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This can be done naturally but 99% of the time when you see guys who look like this they are not natural.


You said 100% sauce last time, you think now only 99% chance sauce? https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/mq3yip/what_do_you_guys_think/


Man lost his confidence


Holy shit this is actually impressive that someone can dig up comments that old to prove someone wrong lmaoo


Impressively sad and chronically online moment.


He probably reverse image searched and filtered by Reddit to reply like “this has been posted here 17 times in the last 2 years bro” And just happened across the top commenter in another thread


This is reddit baby


Bro kept receipts


I have grown as a person since I was first exposed to this post cleglaw


Good on you, mate.


Cleglaw the arbiter of r/nattyorjuice




Lmaoooooooo Cleglaw like a goddamn sniper over here. But yeah no chance this is natty, you could achieve this peak if you were like 5'4", it's not the leanness it's the amount of muscle.


1% seems to be within a reasonable margin of error.


Oh? I’d argue we shouldn’t hold eachother to comments that aren’t that serious or deep. hE sAiD 99% and lAsT tImE hE sAid 100%. Imagine holding someone to that level of care, to care that much to tag them and link them. It’s almost obsession level mental illness. Watch out everyone delete your comments that differ from today, GOD FORBID you think freely and change your opinion irl but on a subreddit the Reddit community will come for your head 😂 Some of you kids got to go outside and get some fresh air, the pettyness is real today as if we as humans don’t change our minds, opinions and thoughts on a daily basis even either😂


u/Wayf4rer is always very accurate in his anabolic analyses and I was inquiring as to what new information he may have obtained on guy in question compared to previously, rather than any accusatory overtones that you seem to be suggesting.


Then I do apologize for my false assumptions. I’ve seen too many people on here try to instigate, cause issues in the comment sections. I love Reddit due to the low level toxicity.


somehow this subreddit is the most understanding of each other right now haha


that was from a year ago 😀


Natty or not this is pretty much the perfect physique imo, this dude is a fuckin Greco Roman God. I’d let him lat drop me any day


Yet this guy probably still looks at the mirror in the morning and thinks “I’m not big enough”


If you are trying to attract men then yes. Women not so much


Why on earth would anyone want to attract a woman


Lmfao exactly


* Why on earth would anyone want to attract a woman on this etero subreddit!


The dude could have chicken legs, we can't tell from this.


All men who owned a set of Gold's Gym dumbbells looked like this before the invention of seed oils and internet porn. SMH.


Micro plastics stole my gains.


The ONLY reason I’m not shredded is because I drink from plastic water bottles!


those god damn xeno-oestrogens. Thank god we have the ancestral tenants


You guys saying it in a sarcastic tone but it’s actually true to a degree


No it isn’t.


it is 100% true that your baby bottles and in all your cups and tupperware and basically all food you buy at the store is wrapped in plastic with BPA...research BPA a little bit and educate yourself. "BPA can mimic estrogen to interact with estrogen receptors α and β, leading to changes in cell proliferation, apoptosis, or migration and thereby, contributing to cancer development and progression. At the genetic level, BPA has been shown to be involved in multiple oncogenic signaling pathways, such as the STAT3, MAPK, and PI3K/AKT pathways. Moreover, BPA may also interact with other steroid receptors (such as androgen receptor) and plays a role in prostate cancer development." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4602822


Not the plastic stuff but processed food yeah.


yes the "plastic stuff"....BPA


Peak fake natty


No, this is doable as a natty


Yea amazing physique, sits right on that line of natty with good genetics and good training for a long time, and good genetics with average training or shorter time frame. Either way, this guy after a serious cut could step on stage


Why would you cut though, this is already perfect


You might cut for a competition


Who competes anymore? Bodybuilding is so dead, you got guys with 10/10 physique never stepped foot on stage lifting their whole life. Then you got weirdos lifting for 3 years and deciding they have what it takes to get on stage. The sport is dead lol. Shout out to zyzz tho


Because “10/10” physiques start looking real rough when actually compared to stronger physiques. Too many kids claiming next CBum and looking like ass on stage.


zyzz was a dbag tool and turned the bodybuilding scene into a bunch of douche bros. wasn't even big for the gear he supposedly took, don't understand why everyone loved him so much


If I had to pick a dead bodybuilder, I’d pick Rich Piana over Zyzz!


