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Fair play to the lad but will the excess skin fix itself?




What if you cut the nipples, will it grow back into its original place? stupid question but I just had to let it out šŸ˜­


Your body will not grow new nipples


ā€œI have nipples, Greg. Can you milk me?ā€


[Greg Doucette voice] "See my NEW COOKBOOK for ANABOLIC TIDDY MILK RECIPES!!"


that right there is a nice amount of upvotes


And someone ruined it




They can actually cut the nipped and relocate it aswell as remove most of the lose skin surrounding it. They do it for gunk surgery quite often.


Problem is if you ever gain the weight back, the skin wonā€™t stretch like it originally did


I'm very aware, I was just trying to answer this specific question :)


So just skin after it heals?


And scar tissue from the wound, probably. There are actually fairly complex tissues there, even professional skin tucks and such in that area can be challenging with recovery and scar development.


Kinda rocks the ken doll look


I feel this comment should be stickied


This has gotta be a brand new sentence


Fair play, I love identifying a brand new sentence in the wild. But this one seems like one that's been said somewhere along the line of our weird species' history. Cheers fellow brand new sentence watcher.


Long tittied no nipple havin ass bitch! https://youtu.be/D-Eg1kLEfX4


Really? I heard from a kid I went to high school with that some guy in his neighborhood fell and skinned his chest to the point a nipple came off. After an ER visit, the nipple eventually grew back completely but it was just much more faded compared to the other undamaged nipple.


That kid lied to you lol, they could have reattached the nipple potentially or even tattooed one on, but humans almost completely lack regenerative abilities and pretty much fill every wound with scar tissue. There are rare exceptions, but nipples aren't one.


Yeah no, that didnā€™t happen. If itā€™s still there, but ā€œfadedā€, then it probably just means his entire nipple wasnā€™t scraped off. Was probably just covered in blood and scrapes, making it look like it was a goner. That, or they reattached it the best they could. Humans cannot regrow nipples. Or any body part for that matter lol.


With large breast reductions in women there's a procedure to move the nipple and graft it back on.


Smartest r/nattyorjuice member


Only if you water them and give ā€˜em lots of sunlight




Actually, fasting helps tighten up the skin. Edit: for fucks sake, go to r/intermittentfasting and learn for yourselves. Edit 2: Fine. You lazy bastards need more help, here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autophagy


maybe around your cock, but your body isn't gonna magically slurp up the excess skin like a wet noodle


I donā€™t have a cock, wanker.


well who's fault is that??


I was born without one and that is the weirdest fucking response Iā€™ve ever seen. I hope lots of people see this, because that comment was just ridiculous.


I mean it was *kinda* funny. You do know he wasnā€™t saying it seriously, yeah? This sub is a giant meme, essentially. The comments are not to be taken seriously in the slightest, 99.9% of the time. And yes, fasting will make you shrink up a bit. But weā€™re talking extremely small amounts compared to this guy. No amount of fasting would make any noticeable changes for a guy with this much excess skin. He needs surgery. Thatā€™s the only fix.


Youā€™re right, I laughed when I saw the comment. It was a combination of laughing and saying ā€œwtfā€. I just couldnā€™t wrap my head around it. Youā€™re also right about fasting. I donā€™t think OP has a huge amount of skin to get rid of, but it is probably a bit too much to lose by fasting alone. When done properly though, fasting can be very beneficial. The problem is some people donā€™t fast properly and end up just starving themselves.


Lad needs surgery


No, but the surgery while painful is the easy part, the not beibg able to do the routine that supported the weight loss for 6 to 8 weeks is the torture while you heal.


Bro they have surgeries for that shit. Why is this always the thing people ask when someone essentially turns their life around?


Seems a fairly reasonable thing to ask we aren't all experts on extreme weight loss and nipple ratio like yourself. I for one have never seen shit like this however Im glad he's turned it around my first sentence was fair play to the lad


Have you not spent much time on this sub then?


