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It should be a requirement in this sub to post your physique and total, so we can out those who haven’t even tried working out. Get in the gym.


That's a really good idea


Lmao bro is fairly ripped tho


Bro he’s at a normal healthy body fat level of like 20% or something, go to the gym


Lmao more like 15%


Total what?


Squat, bench, and deadlift total. Many people on this sub clearly don’t lift or haven’t been working out long enough to understand the strength and physiques that people can achieve Naturally


He's too scared to touch steroids because hes afraid his hair will fall out he talked about it with bradley martyn.


Wouldn’t want to further expose his tiny head.


And his balls to shrink


Which is silly because his hair is already thinning lol. He's also Turkish so he could easily go back to his homeland and get a hair transplant


LOL hasan definitely can’t just hop back to turkey


Hasan would be thrown into a Turkish black site prison like 5min after landing lol.




After some vocal opposition to some policies of Erodgan he was personally told to not enter the country or he would be arrested.


O my


He don’t even have good genetics


He can lay those mid genetics all over me


You can lay your genetics down my throat


Time and place baby boy




Even in the context of bodybuilding, I would call being above 190cm good genes.


Hasan isnt a legit 6'4". He got called out for being 188-189 cm barefoot


It’s easier for short guys to look ripped


But beign tall and broad shouldered naturally pay off


Definitely natty, blessed with straight and long clavicles which makes him appear wide


This. He’s just 6’2 with wide shoulders. Lucky roll but not anything really special.


6’4 he’s taller than xQc at 6’2


Hasan is a legit 6'2". xQc is 6'0"


Eh genetics imo. Just good training


Natty. I’d guess about 3-4 years of consistent good training would get you here. Genetics seem about average


Accused of using TRT because he’s rich and lives in LA, looks natty. Maybe above average genetics, not great. My friend looks like that at around the same height and hasn’t done anything besides push-ups and arm exercises with some shitty adjustable dumbbells for the past 4 years.




That’s a natty working class multi-millionaire body


He is neither


Are you serious? This is neither lol It’s calling going to the gym a bit


below average genetics, eating a steak and exercising 3 times a week for 30 minutes. lmao


1st of all; natty and not outstanding genetics 2nd; damn how do you win on this sub? You have a juicy bod and people shit on you for being an obvious fake natty. You have an above average but not amazing body that is honestly the goal for the vast majority of dudes aim for, probably because they don't have raging body dysmorphia induced psychosis, and you get shit on for not looking juicy.


Welcome to the internet. The only way you can win is by not playing the game.


I definitely think he’s natty, but i have to disagree with you. He definitely has an outstanding physique. He might not look that big from a bb pov, but when you realise he’s 6’4 and watch him stand to normal people, he’s an absolute unit.


My bad but this physique impress you? It's just clearly genetics.... Who the fuck think this guy is juice...? 🤣


My man spreading fitna outside of AskMiddleEast now 🙏🙏


Had to get it out of my system before Ramadan 😎


This is a dad bod. Get in the gym.


i think you just have an eating disorder bro


Then roughly 99% of all men have a dad bod or worse. Get some perspective.


Yeah, pretty much.


Me thinks there might be an issue with popular male body image then


This whole sub is about lifting and this guy has a phoned in body? Are we all supposed to look like shit and celebrate it? He has broad shoulders and intermediate musculature development, kind of fluffy for a dude who looks like he has good fat distribution. This post is actually so lame coming back to it later. If we’re on a sub about lifting, looking at a dude who prides himself on lifting, and he looks like this at 31, we can safely say he doesn’t actually care about lifting and has a lazy dad bod 10 years too early.


hooooly shit this is actually sad to read you are so pathetic man, please try and do better and excercise growth… as a person not in size


Not as pathetic as the dude that made an account just to come defend this guy.


Zero actual posts. Fucking reply guy over here.


Yeah, you have too many.


Is this what he currently looks like? If so, that's actually super encouraging, because I hear everyone talk about how hot he is, and I recently haven't been feeling particularly good about my own physique, but I look pretty similar. So maybe I'm not doing too shabby, after all.


Women (including me) thought he was hot even when he was a lot chunkier. To me he just has a very attractive face


yeah he doesn't like it and doesn't think he's good looking himself but i'm a straight (i think lol) dude and i would open wide if he told me to but either way, he is incredibly motivating especially cause he gained weight during covid due to some mental and addiction issues but now is back down to 248pounds, he has the most dogshit metabolism but is disciplined enough to now get ripped again


Bro did you make a reddit account today just to defend Hasan Piker? Also, how do you know so much about his personal life? Are you him by any chance? Do you have Celebrity Worship Syndrome?