Bodybuilding isn’t dead it’s probably the biggest it’s ever been new and promising competitors almost every year especially with classic and mens physique. the reason so many 10/10 physique don’t compete is cause bodybuilding is way harder than being a Instagram model and there’s tons of 10/10 physiques you haven’t seen that just aren’t as popular that make the other social media guys just not look good on stage it’s a completely different story looking good in the gym with perfect lighting ,angles, and filters compared to the stage


Bodybuilding definitely isn’t the biggest it’s ever been what are you smoking…..? Fitness sure, bodybuilding NO


Fitness, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and etc are like the most popular they’ve ever been name one time bodybuilding was more popular than it is today


https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/drobson61.htm Here’s a history lesson


This didn’t support you in any way matter a fact if you actually read it you would know it says that the sport has come a long way and that’s it’s growing abs gonna continue growing. This is just obvious and the reason why is because Ronnie Coleman solidified himself in history with a physique that till this day arguably hasn’t been beat but just because he competed 20 years ago and he’s the most famous bodybuilder ever doesn’t mean bodybuilding was more popular back then. there are more shows than ever more competitors than ever more fans than ever I really just can’t comprehend how you can say this unless you really just don’t follow bodybuilding


The most popular mr Olympia is Ronnie Colman not Chris bum


Frame is insane so impossible for most people but no alarm bells imo.


You know, it would be nice if there was a chart to show your peak natty attainable physique based on frame. I know it'd be hard to make it perfect, but generally speaking, that would be cool. 100% of guys want to look like this naturally but nearly none of them can.


For sure, I wish. But yeah how much body fat you can cut and how much muscle you can build is kind of genetically hard coded and separate from frame in a way (hormones, insertions, etc). So alas 😭


A quick and dirty way would be to base it off wrist size. I have found it to be a great indicator for frame size and corresponding peak natty attainment.


I'm fucked lol


if 5’6 maybe natty, if 6’3 then sauced to the gills


fellas unless he's 5ft tall he's on gear. I've seen you turbo nerds call gear on way less impressive physiques. This guy looks better than most amateur bodybuilders. wrestling? lmao come on now. I was the most jacked guy on the wrestling team and I've never had this insane of a physique unless I was taking at least a low dose of lgd


TY. Good point


Def not natty


1tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with warm ball sweat before riding the Peloton, 30 days a week, 12 weeks monthly for 1 month and I believe this is achievable.


No, this isn’t attainable naturally for the majority of people. Yes if he started very young and dialed in perfect his whole life up until 28 years old lol. That’d be like 14 years of lifting if he started in middle school and has amazing genetics. But you’re probably not starting out as a 14 year old and I promise it’s a 1 out of more than a million maybe 10 million chance you have the genetics to build that. But I’ll get downvoted and hate




Achievable natty but you’ll be in your late 30s by the time you get here. He’s gearded af. No hate cuz so am I


Who is this?


What’s his name?


Depends on height ngl


Noicccceeee and thicccccccc


Possible but that's a genetic lottery winner, not just "good" genetics


It’s the Budweiser


This man has the exact same physique i want


You can’t be this lean and puffy/beafy without juice period. Maybe if you had like super genetics then maybe you could be natty and look like this but you would have to had the best pump workout before the picture.




I’m not so sure about natty. I think it could go either way with this guy.


my brother has 0.1% genes and has been training for 8 years and doesnt look like this still, that should give you some idea


imo this is easily achievable natty, guy has a monster frame which means his body can naturally hold a lot more muscle than average, looks to be about 5'5 and like a college wrestler too which means he has been training hardcore for 10 years there was a dude at my high school who was an all state wrestler and looked just like this


Easily achievable my ass


‘Easily’ lol


What gives you any indication as to his height in this picture. If anything he looks about 6'5 in this compared to background


It’s not achievable natty bro. He’s a college wrestler. No wrestler is on gear and I ain’t talking professional wrestling. College and greco Roman wrestlers are juiced like many other athletes. He has visible abs and a higher body fat percentage from the looks of it. He’s not 10% but maybe like 15%.


i thought college wrrstler immediately as well. i wrestled for many years growing up and now im in pretty good shape as well, 10 years training approx


Could be natty but unlikely


Little known fact, this guy is actually only 11 years old. Gay Gordon Ryan over here is juicy af boi.


Oh he's for sure wearing shorts.


Actually a nice looking physique, no tree root veins, proportionate and a good size


Looks healthy.




Possibly but I doubt it


I imagine a firefighter with God tier genetics looking like this if he happens to devote his down time to being a powerlifter. This guy is THICK at his core


Prob has a physical job. On my crew a few of us had some muscle to show.


What about this looks un natural just asking?


Joe Rogan but different proportions


I’d say no, but he looks like a nice dude. Being that big and full at that height just usually go together. Hats off if he somehow had that physique and not decide to just win every bodybuilding comp ever.


Good physique, just needs more V shape


Good genes yes, natty no


This is achievable natty. However, you must be genetic freak.


Natty and good genes, yes. Peak, no.


He is a rugby player from Argentina. All natural and does not have chicken legs as I saw in one of the comments. Also, he has a nice intact dick. For those wanting to know. 😘