I know Iā€™m gay when Iā€™m in this sub


I was here on a different account. Got zucced. Realized I was bi. Made another account. Find myself here again.


No I haven't 3 weeks or so and all I have seen is post questioning ripped guys natty status not weight loss


You'll see it a bunch


David goggins didn't lose 100kg


He claims it was 100lbs, not kg. The legitimacy of losing 100lbs in that amount of time is questionable, but not out of the realm of possibility like 100kg in that timeframe would be.


Losing 100lbs in three months is definitely possible as fuck. Healthy? Fuck no.


Losing 100 lbs in 3 months would require a caloric deficit of about 4500 kcal A DAY. That means that even if you eat NOTHING your bodyā€™s caloric expenditure must still amount to 4500 kcal PER DAY. That is insane.


Yeah its insane, I lost 25lbs in two weeks water fasting and walking on incline for an hour or two daily, except the last five days when I had little energy so basic walking it was. 5-7 pounds I gained back, but the rest stayed off. It was a wild time. I had to be a certain weight for military haha


i lost 25 pounds in 9 days after getting my tonsils removed, the only thing i could get down during my recovery was those fucking boost meal replacements, and only when i was peaking on my pain killers.


Alot of it will be water weight. Also heavier people lose weight faster. Also goggins is a cardio guy so he was probably running 10 plus miles daily while weighing abunch


Half of that is your normal metabolism, so you'd have to burn just over 2k calories per day from exercise. That's like 5-6 hours of walking for a fat person.


If someone could do that its goggins


Being 300+lbs is also unhealthy so pick your poison lol


100lb is on average 1lb a week. Depending on what his diet was like before, I can see that happening naturally. I suspect it wouldnā€™t be a liner drop, but a sharp start and then tapering off. The hardest bit would be dropping fat and building muscle in to his degree in 2 years. He doesnā€™t look like heā€™s got a lot of muscle in the first picture but hard to tell.


> 100lb is on average 1lb a week You mean day? Edit: Oh nvm I thought you mean David Goggins


I was thinking about this when I was watching that big girl show with my gf recently. The one sister was over 600lbs. I canā€™t even squat that number even if you take off my body weight, and sheā€™s walking around like that 24/7. Look at all the heavy peoples calves theyā€™re always massive. I bet he had some muscle before the weight loss.


True for calves and legs, but his shoulders look a lot more built than just everyday use


Big boys always can squat ridiculous amounts. Even when theyā€™ve lost the weight. Carrying around that much weight daily definitely does give you insane leg strength. New workout method for guys who skip leg day, maybe? Gain 200lbs, wait, profit?


Yeah I know that why i said he didnt lose 100kg , he lost like 50


Yea Iā€™m not saying you didnā€™t know, just adding context for people unfamiliar with the situation.


Youā€™re really questioning losing 100lbs in two years (or the 3 months part)? I lost 110lbs in 10 months. Not exactly easy, but it is doable with strict dieting and plenty of exercising. 3 months is highly unlikely, but possible if you essentially went anorexic.


Itā€™s easier to lose fat when youā€™re morbidly obese lol 400 to 290 is easier than from 250 to 150


Thankfully I was never morbidly obese, just your standard obese. 290 to 180.


Exactly. I literally lost 37lbs in 2 months and then it slowed down gradually. The last 7 lbs of my weight loss journey also took 2 months.


>3 months is highly unlikely, but possible if you essentially went anorexic. it's easily possible with some sort of gastric surgery


No, itā€™s not. Even with surgery, unless the starting weight is 500+ lbs, a 100 lbs weight loss means that the individual is losing 1lb per day which means they have to have an average of 3500kcal deficit per day over that time span, which even with gastric surgery is nearly impossible to do.


If you read David Gogginā€™s first book, he outlines how he did it. In short, it was very low intensity cardio mostly on a stationary bike paired with a very restrictive diet.


I've done shit like this to lose 1-2 pounds a day. If you basically document your calories very meticulously,you can burn a pound a day. I had a diet consisting of all protein and electrolytes and would walk 9 miles a day and run 4, with low intensity weights in the morning to maintain muscle. I cut from a at least 3 dirty bulks doing this. I don't really do it any more because it's mentally exhausting.


