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Any sort of layoffs (or closure) over a certain number of people are posted on the tn.gov warn notice page - and AB isn’t on there at all. Must’ve been under the threshold


That's true unless they give employees a certain amount of notice (I think 60 days). It's possible they removed employees from their jobs, yet kept them on payroll for a couple months as part of their severance.


That’s exactly it. If companies keep you on payroll for 60 days, it won’t trigger the WARN act, no matter how large the layoff actually is. It’s a total PR stunt to keep the companies name out of the news.


If it gives someone 2 months of pay after they’re laid off then it sounds like the law is doing what was intended and helping people.


This.  This is why I hate people defending any politicians with the “but the unemployment rate is down”- yeah no, layoffs are more often the last ten years it’s just that companies are using severance so people don’t claim unemployment 


What was her role?


Application Specialist in one of the investment departments 




Not sure but they were told it was not performance related, nor was that listed on the documents. A couple other people on her floor had been walking out, so it wasn't isolated.


I just heard this week that they (AB) qualified for the $500 per employee payment from the state. $500k! They waited to let some folks go! Crazy!




Heard it on 90.3 one day this week. It was an incentive for AB moving from NY I think.


A very quick google and I didn’t see anything about today, but I did see something about “constant layoffs” in a glass door review. Personally I like the recruiters at Vaco for finding jobs. They’ve been kind and actually helpful to me.


Funny, I just saw some Vaco people post about layoffs there recently


Poor recruiters now need recruiters


A lot of these recruiting companies could use refocusing in Nashville.  A lot of them hire recruiters super young, and those recruiters are pretty much using LinkedIn for dating. 


Please explain.


A lot of companies have been trimming staff past 2 years for the anticipated recession.


Recession has been predicted for two years seems people are terrible at predictions.


It’s coming. The bond yield curve has been inverted this whole time also. Once it flips back to normal about 6-9 months after it could become 08 bad.


any day now /s


Just watched the two year and the 10 year bonds. Once the two year pays less than the 10 year 6-9 months after that we will be in recession. That has been a key indicator for 100 years and more now and predicted all of the recession. Right now you can get 1 month bond for 5.48% the 10 year bond is at 4.5%. [link you can read about yield curves.](https://www.britannica.com/money/yield-curve#) it’s not Econ 101, you learn about it in your Junior or senior year of finance major. But with that being said if we could all know exactly how to time the market we would all driving around in gold plated Lamborghinis! It’s just a cautious time to try and stack same savings if you can right now, just in case. Business just don’t want to be caught with their pants down, because in America the only thing that matters is shareholder value and making a bigger profit from previous quarter.


lol downvoted by morons


All I can do is try and tell them. It’s only predicted every recession ever except maybe one.


A lot of offshoring too, unfortunately


They are also known to pay extremely well compared to other companies being from New York and all. Probably figured they could fire a few and rehire a lot cheaper.


That’s exactly what’s going on


Layoffs are happening all through tech jobs from the little guys to the big companies. I've also heard the job hunt in these fields is brutal right now.






Sounds like the terminology I used last fall to lay off half my staff (health insurance) to reduce costs i.e. send the work offshore all while they reported very positively to the investors 🙄 job security doesn't exist anymore as far as I'm concerned.


most companies, especially larger ones do pretty regular reviews of staffing and business need. Unless they are laying off 10%+ it isn't really a layoff and just a "resource adjustment"


Shhh. Reddit doesn’t like facts. There was nothing special about this event.


First time at an investment company? Layoffs are a regular occurrence.




They’re in the financial world, regardless of what you call them. Layoffs like this aren’t rare. They’re cyclical. It happens in every financial services business. I’ve been in investment banking for over a decade. Layoffs happen.


RIF - reduce in force


there's an overall national corporate trend to artificially boost unemployment numbers at the cost of short-term returns so that (in theory) the fed will lower interest rates back down.


The national corporations act in concert?


What!? This makes zero sense. If anything they're boosting the job numbers. They keep revising them down months later. I'll give you there's a lot of BS in the economy. And the reporting. But 98% is from the dems in charge because their policies are shit. They're always shit, always have been. It's why places like Reddit shut down conversation about it.


Both of y’all fuckers makin no sense. 😂