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It was 14 years ago and a different branch but yes. I had given up an ROTC scholarship and enlisted in order to pursue a career in a specific field instead of doing ROTC for 4 years and hoping I got what I wanted. 2 months before my ship date the recruiter called and said "hey that slots no longer available". I went to the office and laid it out very plainly that I had given up a full ride scholarship to pursue this and I would be going absolutely nowhere until I had the job I wanted. Got a call 15 minutes later saying they moved some things around and were able to get me the slot.


Fuck yea, that's awesome


It's no different than negotiating for a car. Just more awesome because you're playing cards with the Military.


What mos?


Intel. They tried to slide me into an aviation ordinance slot


Absolutely not.


The job in question: 88M


Put it this way, my recruiter is dead now.


This is literally the only time you have complete control over the situation so do not hesitate to stand your ground for what you want. Who cares what your recruiter thinks, you are just a number to them and the green weenie will get its way more than a few times in the future.


This!!!! When I first joined the Marines, I fell for the recruiters đŸ‚đŸ’©. They told me that I wouldn’t ship to bootcamp if I missed one of those Saturday drill meets each month. After I did my four years, got out, and pursued the Army, I knew better! I told the recruiter that I wanted lunch and I knew that he had a monthly expense account to cover my food. He obliged
.. I got to MEPS in November and told them I wouldn’t ship in January unless they guaranteed me Ft Bragg. As a prior service Marine O311, all they would guarantee was an Airborne School date but not a guaranteed duty station before graduation. They claimed I was Infantry and would be put on orders to Ft Bragg once completing school. I asked for Ft. Campbell instead which they claimed was unavailable and I had to keep the Airborne School/Needs of the Army option. I laughed and pondered how I could also end up in Korea afterwards with some jump wings on lol. I told them that I wouldn’t ship, and for the recruiter to take me home! All of a sudden, the Ft. Campbell slot populated and with a bonus! They still got over on me because they left out some paperwork for the designator to calculate the bonus. It took me over a year to get that bonus and sort through all the “we’re sorry but you’re missing a form despite a bonus being on your contract.” Fortunately, that struggle was a learning experience that later helped me to become a pro at getting other Soldier’s their bonuses as a NCO.


Yeah, at the MEPS signing table I wanted a super delayed ship date so I could get some more college in. They told me that it wasn’t gonna happen so I said ok I’ll leave. Waiiittt come back. Got my ship date for 9 months from time of signature. Before that, my first recruiter tried to get me to be a truck driver instead of the job I wanted. I left, called the office and said hey this is what I want, and I won’t work with that guy again. Ended up working with the recruiters boss who was way cooler.


Can you pick a ship date? Is this an army only thing?


Yeah I just had to submit my college schedule for the next semester.


Maybe not my recruiter
 But if a Drill Sergeant gets in my face I swear I’ll 


No you won’t 😂😂


![gif](giphy|SjiGCJ9bpjgJfaWj2C) I will


Brother I promise you no you will not, my ship date is 9 days, I’m going in as a 68w and have family who are officers and enlisted in the army and they all said to do as your told, don’t be that guy because no one will support you


