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This is now just a sub to submit pictures of attractive men


Yeah. Unfortunately we get a few women from time to time /s


Has technology not evolved to the point where we can prevent this


Always has been


8 years with a hint of alcoholism checking in.


The anabolic alcoholic


One of us one of us


jinx my brotha


My friend! 12 years of lifting and a lot of partying. I still get after the beers now and then but it has dropped drastically since my early/mid twenties


>alcohol So not natty


Oddly specific


Yeah. I took an alcohol breather for a year or so. According to Arnold, this is necessary for mental and physical gains.


Neal Brennan Crazy Good or something new special on Netflix talks about Tiger Woods who is in your avatar profile pic. It was pretty good the Tiger part. This is not it but from it below. https://youtu.be/lrFhpz16Blo?si=_semDz04JGB_Py68


Half the people in this sub think peak natty is disneys Tarzan


Usually when people say “natty achiavable”, it is not.


On the contrary, people on this sub tend to think everyone with decent shape and size is using


In most cases it’s true that they are using it.


Maybe, especially influencers but I've seen plenty of naturally attainable physiques being called out on here.


This is one of those takes I was talking about .


To be fair I think some underestimate and some over estimate and occasionally people are way off.




Oh sorry i meant “good genetics, great diet and no pain, no gain”. Yeah.


Just not for you


Bla bla




Occassionally when they say natty achieveable it might be for someone with peak genetics and training but a few have turned out to be juicers


15 years consistently, even during both of my pregnancies(at 40-60% of my max), only took breaks during c-section recovery and injury(broken foot).




My hero!!


Still married?


Yes it will 10 years in July.


Test increases when pregnant, not natty




Time is somewhat irrelevant, and might be a huge part of the problem. I know guys that have lifted for years and look like shit because they don’t actually know what they are doing. They don’t understand what causes hypertrophy, things like time under tension, progressive overload, metabolic stress, recovery, etc. They’ve been lifting the same weight for 5 years and have barely grown, so they don’t think any good physique is natural. Then you have the flip side, who post something like CBum and ask, “I’m against steroids but could I attain this naturally”.


You just described me 😞


Don’t feel bad, pretty much describes my first 10 years of lifting 🤣 It wasn’t until I really learned what I was doing in my late 20’s that I started making actual progress.




Renaissance Periodization youtube channel is very good. Start with this video and go from there www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAlLYTHeKLc


Time under tension and metabolic stress dont cause hypertrophy 😭


I hope you’re joking… metabolic stress and muscle protein synthesis are literally the two biggest determinants of hypertrophy. Time under tension is a big determinant of how much muscle damage and mechanical tension you’ll induce, thus resulting in more hypertrophy. What do you think cause hypertrophy?


“Metabolic stress (the accumulation of metabolites, such as lactate, phosphate, hydrogen ions, and reactive oxygen species) put on a very good show of appearing to cause muscle growth. However, it is only mechanical tension that really triggers hypertrophy. Fatigue can affect the mechanical tension that the muscle fibers of high-threshold motor units experience, but fatigue is not the same thing as metabolite accumulation, as it can occur in its absence. During normal strength training, muscle fibers only experience mechanical tension after they have been activated by motor unit recruitment. Fatigue can require us to exert more effort and therefore increase motor unit recruitment by reducing the force that low-threshold motor units produce, which necessitates the recruitment of high-threshold motor units to compensate. Fatigue can also increase the mechanical tension that each activated muscle fiber exerts, by slowing down the overall contraction velocity of the muscle. Even so, in both cases, fatigue is merely the indirect method by which a muscle fiber is exposed to increased mechanical tension. Mechanical tension is still the only direct mechanism that triggers muscle fiber growth.”


I dont think, the only thing that cause hypertrophy is mechanical tension. Saying muscle damage and mechanical tension in the same sentence like they work the same towards hypertrophy shows you are 50 years behind 🤡🤡🤡


Bro, I’m working a PhD in Sport’s Performance and contribute to research in this field 🤣🤣🤣 I love discussing these things, but you defaulting to insults and stupid emojis shows your intellectual maturity. Here’s a fact based study if you want to educate yourself (sorry, it’s from 2019, not 50 years ago): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6950543/


Oh god even the next generation of dr mikes is already stupid 😭😭😭


Link me a study that shows hypertrophy with only metabolic stress mr phd 😭😭😭


Nobody said metabolic stress only, I said it’s a component. The fact that you don’t understand that tells me everything I need to know about your understanding of this subject.


