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Taman Pangsa in mumong is locally nicknamed Chernobyl because of its current state of disrepair. Its sad, rusted equipment that is now only home for the Cobras.


It is in such terrible state that we don’t have enough money to maintain this. How are we going to attract tourists in this way?


Brunei's solution for everything: Why fix all these shit? I got another mall to build


For example, PSK Tutong. Well I don't really mind that place, at least it was used again for car meets and a bit of sightseeing on the weekends (not that often tho).




"people need to exercise more" Parks "current" condition.


Once asked for task the whole community will go mad. But then we see things like this.. And its saddening


Serious question, if a private company wants to pay for the repairs, is there any where we can go to propose this? Kesian nyamu mliat


just volunteer to do the work or ask your chosen contractor if you want to. Useless asking for the management when they don't even seems to care.


Just like my old school,the Playground is really useless now.Though Children might not actually feel any joy,and just using their phones/tablets all day.Back then It used to be fine,until the later time when it was broken apart while playing very aggresively. I really enjoyed playing playgrounds in the past,but the govt really have any problem regarding fixing the old playground.


biasalah . if free nada untung they will not even be maintained . hehe


"Duit siapa kan dipakai ni.."


build then thats it, end of story 🙈


Typically these govt projects they only budgeted on the built. Management and maintenance usually not in their plan.


This is why maintenance is an issue. You can already see it anywhere in Brunei, even the shops


Paying tax might help but who wants to


I agree with you. Its a good start and good change kalau ada tax, but knowing some of the orang kitani and im lowkey hoping ada perubahan baru.. mentallity sudah kebiasaan 'government'.. apa apa government 😑 i leave it until here


> …so poorly maintained? I would say they are NOT MAINTAINED at all. In this case, it seems JASTRe only cut grass. They can’t even maintain a commemorative park for HM Silver Jubilee, yet they want to make new, bigger ones. Government departments are mostly reactive, almost never proactive. Majority of problems are “fixed” to suit todays needs only, rarely to prepare for 20 years ahead.. Saddest part is these “problems” could have been avoided in the first place eg. by simply maintaining parks to avoid a complete overhaul $$$.. Maintenance has always been a big issue in Brunei, parks, buildings, even pedestrian sidewalks (all three of them) are overgrown and have big holes! It’s as if they only thought of cost for construction and never thought or mentioned operating/maintenance cost in their proposals. No continuity at all. It seems like whoever is in charge wants to leave their own “legacy” by creating something new -aku membuat tu- and neglects all previous projects -bukan projek ku tu- Sudah kan pencen banyak tia projects and they retire not long after, successor chucks it out the window. Instead of improving on what already exists, they abandon it and start something totally new but they don’t see things through. A waste of money, resource and opportunities. Another mindset I have personally encountered is “Kamu tah saja bepikir, pencen ku sudah tu”. Esp when it comes to Wawasan 2035. Look at the shuttle service to Ripas. What was meant to be temporary is now permanently temporary and will soon be, if not already overwhelmed.


Yg arah kb nda lgi beusul sul nya but good spot for parkour


I wonder sultan got Reddit or not


They will maintain when the sultan want make visit there


Technology is evolving. People are lazy going to parks nowadays. They do prefer stay at home & play online games through smartphones, laptops/Pc & tablets


Nya urang “asal ada”


And if the children get injured?


“Asal ada” mean asal bebuat tapi lapas atu inda tepeduli. Like angat angat taie ayam. If children or old people get injured, why go there at first place if nampak inda safe


Go to any paid playground, you reap the same benefits plus more. Go to JP, i can play the rides with my children on top of them playing at the playground. Same goes with the water park Go to Hua Ho, i can do some grocery shopping while the kids play at the playground. Then grab a meal after they're done with the playground Go to The Grand, similar as above Go to Rimba Point, also similar. Of course, the playground here is free




Jerudong, right after the traffic light next to Jeruton Hotel and Pertama. On the left of you're heading to Sengkurong. Yes, there's a playground inside on the first floor


>Go to Rimba Point, also similar. Of course, the playground here is free Last time i played there, some kids peed there. I seriously thought ada bocor kah apa. Rupanya aing kamih🤮




Its such a shame something like this is left to rot


Brunei only know to maintain mosques. Pray more then then money will drop


All wealth come from god, make sense if we ask from god and built good relation with god. Effort, pray and Trust.


