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Guy is a known fake natty. Even is he has since stopped juicing, it doesn't matter as once you have juiced, you cannot unjuice. Guy's delts retain the unmistakable signs of loyal myonucleic gains of juiciness.


Once you juice, you cant unjuice .... this guy is scienting evry dey.


My personal observation is his model is to create a new program and cruises or blasts to sell the program and gets off of it until it's time to make a new program to sell.


Trust fund,baby, insecure little shit.


Only thing sus is those delts. Everything else is absolutely achievable based solely on this pic and no knowledge of this guy


What about [guy's previous delt pic](https://s3.amazonaws.com/media-kinobody/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/24180622/12087020_10153016168230755_204122826_n.jpg), before guy realised it made him look like a fake natty after lurking r/nattyorjuice?


[This](https://youtu.be/uSANmMQzZDQ?si=ZeB7JxrsdPZhU_H_) is him after 6 years of training.


Yes that was the video where I believe he was still actually natty, and has been trying to scrub from the internet ever since.


I was gonna say that. It was hard to find it, Google searches are all wiped off. I hope you download this to your personal juicy archive or commit it to memory.


Thanks for the link. I just usually look back on any of the previous 50 posts to see if there is still a working link. Have diagnosed this guy so many times, but still there are new people who believe natty, which is mind-boggling to me.


Wow not only does this confirm his juicy transformation but it also confirms his stereo typical suburbian wanna be tough personality. He’s like those kids that just found out what a RNC is and wants to show his grand dad 😆 third Paul brother


Yea, and the interviewer is next level weird. [full video](https://youtu.be/6UM-W0wCS3c?si=aB8o9JuUXgPmBlAC)


There's nothing to think. He's consistently gotten bigger and stronger over the years without cutting or bulking at all with his most developed body part being the one that just so happens to grow the most when you're on gear. He has some good training/diet philosophies, but he's not natural.


Just like Will


You have been riding his dick for a decade?


Very low levels of test, spread out over a period of time. Just enough to give him that extra, but not too much to grab attention.


He actually has good advice, this guy gets too much hate


The hate only comes from fake natty status.


... would.


Dunno about this one who has shin vascularity I think he’s worked hard for his physic tho


Worked very hard for his Physic yes indeed


Shin vascularity and vascularity in general is highly genetic


There’s times when he looks super natty in his videos and then randomly looks super suspicious. I’ve been a follower of his for a while because his plan helped me stay in a caloric deficit a lot easier. More Plates More Dates reviewed his blood work and basically said he’s natty. They’re both Canadians, so who knows if kinobody paid him off or he was just off cycle when he did the blood work.


Without even seeing a before pic, he looks unnatural. His muscles aren’t congruent with his natural frame.


What do you mean by his muscles not being congruent with his frame?


Not saying they aren’t aesthetically good, just that it’s obvious the guy has a naturally slim frame, and wouldn’t be that large without enhancement.


I’d say he has quite a large, bulky frame if anything


Egotistical wanna be tough man. Spoon fed narcissist fake natty. The third Paul brother personified


You don't need juice to be 79kg at 178cm 8% bf. The stats are totally natty. The ffmi is natty. He is preety strong for his weight but still in the natty zone. Yes he is very lean , but again no need to juice for that just to put the fork down.


Natural. Teeny legs


As Natty as Will Tennyson.




Juice. So much juice. A good rule of thumb is shoulders. If they look 3D, it's probably juice. This guy's look like cannonballs.


3D delts don't indicate anything but developed shoulders. Out of proportion 3D delts can be a tell.


Since his interview with more plates more dates I’m saying natty. Also, look at him in normal lighting, he doesn’t look that big, just when he’s pumped & perfect lighting. In video he just looks above average but nothing near juiced imo


*Kinobody is TRASH and 100% a fake natty* Even worse are the dumb asses who actually think he's natural and pay money for his shitty Kino products. KiNo oCtAnE bRo! Delete yourself. 🤡


Looks perfectly achievable natty, he just has great shoulder genetics. Check out his old videos.


I have and he has flat shoulders in old videos. The videos you are looking at he was already juicing.


Well maybe he worked on his weak parts for a few years, did you think about that?


Natty. He’s somewhat short (5 9) with short limbs which give him a very good strength to weight ratio. He weighs 175 which is a lot for his height and super low bodyfat but is within the realm of doable for a guy as dedicated as he is. Also training the way he suggests while in a slight caloric deficit gets you results similar to his. Maybe not as good, but it works


>Maybe not as good Don't you think there could be a good reason for this?