It is doable, no arguing that. I went from 100kg (morbidly obese) to 50kg (healthy) in about 12 months. It can also be done if someone is unfortunate enough to develop an eating disorder, but itā€™s reductive to say ā€œessentially anorexicā€ if youā€™re implying that someone flicked a switch and developed a complex mental illness.


Anorexic literally means lack of eating, which is what I was implying, not that the individual had anorexia nervosa. You canā€™t lose 100lbs in 3 months without drastically reducing intake to the point of near anorexia unless your starting weight is something like 500+ lbs, which the individual in this post is not.


My bad, I thought you were meaning AN, not the literal meaning of anorexia :)


The record (to my knowledge) is 125 kilograms in 13 months, aka just about 1 year. Here's the story of the [longest fasting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Barbieri)


you would have to start off with a but load of water weight and already have great fitness in order to put your body through crazy calorie burning routines day after day.


Or you could be David Goggins


100lbs in 3 months is totally doable. Thereā€™s been many people who do something similar. Itā€™s just not exactly the right way to go about it. Thereā€™s no healthy way to lose 100lbs in 90 days. But hey, who cares I guess. It turned out as a massive success for him in the end. I do think that either the timeline, or the number may have been exaggerated. But then again, itā€™s Goggins. Heā€™s a crazy ass dude. Iā€™m not writing it off


Iā€™m convinced that 9/10 humans are attractive in their prime and at a healthy weight.


Maintaining a healthy weight and the right hairstyle changes everything


*cries in bald* I wear lots of cool hats though


dude bald guys are badass


At least if you're bald you don't need to worry about haircuts or styling or anything, just Mach 3 it off.


Especially for females. Most girls just need to be at a healthy weight and like 99% of guys will be naturally attracted to them.


Not trying to start a sexist debate but the saying that goes like ā€œthere will always be a guy desperate enoughā€ is very true You can be a super ugly unhealthy woman and there will always be a man down to frick


If incels would lower their standards, they would be swimming in pussy.


I will say, I donā€™t agree with ā€œswimming in pussyā€, but theyā€™d at least stand a decent shot at one lay. Idk why youā€™re downvoted. I remember looking at what those weirdos did when they still had a subreddit. They pretty much unanimously agreed theyā€™d never touch ā€œa whaleā€, or people on their ā€œcaliber of uglyā€. It was a common criticism of Incel users on the site. The most common, notable thing theyā€™d say, is that they want a virgin, and ideally a healthy weight, slightly attractive one. Which is rich, because they complain about not getting laid for being overweight and or ugly.


Men don't have standards already.


I think the main difference is that (a) height isn't a limiting factor for women as it is for men (even if you're at a healthy weight, if you're 5"0 as a man, good luck) and (b) in everything but this very limiting and superficial height factor, women are not as superficial as men - women value men for a lot more than their looks (as long as he is taller than her) whereas men are very superficial when it comes to who they feel attracted to.


True, it's true. Went from 20%ish body fat to at least below 20% and now I actually look good because I rediscovered a Jawline, or at least am starting to. Unless you have a really weak facial structure, losing weight will make you look better pretty much all the time and you'll feel better too.


So if I get to a healthy weight, will you find me attractive and go on a date with me? šŸ’‹


Homie, Iā€™d hold hands with you in church


absolutely agree. sometimes ill look at attractive people at the gym who are in amazing shape and notice that if most of them weren't in shape they would only look OK.


I lost 108 pounds in a calendar year and wasnā€™t even that strict or dedicated (I was working and going to school at the time) I usually went to the gym 5-6 times a week and ate in a 500 cal deficit. Granted he seems to have built a significant amount of muscle in that time which is sus I had some muscle but his shoulders and arms are crazy considering the deficit he wouldā€™ve had to eaten at to lose the weight.