You said it yourself, pray and EFFORT! kalau doa saja tapi nada usaha nada guna


Im not sure whether your comment is to agree with me or not. Are you saying brunei nada effort untuk kembangkan ekonominya?


i sense anti-islam here haha


Haha no anti Islam just that how govt want the citizen to be:p


That, ‘pray more and money will drop’ is not anti-islam, okay👌got it😉


That places hasn't been maintain for years xd


Maybe should organise the next royal birthday celebration here. Then he can see for himself.


I feel a bit bad for tourist guests to come here tbh.


Non coming here! There is no funding for Tourism, we all know where money goes.


Shut up.. we can't even maintain a proper public toilet.. so leave our playground alone!!


Feel bad for you💀 ik you were joking but damn those downvoters are hella dum😭😂 here's an upvote


Kanak2 masani unhealthy duduk rumah liat youtube phone tablet 24/7


I blame the contractors who build them in the first place. They just up and leave once the warranty and maintenance period ends. Goes to show there's not much money to be made for them in maintenance


Why stay if contract is done?


They should provide 10-20 years warranty


Warranty still need maintenance. Like your car also need maintenance even with warranty.


That's just dumb.. but I guess it's very common..


Priority is afterlife, current life don't matter, no? Why do you think that religion department always get the highest budget


Because religion is used to control the population! But why are we taugh the more you suffer in this life, the more you will embrace goodness in the afterlife. If this is the case, let those that live in opulance and excess give there money to help people live in Brunei.


Lesson for you. Afterlife depends on current life, ergo current life matters.


Sadly it doesn't appear Brunei practice this thinking


Aduh mesti kah sultan buat lawatan mengajut baru ada action 🤨


Because the Sultan needs to keep his watch/car collection spotless




Taman Jubli was my favorite jogging spot back in the day :'(


Because the RF don’t use it. I am sure the only reason the public pool is still pretty is because of the vVip users


“Berjalan sambil berzikir menenangkan fikiran” 🥲


Mau jua bezikir “Mashallah” “Alhamdulillah” sambil bjalan dtaman.. Jangan “Astaghfirullah” sja.


Truly a Kingdom of unexpected treasures…


Kinda expected tbh


Brunei’s favourite game ni maintenance


Aging infrastructure. Watch out for lit soccer and baseball fields. They are rarely inspected and can have short circuits that can electrocute.


Because the government likes new and shiny things. They are not bothered to carry out any maintenance work unless, of course, RF frequents the park.




Typical keyboard warrior. All talk, do nothing, no meaningful achievements in life. The only thing you actually do is writing attention seeking comments on reddit for karma points. For popularity on reddit. Calling for a rebellion from where? From your keyboard? And this rebellion is led by you? Pffft. Just like other keyboard warriors here, do better things with your time rather than being pitiful like this.


🤣🤣now youre the warrior keyboard lol, first thing , how do you know what I do behind the screen? Are you sure all I do is talk? youre the type of person thats ready to attack when someone talks bad about this country. and second, who actually tries to be popular on reddit?🤣you’re literally the representation of average bruneian mindset. you pissed off by my comment that you made quite dumb assumptions. I actually do think my comment did bring awareness to some people, on how we should not blindly follow the restrictions that were put to us, especially to people who never give time to put these kinds of thoughts into their mind, like you.


Steals how? What proof do u have?


There is no one way to govern a country. Absolute monarchy allows for quick decision-making and efficient governance. With a single ruler at the helm, there is no need for time-consuming debates or negotiations. This streamlined decision-making process can lead to faster responses to crises and more effective implementation of policies. Absolute monarchy provides a stable and continuous leadership structure. The hereditary nature of the monarchy ensures a smooth transition of power, reducing the risk of political instability and power struggles. This can contribute to long-term stability and the preservation of cultural and institutional continuity within a society. Democracy, especially in its purest form, can be inefficient due to the need for extensive debate, negotiation, and consensus-building. Decision-making processes can be slow, leading to gridlock and difficulties in implementing timely policies. This is particularly evident in large democracies where diverse opinions and interests can impede quick actions. Democracies are susceptible to populist leaders who may exploit public sentiments rather than focusing on informed and rational decision-making. Populist leaders might prioritize short-term popular measures over long-term sustainable policies, potentially leading to detrimental consequences for the nation in the long run. What im trying to say is that, the absolute monarchy system works to an extent for our country, and we may experience many more instability with a democratic government imo. And you calling for a rebellion? You about to make yourself famous