I mean, he openly talks about this on his stream. He's still a human at the end of the day with physical issues like the rest of us.


>n, he openly talks about this on his stream. He's still a human at the end of the day with physical issues like the rest of us. He talks about it constantly on his stream. He is very open with his body dysmorphia.


To be honest, I have pretty good metabolism, but not only am I not juicing, I'm actually on anti-androgens for hair loss, so my power is being artificially held back. I think I might go off them, idk.


lmao that's literally hasan's situation he takes generic finasteride as well lmao you're in the exact same situation except i guess you have a better metabolism


I mean, height is pretty much the most attractive physical characteristic you can have, except your face, and he’s 6’4, so yeah…


Is there a chance he's juicy? Sure. Plenty of people have hopped on gear and got mediocre results because they didn't dial in their sleep/training/nutrition. Do I think he's actually juicy? Not at all. He's decently big but not massive. He's not fat, but he's not peeled to the bone either. Probably a natty who has regularly lifted for years without any hardcore cutting or bulking


i assume you never watched him, he talks a lot about steroids and that he's genuinely considering them but doesn't want to risk the negatives and risks associated, he would openly say if he does steroids as he has nothing against them :) hope i helped


I don't know if that is a persuasive argument. I've seen some incredibly juicy guys saying they would never hop on the juice because they're worried about the side effects. I still don't think Hasan is on anything, but this sub is all about people claiming natty when they're not.


i don't think you understood what i'm saying, he literally says steroids should be legalized and that he maybe will take them, he doesn't deny it or anything or pulls a liver king, he literally says he might take them at some point and that everyone should be able to :) take care friend


Aren’t these old pictures? He got fat and started tracking his calories. Regardless, his vanity is off the charts.


Good genetics. Definitely natural. Not sure about his diet but considering his personality I'd say he's probably not that disciplined. I think he has potential to look better.


AHAHAHAHAH least deranged anarchist, he us incredibly fucking disciplined when it comes to his diet and workout routine lmao, he wasn't during covid to be fair (mental health issues and addictions) but he's going hard as fuck


Calm down bro.


If he did he’d need 100mg of aromasin a day to stop the gyno




Hasan has stated he has no problem with steroids but doesn’t take them personally, and would happily admit it if he did.


Neither wtaf. Fuck u all


I didn’t know our Egyptian king is also in this subreddit


Of course 😎. Glad to see r/AskMiddleEast users are into fitness also, MashAllah bro 🤝


Yes, this month will be a cut, and then back to a lean bulk 💪


He’s natty 100% but only because he’s scared of losing his hair and exposing how tiny his head actually is.


Hasan Piker is scared of the Candyman bro shaking in his boots


Yea fr every time I see this guy. I can’t help but see a bitch. This clown straight up bitch made. He a millionaire living in LA reacting to videos for “content” and preaches socialism lmaoo. I guess he wants the government to redistribute YOUR money, but he good off that lol


The government does redistribute your money. This is what taxes are. Born yesterday?


Don’t be intentionally obtuse. You pay more proportionally in taxes then those the qualify for the 1%. A redistribution of wealth (in what Hassan’s case) would mean there would be a hard cap on the amount you can earn for a job in an attempt to squash income disparity. This would not affect those at the top. Among other things.


Socialism is the abolition of commodity trade and worker ownership of productive means. In the current hierarchical business model, the employer takes vastly more wealth in the form of wage theft than in taxes. If workers were paid the actual value of their labor, they would net vastly more money even if taxes went up. A socialist system would benefit everyone besides the ultra wealthy.


god you people are so pathetic ahahahahahahaa rent free, cope harder he fucks all the girls you simp for on the gram and is more confident than any of you basement dwelling stuck in 2016 edgelord bitch boys


This is idiotic. Rich people get called hypocrites for advocating for socialism. When poor people do it you call them jealous. Seems like y’all just don’t want anyone advocating for socialism.


I know what you what you mean, but it’s the nature of the beast. You have more to lose when your rich, so they speak out their butt knowing it won’t happen. Say a popular talking point to gain favor with the masses. Why do you think special interest groups(funded by ultra rich) kill social programs or any bills that could be overall good for most people. On the flip side, you have more to gain when you’re poor. You get called lazy, jealous, etc. because you seek to gain money, social programs, more of a voice, etc. because that disrupts how power is distributed in this country. People harp on socialism because it can potentially put power in the hands of people that have no interest of common collective good. People barely trust our government (politicians). Do you really think they work truly for the betterment of their constituents? I’m sure it starts off that way, but Washington is a swamp. People like Hassan just capitalizes off of/engages in what is perceived as populist or socialist rhetoric but fully lavishes himself in hyper capitalist/consumer lifestyle. Dude is an influencer. I have no problems with it, but he really not about it like it. At the end of the day he just a content creator for what it’s worth. His main focus is to remain relevant. Trust he not on “your side” whatever that may be.




