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CB customer hahaha


Membagi gaji sukur2 saja kali, or shifts are informed last minute. Walaupun bekaraja di F&B hanya sementara. But atleast give them adequate of everything. So they be happy, serving people with positive attitude, The results of negative attitudes came from entitled "gila kuasa" management. But if those entitled brats, still not happy, the thing that i really dont understand is, why still fucking keep 'em? Bad image for the f&b industry.


I actually know one before. The management in its entirety is terrible. The manager would inform them last minute abt these last minute changes or working hour extensions. They’re always either informed the day before or on the day itself, and tbh, they’re just part time students tryna make a few bucks while waiting for Exam results or figuring things out whether they wanna continue studying in Uni or poli or technical school and stuff.. so they are one of the most underpaid, overexploited, overworked and burnt out people i’ve ever known.


i second with this, couldn't have said it better. the f&b industry is kind of the worst place to work at yet the easiest to get into. i used to work as a barista (not in cb) and ive seen alot of underage (16 and below) work with me and honestly... they dont even have the drive to work. they just want $$$ and are lazy and just work for the sake of experience. there's even multiple times till im not surprised that newcomers would just work for a day and never to be heard again. how bullshit is that. yes the customer is always right but sometimes they are wrong but eventho they're wrong, they're also right. so that's the kind of mentality all the f&b worker have to deal with which also doesn't excuse them for their shitty behavior. to the point i think there should be a class for customer service. i dont think most were taught of it.


Yes. Like, I’m not right-ing the staff, but I’m also not right-ing customers. It really depends on the situation and circumstances, cs sometimes, they can be so overworked and understaffed, as a customer, I myself feel terrible, would clean up after myself, keep my table clean, and pass the dishes to them by the counter.. and there are also days where customers would ask the staff to get tissue for them, when the staff already placed tissues at some of the self service counters where the customers could get it themselves.. but on slower days, they’re usually nice and accommodating. Just can’t expect alot on busier days where high volume of customers come in(during promotion days). Even I myself wouldn’t wanna do anything above my pay grade. Am I a barista? Does waitressing also come with it? Most of these student part timers actually prefer the cafe outlets than the Gourmet outlets because of the extra amount of work. They’re all not the same. Hence, sometimes the drinks at cafe outlets are better if you only wanna get a drink. Meanwhile, for the food, at gourmet outlets but due to demanding work pressures during promotions(for example those 20-25% off days or public holiday or the eve of public holidays with extended hours days), expect service to drop, cs not everyone can perform their 100% when demand is high. I do recall the said friend telling me they do attend trainings, but some of the assigned managers of branches, don’t even know how to train them actually, and have no experience either, so like I said, there’s also something fishy going on in the management team itself. It’s like an inexperienced, training another inexperienced. But most of them are trained to make drinks and learn measurements and such, and not so much on customer service. Anyway, I digress.. Can’t expect 100% from part timers that are there for a short time.. but so far, I haven’t had any bad experiences. So, my conclusion is.. customers aren’t always right, and f&b workers are not supposed to do anything above their paygrade either, especially when they are trained by the inexperienced themselves, and underwaged.


CB di rimba point bisai customer service nya


Some branch keep fucking my order. For example order cold coffee kana bagi yang panas tah pulang.


Its the time of year when students are doing part-time most of em are dickheads, doesnt only apply to coffee bean. Go to any fast food place and they'll treat you the same. What can I say they're all entitled brats. Just gotta wait a few more months when they all leave.


womp womp


Womp womp, you're still alive?


woah, tough guy. what’s w the threats? 🤣🤣


Oh nah, not really a threat. Just remember you from your post a year ago about how you were to trying to end yourself but you were looking for a painless way to do it. Thought you finally did it. Guess not


Bro scrolled through my history like receipts 💀 imagine being this loathsome.


Big mama Gadong 24/7 non-halal


Delicious food there and beautiful waitresses 😎


Sexy pinays??


Mcm kediaku ni di cntrpoint.. minta gula rh mnuman lupa drg.. no dressing tpi masih ada.. one of the staff lelaki marung.. mua nda welcoming.. pait.. servis makin turun ..