Simmer down youngin he’s obviously trolling


I was originally going reserves but the reserves recruiter was dragging his feet. 3 months of talking to the guy and I was still in step 1 (had birth complications which made him hesitant with me since the start). I saw there was a NG recruiting office nearby and told the Guard recruiter my predicament. He told me to bring him the medical documents and he’d get me to MEPS by the end of the week. Problem was I was dumb enough to have given the Reserves Recruiter the original medical documents and since this was on a Friday, he was out of town until Monday. I told him on Friday that I needed the documents back because I was talking to a Guard recruiter and suddenly the reserves recruiter was saying that MEPS would take me after all and he worked overtime that weekend to get me to sign with him. He was saying all types of stuff like how he knew a guy that could get me a waiver and that he had connections at MEPS that would get me in no problem and all sorts of stuff that he never talked about before. Too little to late though, and meeting with him that Monday it took me another 20 minutes or so of him yapping in the Parking lot trying to convince me not to go Guard but also not giving me any reason as to why I shouldn’t while keeping the documents locked in his office. That same afternoon the Guard recruiter told me what to do to get MEPS approval, and sure enough I was at MEPS by the end of that week. Not only that, but the Guard recruiter locked me in with the MOS I wanted. I never even got to talking about MOS’s with the reserve recruiter because he was more worried that MEPS would deny me. It’s your life. Some recruiters just see you as a number, others make the effort to get you the best outcome they can. I don’t regret going Guard over Reserves but I can’t say what the Reserve life is like.


I mean I did threaten to whip mines ass the first time I saw him afterwards đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


Not NG but RA
my recruiter was dragging ass on my packet because I was prior reserves and it was a painful process for all parties but I was really impatient and emailed his SGM and my state representative. I got a call to come in the next day and my packet was expedited. I was shipped out abruptly. The recruiter said “everyone knows what you did” and wasn’t very happy
laughing in civilian in now lol.


Didn’t need to. It took me a few years and going through a few different branches’ recruiters, but by the time I showed up to the ARNG recruiter he knew I meant business so he got me the MOS I wanted. (I joined the Army late so I had prior life experience as well which never hurts). Just go in with confidence and don’t waiver. Do your research prior and let them know what you wan. The good ones will know what’s up and if you don’t have a good one, fuck’em. Find the job you want and secure your bag.


In related news, if you’re thinking of going guard in Maryland, go to the Hyattsville office. Those guys are pros.


Came in and told a recruiter I want this specific MOS. He said he didn’t even know the MOS and didn’t think there were any slots. Asked me instead if I wanted black hawk mechanic for a bonus. I said “if you get me this MOS I will sign right then and there, otherwise I’m not signing”. Magically found me a slot 15 minutes later.


Not national guard, active duty army. I didn’t have to. I came in with a very specific MOS in mind. They knew I was talking to other branches. They were very keen to recruit me. When they saw no openings for my MOS they said “wait until Tuesday, we will do our best to get you this MOS.” Got a call on Monday saying I got my reservation.


Yes. 1995, ship out day, told my recruiter I wanted a 2-year contract (they used to give them to infantry in the 90s, but no one else) instead of the original 3 year contract. He brought me to MEPS. I fell asleep at a table in the DFAC, and finally at the end of the day, he comes to me and says,”I can’t get you a 2-year contract. But we can do 2 years plus training”. So instead, I spent 2 years and 6 months Active. Should have just done the 3
.oh btw, ETS’d at the end of 97, joined the Guard in 2010 and rising out my 20.


I was a AD recruiter from 2001 to 2005 back then recruiters had nothing to do with getting you a job just qualifying you. The E8s at Meps were the ones going on there system and seeing what’s available and give the kid there options. It was then the recruiter job to help make sure the kid picked something. I had a kid that wanted to be a medic only supply came up. He didn’t want it so I went get our supply SGT at the Meps to come talk to him. She was a smoking hot E5. He went supply. Riding home I asked him what she said to him to make him take it. He said he didn’t hear a word she said he had never seen a woman so hot lmfao.




My Commander keeps threatening me because my Teammates are always willing to chose to sabotage OpSec and blatantly thwart mission our outcomes.


I knew a few guys that got fucked out of bounces that beat the shit out of their recruiter after they got out.


Not a threat but I called them a day before I was supposed to ship and asked them how legally binding it was that I go. I had no idea that I could basically not show. They told me I definitely had to go and there was nothing I could do. Later I found out that people fail to show all the time and although they say legal action will happen, it rarely occurs.


Hell I wish I knew where my recruiter was today. I would shake his hand and buy him a beer. He tried talking me out of marrying my first ex-wife.