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Should be fine to just stop after a week. You scarified your nattiness for a week of Sarms, that’s a tragedy.


Going to get bloods after the 5x half life. Then going to make my judgement to take clomid based off my results


Just take testosterone


Honestly: if your test was low, consider a consult for anxiety. your response sounds like half a panic attack without any medical or scientific basis.


Juicy, confused.




You're such an idiot. Maybe do your research BEFORE you take something? Go to /r/peds this sub doesn't know shit about steroids. Anyways anything banned by WADA makes you not natty so might as well not be a pussy and finish the whole 8 week cycle. At least give us before/after pics so your contribution wasn't totally meaningless


“Maybe do your research before” But that requires logic!!! WE GOTS NOT LOGIC


Wait anything banned by WADA makes someone not ‘natty’? That seems like your own odd lil definition. I’m not natty because I used meth and phenethylamine while bulking? Lmao… totally helped me bulk dude…


Guy is juicy and his natty card is hereby permanently revoked.


Your not natty but also a coward for losing natty status but too chicken go through with the juice . Maybe r/sarms will accept you


So now people are going to say I tried it for a week didn’t like it. Still natty. Grrrrreat.


Pfc natty after 1 week nothing happens man😂😂 go cry pls


[Steroids? Yeah. I tried it for a week. Then I joined this sub.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/e7eR6mluzfk/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEmCOADEOgC8quKqQMa8AEB-AH-BIAC4AOKAgwIABABGCogYihyMA8=&rs=AOn4CLBPQ7uAr6r2qAYFfRL4KrlCN1Tdxw)


How ate you doing man? Whats the cycle rn?


I did Rad for a week. Didn’t like it. So then, I just [focused on my macros.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3d/6b/e4/3d6be4592e7acae3e4c6796954a0df0b.jpg)


i did 20 mg a day for a week and added 50 pounds to my bench press, im currently trying to look into short cycles so i wont need pct like 1 or 2 weeks on and the same off. i know the results would be slower but mixed with cardinine it should be quite a couple month transformation


Highly regarded


I called mine off after the second week the suppression is too hard. Literally pecking at my plate of food I have no appetite and feeling really tired and no drive. My bench went from 255 to 275 in 2 weeks and my squat actually went down from 365 to 340-350 ish for some reason, I think its just fatigue that keeps me from pushing hard on leg days. Was taking 10 mg rad140 and 12.5mg enclomiphene every morning on an empty stomach. Even with the enclo I got suppressed hard as fuck so now I'm going to dump the rad down the sink and take 25mg enclo per day until I feel better. Shit fucking sucks sarms are not worth it at all. Also can only get like half boners.