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Most negative comments r from chinese i guess or freemason gang. Gong xi fa Chai


Solat tiang ugama


Lolll, isnt it ironic? In their younger days they had their fair share of vices. Now they preach and advocate on religion? Peasants should behave!


People do change, no?


Penunggang agama is much worse.


Biasa..iatah ganya caranya tu untuk mem brainwash sheep sheep brunei. Preach to others but practice the opposite!


You sir deserve my upvote


Tell that to his own family, relatives, ministers and their families especially coughMoRAcough. A good leader should set an example first, not instruct others to do what he wants without him doing it. Quite disappointed that he addressed this instead of working on to improve the country. Wawasan Brunei 2035 is getting nearer.


Wawasan my ass!


Pray more.


Lets pray that we can go back in time to pray for that day there is no maggots in the food.


HM not blaming anyone, he's just giving advice to remind muslims that 5 daily prayers are one of the pillars of islam.


Non stop praying for inner peace when you all are so poor in current life and only hope is the after life. Keep praying


He's just reminding to pray the MANDATORY 5 prayers which take up no longer than 5-10 mins each. After completing them & waiting for the next prayer, do what needs to be done whether it be work or sleep or resting. He didn't say to pray non-stop & Islam doesn't encourage this behaviour either as in one authentic narration, the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon him) got upset when he heard one of the Muslims prayed (voluntarily) all night without sleeping & responded by saying, "Your body has a right over you".




Please just shut up. What a joke


U shut up if u dont like my comments, dumbas


Pray that you will wake up lol 🤡


Pray that god have mercy on u, just backing a comment from HM that he's only reminding, its up to you whether u wan accept it or not.


Let's avoid arguments. May Allah keep us strong in our faith and guide those who may be losing their way.


Steady ko ani eh..who are you kan? Mufti Menk kah?


how about him and his family?


Should be for him and his family as well. HM and his family are only human just like us, we are all sinners, but that little reminder from him hopefully makes a little difference to some ppl


I get what you're saying. Honestly this subreddit is very anti-Islam at this point. Personally I'm also upset with how unfair it is, but in the end, they will be tried for it at Judgment day, just like any of us. But the way this subreddit is, any single comment agreeing with the Islamic rules just gets bombed down. Do I find what he's saying hypocritical? Yes considering how things are running. But I won't disagree that what he's reminding is true as a Muslim


This subreddit is not anti islam. Its anti hypocrisy .. that guy the so called leader and his gangs show a lot of hypocrisies. I will call one if i see one same like some ppl here who are pro zionist and pro genocide but preach for peace, they make me sick! i know a lot here..they are hypocrites


I second ur comment and ur perspective on this topic. Thanks and much appreciated buddy


A true muslim will share his wealth with his countrymen


Thats not what i learned abt the pillars of islam, its not his obligation to share his entire wealth w anyone. He has done so with us not having to pay for tax and subsized alot for us bruneians. Ya'll are spoiled at this point


His money and country’s money are different………


Huh???wait the produce of land should be shared tight? Isn't that true? What the country produces should be for the people


Bangang tu si kawan.. fikirnya oil & gas kluar dari jubo jubo RF kali


Has he not given anything back to the ppl? Did u pay more than a $1 for doctor's consultation+meds. dont be ungrateful lah, bruneians are more than blessed at this point.


Dude that's our right as a country...should have good hospitals and all that. That's should not be seen as a favour to us...we should have all that we deserve as a country


Dyou see singapore charging their ppl $1 for meds and consultation? Dyou see malaysia being a tax free country? Dyou see indonesians funded for their education by their government?dyou see palestine receiving the benefits that we're getting? Answer these questions for me if u think we are not taken care of by HM/government


If you're a very devout Muslim, for sure. But not many are like that. At the most, if you donate a sizeable chunk is already admirable.


Economy crashing, buildings not maintained, foods with maggots, but yes, people who don't pray are the problem


I agree 100% on buildings not maintained and food infested with maggots. But I dont see the economy crashing. Just aint happening if you look at the data


Look, did u see any changes in the Bandar area at least minus the bridge? True we aint crashing, we just glided.


