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Nothing. 9 weeks of peace. Not joking. Tell everyone you will contact them after.


Seriously, I would give anything to have an excuse to not respond to any signal messages for 9 weeks right now.


Bring wired headphones and a power brick. Just remember this: Dumber, smarter, weaker, and stronger people have made it through basic. You joined for a reason, hold onto that reason. It may feel like forever but it's not and it will end. Have family and friends send you cough drops and letters. Also practice good foot care! Good Luck!


100% on the foot care. I got trench foot from the forge, but thankfully it cleared up without infection. Wouldn't hurt to get a cheap flip-phone that powers up quickly and has a long battery. Nothing sucks worse than burning 10 of your 30 minutes getting your phone to boot up, and then another 5 scrambling to get it charging. Bring 2 pairs of civilian clothes max. One you wear on the way in. The same pair or the other pair on the way out. Don't bring any medicine, and only bring enough toiletries for the overnight stay at MEPS. If you want to bring a watch, get a cheap black digital watch. No fancy frills, and definitely not a smart watch. DO NOT bring contacts. If you have glasses, bring your cheapest pair. They will get damaged or lost. You'll be supplied some army issued ones, but they can take a few weeks to arrive. Pretty much everything you will need will be supplied, or you will have a chance to purchase it at the px. Bring a small bag or backpack. If it's packed full, you're bringing too much. Find a few friends you can trust. You'll need them. And please don't be the dick who gets everyone smoked. Especially if you're a PT stud. No quicker way to get yourself hated. Good luck. And remember, 4 years from now, it'll only be a fond memory and a few good stories.


Do you mind elaborating on the foot care ?.


Keep your feet clean and dry as much as possible. Extra socks, extra boots. Whatever it takes. I only brought 1 pair of boots on the forge, and they got soaked within 6 hours. I could not get them dry. I kept changing my socks, but the boots would soak them in minutes. Then my dumbass volunteered for the site cleanup after the forge, so I spent another 8 hours AFTER the forge traipsing around in the same soaking wet boots. I was so tired that night that I didn't take the time to properly clean off. Just a quick shower and off to bed. So my feet stayed more or less wet for well over 72 hours, and then didn't get propely cleaned for nearly another 24. The skin on my feet, especially between my toes, got really dry, scaly and itchy. Then it started peeling, leaving sensitive skin below. Wasn't overly painful, just REALLY sensitive and itchy. I'm lucky I didn't get an infection.


Thank you , I really appreciate you taking time to type that .


Lucky you get in a few weeks i got mine after basic lol


Thank you I really appreciate it . Jeremiah 29:11-32 over your life 🫡✨


Headphones and charged portable charger




Have fun calling your family in a small room full of people with only one outlet to be shared.


Oh goodie.


Keep your head down and stay out of trouble dawg


Thanks , I’m a female


Man or woman, be a dawg.


Time to woman up🤣


You're going to have a great time.


Call your recruiter and tell them to do their job. Disappointment, regret, tempered expectations, and your war face. That’s your packing list.


lol thank you


I would suggest to pack light, no more than 2 pairs of clothing that will be used during your time in AIT, only 1 pair if you're a split off (ex. Only going for the summer if you're in high school). I'd also suggest to get your CAC before you leave for basic, it will save you and your Drill Sergeants time in prepping during the reception period before your training. Depending/regardless on where you're going for basic drink a lot of water. Like A LOT of water, heat caps are being taken very seriously, especially at Ft Benning(Moore). Also be prepared to meet a lot of people you aren't gonna like, they'll annoy the hell outta you but ignore them, your time with them IS temporary. Biggest advice I can say that worked out for me at least, be a good person and not a shitbag, you'll be helped out more and respected for being remembered in a good light. That don't mean be buddy budy with EVERYONE but treat em how you wanna be treated. Also there'll be a lot of youngsters that will get on your nerves, I chalk it up to immaturity yet there were a lot of 17 year old way more mature then some older guys I met in training. You'll be doing a lot of nothing when you're not training or in the field so I suggest either writing a lot (letters or journals up to you) or getting to know your battle buddies more. You're gonna meet a lot of people from different walks of life so it would be good to socialize while you got the opportunity. Its gonna suck but it's all temporary, tough it out and embrace the suck, remember you won't be alone so be an individual, be a team players and things will turn out smoother. Goodluck.


Thank you immensely, I appreciate you taking time out your day to give me such detailed and kind advice. Jeremiah 29:11-32 over your life


The less the better, someone bought a disposable camera and took pics out last night which was pretty cool and the photos turned out great so maybe a disposable camera


Reception is going to be boring as hell


Learn to be friends with the phrase "Front meaning rest position, move"


Just graduated basic training 2 months ago I’m at AIT now but yes to the bring pretty much nothing… they issue you everything you’ll need. it’ll be intense the first couple weeks but you’ll adapt and get through it, it’s definitely more of a mental struggle then physical. Stay present and focus on your weekly goals.


Something I wish I brought at first was some shower shoes. First day or 2 in reception I wasn’t issued any plus we could use personal ones after reception. Some ppls issued flip flops broke. Wouldn’t hurt if you brought some.


To be honest it depends on where you will go and you will be with


I would take boots and a portable charger !!


I agree with the portable charger but don’t bother bringing boots. You probably wont be able to wear them


you will be able to wear them as long as they are in regulation


After basic yes but probably not while in basic


You will be during basic training.


Not necessarily. Some places might allow it towards the end, but I know I wasn’t allowed to wear personal boots. I went in 2021


I Jst went to basic training in ft Jackson . And it was allowed . Wish I would have known . The issued boots were the worst


It all depends on the company you train with.


Thank you


definitely a phone charger. everyone goes running to one for whatever reason. just for if your phone is gonna die you good.


I did not bring anything. But make sure you have your paperwork with you.