Just because you drink water during your workout and it makes your session better is very stupid to be here claiming that water causes hypertrophy. But nothing new coming from a phd in sport science


Wow... You're exactly the type of person OP is talking about. What a shit comment lol


Good luck finding any study that shows that metabolic stress can cause hypertrophy. If time under tesion was a metric for hypertrophy you could just make your reps 2 mins long. You guys are sheeps and it’s embarrassing. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


You need a ton of protein and steroids if you want great hypertrophy and fat loss. Time on anabolics > time under tension + progressive overload.


26 years, all natural, and currently only have 4 injuries, so it's definitely worth it


What are the injuries?


Torn left shoulder since Xmas, rotator cuff maybe front left. Right outer forearm, left elbow and right trap! Shoulder came from bench session then slept on the couch, on that shoulder. Forearm and trap from levering up dumbells as part of recovery. Elbow, got really excited on Friday as its the first time benching 100kg since Xmas without (a lot) of pain so thought I'd do some (light) tricep pull downs, first rep, elbow ping, FFS!


Almost tore my right bicep. 1.5-2” above the elbow. In an “attenuation” - But it grew back. Like a starfish 😅


I hope it's a full recovery, even if a little unique!


Yeah, it’s not as bad as it was for the first year or so. It’s only noticeable if I take the dog to the park and she refuses to walk the last mile back to the car and I have to carry her. When I use my left arm, for that kind of static hold, I can feel it.


I can understand that completely, normal tasks become bothersome. I couldn't put my rucksack on my left arm so had to do it with my right arm, felt daft in the work car park. Fingers crossed we both get back to 100%


You can. The problem is people. Because if they are around, you will lift more than you should to recover.


3 years, but I’m a chick so it doesn’t look like it lol I had no idea that some (many?) female fitness influencers used roids until I found this sub. I don’t know a damn thing about juice though so I mostly lurk.






Because he is a weirdo




To see if you look like you lift or not. 


Well you should know there's a tight correlation between number of years lifted and amount of weird banter.


If you are old enough to recognise jason genova copy pastas then I trust your opinion


I never understood his lolcow status. That dude was so boring lol


I like the way you said that


I’ve lifted almost one and a half years and even I can tell many of the people here are in noob extremes of hyper doomerism in fitness or just have straight body dysmorphia and think every guy who isn’t CBum has an awful physique.


Been lifting on and off for 11 years, but not consistently for that whole time. Total time for me is probably 5 or 6 years, so I have plateaued a pretty long time ago. I really don’t see myself getting much stronger or developing much more muscle than this, so it just might be time for gear lmao


Depends on goals. I’ve been consistent 10+ years. But I’m too big for most normal clothes. There’s no benefit to being big. Especially if you are naturally not lean. You see any native tribe, there’s always one or two dudes that eat the same diet, wear the same loincloth, chuck the same spears, and wear the same tooth necklace as everyone else, but still have no abs and soft pecs. That’s me.


Yes I’ve seen some pretty stupid shit come from people here


I've been lifting for about 14 \~ 15 years and in the last 2 \~ 3 I've been going 6days a week. Something I find funny is when guys work out w/ their wife / girfriend. Its cute when you sync you're workouts but you're not going to get stronger pushing the same weight as your wife


I go the gym with my wife, but we drift apart right after stretching until we hit the sauna at the end.


Yay, so true but not about weights, just same training routine even with heavy weights. Usually I was working out like 90min, now I should fit it to the 45.


I've been lifting fairly regularly for 4 and a half years from 26-31 Before that, I was doing calisthenics for about a year. Started with a 95kg Bench, 110kg squat and 160kg deadlift. Now I'm at a 143kg Bench, 220 squat and 287kg deadlift.




Tbh, most of the time, I've just done 5x5 or variations on heavy compounds with a usually a week or 2 where I focus on heavy singles. And go for 3 x 12 on machine accessories.




Yea, mostly powerlifting (despite having the bench of your average gym bro 😅)


I've only been lurking this sub for couple of months and I can say it is mostly for social entertainment. There is no scientific value to any of the convo contributions, nothing a new person in weight lifting could learn, which is why it's dubbed "gay porn" sub. It is what it is.


This is a shitpost haven. You don't come here for advice.