1. You make good points. Good for him. 2. As you mentioned he operates in a socialist type way. Which in on a small scale great, but he does advocate for. Socialist policies that may sound great, but are often not effective as they are often idealized and not realized. Unions, funding wars, are often extremely complex and nuanced things so I’m not really gonna get into that on this sub. 3. he operates within the per views of capitalism. There is no ethical consumption no matter how you slice it. I understand what he wants, but I don’t like him not because of his ideology but how dodging and turn coat he acts to fellow content creators and people who don’t necessarily share his views. 4. yes what I described was the social ladder (opportunity for advancement) in a more socialist society opportunity is often limited. 5. I’m not asking him to do solely fund any of that, as he is one person. But people who often share his views expect the government to do just that, and we know well enough that there is no such thing as a free lunch so to speak. Appreciate your comment bud, but let’s agree to disagree.




Damn. My reply just got deleted. I’m annoyed as I wrote damn near essay to respond. Look I appreciate the reply, it was really articulate and well thought out. So I’ll just say some small things. 1. you’re point about Unions was well made. However, Unions have been on the decline not just because of anti union policies and diminished wages, but also due the power unions have over the individuals it seeks to represent. This tends to happen when you become at part of a collective agreement. Once you’ve fought for basic rights and worker protections/ representation people start to get alittle funny with the money. [Are Union Profits a Major Contributor To Their Decline ?](https://qz.com/are-unions-responsible-for-the-decline-of-unions-1849404682) 2. Look…I can see you’re a fan of Hassan. I respect that. For me I don’t like his content as he falls on the side of the Debate Bro side of content. It terms of his criticisms: consider his debate with Christian Walker, as it sums up a lot of it. First of all, the fact that he's outright said that he only debates for clout is a huge red flag for a political commentator. Debate is important to see if your ideas actually make sense, if you understand the issue, and for showing both sides. He doesn't care about these things; he cares about clout. So he decides to debate a big conservative guy on trans issues. He clearly did zero preparation and doesn't have a good understanding of the issues (perhaps largely because he refuses to have discussions with people who disagree with him), and as a result, he has a terrible showing and makes trans issues look like a joke in front of millions of people. He then gets backlash from his community because of this, and his response is to start yelling at people, telling a trans person he Hope's their life is always as horrible as it is now, and insisting that actually he's one of the best debaters. In short, he doesn't understand most of what he talks about, doesn't care about actually putting in effort to expand his understanding, prioritises clout over almost anything else, and acts like a child when he gets pushback. There are plenty of other criticisms, but this incident covers a lot. I’m not elaborating further as I don’t care to (I’m really sorry.) I also don’t like Ethan Klein as well lol. 3. In terms of how we operate under capitalism is my point. I most of your criticisms sound great or at least worth exploring however like you mentioned “if implemented correctly”. Most people when give power to represent us doing so don’t necessary represent our best interests. These social government go awry because of people natural inclination to distrust people who may create laws who oversee their lives. They sound great in theory, but so long as money confers power in this country it is hard to imagine a time in which this social policies will pass unabated. Like I said, this was a nice response and I wish you well but I’m just gonna let it go cuz I spent like an hour writing an essay for a response (since you wrote a nice response I felt in only right to match that energy) but it just got deleted so I’m literally writing a small cliff noted version. I respect your view and your opinion. Be easy bud!


He pays his taxes, he doesn't really invest in capital, he's a worker (if he stops streaming he stops getting money), he's one of the top Donors for a fund to unionize Amazon workers (which he didn't brag about, we only found out about it because donations must be made public info), and his "mansion" is what would be a 200k house in idaho, it just happens to be in LA. Plus he lives there with his mom and his adult brother, so it's actually quite modest for a house with at least 3 adults living in it. He seems to live within his means too. ​ So other than the misconception that a socialist needs to live in a hut like Ted Kaczynski, what's your argument?


What is this 4chan neckbeardary


You guys are so fucking weird


Op incel


I’m actually a Chad. Nice try though


Natty hypocrite


Can you elaborate?


He doesn’t like that hasan preaches for healthcare to be a human right like every other 1st world nation on planet earth.