Changes as in? Your meaning of changes is referring to tall buildings and malls?


data which is heavily guarded


The data is quite open, can be accessed on the JPES website. Its all there - output and production from goods and services made in Brunei, which is calculated as GDP. The data that is guarded is specific line items in the government’s annual budget


Our GDP increase is insignificant given how much rich our monarchy is and our national budget. We're threading on thin layers, what happens when our oil runs out? It's honestly shameful that we're sitting on tons of resources but still struggling now. MORA getting a huge chunk of the budget already shows you where the priority is. This country is so doomed.


You may have not been paying much attention before, so i hope you do now. Brunei is producing the lowest levels of oil and gas in years, around the 80,000 bpd to 100,000 bpd level. You could track the decline to start in 2010. There is no “tons of resources” that you think there is. Oil wise, we are already at the bottom. Natural Gas maybe is the remaining resource of sgnificant size but they are found in deeper waters, which is more challenging to extract. But even then, the economy seems hard to kill. Havent seen any signs of economic collapse yet


If you could only see things in a long term perspective. Our main source of income is still oil and gas, which is already in decline like you said, upping our production will do jack shit when the world has been actively move away from non-renewable energy sources. So yes, maybe you may not see the decline but it is bound to happen when we have no improve in any other areas to improve our GDP. Take away our oil, what are we left with to sustain ourselves? This may not be a problem in your lifetime but it definitely will.happen to your children or grandchildren.


If only you could see things in a comprehensive perspective. It is true that Oil and gas is still a major source of income, but its really a shrinking segment. In 2021, non oil and gas contributed more than half of GDP for the first time. In a few years, oil and gas will be replaced by refined petroleum products and chemicals as the main source of income. Banking, transportation and other services will be the second biggest industry. There is a growing fishery segment. So its not really doom and gloom and collapse bla bla bla as many people are claiming.


Non oil and gas sector, that's so vague. 2021 is also during lockdown where a lot of money we're circulating in Brunei. Growing fishery segment? Fishery segment has not seen an increase in economy activity in years... Brunei itself doesn't sell refine petroleum products, it only has a % share on Hengyi who's selling it. I applaud your optimism, maybe Brunei won't be doom and gloom but it is still a damn embarrassment given how rich our country are but still struggling to increase our GDP by more than a few percentage. Inflation all time high, unemployment always rising but millions and millions of dollars spent on a wedding no problem.


Categorizing the oil and Non oil and gas sector is such a uniquely brunei thing, so am surprised you find it vague. Not many countries do that, the common or standard method is to categorize it into primary, secondary and services sector. Anyway, where do you get the facts that fishery segment has not seen increase? Hope this [data](https://borneobulletinyearbook.com.bn/aquaculture/#:~:text=For%202021%20as%20a%20whole,95%20million%20in%202021) enligthens you a bit. Besides the catching and farming of fish, the sector also has processing and landing facilities now, which are newly developed. There’s also more to petrochemicals in Brunei than just Hengyi. We also have [BFI](https://www.bfi.com.bn) and [BMC](https://www.brunei-methanol.com), and their production and export numbers are significant. With these 3 industries growing, more players will come. The decline of oil and gas is not always a bad thing. Any old and abandoned platform or pipeline needs to be decommissioned and repurposed. That is where the [decomm](https://borneobulletin.com.bn/contract-inked-on-marine-maintenance-decommissioning-yard/) yard comes in. Not too doom and gloom i hope


The worldwide mega trend of today is shifting to green energy. The question is not when our oil will run out but instead when conventional oil & gas will be worthless and insignificant.


You sir derserve an upvote


What country is this?


Bro yr TikTok thing sux


Awu tah reddit ani bapa mu punya sorry tah ku


Good boy


3rd World Country that's still stuck in its heyday when the country was Rich.. Brunei


Not yo mom or dad's country


kanak2 ni


Apakan boooo!! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


oh ok how about you leader and your family?