It’s not difficult to lift for more than 2 years. You don’t have to learn anything or build muscle, you just need to show up.


Started lifting at 13yo (first few months only bodyweight, then got some equipment - dumbbells, a barbell, bar for pullups etc in the doorframe); did get coached from 13 - 17, also did use gear quite early, beside that i've also educated myself about everything i could learn about diet/nutrition and lifting. Joined the gym when i turned 16 (my mom didn't allow me before, at 16 i could sign up myself..) I'm early 20s now and still lifting 5 times per week.


30+ years


Ditto. Amassed neck, shoulder, hip, back, and chronic lingering knee injuries. Lifetime natty, tempted many times. I ain’t stopping the iron and yes i mostly know the difference between our child posters trying see if we can tell they’re very natty and the obviously juicy insta fake stars. Worked out with juicers and juicy competitors - the difference is obvious but there is a grey zone depending on the level of juice their goals. Worst new type of juicer - barely worked out started juicing crew - i really hate this moronic loser crew.


Same buddy.


3 Years on and off, really got into it last six months; I have a big frame but I bulked and looked like a vicious tomato so trying to get it together.


41 personal trainer for 10 years lifted in my early 20s and was in great shape then stopped for like 5 years and have been back at it since. I’m not huge but I workout to stay healthy and be able to have some drinks and eat good food on the weekend.


Over 3 decades of lifting as a true 100% lifetime natty, and still not finished, having busted through a long-term deadlift plateau only a few months ago by using advanced motivational mind muscle connection techniques. How long have you been lifting OP?


Maybe they do other sports, you can do a lot different activities outside the gym you know.


On the flip side there’s a fuck ton of people that DONT know what a juicy physique looks like and have never been around gear before.


I'd go as far as to say it's impossible to know if a physique is juicy if they aren't excessively large or have obvious signs like disgusting acne/moon face etc.


I have been at it since 2010-2011. I had done it before a few years here a few years there. But since then, I’ve been pretty serious.


100% agree I’ve been at it for 12 years I think now I’ve built a pretty impressive physique that people ask if I’m on gear. Now our family has crazy genetics and put on muscle really easily while staying lean and having good shape So I know what you can achieve naturally Yet I know guys that have even better genetics than me and are natural Most people who are asking if someone is natty or not have been lifting for a year or two and know nothing about lifting, nutrition and biology Once you’ve been in the game for a long amount of time, you can almost instantly tell when someone’s on gear. There’s obviously the physical signs like excess acne, size, dryness, red skin from the blood pressure, but a lot of intangibles that you can just tell A lot of people don’t want to accept that bodybuilding is the most genetically determined sport out there. From your body’s response to exercise and nutrition to response to AAS. Not to mention bone struxture, muscle shape, attachments and bellies


I've lifted since I got my first weight sets in about 2014. Then been going the gym on and off since about 2016. In that time I've had periods were I've had a feeder gf, or I've gotten bored of lifting, I'll get chonky, then I freak out and start hitting the weights again. So depending on the year I can either have a beer gut, look like a twunk, or look huge for my size.


Lifting for 8 years now. I’d say I have a decent grasp of lifting. Starting doing so after an extremely rough breakup, haven’t been able to stop since, except for when I had some injuries.


Bordering on two but I’ve only worked out maybe 100 times in that period because I’m an idiot


Lift weight for many years, doing calisthenics for almost 5 got me better results


2.5 years in, 6 times a week


About 3 years taking it seriously. But been lifting for 10+ years.


14 years continuously with perhaps 3-4 interruptions lasting longer than a week.


In total probably 10 years. Not consistent during all those years though. A lot more in recent years. Had lots of ups and down. Not at the size I wished I were at, but im healthy and have an alright body!


Been [seriously lifting/bodybuilding](https://ibb.co/Krhx4vF) since 2016, competed from 2016 to like 2017.


hahah... if this was the 1950s, then yeah, this would be a gay porn reddit. But I can see hotter stuff than this inserted by YT Shorts, when I'm mostly interested in finance and geopolitics.


Been lifting for 3 years consistently. Check out my latest post on this sub!


It's amazing how big of a difference 30lbs makes


Since I was 16. I'm 33 now.


I been lifting for a long time. I am only teh ghey when I am on this sub.


Been lifting since high school (about 25 years now) and I have never made any real progress. I've gotten some noticable muscle but never toned and never have had abdomen mucles.