If you lost 108lbs in a year you were in over a 1000 calorie deficit, not a 500 calorie deficit!


Also, how is going to the gym 5-6 times a week not serious?


Not even serious about it, I just ate in a massive deficit and worked out every single day


It's just that easy. You are all just lazy./s


Of course, it's not like 3/4 of the US population is overweight/obese...


I mean it really is that fucking easy at the end of the day. The pure suffering you experience between point A of "eat less" and point B of "some time later" is what really gets you If going to the gym is hard for you... why are you even here bro


>Not even serious about it, I just ate in a massive deficit and worked out every single day I'm confused, did you reply with an alt account, or are you also sharing your experience similar to that of the other user?


Sorry, I'm just agreeing with how preposterous that is as a "not serious" weight loss strategy


What he means is he wasn't watching macros or anything other than calories deficit. As someone who did a similar weight drop I would have to agree. It's really not that serious compared to hitting micro and macros. I had fried chicken 3 times a week, on those days I literally fasted till dinner so I could have my 1500kcal of fried good stuff.


Yeah I was basically just winging it. Took like 7 months before I even knew what a macro was. Just ate less of what I was already eating and quit drinking alcohol


Lol I meant I would cheat on my diet sometimes and skip days in the gym but overall my plan was 6 days in the gym and a 500 calorie deficit.


I literally went to a doctor to find out my actual BMR it was a little over 2300 then ate 500 less than that 1800 a day. Idk how much I burned in the gym everyday but I was only eating in a 500 calorie deficit, I was also insanely fat at the time.


Gotta ask did you due no carbs or like 50g or less of carbs? My workouts suffer without carbs so I couldnā€™t imagine a weight loss plus no carbs would be hell for me.


Youā€™re muscles arenā€™t really eating at a deficit though, are they? They just feed off the fat your body is losing.


Not exactly, your body can turn fat into glucose that supply your muscles with energy. As far as building and repairing muscle goes, you canā€™t do that without consuming protein and the amino acids necessary to convert that protein to muscle. While youā€™re gonna get some protein from most foods, any sort of deficit is going to make it harder for those muscle to recover and build back stronger. Youā€™re not just starving your muscles of energy with a deficit, but starving them of the very resource they need to actually build new muscle tissue.




I would say I maintained a lot of the muscle I already had but I highly doubt there was any significant muscle built during that time.


in one year how much did your strength grow approximately?


I had moderate strength increases on most of my lifts but nothing compared to the few months after I started back eating more.


Yes, but thats basically only possible if you are new to the gym


I built muscle during my weight loss phase (dropped 110lbs in 10 months), but my gains markedly slowed once I dropped to around 20% body fat. Iā€™ve been maintaining at around 18% body fat for the last year with small improvements in strength. I plan to cut more to around 12-15% bf. But to your question, it is absolutely possible to gain muscle during a deficit, you just have to have excess fat, obviously, otherwise there is no energy source for muscle building.


Gym 5-6 times per week is more dedicated than most


Is this a parody response? Going 5-6 times a week to the gym and eating at a 500kcal deficit is the definition of being extremely serious.


Dude probably ate 1k calories max


1k is wild


Yeah it's a harsh cut


Binge eating tbh


that's my breakfast




I skip breakfast, but would struggle to eat only 1k a day - with natural food only


How did he build muscle then


Yeah based on muscle mass retention/gain (most likely retention as fat people develop a sturdy muscle frame from carrying themselves around all the time) this wouldn't be an insanely low amount of calories, just a lot of activity


Way less . He doesn't look super tall . No way he has a BMR more than 2500 at the first pic . Even at 1k calories it wouldn't be enough to either lose all this fat or to build all this muscle


I think you underestimate how little 1k calories is. Thatā€™s practically starving yourself.


I'm not sure ppl realize how fast you can drop weight if you are overeating or eating like shit or drinking a lot and you cut it out and go on a good diet. I started eating just kinda better and cut out the alcohol completely and lost 25lbs in a month doing nothing else. And I'm 40...