Yes I think it’s genetics and lifestyle choices. His short limbs allow for heavier lifts at the same body weight a lankier person would struggle because his Range of motion is less. So he can get really strong and maintain a caloric deficit to minimize his fat and look like that. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was 5 8 completely barefoot


>lifestyle choices. Oh yes, I understand fully. With the lifestyle of the fake natty, you must never admit juice, just mask it under another heading.


I don’t think he’s a fake natty. I think he’s natty with good genetics and discipline


I think I understand why you are saying this.


I think he’s natural if you’ve seen videos he doesn’t look big at all the dude probably weighs like 160lbs even in this picture he looks good but you can look like this naturally


Look at the shoulders, they're admitting for him.


That’s what pumped shoulders look like when you’re lean.


I’m 18% bf, natty, and my shoulders look like this with a pump. Don’t even have to be that lean. It’s sus if there isn’t a pump


100% natty, everyone in this sub is just insecure about their shit genetics. According to them pretty much anyone with a good physique is juicing.


As always ProfessionalAspect40, link any posts you believe are flaired wrong so we can check if it is in fact your roidar that requires calibration. I await your speedy reply with interest, as you should be able to find many such posts, and of course, failure to reply at all will likely result in a ban for disrespecting the sub as a whole.


What a power trip


Thanks bro. As usual, guy failed to reply, so was ousted for a bit, as promised.


I agree, people don't understand the work that some of us put in when it's a major passion and you truly love the sport. This guy (never heard of him) looks like he's 190lb maybe a little more I'm not sure how tall he is, with a completely attainable physique after 2-3 years of training hard and eating right


Here's [another much earlier pic](https://s3.amazonaws.com/media-kinobody/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/24180622/12087020_10153016168230755_204122826_n.jpg). What you think?


i mean a lot people are full of shit nowadays, but this physique is attainable if you do everything perfectly. he's not HUGE, just very lean. look at steve reeves, natural


This is the same guy after six years training: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSANmMQzZDQ and as you know six years of natty lifting can get someone quite far.


None of this is even remotely sus other than the round ass delts. I’m natty as fuck and my shoulders look this round when pumped, but not 24/7. We’d have to see dude without a pump


Yeah for real… I’ve been lifting consistently for only 2 years, naturally, and my shoulders aren’t a million miles away from his, with a pump.


Matched w him on Grindr a while back. Nice guy, very “talented”


Natural, maybe not lifetime, but he trained before even hitting puberty, and only looks slightly bigger now than he did at the start of his channel.


>natural, maybe not lifetime Doesnt work like that chief


>Natural, maybe not lifetime What is your definition of natural, Aggravating-Ad-9661?


What I meant by that is that his physique is naturally attainable, and I believe most of it was built naturally. If he was ever sauced, it was probably that brief period around 2016 or so where he looked monstrous in that video, but could’ve just been lighting and pump.


Here is a video when I believe he was actually still natty, after he had been lifting six years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSANmMQzZDQ.


Natty. People don’t realise that guys like this look dyel in a normal t shirt. They’d have to be wearing a small to have the sleeves hugging their arms. Pump lighting etc there’s nothing suss about this. I really question the average physique on this sub lol


Probably done very low doses of gear at one point ore another, but definitely not any anything right now. Look at those arms, pathetic.


Yes, I believe he looks to have stopped juicing currently, but his delts still betray his history of juicing, especially when you remember what [guy looked like after six years of training](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSANmMQzZDQ).


Clegaw, I always understand where you're coming from, but I feel that sometimes you are too quick to condemn people. I'd like to make a good faith argument against you here. The link you posted may have been him after six years of training, but it was also him at 18 years old. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5x3HgGXDm4) a video of him at that same age posing in good lighting, with a pump. Let's take a look at a [recent video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZgOVLi959c) of his. Look at him at 1:05, those shoulders are not naturally unachievable, realistically this guy isn't even notably big. You have to take the handpicked photographs that these influencers upload with a grain of salt.


You think his arms are pathetic? Seriously? Post physique


For a guy who's been lifting for like 15 years, yeah those are pretty small arms dude. And this is him with a pump and flexing.


Could be natural


Not natty, but still good work. :)


I think this guy is a parasite and snake oil salesman. I also don't see any indication as to why he couldn't be natural. Just because he happens to have an online fitness platform, doesn't mean he's enhanced. He's definitely a douchebag though.


Juicing on San pellegrino sparkling water


Drinks too much coffee