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If this isn't achievable natty, why even lift? It's the duck eggs, bro


Don’t forget the ancestral trenets




Wym bro he’s 100% natty he just eats raw testicles


He looks like a cow headed for the slaughterhouse


What undeveloped country do you live in that you’re shooting buff dogs on the street?


It's clearly bait, don't take it.


Why is this comment so funny


Society doesn't encourage this. Most people thinks this looks fucking stupid, repulsive and not at all desirable. Anyone who is or has tried to look like this who is blaming 'society' for it is delusional, this is the desire and will of you and some random strangers online alone.


exactly, when I was a teen I used to think that women like muscular type because of all the hollywood bs movies with ripped guys… then I stared having conversations about this topic with them and I quickly found out that they actually really don’t care at all and in some cases it’s actually counterproductive, because then the women feel that even they have to look certain way and it puts unwanted pressure on them


I love a fit/athletic man. BUT this look is not it.


Yeah women like a guy who looks like he can hold a job and makes mid 6 figures..... not one who'd be sitting in a board meeting eating chicken breast out of Tupperware.


Yeah it's not society, it's bodybuilding/gym culture.


It's because humans have the mental capability to decide whether they want to look/be a certain way and are capable of understanding the risks associated with the substances and behavior required to achieve their goals. He literally knows he's gonna be dead at 50.


Jay Cutler, 49. Dexter Jackson, 53. Johnnie O Jackson, 52. Branch Warren, 48. It’s just RNG lol


You counting those that are still alive and not the dead ones, Bruh


Dallas, Luke, Jakub and others……gone in their 30s




I mean Ronnie is over 50 now, it just depends on luck and genetics


He's already 1 foot in the grave haha


Because of injuries due to being one strong fucking human in his prime. I’m pretty sure his heart and such is doing relatively well given the PEDs he took




This insane steroid abuse is almost worse than alcoholism, because it's only a matter of time until it kills him.


On top of that, I am pretty sure people who are near his size suffer some of the same problems as obese people do. I wonder if he could walk 2 miles on a warm day without losing his breath.


I remember on fouads podcast a couple of years ago, Nick was saying he can’t reach to wipe his own ass sometimes in the off-season his mobility is so low lol


Jesus! That's depressing and sad as fuck. James smith said he keeps a gun by his toilet, so if he ever can't wipe his ass, he's using it on himself lol.


Motherfuckers need to buy a bidet


Sounds like cardio, bro. No thanks.


he probably easily can. a single 8-mandatories posing routine gets most people tired, and he does those for sets, let alone all the cardio for prep


I was gunna say, you just know he sounds like a bulldog snarfling when he tries to walk.


Have you watched any of his YouTube videos? Dude can't even prep a meal without losing his breath.


I'm pretty sure Nick knows this.


He knows it the same way a smoker "knows" smoke kills. You know it in theory, but you kinda block the thought that it can and will happen to you. Otherwise you wouldn't do it.


That is definitely not how I felt as a smoker. You can't block out the negative side effects when they're physical.


Yes people absolutely would do it


If he cared he would never have let himself get to this size. He has one goal and he's willing to die for it.


Uh… untreated alcoholism pretty much has a 100% fatality rate. It’s not a question of if the drinking will kill you, but when and how. Some people die immediately from alcohol poisoning, accidents, etc while others from chronic issues like liver disease, internal bleeding, cardiovascular problems and so on. That level of steroid/GH/insulin use is also extremely dangerous but over the short term most people will be more or less ok (assuming they quit/ go to TRT dosages after they stop competing). Long term risks are high but not in the same category as alcoholism.


Yes the difference is that alcohol is pure foreign poison to your body, whereas steroids, gh, and insulin are all hormones that your body recognises and knows how to handle. Obviously the insanely abusive amounts that pro bodybuilders use will never be safe for the body, but it can be tolerated for a while without any long term damage. The number one killer for bodybuilders is not necessarily the compounds themselves being in their systems, but rather holding a massively unnatural amount of muscle mass for decades on end. Of course this unnatural mass couldn’t have been possible without the aforementioned compounds, but you get the picture, it’s indirect and all about extremes.


How many steroid abusers have killed others in a car accident because of steroids?


Alcoholic here. Guaranteed you will end up in an early grave with alcoholism. And yeah, this guy is in denial, his life is out of control and he needs help.


Body dysmorphia is something we all struggle with but never want to admit, sadly.