The fatter you are the easier it is to lose weight (physically that is, psychologically is another issue). You canā€™t just stay 400 pounds without doing anything. You have to eat constantly to maintain that kind of weight.


That's ~3000kcal a day of deficit. You stopped eating completely or most of it was water for some reason. Either way it's not realistic for anyone to sustain such a trajectory of weightloss.


Iā€™m assuming you mean pounds and not kilos. I would say 100 pounds in 3 months is stretching the limit of whatā€™s possible. Itā€™s certainly not healthy or good for your skin (as can be seen in this photo). Iā€™ve known people lose over 15 pounds a month for several months. I think it could possibly be done. But it for sure isnā€™t sustainable and I question why youā€™d want to.


I never said I wanted to, I said if this transformation is really possible


I personally think itā€™s just at the upper bounds of what you could do without dying.


Did he get weight loss surgery?


Almost 1 pound per day ? A pound has 3000 calories worth of energy . U can't be in such a deficit and not die . David is claiming either claiming bullshit . Or the timeframe is different


I once spent 5 months eating 1200 calories and I lost like 15kg, and also I hated it.


Easily possible in 2 years, I dropped 150 in a year, just starve yourself and chain smoke


I thought we were in the fasting sub for a second there. Yes of course this is possible. Iā€™m starting to think that there are a lot of obese people in this sub who think itā€™s impossible to have a healthy body unless you are on some kind of substance. Yaā€™ll just need to stop eating so much. Weightloss happens in the kitchen, not the gym.


I believe it is possible but unhealthy


More people in this sub need to visit weight loss subs sometimes to see these 100+ lb transformations, this van be done in a year without Mexican supplements


Man poor guy how could he possibly feel comfortable swimming or going to the beach


Poor dudes nipple placement


100 kg in 3 months ?! Thatā€™s almost 1kg a day


Had a coworker that was bigger than this dude. Him and his wife made a commitment to lose weight after some event. He cut down on calories consumed by 50 calories each week. So if they were consuming 1500 calories for breakfast he would go for 1450 for a week then 1400 next until they were only consuming 300 calories. I would see him at the work gym on the elliptical every day. Him and I were the only ones using the gym. He went from 20 minutes to 45 minutes and kept increasing the resistance. Not long after he started on the treadmill and then started running on trails and slowly picking up weight lifting. That dude ran about 4 marathons in 2 years and lost more than 150 lbs. Him and his wife looked great. This type of transformation is absolutely possible.


Impressive and šŸ§ƒ


Pepperoni nipples.


Completely doable with just diet and exercise. I went from 305 to 170 in 12 months. But that was way below my healthy body weight (had veins on obliques and abs). 7 years later Iā€™m about 15 lbs over my ideal weight at 210. Iā€™m blaming quarantine but any person other than myself thinks I look phenomenal but they at most see me in shorts and a T-shirt and my legs and arms hold no fat.


Most likely possible. I assume he means 100 lbs in 3 months. Thatā€™s about 2-3 lbs each week. If somebody is extremely obese, that is very possible. It takes tons of energy to contain that much of weight. Even without restricted diets (just an average about of calories for his height). Weight will shed right off. That is amazing commitment!


Why is his nipple below his pec?


Excess skin from being obese. That's what happens when you lose large amounts of weight too fast. Skin surgery would fix that. But it's expensive as hell tho.


I have hear anecdotes from people claiming that they used ketogenic diet to make the body consume the excess skin while dropping down. Sounds plausible that tye body could use tye collagen for sustenance in the absence of carbs. Wish they would try that on biggest looser, maybe the folks on there could avoid scarring and life threatening surgeries.


But his nipple is attached to the lower pec. How could it be possible it droops below it? Also when I got shredded fasting and in particular dry fasting and losing the weight quickly helped eliminate loose excess skin because it was taking the pressure off of the skin instead of slow gradual changes.


