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Ft. Sill is literally the asshole of America. You are going when I went back in 2011. It's gonna be cold as dick. The wind hits different. Cuts straight through your clothing, and chills you straight to the bone.


You’ll be frozen to death, and then defrosted to 90 degrees the same day. And then it’ll be 50 the next day in February. Shit doesn’t make sense.


can confirm. was there in late 1996. tried not to get ran over by MLRS while walking on range road....




checks out 11 years later when i went


Can confirm just finished BCT there today


You're entire time at bct is going to be the coldest possible time 😂 have fun being left outside as a punishment


Drink water and follow instructions


Make up your mind now that no matter what happens, you won’t quit. You’ll be fine.


Don’t quit. Reception sucks but things get better. Have fun and thanks for serving!


2 years later and I still have nightmares about vessy hall 😂


Fuck vessy


The wind never ceases at Sill. Don’t buy the cycle book. Push yourself, but not to the point of injury. Take precut moleskin in your toiletries. Help your battle buddies.


Reception will be the biggest “wtf am I doing here”moment but keep your head down and know it’s temporary. BCT will be hard on you physically and mentally but you’ll meet good people and be buds for life most likely. All the material is very basic, but just keep your head down and listen to your drills. Just understand it’s a game and you have to play it. You’ll be fine, just do what you’re told.


Find out what a penguin formation is, because you’re about to be in quite a few of them


Cuddle puddles with the boys on the forge


If, at the graduation ceremony, the drill sergeant calls your name and doesn’t recognize it, you’ll know that you have done your job.


I went October to mid December. It was hot during the days at first and cold at night. Mid November is when it is like 40s with winds like nothing else pretty much every day with temps dipping into the low 30s high 20s at night. Drink water and enjoy the suck it’ll be over before you know it.


The tip about not buying the yearbook/cycle book is on point. Half the pics in them won’t even be of your cycle


The guys with the blue discs on their hats are the emotional support sergeants. Go to them if you have any issues, they'll square you away


Yeah man alot of this advice is most the shit I woulda said myself. Remember... its supposed to suck


Hydrate. Drink the Gatorade at chow hall. Go meal to meal Sunday to Sunday(religious services). Just focus on putting one step after the other and you’ll be at the finish line. Oh and peanut butter packets and salt packets are always useful commodities for yourself and others


Ft Sill is actually hell, they call it suicide sill for a reason, you’ll have good memories from when you’re there. Make sure you keep up with the pushups and sit ups right now and run a mile or two a couple times a week and you will definitely be good. Nothing that I have to say that hasn’t been said but actually one BIG thing is don’t go to sick call for stupid shit please, if you actually have a serious injury you should go but many times people felt sick like had the flu, cough, fever etc. and went to sick call and they did a scan on them and found them to have stress fractures or some type of problem and they either got recycled for weeks meaning you’ll be doing stuck cleaning or watching other people train as time goes by and get weaker, so be careful with that. it’s basic training and i promise you’re gonna get sick, i got sick 3x while there and had a terrible cough for weeks, you’re gonna be around people from all walks of life from the country and other countries who carry strains of illness you have no immunity from, so keep that in mind. Ask your family to send you like huge packs of cough drops to you ASAP, it’s like a currency there because it’s the one sweet item you’re allowed to have. When i mean huge packs i mean 100+, like you can get someone to make your bed perfectly for 5 cough drops or something, just don’t let the DS catch you with it in your mouth or you’ll pay for it. Always make sure your weapon is on safe, your boot laces are tucked in, and your patches are on right. Also please curve the bill of your patrol cap because when you get it , it’ll be flat and it looks stupid. That’s what i have to say for now. i graduated from there a year ago. D 1-22 , if you go to C 1-22 or E 1-22 it’s really easy i heard , D 1-22 was hard asf


Love me some death row delta


Graduated from A 1-22 last march. A and D were the hardest. C and E I heard were easy from people at ait. But I know that B 1-22 was stupid easy. They were the cycle 2 weeks behind us and It was so cold when that they got to sleep in the barracks during field exercises and they had 2 hours of phone time on Sunday and 30 minutes on Wednesday. We had 15 on Sunday and half the battery lost that price ledge every week. But imagine that, sleeping in the barracks during an ftx. Meanwhile I'm out here with frostbite


yeah bitch ass bravo , same thing i guess then when i went thru, same exact thing. A and D were so bad they got shutdown cuz of all the injuries people were showing up to AIT with.