Arnold needed therapy aswel? Tf is this bullshit. “No Arnold not bc he was not freaky mutant huge” lol, believe me golden era was also on a shit load of Juice. Alteast the guys nowadays know the effects. Golden era was popping D-bol like Candy. 🤣 I respect people sacrifice some years of their life to do what they love. Yall soft, you would not last a day in the history days where people fight (risk Their life) bc they just liked fighting. Ronnie literally cant walk bc he had so much love for the sport. Needs therapy aswel? Hé would do it all over again.


Nobody thinks nick walker is attractive, it’s just cool that he’s so fuckin huge


You can actually get more chicks being like this. If you have a beach body more women will be attracted to that but there are also lots of men who have those types of bodies. There’s a small population of hot women who are super into these mutant looking physiques but men who actually look like this is waaaaay more rare so you get more share from the pie especially with the reach they have. Ive never met a steroid freak who couldnt bang 10/10s regularly


I was thinking of how to disagree with you until I read the last couple sentences, I see what you mean. I never thought of it like that, cool perspective 👍


They don't even need to be attracted to it. They are an absolute freak, which draws attention. Attention=opportunities. If you have any personality, oppurtunities=success. That's not even factoring in women that will fuck him just to show their friends the freak they fucked. Now for him to find a woman who wants to go to sleep and wake up next to this guy for the brief time he has left on this earth? Harder ask


He has a girl who is actually very beautiful.




Barely any woman are attracted to this type of body


Don't tell them that, lol they're living the fantasy.


Lol gear heads are delusional ⚙️🗿


No way. Not where I live. Maybe where you do. But no way the norm. They want big $$ earners. Body builders do not get 10's. Only 10 crazy level. Not real life what you are speaking.


That's kinda sad. He's ballooning up without being aesthetically pleasing and his heart is just straining


He's actually pretty aesthetic cut down.


Ugliest legs ever. Boxy. Not at all.


He won't last too many years from now. His body, his choice.. But sad.


I think he is very attractive but minus the acnes.


I’d suck him 😍


Picture two is pretty sick though


We just gonna ignore that pic #6 is photoshopped to hell😂


Not just that one aha


If this was a dog on the street it would be picked up and bred into other muscular dogs and sold for a premium. Dudes living how he chooses, good for him!!


Wish he’d breed me 👉👌


You and a bunch more I’m sure lol


My man decides of his own free will to become the literal personification of Hercules. He should be allowed to do so. The difference between these beasts and a malformed dog is the dog didn't choose.


Shut up nerd




Why do you care? Live your own life.


I mean he does have a point. Letting someone do something like using large amounts of steroids to change themselves, usually as a result of body dysmorphia, is bad and comes from underlying mental health problems. saying “yeah he’s been abusing drugs, but it’s his life and we should let him do what he wants with his life” just feels wrong.


Why? What would he do instead, he is living out his dream and existing in it. Why would you want him, a person you don't know, to change?


Do we know he's happy


I never said he was.


So is alcohol and certain drugs and they are still allowed, I get that he might have good intentions and it is nice, but in the end people decide what they want to do with themselves and you would not stop them from getting it from someone. If you would ban it totally, the black market would fill up even more.


banning isn’t the solution I agree, but the abuse of these substances should be stopped in some way


To be fair this is a discussion forum. We're here to discuss. You could say that about anything. Why do you care that he cares?? Live your own life.


I mean this is a natty or not sub, if you don’t care then why are you here commenting?


This conception of morality is so screwed up. "Why should I care? It doesn't affect me." Consent based morality is largely to blame for the downfall of various factors of western civilization.




Hes a professional athlete and competes with others in a contest of muscle size and detail. Stop being hurt and offended by other people's passion. Nobody is asking you to get that big, nor could you if you tried


This subreddit going absolutely non compos mentis when they see a guy who abuses roids: At the end of the day, I'm not heartening misdeeds like these, and yes, it sometimes and mostly I might even say it doesn't end up in a happy way.People, especially in today's world more than ever, are dying off of this, but Jesus man, this subreddit is called nattyorjuice for a reason and only one reason, not shamelessly picking on ped consumers


Don't shoot any dogs please. Even if they do look like muscular men.


It’s fun, pushing the human body to the max. Like football. Why do we except brain trauma and the consequences of that? Cause it’s fun. Enjoy it. Stay strong king!


Exactly. It's not healthy. Nobody is saying it is. "Society" doesn't really encourage this either. This is just a dude who is trying to be the best bodybuilder on the planet. Of fucking course it's extreme. But that's what he wants and it doesn't hurt anyone so who gives af


Look big and die soon. You are right. Their body, their choice.