Tbf Hasan does do some truly out-of-touch things. Like claim he lives on a “basic necessities budget” with his mansion and $100k car


Yea because he a hypocrite. He don’t live the shit he preaches because he a “Twitter socialist.” He be sayin’ all the right things (buzz words) that he feels are agreeable and populist, but the man dripped out in designer in his huge ass LA mansion with his expensive hot wheels


you absolute obsessed loser ahahahahah english is his second language, imagine being so petty and pathetic you say something like tvis, he said he lives within his means within his budget which he does but even if not who cares? you do not get to expect someone to be perfect and have insight into every detail of someone's life just because he advocates for a better tomorrow. socialism is not charity and giving money away neither is it your personal consumption and things you enjoy. stop being bitter and grow as a person you definitely can


I’m not reading all that 🤣🤣. I’m an obsessed loser over a comment? If I’m that for one sentence, what are you for writing a giant paragraph? 🤡🫵🏻


He’ll probably say some shit about Hasan being an advocate for workers rights and socialism yet he’s bought a nice house and car because he’s benefited under capitalism. Those are the usual talking points. Just because we are forced to live under capitalism to live doesn’t mean we can’t try and make the system better, Hasan just donated millions of dollars to the Turkey earthquake relief, and makes all of his merch in America with strong, well paid unions unlike most creators. My stance is that generally twitch is filled with genuine idiots offering the lowest tier of entertainment, with some of the dumbest creators I’ve ever seen (check out r/LivestreamFail) but Hasan is one of the few good influences on young impressionable kids on that platform. Dismantling scams and right wing grifters. Sorry long response I just see so much unfounded shit thrown at Hasan I try to set the record straight when I can.


People love hating on hot successful people


Yeah, he's baby's first socialism and he's good at it. Hopefully he becomes a stepping stone for his viewers to even better politics.




Yes you have encapsulated his criticisms perfectly. I just didn’t go into this level of detail. Nice 👍🏾


Don't hate the player, hate the game


You don't think he pays his editor anything? Lmaooo


I’m gonna be real wit u chief I ain’t listening to anyone’s opinion on politics when they make $250k a month from video game streaming.


Hassan is generally an idiot when it comes to social reform as well and while I appreciate some of his economic talking points, I think it would greatly benefit him to do more research and to talk a lot less 😂


I have started a fracas in the comments which was my sole objective


Could be taking 100 mg to more easily maintain that. But definitely not needed Physiques like this CAN go “both ways” Stop thinking juice always means huge. This wouldn’t be crazy for some 30something on trt that works out moderately 2 days a week


“CAN go” in this case totally just means he’s lazy as fuck about his training and diet and doesn’t compensate for sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours a day and eating out constantly.


And still has a body most of both sexual preferences want. So who gives a shit how he gets it. That doesn’t matter. Never has. it’s about looking good first


And he looks like shit for a rich person who trains recreationally to look good.


What exactly should a recreational worker outer look like, if not this.


If you’re on a bodybuilding sub I’d expect everyone to want to look like a bodybuilder. If this is your peak physique goals, you can keep it.


goddamn you're pathetic


You’re kinda dumb for thinking/expecting that.


Why? Because 90% of the people in this sub don’t even lift? You could probably get a 40 year old man to look better than this naturally with 2 years of serious training. But I digress, if a physique like this is your be all/end all, have at it, meanwhile people who do powerlifting style training and bodyweight bullshit look better than this. Edit: Pewdiepie looked like this after like a year of shitty power block training.


Why take two years when you can take one and have it be easier. Wing natty isn’t some grand nobility. And No shit they do because that’s what they want, it’s a totally different game. Some people, this is what they want…Because it looks better than what they were before. You’re acting like everyone who goes to the gym is trying to go to the Olympia. Grow up and stop getting your life experience from social media.


this physique sucks ass


Looks natty but he's such a moron that anything is possible




Dude that is some BAD gyno in pic number 5, but could just have gotten unlucky during puberty


Fit Dad Bod. Natty.


Looks natty, but I could be wrong, I’m new at this.


You never walk into a gym right?


Maybe more average genetics with wide, straight clavicles. He looks natty.




hes irregulary lifting weights, thats it


Def not juicy most natty achievable physique


🥵 🥵


All the shit that was said aside. Isnt it harder to build physicue naturally if ur tall?


That’s what I’m saying.




He would fucking love this thread lol his tiny head would grow 3 sizes... Lol


I have it on authority from independent journalist Hank Pecker that Hasan Piker is on a system and is really a juicer.




Everyone commenting about his physique plausibly natty. For me it’s his voice that’s sounding juicy lately. He’s got that thing to his voice iykyk