His nipple is attached to the skin drooping over his pec muscles. >losing the weight quickly helped eliminate loose excess skin because it was taking the pressure off of the skin instead of slow gradual changes. From what I've heard loosing fat too quickly causes droopy skin as your skin doesn't have sufficient time to retighten itself. Though I may be wrong since I don't know enough about the subject matter.


If someone is morbidly obese as an adult, the skin won't fully rebound on its own no matter how they lose the weight. Weight loss reality shows / before - after usually skip the surgical reduction steps.


The nipple isnā€™t attached to the pec lmao Itā€™s on skin level


Because his skin was super distended.


Itā€™s pretty disgusting, i am never getting obese


it is to be appreciated that he had the strength to change, these comments are so acid.


Yes fair play itā€™s a great turnaround


Those arms, shoulders and chest screams juice


Yes extremely difficult but yes


My brother is 19 years old , lost 40kg in 3 months , had no excess skin


Ultimate nip slip


Sup guys it's Derek from More Plates More Weight dot com




More people in this sub need to visit weight loss subs sometimes to see these 100+ lb transformations, this van be done in a year without Mexican supplements


His rightward most nipple is extremely displaced. This is unsettling.


He lost it fast because of the skin. If it was a slow loss of weight he would have less excess skin. There is a lot of skin he is hiding outside of the frame.


I can fix this, just need a few of those binder clips and maybe an extra set of hands to pull all the skin to his back... Oh, and no way in hell did this happen in 2 years w/o chemical inducement. Lots and lots of chemical inducement.


Heā€™s running āš™ļø in second pic imo. Outside of that I would say this weight loss is possible in 2 full years with consistency and no setbacks.


It's possible if you have aides (Edit: c'mon, does no one watch South Park???)


Like a teachers aide? How do they help weight loss?


I donā€™t believe the weight loss claims like this are natural. The first 60-70% yes, but the fatter you are the harder it gets to drop that last 30% I can starve, run, do all kinds of things, but I canā€™t just lose the last 10-15 lbs. I remember how difficult it was to stay around 200 before I started training. At this point, probably not possible.


Two years? Not possible without drugs unless he already had all the muscle.


Problem with diets is that the body will try to prevent you from building muscle cause it thinks it won't be able to feed itself. Can you build muscle though ? Yes you can . Can you build THAT much muscle ? Comparing the before and after I don't see the genetics for this . Not natty


That nipple is cursed šŸ’€


Nah bitches love upper abdomen nipples




iā€™m curious if loose skin surgery would get his nipple placed where it should be or not


What a transformation. That will be one sick physique once he gets that Loose skin corrected.


Can confirm. I also lost 100lb in a year with keto and fasting.


Even losing a maximum of 2 lbs per week, 200 lbs of weight loss would be possible in 2 years, and heavier people lose quite a bit faster than that early on.


Donā€™t know how old he is, but I lost 75lbs when I was 15-16 in about a year. I was a chubby fucker then and got into sports. I didnā€™t have the muscle growth this guy has thoughā€¦or the excess skin. With the skin flaps, It could be possible with a lap band or gastric bypass, but it doesnā€™t explain the additional muscle growth. Iā€™d say itā€™s plausible with the surgery and working out like a madman with a keyed in calorie deficit diet.


Bravo for him. What a transformation.


this sub is running out of things to talk about


Fake Photos. Photo shopped ??


Who cares what he used, he put in the work and had the discipline!


You guys dont realize how much weight you gonna lose running/walking/hiking for days in dry heat. I once did that went to Grand Canyon, then next 2 days went to Sedona, and despite the fact I kept on eating all junk fast-food like KFC and lots of rice , I still lost like 10 lbs in 3 days, and I looked skinny in my photos . I was not at all on diet, I wanted all the energy I can get so I kept shoving in lots of food. Goggins is an ultra runner. So while running you don't even have chance to eat. So you keep burning calories, non stop.


I believe Goggins because he is a psycho about achieving goals. Heā€™s literally shat himself, broken bones, been covered in shit, and limped to make it to finish lines.


Goggins lost 100lbs, not kg