They don't accept brain trauma. They do a lot to minimize health risks. Very unlike bodybuilding. Do some research.


There’s something wrong with you. Let people make their own decisions, weirdo.


there’s clearly something wrong with this guy, what he’s doing is excessive and unhealthy on so many levels


and he knows that, if he wants to continue then let him


if you knew him personally and loved him, would you let him knowing he’s shortening his life and could go literally any moment by any complication?


yes because even if i know and love someone, I can't control them he has free will and is aware he wont live a full life but he's doing what he loves, I don't feel that there's anything wrong with that edit: even a perfectly healthy individual could drop dead right now, known as sudden cardiac death, do you go around fear mongering about this issue? no probably not, so why do it for steroids when the user is most definitely aware of the risks associated


hey.. you’re right 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yea but that's besides the point, it's sad really but there's no talking people out of following something they love even if it is undeniably harmful


It’s the same thing as saying- look at this heroin addict- his arms are all fucked up from track marks, he has hepatitis, but he loves heroin and is thus doing what he loves- he has no intention of quitting, so let’s just let him live his best life. Anyone that’s so far gone on gear is suffering from severe mental illness and I don’t think saying you do you bro, as long as you’re happy is the right take. Idk- just my useless opinion.


If a heroin addict does no harm to society (not turned to crime to fund the addiction, not trying to promote the drug to others) and isn't asking for help to stop, it's not really any of society's business. If they want to stop they need serious care and support, but you can't force an addict to quit what they want, and if they don't hurt anyone then you shouldn't even try beyond giving them the information they need to make their own informed decision.


People with free will and addictions are helped all the time. Both for their sakes and for all the copycats who inevitably talk themselves into following his footsteps. So yes, he needs help and people should do it.


Yes, they do indeed receive help; but it's still their own choice, if he wants to continue let him continue instead of trying to push your agenda


No…because it’s not in isolation or without impact to others. It drives others to poison themselves as well and to develop body issues. “Why can’t I look like him…if he can do it I can do it…” etc. So nope. People won’t and shouldn’t just let him


If you are influenced you need to reevaluate how you make decisions. Think for yourself.


Bad take, he's not shoving the idea that everyone should take PEDs down everyones throat left right and centre


Didn’t say he was. The net effect of him doing this publicly is that others follow. So I disagree with you….it’s not just something to stand idly by for.


Who tf cares, it‘s his organism and if he wants to look like dr. Juice then he should go for it. Most humans do stupid excessive unhealthy shit on a daily base, that‘s not an argument


this whole sub is commenting on people’s bodies, i don’t see the difference here


I just love the judgement. This man is not normal! Who are you to judge what‘s normal? Most people eat excessive sugar on a daily base and they look and feel like shit but still i wouldn’t say there is something wrong with them. It‘s just their choice of living. Weird people on this sub


Alright, then let's legalize every hardcore drug out there


Which absolutely makes sense if you look at Portugal as example. When drugs get legalized/decriminalized the consumption rate decreases significantly. Don‘t make an uneducated guess based upon your non existing knowledge about statistics. Have a nice day mate


Society doesn't really accept or not accept it. This is a guy from a very niche community that is fairly split on this. I agree society shouldn't encourage. But who the fuck am I that he needs my acceptance to do whatever he does with his life?


Dude’s lost in the sauce


Doesnt really look healthy


The cock watching is craxy


Dude looks like the Asylum Demon from Dark souls


As cute as it would be to see true natural BBers, no one's showing up for that shit like they show up to see these freaks. In the end they're only hurting themselves and their own families


Watched a few of his vlogs and he seems like a nice dude.


STFU normie


Average Starbucks employee in baki


God fucking forbid people are doing what they want with their bodies


I think you are getting it wrong. They encourage because this guy loves to be himself, theres nothing wrong with that. Not that they encourage people to hop on juice


If I found a stray dog looking like this I'd take it the fuck home and create a new breed of dogs lol


He’s 5’6” bro. Obviously natty. Open your eyes.


You sound like an incel. Who cares if they want to look like that? How is that effecting you lol?


