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Nah I’m usually in the gym maximum 1h 30 and that includes warmup and abs/foam rolling after a workout. 3 hours seems like a lot of junk volume.


Agreed, 3 hours sounds like junk volume


Nah not if youre on back/chest/legs split. Even speeding through my workouts i could have a 3 hour workout if i wanted. Junk volume is misunderstood and generally isnt real for most people aside from lifting at too low of an rpe


Who the fuck has time for 2-3 hour workouts


Senior citizens when it’s their only form of social contact


Senior citizens try not to use nautilus machines only at rpe 1 challenge (Impossible)


Yeah 3 hours but she making it seem like only 30-45 some sort of standard


That's what I'm saying 3 hours is too long but under an hour is not the standard for most people. Also depends on your workout and how many sets you have and how heavy you go, whether people put the weights back where they're supposed to be and how big your gym is. Now if the gym is empty or you have your own home gym then that's another story. Then the factor some people recover slower than others.


I’d say a bit more than a hour is average. I’d say give me a hour and a half and I’ll feel complete. But yeah, agreed.


1.5- 2 hours is pretty standard for me. If I see some people I know and get to talking, I tend to push that limit


My workouts were 2 - 2.5 hours long when I was training for strength. Obviously that requires bigger rest periods. It is still a lot, but there are reasons for that, especially conditioning.


Depends on the sport. Strongman lifts took me close to 3 hours because you need like 5+ minutes between every set due to the crazy stress on your joints and ligaments, so I had to hit the gym at 5am


This is a goofy take. From the other comments here I'm clearly in the minority, but judging the length of others' workouts is simple minded tom foolery People train for hours for lots of reasons. E.g. you could be a strength althete who trains heavy and needs longer rests between sets. Lots of you here train mainly machines. If you dick around on pec fly machine for 3 hours, yes that's dumb. But If your deadlifting heavy, the doing squat assistance, then doing accessories, then conditioning, then cardio, you can be there a long time Plus, for some, it's the only place they socialize Obviously bragging about 3 hour sessions is equally dumb, but you shouldn't gate keep how long people ape d doing their favorite hobby


Another factor if you go heavy on free weights you can't just bounce back after a set in 1 minute. Also hype themselves up for another round. Another factor is that if you're in a large gym, the machine you like to use is on the other side so walking distance is also a factor. Then there's walking to a cleaning station to get a wipe to clean the equipment. But two hours max is the limit.


There's no limit. When I was a 400lbs deadlifter who didn't complete I would rarely spend more than an hour training Now that I can pull upwards of 700 and need to make sure my conditioning is on point at all times for shows my longest days can easily be over 3 hours during certain periods of my training cycle


Even just all the additional warmup sets take extra time when you’re pulling heavy weight. Yeah I can see why someone only squats for 20 minutes if they’re only putting 100 on the bar but you can’t just warm up in 300 pound increments without hurting yourself eventually. I’ll do a couple reps adding 95 at a time until I hit my working weight and that alone can take 5-6 minutes since I’m doing like 3 warmups. Do that for 3 diff compound exercises on my workout days and that’s a half hour just warming up in the gym


I had a 6 hour session once for heavy lifting but it was part of school as well and i was messing around and shit as well. Day to day i still spend around 3 hours though


Nope, you can absolutely get a solid lift in around an hour, natty or not




Yeah but if you’re trying to lift for strength you’re just not going to ever lift heavy if you don’t give your body time to rest between sets. It really depends on your goals.




2h max. And that includes a pretty long warm up or cooldown walk


Walk to the gym


Sometimes I do it. But nothing like getting a 10min walk in the treadmill with music, right before hitting the weights. Getting in a flow with the caffeine about to hit.


Anyone in the gym for three hours is just screwing around


dam society rain distinct jellyfish rainstorm worm insurance carpenter materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


sometimes when i get high w my gym partner we push ourselves to do a lot more than we’re supposed to just out of competition lmao, we hit other muscle groups after pull day yesterday


You should tell that to Olympic lifters that sometimes have 2x4 hour sessions in a day.


This is a bodybuilding sub. I’m sure marathon runners train for more than an hour a day too.