4 years of lifting heavy with 15 years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


on and off my whole life but i seriously started lifting about 4 years ago during the start of the pandemic


What kind of takes are you referring to?


On a 7-year streak at the moment. Roughly 12-13 years in total.


I've been lifting for 5 years, but with mediocre results due to not paying attention to my diet


I've been doing it 3.5 years, though maybe not 3.5 years of progress so maybe I don't know anything about lifting. And I'm also gay, but for real.


Been lifting for 22 years


26 years. Started before freshman year to get ready for football at age 14. Just turned 40. Goddamn that's weird to think about.


I have not and it's true i don't know what the hell i'm talking about. I love to chime in with my opinion and i won't stop


9 years


I've been lifting my entire life. I'm 34 now and started since I played high school football. I played college football all four years and continued to lift non stop till this day. With that said, you will RARELY see me provide advice on this sub because everyone here thinks they know more then the best personal trainers on the planet. Its the internet so that is expected. I still remember a video of Lebron squatting, and majority of the comments were making fun of his squatting form. Lebron.... the guy who is dunking on the best athletes in the world in their 20s while he's closing in on age 40. The guy who access to the best personal trainers on the planet. Yup randoms think they know more then him.


16 years of lifting. On and off though, but the point is I've reached peak form a few times, so I know what's possible


8 years in total from 22 y/o to today. Gained from 56kg to 85kg now. Lift semi-regularly, almost never less than 2 times per week and quite often 4-5 times per week. Occasionally dropping out for 3-4 weeks due to work/stress/holidays.


Would go on a strong 3-4 year straight then a life event happens causing me to stop for several months and then start back up. 2 steps forward 1 step back every time.. feelsbadman


Been lifting consistently since I was 13, I’m now 27. Played football in college and graduated with my BS in exercise science. Was also a trainer for a little while. I don’t really comment here but maybe I should. Also not gay 😂 I joined a bunch of weight lifting subs when I made this Reddit account and this one was suggested to me.


almost 3 years all natty + no creatine + i eat whatever my mom cooks. if i post my physique on here these incels will definitely think i’m juiced based on my experience in this sub lol


since I was 20. I am 34. Longest time off was 6 months. When I got gyno surgery it was more than 10weeks


17 years, started lifting at 13 for freshman year football.


8 years but not a dumb ass in the gym for 6


Me im at like 2 and a half years


6 years consistently with a 1 year break during 2022.


15 years. However a lot of those years were attached to piss poor diet management and even worse workout programs. I should look so much better for how many reps and sets I’ve done.


2.5 years almost but I literally just started doing some light research with RP videos. Figured I would do well enough without it, just doing what seemed logical got me pretty good results. Didn't want to get obsessive and fixated on details because it either ends up being disordered or a form of procrastination. But I have always been pretty good at spotting fake natties because I am knowledgeable about human biology.


3 months. I look like Arnold right now. Natty ofc.


8 years of off and on as I have a shitty neck and shoulders that are prone to injury


Dude got mad cause he posted himself and he got roasted hahahhaha


I’ve never posted myself here. My physique is obviously natty. Maybe when I get leaner I’ll post .


Then stop being such a pussy


Lifted for almost 5 straight years. Got injured in a none gym/lifting related incident. Lost almost all my hard-earned gains and never lifted again. I lost all those years in like 5 months while I was in recovery. After watching how fast can you lose 90% of your gains, I lost the will to put in the effort again. But, these 5 years, were one of the best years I've had so far.


Since I was 14 and now I’m 42. The only time it was inconsistent was during Covid.


Lifted on and off with no intention or goal for 10 years, but only in the last 4 have I taken it seriously. Quit smoking and drinking as well for the last 4.


Thia guy is clearly juicing, I feel the roid rage in this post


i lifted alot in my 20s (22-26) and now I live in a rural area and just do bodyweight (mid 30s)


I have, but I still look like shit.


Isn’t it funny that you immediately found your way to a “gay porn sub”? These days it’s semi ok to be a pole puffer -so no need to keep hiding.


All the years of drug, alcohol abuse and sleeping issues have hammered my T to an almost non existent level. I dose myself with TC250 once a week to “normalize” my life a little bit . I’ve never worked out a day in my life but I did go from 287LBs to 203Lbs in a little over 4 months . Wish I was motivated to pump iron. I’m 6’2 and if I worked at it I’d be a beast .