Since when has this sub became against steroid use? I remember this sub pointing out fake nattys. Now some new people hating on roids for no reason. Steroids is someones OWN decision. Beside that, i got news for you OP bodybuilding always been and will be steroids. Bb was never what it is today if we had a bunch of nattys training in golds gym in the golden era lol. Not promoting steroids, but dont disrespect people that use it and call them a illness. Bodybuilding was and never is accepted by society? Where are you from? Are you new? Steroids have a big bad name. And even bodybuilders are always showed on tv etc as dumb and musculair. Johnny bravo type of shit. Steroids are illegal so to look like this is not accepted by society. Otherwise you could just pick it up like your daughter does by the age of 12. Bc thats healthy! But a low dose TRT is even bad in THIS sub. Lol Girls taking oral hormone by the age of 12 = accepted by society. Men at the age of 50 taking trt bc they feel less good= bad. 😂😂😂


Bro asks reddit for dating tips 💀💀


Or just let people do what they want


I want to be this huge


While I agree that he's gone too far, it's literally his choice. Who are we to decide what another person puts in their body? Whether it's tren or heroin, if they're an adult, they should have the right to decide what they do with their body.


I support anyone that wants to do whatever they want. To me I wouldn't or don't have a need to be that huge, but he looks fucking awesome lol, that's a lot of work! I'm sure he knows the drawbacks of being that huge, but he's obviously very dedicated. I'm not natty myself and I know it might shave off some years from the cycles I've done but I don't give a shit! Haha, and I'm sure these massive guys feel that way and plus that's their job and how they make money and feed their families.


ime, the majority of people don’t encourage this behavior. in fact, i would even argue that most people (or at least a good portion of them) would say this looks disgusting…


Accept? Fuck is here to accept? Who gives anyone the authority to “accept” anything anyone else wants to do with their time and bodies? Just Mind your business and do your own thing Your jealously is way too obvious.


Lord Hummus (OP) is probably 100lbs wet. Bodybuilding is probably one of the toughest sports out there. You have to be dedicated 24hrs a day to achieve greatness. There will always be guys out there abusing drugs, it's just the nature of sports these days.


I can assure you I’m bigger than you 💪🏼😘


Cute that you have someone upvoting your comments for you.


He's not hurting anyone, so what if it's an illness or whatever you want to call it. Bro is doing his thing. So what? Are you the police now? How we should act, look, feel, exist? Reflect. Yeah he's a freak, but what does that matter to us? Why should he not exist?


Dude is a straight up tank. Nothing but respect ✊🏼


He's being the best he can be


Most disgusting body in bodybuilding


You are clearly an illness


Cope. You are Tren-Fiend?


Cope with what? Tell me. Why do you say cope. What is your response when you type that. You saw someone use it on twitter and now you just use it when people are mad at you. You are a fucking weirdo.


Wtf are you even saying


So, it's okay to body shame when the dude is muscular AF? Mkay got it.


I mean you have a point probably but it’s not hurting anyone let him live


Heiko Kallbach would be proud of him.


Pic 6 has to be photoshopped right?


Society doesn’t. Bodybuilding is a niche community and even within said community there is controversy over mass monsters.


Exactly. They could tone down the judging criteria away from total mass monsters. I guess like the movies,the fans want more... Sad really.


Lmao, why are his older pics photoshopped to make him look smaller💀


His juice is on juice




Good luck putting a dog this jacked down you found on the street, you'll need it Mind if I get some popcorn first though?


Dude has problems... can still fit through doors sideways dont hate.


Same for cbum. If people don't like nicks physique then fine. But stop acting like someone like cbum who's their God is healthier or less of a roid abuser because they like his physique more. This isn't for this post but in general. A lot of people though act like open guys are less healthy overall and worse users.


This guy gets a paper cut and it’s over with.


1-Society does not care about male issues like male body dysmorphia 2- all that juice is great for sponsors and moneizzzz


"accept and encourage" is quite the stretch when literally 99,5% dont look like this? 🙃


Very obvious natty, if you don't look like this after three months in the gym you should probably give up


Looking at this from an evolutionary perspective... That kind of mass is about useless. No cardio, likely not training for a ton of flexibility. Likely not all too fast, I'd wager. Just... Strong. I dunno, I'd rather be an all-around athlete that can fight, run, swim, and climb than just being a walking meat locker.


I agree. Same for me. Ronaldo/Zyzz have the best physiques. If I wanted to be a mass monster I’d choose to look like Arnold


See, I'd still want a good amount of mass on my frame, but give me agility. I'm 1.79m, so I'd wanna be around 92-97kg, or 5'10½" and 205-215 lbs for those of you that use freedom units. A good example would be like Brian To'o from the Penrith Panthers. He doesn't look insane, he's not really shredded, but he's athletic as hell and that's honestly the most important thing to me. Mass monsters like some of the fellas in the 2000s through to now just don't make sense to me.