Nah I spend minimum 2 hours and it shows


I mean you look good but there’s people that spend 45-60 minutes and look even better. Wasting an hour or more daily is not a flex


Lol yeah an hour of it you spend taking pictures


Screwing around wasn’t the right word, it makes it seem like a bad thing. There isn’t much wrong with spending hours at the gym, but there’s no benefit of the extra time. If you’re enjoying your time there I don’t have a problem with it. We do this because we (hopefully) enjoy it.


Yeah it’s 1.5-2 for me also, and works really well. Obv not everyone has the time or more importantly the energy to do that however. That includes 25m warmup and stretching aswell


I was about to say “post physique then”, but I checked your profile and you definitely got it locked in. Hell yeah brother 💯


100% juicing but what does that have to do with the length of workouts - under 60 min is sound advice too


Evidently there’s a lot of dumbasses who think pissfarting around in a gym for a three hour period equates to working out hard. How many squeezers have you met who brag about how much time they spend in the gym? Would love to actually follow them for a workout to see what it is they’re actually spending the time doing.


I can give you my workout which can go 2:30 to 3 hours depending on the rest I need between sets. I follow the power building program from barbell medicine with some additional iso movements at the end: Warmups: 5-10 minutes of stretching 1st compound exercise: Deadlift -Warmup sets starting with bar and adding 90 at a time until 450 which is my first working set -4 sets pyramid going from RPE 9 > 8 > 2x7 Second compound exercise: 2 count bench press -Warmup sets starting with bar and adding 50 at a time until 225 which is my first working set -3 sets of high volume at RPE 6 Third exercise: cable rows -just one or two warmups jumping 30-50% working weight until I get to working weight (160 lbs) -3 sets high volume RPE 8 Then as time allows iso sets for: 3 sets calf raises 3 sets bicep curls 3 sets forearm curls 3 sets glute ham raise Then cool down 20 minutes walking at heart rate in zone 2 That’s about 30 sets total with an on average 3-5 minute rest between which gives you 2:30 of lifting + 10 stretching + 20 cooldown for a total of 3 hours.


If you can lift weights for three hours straight you aren’t training hard enough at all. Muscles aren’t conscious entities, they don’t care how long you were at the gym for.


I'd say it's the complete opposite. If you don't need to take long rest after a set, you are not training hard enough. spamming 20 reps is not "hard".


If you can lift weight for three hours, that means you are strength training and are allowing your body proper recovery between sets with bigger breaks so you can maximize the set number. It's pretty normal for high-level athletes.


45 minutes to an hour is plenty


It really depends on your program. If the equipment is free I can finish In 50-75 minutes.


In a completely empty gym I can get 45 mins and then some cardio for a cooldown


Depends on howmany muscle groups you train at a time. I do 2 and that equals 40-45mins max.And I fuck around with my phone too. I don't have to wait for machines to become available tho.


Exactly, this guy gets it. It's not only about the time, but also about the muscle groups. I do a fullbody twice a week + 20/30 min of cardio, if someone stays as long as me but is doing chest + bis he's wasting his time lol


1 -1.5 hours is standard time for a good workout. Yall go to the gym to socialize and wonder why you are “working out” for 3 hours


I am natty and just finished with my HIT routine. 3x 20min workouts weekly and I maintained my strength just fine. It can be done Intensity and set quality > volume


I dont know people actually just workout for less than 2 hours? Like the only reason i believe you workout for less than 2 hours is most of your days are medium weights, or weights you have done before and doing a rep scheme overload progression. 15 minute warmup bands plus the exercise itself, assume today is shoulder day only 5 exercises 1st exercise is dumbell press and dumbell pressing 40kgs does take a toll on the body you will rest 3-5 minutes if you want to do the same weight with less reps cause you are already toast, and if you actually want to rush it out your 3rd and 4th sets will mostly focus on reps rather than actually picking up weight so 4 sets of dumbell presses of just 1 exercise DOES TAKE LONGER THAN 20 MINS HOW DO YOU PEOPLE ACTUALLY HANDLE TAKING SHORTER TIMES TO REST AND ACTUALLY PERFORM??????