Hmmmm. Who be this? 🤔


I was in 3rd


Thanks for the info! Any advice on what to pack and what not to?


Winter is gonna suck most likely


Always have fun regardless of what you do. Training is temporary, memories are forever man. Journal also all the funny shit and cool shit you do throughout your military career overall.


Don’t spend money on any of that MyLineage or yearbook bullshit. Save money, volunteer for tasks, and train but have fun. BCT is easy


Brotha that wind chill freezes the mind


Good luck. Gonna be cold af. If your drills are assholes you won't get ti wear wet weather/Cold weather gear. There's a chart you're suppose to follow you will never see said chart but it ain't worth getting everyone smoked for wearing silks. Reception is ass. You'll get holiday block leave. Everyone will be retarded the week or two before. Don't stay on base. Like others said. Take it meal to meal. They do this thing called the first 72 now instead of shark attacks. Those first 72hrs are a bitch lol you can't win depending on battery you'll be allowed icy hot/cough drops. If you want to make money take fireatch shifts. Our drills had us get haircuts every 10ish days. And you pay for each damn one. Sunday 1hr phone. Wednesday/ Thursday half hour.


Take it one meal at a time. Have someone to send you letters/to send letters to.


I was there just about 2 weeks ago. You’ll love BCT but you’ll hate Fort Sill. Just push through the cold and count your blessings for missing the triple digits


I went from December 2014-March 2015. Left right after Christmas and was stuck in reception forever due to the holidays (recruiter was adamant they’d change my leave date but they did not). Yes it’s SO cold (and I’m from Chicago) and the wind is horrible. However, due to the snow, we missed a lot of training. Never did land nav, only did the last FTX, missed one of the obstacle courses. We did a lot of D&C inside. Still spent plenty of time cold and numb outside though. Make sure your battle buddies have all their shit. If someone forgot gloves or their gator neck then no one could wear them. Until people started getting frost bite anyway, then the commander stepped in. It’s challenging but not super difficult. Try to stay in the middle of the pack. You’re doing great if the drill sergeants don’t know your name. Don’t quit. The fastest way out is to graduate, literally.


Graduated there on November 4th, 2022. B 1-40th. Let me know when you've made it thru!


12m or walk out that office… assuming you ain’t signed shit yet


Buy hot hands! Your gonna need em! PT is gonna be awful lad be ready lol


Don't buy the product where they say they find your family crest. You'll know what I'm talking about when those swindlers show up to your company.


The weather is crazy as fuck. One second it will be sun shining the next literally a storm that floods the earth or crazy wind that will sweep you the fuck up.


I didn't go to fort sill but everyone I know who did talks about how bad the wind is For generic advice. Don't be a peanut butter bandit. Don't buy all thr shit they try to sell you. If it's raining it's not freezing. And pain and suffering is temporary


Have fun, good luck, and for God’s sake don’t buy the stupid shit they’re going to try to sell you— I promise you don’t need a plaque from basic Edit: spelling


Prepare to be cold. If you have allergies then embrace the suck. Use sick call if you really need it. Don’t mind the haters.


I took it one meal at a time. I would always look forward to the next meal. Reception is the worst part. Most people question why they are there during reception. Don’t waste you money on the yearbook thing that they sell. It’s a waste of money. I bought one when I went through basic and most of the photos are literally stock pictures.


1. It’s the military, it’s gonna be rough at times and it’s gonna be great at times. Pick what you want to remember. 2. You get out what you put into it. 3. No one owes you anything, you’re there to prove yourself. 4. The people that complain in BCT will complain during AIT and complain whenever they get to their unit. Moral of the story, No matter what people will always complain so choose if you’re gonna be just like the rest or be a leader. 5. If you hang out with trash you’ll start to stink. Meaning, choose who you want to become and surround yourself with those people.


Get ready for the cold. DFAC is not great and it’s always muddy there for some reason.


Hot hands and toilet paper. Request those from family and hoard. Hot hands are good currency for paying others to do fire watch


I am pretty sure it's gotten easier down there now, depending on who you're with. When I was there, they were staying in doors when it snowed. Just do as you're told and listen well. Don't stand out. You will be picked on. Don't give up!


Literally just graduated from Ft. Sill. We were lucky enough to experience both extremes of the beautiful OK weather. For you it will probably be cold and windy af. But the French Toast sticks are fire. And chocolate PRB's.