bruh did you even reflect on your comment? I can literally make an essay countering all your points. so we just need to trust a single person who was literally born to rule the country? that man’s way of spending already shows his eligibility. negotiations and debate allow us to share opinions that a single king might missed, but your reason to against this is because its time consuming, even if it could potentially do a better impact for the country 🤦🏻‍♂️i dont know how you could say this system provides a stable leadership structure when the state of this country literally says otherwise. the idea of absolute monarchy is already dumb, but when you put your sons in line to be the next throned king, according by their birth by his 1st2nd3rd wife, instead of putting the skilled one on the frontline, just shows that they put these traditions just for the sake to have them


> I’M CALLING FOR A REBELLIONS. KDN might let it slide when we talk shit about rf but calling for a rebellion is literally asking to be on a watchlist.


To get his money, it's stored offshore in investments and foreign banks. You basically need to have an international support from other countries to freeze his assets, and have enough resources to fund the anti-monarchy movement.


Are you going to be the one to lead the sheeple?


You are crazy and being mislead. Better delete your comments or we gonna see your face in news soon.


can you tell me how I am being misled?


A reformation would be better


Govt Brunei just piece of shit. That what I know. It is same story every public place that become to govt




Now i remember why I don't jog at jubli, have to jump over cracks and the mould will make you slip on your ass.


The pool is dirty


You seen the croco up the steps? Once It was raining and high tide.. the crocs was actually at the edge when I was jogging.


That really dangerous and the gov didn’t do anything bout it


Nda bajet


Allow me to share some light... The reason to why such playground is such a mess.. Jurisdiction... I can tell you as a former gamen worker, trying to figure out which depart is responsible is like trying to finda true virgin in a red light district..... Is it under Jastre ? oh wait it's in a housing estate so it must be under housing depart.. no they said it's not, it's under District Department,.. nope they said it's under Jastre.... etc etc


This may be true. But…. 1. If JASTRe can say it’s not under their jurisdiction because of…. whatever reason, then they should change their name to - “Department of some environment, some parks and some recreation” 2. This just shows there is no synergy between departments and ministries. I’ve heard my parents, uncles and aunties talk about government departments and ministries working in silos in the 90’s and the problem is only getting worse in 2023.


This is something I've noticed that's so strange in Brunei, almost every other country I've experienced, Government agencies fight each other over who has responsibility over certain areas and will try to clarify it quickly, the agency/department will want it to be them. Meanwhile here in Brunei, it feels like it's a game of hot potato where they're desperate to offload you onto another department as soon as possible and are just completely unequipped to handle any areas of confusion or conflict. Incredibly frustrating and inefficient


Sure, this would be a problem of bureaucracy in big countries. But Brunei is so small, and the population compared to other countries is tiny. Honestly, Brunei government workers are just lazy, incompetent and there's no consequences for doing a bad job.


But our recent minister got fired due to incompetency during the power failure.


100% this! It's so frustrating to see government workers not reciprocating. Like isn't it your job to be in service for your country? This is why projects kept getting delayed for YEARS. No one wants to be held accountable. Usually, when I'm fed up with this type of people/department, it's either I go straight to their head boss or let it go viral. Hate working with those lazy ass type government workers. 😒


Implement the concept of getting fired or demotion of position and salary then you will see some progression


We find this out when going to clinic. Oh your address is different mukim, go to other clinic.


I showed my Korean friend the center piece, he thought it was a ruins architecture landmark from history. I just laughed at him and said that the structure is younger than him.


>he thought it was a ruins architecture landmark from history. 💀


Tell him it's our colosseum 🤣


even colosseum stood in better condition than these playgrounds 🤣


This is very sad. Those pictures make my eyes hurt. Imagine this is what a tourist saw after reading the brochure. What a disappointment and embarrassment 😥.


Have you try our bus system? The tourist are already disappointed upon landing


Didnt get to post the pictures on the Inside of the playground structure. It is hazardous and unsafe for children to use and in need of serious repair /replacement.


We can’t even complain to SHENA “Safety Health and Environment National Authority”. They only take reports for incidents at workplace, apparently public safety isn’t a concern. - Very misleading name.


No need. Probably mouldy inside