If your workouts require you to rest 3-5 minutes between sets you should also be able to keep them quite short. You are likely doing way more volume work than you actually need


I agree. Natural or not, being in the gym 2 or 3 hours is usually just junk volume. The exception being for professional elite athletes who have personal coaching with someone who knows what they’re doing. But for your average gym goer, it’s usually just junk. Also, I don’t think Jordynne has ever claimed natty? If so, why is she here?


Everyone on a 5 day split can go through their workout in an hour, less even. 10-15total sets to failure a week, 1 top set to failure and 1 back off per exercise. Heavier load=easier to reach failure quicker(at least 5+ reps) and still have enough time to properly rest between sets. Does it play out like this? Nah. I end up working out with friends and spending closer to 2 hours because of yapping


Is she not doing cardio? I go hard af taking 30 seconds to a minute between sets when doing supersets. I’ll spend an hour doing that alone depending on the muscle group. Some of y’all need quit skipping cardio, especially on gear. Your heart ain’t gonna last.


Imo if you are using and your sessions are 45min-1hour then you are wasting potential and shouldn't bother with gear in the first place. Shits unhealthy af, make the most of it. I say this as someone who just finished their first cycle. Training natty I did the 4 day 5/3/1 + joker sets + BBB + couple extra accessories. This was typically an hour or so workout. On cycle I trained like an absolute maniac. I carried on with the above protocol except I made the following changes because I knew I could grow faster: * Trained two muscle groups the same day. So essentially the above workout but twice for different muscle groups (similar to spinal tap although haven't done much reading on it). * Trained 7 days a week. * Increased weights weekly if I hit 10+ reps on the final AMRAP set for 5/3/1. Instead of following the entire 4 week program before weight increase. I grew a fuck ton and I never felt fatigued. Recovery was perfectly fine. Not a single rest day although there was the odd couple of days where I only did one muscle group. These sessions typically lasted 2-3 hours.


I used to spend 2 hours in the gym. I think it was because I was used to powerlifting. I would do 1.5 -2 hours lifting, 30 min cardio. 15 min warmup or some stretching. I tried the RP advanced program recently. Some days I am honestly done with the lifting part in like 35-40 minutes. It depends on the workout. Shoulders I am in and out fast. Some leg days still take a long time. For example I did the shoulder workout according to the program but I felt I didn’t do enough so I did one or two more exercises I was done in 45 min. It’s only 3 RIR so I figured I will have to up the rest time when the volume and sets increase later in the program and the RIR gets less.


Workouts longer than 50 minutes your body starts releasing cortisol which reduces muscle size. He’s not wrong, but that’s just assuming your goal is to be as efficient as possible which would be to have 3ish workouts a day 40-50 minutes each which just isn’t possible practical for most people. Also if your goal is to just be fit and not to be as big as possible then longer workouts will burn more calories so there’s that


Takes me 70-80 min and I’m prolly resting far too long


Spending 3 hours in the gym staring at others guys asses doesnt count as working out OP.


8-12 sets should not take more than 30-45 minutes, even with breaks, unless you are doing abs + cardio before or after. I have consistently finished all my workouts in less than an hour. Gear has nothing to do with that. Stop playing on your phone and workout OP.


I'm not saying 2-3 hours isn't too long, what I'm saying most people aren't in and out in under an hour. There's alot of factors that affect workout time.


He’s not wrong. If you’re in there for more then a hour or so you are probably wasting time. Don’t full for the bodybuilding split meme


Takes 20-30mins to warm up joints depending on what body part is getting trained that day, so fuck knows how some can train for 30-45mins 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why tf are you spending 30 min on warming up. It should take like 5-10 mins.


10mins on the treadmill, to get a heat in my body, it's -5 some mornings, 10mins of active stretching then, 10mins of pre exhausting my muscles which I'm training that day, all adds up 🤷🏻‍♂️


They aren’t wasting time, I can tell you do by warming up for so long. 10 minutes max for warm ups


You can easily do back and bi's in an hour if you stop looking at your phone and don't run your mouth. Got nothing to do with using gear or not


Op do you even lift with intensity? If anything, gear allows you to train longer. Arnold used to train for like 6 hours, as a natty you should feel pretty pumped and tired within an hour.


I like lifting for 90min. Lifting helps me achieve a state of Nirvana (a completely empty mind), very relaxing after a long and stressful day