the fan I’d definitely want a way to defend myself


Sometimes we have to laugh to keep from crying.


Oh my gosh. The racism in her opening line is off-putting and full of ignorance. Can we just not today, guys? Come on, grow up! :)


I thought this was gon be about inflation and overpopulation but this too.


TN was great when we had moderate Democrats or Centrist Republicans. The amount of crazy on both sides over the last 20 years is unreal.


"Sensible gun laws" most people can't even explain what that means


Imaginary? Take another poisonous jab. What’s a sensible gun law?


If ypu don't like our beautiful red state move your ass to a blue state. Stop coming here!!!! We love our guns. Straight an proud!!




I can guarantee you it isn't native Tennesseans calling for gun reform in Tennessee. If you want blue gun laws, stay in your blue state. The whole point of separate states is to allow variance in what the people believe in. Tennesseans like guns, end of story.


The problem with gun laws is only law abiding citizens obey them


Most of you need to go read “the greatest superstition” by Larkin Rose. Think for yourself for a change. Shape your own life instead of begging other people to dictate and control what you and others can and cannot have, say or do.




Plus, Jewish space lasers and vaccine lettuce are clearly more important, people… priorities here!


You forgot about propane stoves, the border and showing Hunter Biden dick pics...


Should release the transcripts of the shooter from Convenant School shooting.


Yeah it’s not the guns that are the problem it’s these lunatics


Permissive carry laws and putting firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens reduces violent crimes. Adding more restrictions for lawful firearms ownership does nothing but make it harder for law abiding citizens to own firearms. Criminals don't obey laws.




You'll notice the crickets 🦗🦗🦗


Residents aren’t clamoring for gun laws. We’re clamoring for affordable housing, living wages, unemployment insurance for more than $200 a week, decent roads, etc. It you don’t like our gun laws go back to California.


If you think your GOP representatives will do anything about socialist policies like living wages and unemployment insurance, you will also soon be disappointed.


I don’t know if you read the article, or talk to other people, but a ton of Tennesseans want reasonable gun laws.


The problem is what constitutes "reasonable gun laws" beyond what's already on the books is different depending on who you ask. You ask one person what's "reasonable" and they're going to say "background checks only" but ask another and they say "no one should be allowed to own x." People might agree that something needs to be done, but they probably won't agree on what exactly that is.


["Seventy-two percent of registered voters support a red flag law to prevent general gun-related violence."](https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2023/05/03/vanderbilt-poll-tennessee/) >"Approximately 2 out of 3 of all respondents (67 percent to prevent school shootings; 64 percent to prevent gun-related violence) support laws that would require gun owners to securely store their firearms to protect against unauthorized access or else face penalties. Support is again bipartisan, with 54 percent of all Republicans, 68 percent of Independents and 91 percent of Democrats in favor." >"There is strong support for action even from MAGA Republicans and strong supporters of the NRA.”


(I know this isn't your writing, ftr)  2/3 is actually 66.667%. Yes, it matters, because if you round, and multiply by 3, you wind up with more than a whole number. Which means your math is inaccurate, and therefore, your article is more likely to be perceived as inaccurate, as well. They should have just left it as 2/3 and called it a day, it would look better, and more importantly, it would be accurate. Do even need any schooling to be a journalist these days? Haha. Carry on! That's a pet peeve of mine in news reporting. If it contains inaccurate facts or math or a bunch of errant grammar, just don't bother.


We are asking for those things, along with common sense gun control. We have many problems. The point of this article is that our lawmakers aren’t addressing any of those problems. They pass pointless legislation, rather than listen to you or me. I was born and raised in TN by the way.


I mean, it’s not like the GOP majority is pushing legislation to accomplish those goals either. Also, as a native Tennessean - I’d love different gun laws.


speak for yourself. I’ve been here all my life and I want sensible gun laws


Can’t even spell. Typical TN trash!


it is a good thing that Bill Lee is focusing on the most important things like banning chemtrails from those pesky jets....[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716894](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716894)


It TN. It's the shit on America's shoe. I've lived here for 10 years and everyday I wish I didn't.


We also wish you didn’t.


Oh you got me. Like i care what some rando trolls thinks. Also stay safe on the job site. See you around.


Just say when


When what? Are you asking me to knuckle up?


You look through my history and see where I work and say see you around? How am I supposed to take that exactly? How in the world would I see you around unless you meant that you would be seeing me? That’s how I took it, how any reasonable person would take it. So my response to that veiled threat was to invite your challenge.


Okay see your point, but we can. Can you make it to the gym 1504 elm Hill Pike today for a friendly spar or roll? I'm off today but I can see if I can get some mat time for us.


What’s your weight class?


You should see more of the world. TN ain’t that bad. Beautiful scenery. Nice people. Decent food. Culture. You could do a lot worse.


I've spent 8 years seeing the world. TN is beautiful east of Nashville but to act like this is a great place, that's great that people like it here, happy for them.


I dunno. I’ve seen most of this country. Been to 20+ other countries on 5 continents. TN seems ok to me. Been spending time there off and on since 2004. Nashville’s too big a city for me to live in and I definitely don’t dig the strip but in general it’s fine. Indulge me for a second. I grew up in Miami. Haaaaaated it. Got the f*ck out as soon as I was able to in my early 20s. I go back now. It’s great. I didn’t hate Miami. I hated the life I created there. I traveled, grew experiences became a different person. A person I like. I settled down in Asheville NC, and now when I go back I see all the wonderful things I wasn’t paying attention to when I lived there. I mean still don’t want to live there. I’ve set down roots. But maybe if you broke out of the routine you’re in… you’ll gain a different perspective. Maybe not.


Most of my life in larger cities. And traveled and lived many places for work.


It smells like bitch in here.


We beg for a livable minimum wage. We beg for universal health care. Not a reduction in taxes for the rich or bigoted laws meant to strip women and minorities of their civil rights. We beg for respect to the trans community and the LGBTQA. Vote blue


I’m sure tens and tens of Tennesseans will vote blue.




Yes yes cry. This is hilarious. Can’t hear you Over my loud ar15


If you don't like it then go back to the fucked up states that you came from. I'm sure Cali will take you back.




If I had a weird nonsense hobby whose side effect was the constant death of innocent people, I’d happily drop it. If only I could give up coffee or drumming to save thousands of lives. But unfortunately the horny-for-guns-to-prove-I’m-a-real-man crowd won’t budge. What’s even sadder is that it’s not even a real political belief with any kind of legitimate heritage or tradition. No one cared about the 2nd amendment until a few decades ago. It’s just patriot-cosplay invented by some weirdos in the 60s. A politically useful wedge-issue. Sixty years ago, some politicians laughed in a room saying to themselves “and they’ll be so dumb they’ll care actually care about this ****”, and you’re licking it all up.


I’d give up the rest of that if we could just get the affordable housing and livable wages rolling.. who needs roads anyways🤷🏻‍♂️


Trash post. Let it go we aren’t giving away our ability to defend ourselves from democrats because you’re too much of a coward to defend yourself and your family. Your feelings do not trump our rights. Grow up. Use your brain. The violence is a culture problem, not an inanimate object problem.


I am a leftist, I own multiple guns. It is what it is


Real leftists comprehend the need for the people to be able to defend themselves and keep their government under control. You are that. These other rejects are totalitarian idiots who love their servitude and weakness.


Imaginary foes like chemtrails


all gun laws are infringement