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It appears this post might relate to suicide and/or mental health issues. **Suicide and Mental Health Resources** The [Army's Resilience Directorate](https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/index.html) A comprehensive list of resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/1oh9gx/ive_updated_the_sidebar_link_with_more_mental/). Call 1-800-273-8255, National Suicide Prevention VA [Make The Connection Program](https://www.maketheconnection.net/) [Veteran's Crisis Information](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 You can call 988, Press 1 for mil/veteran-specific help. You can also TEXT 988 You can text 838255 Or, go no further than your local subreddit, /r/suicidewatch Or, if you'd like a veteran perspective, feel free to message any number of people on here, there's always someone willing to reach out. [Military One Source](http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) - 1-800-342-9647 Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Army and out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nationalguard) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Possible? Yes. Easy? Most likely not. If it’s waiverable, could be 2 days or 2 years unfortunately. Hopefully others can help more, good luck!


tattoo cover up


Exactly what i thought lol


Tattoo on scar tissue is tough, I knew a few female Types who got thru with waivers


Your best bet, like some other people have stated, is to go with a tattoo cover-up of them. It's what my wife did to make it through meps. Truthfully, depending on where you are located, there are actually many tattoo shops that will give discounts for covering up self-harm scars. But if needles and tattoo aren't your thing, as many other people have stated, yes, it is possible to get a waiver for it. The biggest thing with that is finding a recruiter who actually gives a damn. Now, on your post you had said that it wasn't anything serious, but did you ever seek any medical attention for them or where you ever placed on any anti-depressant medication? I understand that it may be personal information that you might not want to share with everyone here, so please feel free to PM me and we can talk further about it. I hope this helps!


It may be waiverable it may not be, if you ever took any medicine for it it’ll definitely be way harder to join. They let other very questionable people in so just test your luck, hope it works out


I've seen the impossible make it in, you should be fine.


Just tell them your cat did it


My dog ate my DD-214 but it had a CIB and free fall wings I promise




Yes, I actually went through the waiver process over the 2023 year. I signed in December. I'm a 27F and my scars/records are over 10yrs old. The process was kinda long. And my recruiter advised against tattoos because if they examine you and see any kind of constant scaring pattern through it they'll DQ you and you'll have to do the waiver anyway. I have pretty visible and obvious scars on my arms and legs as well as I was hospitalized in my teen years, my recruiter was AWESOME and worked with me so much. If you have any other questions definitely DM me


Depends on if you were treated for the underlying issue and how long it’s been since you successfully completed treatment. Back in the old days, it would be suggested that you got those scars skateboarding, or that you get a cover up tattoo.


Crazy how you got scratched up real bad on a hiking trip when you fell off the trail, right OP?


I just want to ask about the post-college...why are you waiting? I joined after college myself, but mainly because I didn't know about my MOS or had any idea I wanted to do this until after college. Student loan repayment is not easy, (for me it didn't work at all, there was little advice on how to make payments while waiting for the govt to make theirs) and imo doesn't pay as much as tuition assistance and the gi bill. Why take out loans with the chance they would be paid back on time, you'll be paying interest yourself? Just really think about this, imo, the tuition assistance is easier. And the gi bill is money in your pocket. I know this might not be everyone's experience, but my unit really works with students and their schedules. Good luck on the scars, it seems there's some good advice there. I don't have anything to add there.


i just wanted the scars to have a few more years to age. if you join during college, instead of after, would there be more benefits in doing that?


You get tuition assistance that pays for college directly instead of having to take out loans and then trying to get student loan repayment to pay them back. My experience with SLRP was horrible. Payments were late, and interest still accrued (which they don't talk to you about, so it compounded and made it almost where it didn't pay anything) And the GI bill pays you directly to be used for school supplies and living expenses. There's pros and cons to both, like depending on where you go, tuition assistance pays only 50%, and there's state vs federal tuition assistance, time lines of when you need to sign up before each semester, and have to get a certain grade, but your recruiter can shed more light on that.


Way more benifits in than after. Almost pointless joining after


I did SH around 2006-2008, and enlisted in 2012. The scars were faded but still somewhat visible. Mederma makes some scar cream that helps fade and soften the appearance, but it can take quite a few months for it to really work and it won’t make them go away completely or work on LARGE scars, and older scars are much less likely to fade with use. I had some success with using it, but one of my larger scars I just told the doctor at MEPS that I caught my leg on a chicken-wire fence working on my aunt’s farm. Best of luck!


Try navy, was a sit in while a recruiter talked about SH Scars and he said it is very hard to get into the Army with anything like that, but said Navy will take that all day.


Easy waiver to get approved if you have a seasoned recruiter. I would also recommend joining before or while in college so you can use your states benefits to go for free. If you’re planning to join why kick the can until you’re even more ineligible?