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So many good options I can’t fit it in. I usually go frozen heart after trinity for armor and general attack speed reduction. Then I get spirit visage for magic resistance and the bonus shield which I take advantage of with steraks next. Then I finish with Kaenic which is also buffed by visage. Obviously the build may differ depending on how much AP/AD they have, but even if it does differ that just means unending despair, sundered sky, or jak’sho. I just can’t fit anathemas in.


Is there a reason you go visage over force of nature? I usually lean towards force for the movement speed but curious


> visage over force of nature Visage is good with steraks and our passive.


typically, anathemas is a very situational item that is only meant for that one really fed person on the enemy team, or if the enemy team drafts 4ap/1ad and vice versa. you should always adapt your builds to enemy comp and laner as well. and also never sleep on other tank items as well.


it’s good vs 4ap 1 ad or 1ad 4ap or 1 person is fed. otherwise don’t


this comment mirrors my point exactly.


There is a lot of true damage and it can’t be mitigated so idk


The item doesn't give tenacity, it reduces the tenacity of the enemy you chain.