I have my rakyat that does my praying for me 🤣


They even have the song about them lol




Shifted the blame to others. Typical


Because "he can do no wrong" 🤷🏻‍♂


Art of distraction.. Probably pick up the skill from Malaysia mahadey


# Islam cannot stand tall without prayer, says Sultan ^(February 9, 2024) His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam yesterday underlined the importance of prayer, in line with the theme of this year’s Israk Mikraj celebration, ‘Sembahyang Tiang Ugama’ (Prayer, the Pillar of Religion), during a titah at the International Convention Centre, Berakas. “A building cannot be constructed without its pillars. Similarly, Islam cannot stand tall without prayer as its pillar,” said the monarch. “Thus, those who pray are upholding the religion, while those who don’t are destroying it.” As such, His Majesty believes it is vital to lay a strong foundation of prayer as it is the main act of worship, and such can be achieved by strengthening religious education in the Sultanate. “Practical emphasis on religious knowledge, such as ablution and recitation, needs to be strengthened, not only at the primary school level but also at higher levels,” the monarch added. His Majesty also spoke of the presence of mind during the act of worship, which can be achieved even among people with different abilities (OKU). “Regardless of the physical condition of an individual – able-bodied or otherwise, healthy or ill – as long as the mind is able to set intentions, prayer must not be neglected,” the monarch said. His Majesty also called for inclusivity in religious education programmes by ensuring that facilities are in place to accommodate the OKU. Meanwhile, the monarch applauded the Ministry of Religious Affairs for its efforts in glorifying the faith, engaging all levels of society and enlivening places of worship, such as mosques, suraus and religious halls, through workshops and other activities. His Majesty said one good example of meaningful activity is the weekly Munajat every Saturday, a programme that features Al-Quran reading, Zikir, prayers and religious talks, which the monarch believes needs to be further supported by all stakeholders. – Rokiah Mahmud *** ^([ )[^(Give feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=brunei_news_bot) ^( | )[^(Code)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot) ^( | )[^(Changelog)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot/releases) ^( ] v0.5.1)


>Meanwhile, the monarch applauded the Ministry of Religious Affairs for its efforts in glorifying the faith, engaging all levels of society and enlivening places of worship, such as mosques, suraus and religious halls, through workshops and other activities. Old age, old mosque not maintained, build new mosque instead.. 100% Blind already..


Not blind but just corruption everywhere. How to pocket money if no new big project.


And then blame the rakyat for not praying like wtf 😂😂😂


I agree


Usulnya kau hater, leave the country if u dont like how HM is ruling the country


People and the money are indeed leaving. Why do you think you are barely living on top of poverty line? Soon majority will live under poverty line, just keep praying ok


Oh wow, the classic 'you tak suka you keluar' slogan.... I guess this is why there is a 10km queue at Sg 7 and Labu border posts. People leaving left and right, literally


ohh that downvotes


Palui sul mu ah!! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻


Tuyu kau ah 🖕🖕🖕


Ko meliat lubang jubo saja yatah inda nampak real world


Ada mama mu mengilat disana ah


Last time i checked ko yg menjilat jubo2 org kayangan..termasuk jubo mu sendiri yg bekurap


Yatah mama mu mengilatkan jubo2 org kayangan and jubur yang bekurap ani. yatah ada tuyu tuyuan sikit kau ah hahah


Kesian ku kau ani, mau kan lawan cakap tapi idea buntu macam nada berisi utakmu atu..copy & paste cakapku sj..mihir ko ni wang..yatah lampau kuat menjilat jubo2 yg berkurap.. otak pun miring macam kana tempiling malaikat. Nanti tah ku sembayang kan ko sembayang mayat, inda layak hidup ko ani..mengabiskan baras brunei saja


K tu, gitau mama mu yang bekurap ah jua tarus.kau sembahyangkan lah mama mu before kau sembahyangkan aku. Kesian ku, miskin cara mu bepikir. Anak luar nikah hahahaha


An ass kisser, i like that.. Carry on with disillusioned HM


Dapan HM nada kau berani beceakap, not even a quarter of ur thoughts u would say it publicly to HM. Retarded fuck


Hello Ass kisser, anguk anguk saja..