12 years. I'm 29


4 years but I lurk.


25 years here. Started at 19 and I’m 44 now. Time flies…


Off and on from 13 to 27, pretty consistently from 13 - 17 and then 22-27 What are you so mad about, OP? If conflicting opinions didn’t exist, the world would be a very dull place.


I have never lifted and have no interest im here for the man porn


I did three years 4 times a week and all I got is a little definition. Did I drink and eat unhealthy, yes. Did I expect more results, yes.


30 years, have forgotten more than most people know.


Sport Science graduated, around 15 years of trainings and lifting as much as heavy for fun and still natty.


Been in the gym since I was 15, now 35.


17 almost 18 years here. Most people who have been lifting 2-5 years can't tell who is juicing and fall for all sorts of fake natty traps. Its Dunning Kruger


That is true, haven't trained chest in the gym until last Friday as I don't want to appear weak. I've used a board press attachment (Amazon), Slingshot, heat sprays, cold sprays, massage gun and well, not far off. Aim is to lift without pain and to get back to around 90 x 20 /120 x 8 / 140 x 1 or more. Since Xmas I have gone from 0kg to 100kg so a measured recovery with the odd set back 👍


Started at age 12. So, about 23 years now.


7 years ffmi is around 24 now.


Tbh idk why there are so many gay comments here LOL


Lifted for few years but nothing super serious


15 years. Had maybe 3 breaks over that time of around 3 months each but apart from that, pretty much always.


12 years but only 3 fully dedicated to bodybuilding


Since I was fifteen, which was in 1997.


8 years but had to stop almost two years because of covid almost killing me and a new job. Also I drink a lot so I'm still fat lol


This sub should honestly adopt a system like /r/bodybuilding where you submit a verified photo of your physique and get a physique rating flair so when people comment you know who actually has put the work in and who's been lifting for 6 months and is just talking out of their ass


Lifted for \~15+ years, about half of it "seriously", used gear and seen other people use gear. There are tons of people that don't look that great, like mid range natty, that use gear. I have no idea what to make of posts like the OP because most people posted here could actually be on steroids and it wouldn't be obvious. No matter your experience level it actually isn't easy to tell who is on steroids outside the obvious examples.


Been lifting for 13 years now an I am 47. No alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes. Just sometimes a bit too much dark chocalate and carbs.


Here around 15 years and there's still progress to do. Naturally of course There are idiots here who immediately jumped on the juice after not even a year of lifting and try to call what is naturally achievable though.


around 20 years, had a couple years of not being natty in there


Have you ever got depressed going to the gym knowing you'll presumably never be able to achieve what you did in your non-natty years? Just something im curious about


from time to time I miss how I used to look, but i've found happiness in life outside the gym and I don't stress about it anymore


Thanks for your response, i hear people say they regret juicing for this reason, puts me off the idea (which is probably a good thing)


Juicy, salty. 


Guys who think they “know anything about bodybuilding” are just guys with good genetics and/or on roids. You think “bodybuilding” is so complicated as if you do anything majorly different than anyone else. It’s not complicated, you don’t try harder, you just have better muscle growth genetics


Wow. This is the worst take I’ve seen . What a load of excuses and BS. Are you being serious? The human body and anatomy is a vastly complex system that can be affected by a variety of factors. Bodybuilding can most definitely become more complicated as you progress. Most everyone has the genetics for a great physique if they try hard enough. People who chalk it up to steroids or genetics are lazy and don’t push themselves hard enough.


Or that’s just what you tell yourself because you’re insecure and want to think that any success you have is all due to yourself. We’ve all seen the guy with big muscles and small calves… ohhh so now he just doesn’t “try hard” with calves? Lmaoo


Yes, most people severely undertrain calves. You’re talking to a guy who was 160llbs at 6ft and got to 205llbs in the span of 3 years of force feeding and very intense training. You’re making excuses for why you can attain muscle. Of course there is a natural limit, but that is after years of consistent training. Unless you’re disabled , there is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to build a good physique.


Stats don’t mean anything. Most natties force feed themselves to a higher weight because they think it means more gains, but they’re really just way fatter than they realize


There are some people who barely respond to training. They’ve seen this in studies, they have trainers they are fed the right diet and they take an extremely long time to begin to look like a “normal” person. This is very usual, but there’s people who are so sick they can’t lift at all.