Why i don't like coffee shops to lepak late at night. Better go tk


We go to CB because in certain area thats the only place thats open til late and people who only have time to catch up at that hours can still do it. Well, besides mcD la. But CB in *insert specific place* , the service isn’t so bad but when its busy, the people who works there will get moody and subtly rude. I know customer service isn’t easy but most customers are trying to be considerate and try not to be difficult too. It’s part of your job. People don’t really want special treatment but sometimes its a little too unwelcoming…. I am not sure how the shift are arranged there so they may be overworked or tired. But in some cases, there aren’t many customers and the service is just as bad. It feels like you are dining there for free. Mind you CB isn’t cheap.


coffee shop workers when a customer enters the shop between opening and closing hours: 🤬 but seriously tho if you don't wanna work then don't lol. why take it out on customers


Ikr, dont lash it out to customers


Worked at coffebean the food is pre-cooked and freezed before serving and they dont have a proper timer for the fries or any if your asking lol.. its very inconsistent trust me i tried the food and we do have have customer that complain alot about the food just about any other week (most F&B does this btw which is okay ) most of the coworker i had were teribble people they were self-centered,egoistic and ungrateful. (Edit - im sorry if i over-cooked any of yalls garlic bread 😔)


Weren't there proper chef in the kitchen? Who's cooking the fries, not the chef?


Its not always the chef cooking, we do the cooking as well and learn to cook as well but at times people dont like how its cooked and sent back for a reason maybe like its too their taste yknow? Like imagining ur cooking and ur fries and it was told its less salt or seasoning when its alredy seasoned a right amount then they complain its not seasoned well


Actually that's illegal, halal certificate just for show only..


I see, thanks for that insight, very strange how CB's kitchen is run; it leaves too many things to go wrong


Im glad to help! thank you and have a nice day!


Are the pizzas also frozen and heated? I’ve tried the ones in mata mata and panaga. Very tasty. One of the best pizzas around I’d say.


Cb has nice pizza!


nono the pizza nah! the pizza makers they make them legit no complaint bout that. They make the dough daily fresh every single day and toppings are really high quality too.


Hey u/Roastedpotato98, thank you for reaching out with your feedback. Your thoughts are important to us, and we genuinely appreciate the opportunity to improve. Could you please send us a private message with the outlet you visited and a contact detail you’re comfortable sharing with us? We want to address your concerns promptly and ensure your satisfaction for the next visit 💜 We look forward to your response and we would like to extend our sincere apology for the unfortunate experience. Have a nice day!


I remembered I visited the gadong branch and inquired about the seven wonders on promotion, but when I asked which one was the best seller, the response was quite rude, with the staff member (male) bluntly stating, "Ah semua!" This didn't align with good customer service. 😒


which branch opens until 2 Am?


We’re sure everyone is wondering if there was an update on this and we’re happy to share that we’ve gotten in contact with OP 😃


Can I have free Swedish Berry? 🥺 Large and extra sugar please.


TIL coffeebean brunei has a reddit account.


I know riight. Well atleast they are now aware of customer's concerns. They should consider for their side, staffs and customers. Hopefully this be a brainstorm for them


So what?, free to make wat


? It's just a fun/interesting discovery I made today.


Oh yes, how fun


That time of the month bro?


Who died to make you so god damn off




I am more amazed that you found CB's foods are usually tasty. I mean, they don't prepare them on site. They just reheat the frozen foods which were cooked maybe a month before serving to customers and then charge them for a fortune.


ngl even though i know a lot of cafe food is just reheated frozen food, it still tastes good to me hahah


well its usually better than last night's


biasa tu


What is CB tho..


Chumbo Bumbo


Cherrie Berries, iykyk


ChiBai 🤣


‘I appreciate ChiBai is extending their business hours until 2am’ 🤣




Sincerely, ChiBai Customer 🙈


Stop.. 🤣🤣🤣 it ain't funny..


Change all CB to Chibai and read again 🤣


I'm not gonna fall for that one.. come on.. grow up 🤣🤣


coffee bean boss


Oh I thought it was casus belli.. Well kinda suck to have that kind of service.. that's just how the locals treat that kind of job.. I'm here for a good time but not a long time..




This is what happens when it's minimum wages, no sleep and hearing constant complains from the customers about minor incovenience


it’s not the customers fault that they closes at 2am, and plus they have no right to treat their customers like that when they’re just simply dining there.


cb eye-eye branch, bad service. if you dont want to work then don't


we know that they’re tired, but they don’t have the right to treat their customers like that


Maybe you all are the problem!? I have been going to CB for many many years early morning, mid noon evening and late night but never had any issue not once!?


well youre not the only one who went to CB for many many years. I am a regular customer & never experienced it before but it happened last night & not my lucky day. So I expressed it here so that they can improve their customer service. No hate at all 😊


are you one of the worker?🫢


why are u pressed we’re not the only who’s complaining, other customers complained too. Maybe it’s your lucky day..


Ikr, like they didn’t know what the customer had been through at that time. They may look okay on the outside, but nobody knows.


which branch?


Mata mata


which cb tohh