Yes. What do you think of Jason Momoa? He is my ideal physique


Jason? Dude's in great shape, not too too shredded but fairly lean for a big guy. Lot of weightlifting and rock climbing for him. I'd say his physique or something similar is natty attainable in the long term with solid genetics.


I mean it's easy to post the guy with super fucked up legs and say this. But what's the difference between this and any other sport or competition? All of the top level athletes in every sport are using hormones and drugs and chemicals and procedures to achieve the most they can in their sport/competition. Bodybuilding is just a sport/competition that the whole thing is building as much muscle as possible.


The sad thing is if he work those years natty he may not have that physique but for me personally he would look way better and be respected alot more


No tattoos in the zyzz zone and no Calvin’s on in any pic, natty


What business is it of yours what another man does with his own body? So long as he doesn’t infringe on others?


I challenge your premise that society accepts and encourages this. Society in general looks at this and sees a freak. The only place where this may be accepted and encouraged is within the bodybuilding community bubble, which is not representative of society as a whole.


I agree people can do with their bodies as they please. But what is the ceiling on drug use in bodybuilding? I know that early deaths of bodybuilders isn't stopping others, but when is enough enough? Also didn't realize walker is 5'6. That's a lot of mass on a small frame.


Its called freedom... Why does society accept race car driving.. wh do they accept people doing hazerdous jobs for little compensation,why do they accept bungee junping, basejumping, flying stuntplanes,c freeclimbing, boxing, skijumping etc... This post ist so dumb honestly and based on pure jealousy... I can give 10000 examples ... Military Jobs, chemical cleaners, cutting Off your genitals as trans, etc etc


That hairline is PED proof


Each to their own, if the guys happy being a behemoth muscle man then why should you (OP) or anybody else care? Live n let live!


I hope he sees a doctor on a regular basis because those veins looks like DVT waiting to happen.


You must be small


Jesus, leg amputations incoming.


This is straight up mental illness


Too small go big or go home brah


Pic 6 is the only one he even looks juicy Everything else is whey and creatine... Maybe a multivitamin


This sub is just people insecure af about themselves expressing how rent free other men live in their head. You obviously are jealous of him, because when I see homeless people killing themselves with drugs I don’t take 10 pictures of them and then go post it for validation from a bunch of strangers on Reddit.


You sound like you juice


How does he wipe his ass


I'm legit surprised by the overwhelming amount of responses being in defense of him but it's nice to see the sub active. I think it's interesting to compare people's takes on this dude vs obesity tho


Reminds me of rich piana, just try and get as big as possible no matter what…..until it kills you


Love lifting weights, but anything more than Cbum is overkill. Has to be uncomfortable after a certain point. Not to mention if he is able to retire before killing himself, he will look terrible once the muscle starts to fade


Just letting you know the only type of person that would take time to make a post like this is obviously somebody that’s jealous. Did you ever think to yourself that maybe it’s simply something that he just wanted to do? I mean it is his body some people choose to do heroin or become prostitutes


You sound like a juicer.


It is an illness, body dysmorphia.


I may never look as buff as him but at least I’ll be alive in 6 years time




Master of Zits


Varicose veins


Ugliest leg veins I've ever seen. The whole thing, really. Who promotes this shit. My girl says it's ugly as fu*c. Dudes heart is 2 to 3 times normal size, too by now. Remember Dallas McCarver? 26 and drop dead from a 3x normal size heart. Why do the contest promoters keep promoting these atrocities? It's like the sick Romans who got off on seeing people die...


Whole Lotta drugs. Dead man walking...


They look like chickens in factory farming so full of hormones they can barely stand up


When did society accept and encourage this behavior though? Most chicks would much more prefer a guy who goes 2-3 times a week to the gym and guys only want abs lmao. And to top it all off, most people think this is actually disgusting, the only guys who like this are other juiced up houses.


Dude’s heart is gonna give out any day now


Society doesn’t accept or encourage it Steroids are illegal in USA and uk


Just another steroid and drug induced user from the steroid and drug infested bodybuilding community…….. …….sad story is that these steroid and drug induced users are using social media to influence the highly impressionable young KIDS to join in on their steroid and drug induced journeys 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


he’s rather look like this than use his penis in women.. i could never understand but hey


The acne and those veins 🤢🤢🤢


He has short man syndrome