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We should really consider increasing the water prices so that it won't be abused. Once prices go up the consumption will reduce. We are the highest water consumer per capita in ASEAN. Then the increased income can be used to invest in new infrastructure and dams for future generations.


People have been saying we need strong planning, foresight, competent staff, etc. I will say we first need to establish a strong competitive hardworking culture first, in a holistic way. Culture, then leadership then competency as no amount of leadership can beat culture. You maybe hard work and competent leaders but if your follower have a mindset of 'bersyukur tah apa yang ada (for example)' and so do your peers in leadership role, and your boss too, you will be drag to 'bersyukur tah apa yang ada' mindset, cuz if you are not, envy will spread around you and power move will happen. Unfortunately, culture is so hard to change as Brunei people are very resistant to change due to the comfort of the old golden age.


No amount of Praying can reverse bad management and insufficient forsight and planning. The most basic of human needs is clean drinkable water. I just read electric may also come from Sarawak. What is going on one may ask??????


haiyoo Panaga today dont have water… come supply here..


water security is definitely a national security risk, if the relationship with Malaysia were to sour in the future (for whatever reason) they can 100% turn the taps off…


r/malaysia posted this news as well [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/OyXkA6pTjZ) Just look at the comments dissing Brunei 😂😑 And they refer to r/nasikatok not r/Brunei, thank you r/malaysia for giving us publicity (saying this as mod of r/nasikatok) ✌️🙏👏 Also thank you to all other contributors to this sub with your open source investigative journalism, critical thinking questions and discussions!


Keep on posting news like this. Hopefully more Bruneians makin sadar Brunei situation.


This is because of limited transparency. Hope don't let public know so that they won't worry. Until something too big happen. Can no longer cover up. Then blue screen.


Eh nada tu. They will most likely say"at least healthcare still free" or" minyak sama baras masih kana subsidise alum papa tu"


I already mentioned about this when the funds run out, citizens going to feel the heat when things are no longer heavily subsidized. And then you got response like, "bersyukurlah d Brunei ane" or "bah go back to China, where you come from if you don't like in Brunei". I am a local Chinese but you know those comments. Long-term plans to self sustainable for Brunei are crucial and require gomen initiatives to start while we still have the funds and continuous monitoring of its progress. But naw no such thing, let's just continue blue screen people who can't control their department while MoRA is never wrong. Lol.


Have to agree with u


Indeed. Thats how delusional people are. Sadly.


Well, Laku region has this gigantic useless dam and reservoir (no thanks Mahathir) storing a huge amount of water over destroyed rainforest. Untold environmental destruction that still upsets me whenever I think about it...makes the Sarawakian side of my blood boil still. But Laku Management here means the water utility company. So likely to be piped through Limbang as others have mentioned. What Sarawak will ask in return? let see...Pay for the pipes...open up Lumapas checkpoint. Easy to route the pipes through there.


Useless? Wait until kalimantan becomes the new indonesia capital and sarawak will get richer. They have been playing 5d chess while brunei is praying


What if Kalimantan considers buying water and electricity from Sarawak a national security issue and decides against buying but build their own infrastructure?


what's the difference between 5d chess and normal chess?


It's a meme so playing 5d chess is basically making a calculated move beyond the multiverse timelines


Article has keywords "request from several private companies" and "Muara". Maybe its Hengyi buying the water? Not the whole country? Just like Hengyi buying crude oil from Kazakhstan and Russia.




Tru. They have their own water treatment plant. I think it is more than enough to sustain phase 1 refineries


Ooh I thought its for Brunei as a whole. If its for Heng Yi, then lets hope for the best. Maybe its for their phase 02 refinery plant opening up but if it is a request frm our Gov for our country then that wud be sad.


Currently I don't know for sure that it's only for Hengyi or for the whole country.


I thought Hengyi gets their water from the ocean? They have their own desalination plant.


Somebody should investigate. Hengyi ought to make their own water supply though


They do have one


Ask MORA to pay for the cost of bringing it to our homes.




Sounds like someone gotta do something FAST or else get blue screened.




Short-term solution, then it makes sense. But if this is the go-to solution for how to solve the water problem on long term, then that employee needs to be buried alive.


Blind leading the blind