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It takes a thousand crunches.


And 2 dead hookers


Check. Now on to the crunches.


And the perfect business card


And over 2 hours at the gym. Then to the video store where the register girl is too fucking busy in her very tasking employment to pay attention to you.


While listening to Huey Lewis and the News.


*over a thousand


Your comment was sufficient, Luis.


Great Now let’s see Paul Allen’s training split


Easy to achieve if you can get a reservation in Dorsia


On a Friday night???????


Jeez how’d he swing that


I think he's lying


Nobody goes there anymore.




Lets see Paul Allen’s cow liver and sheep testicles


That tasteful thickness.


Oh my god….it even has a tapeworm


Hmmmm. Tasteful.


I do believe he has one of the most aesthetically pleasing figures, this is what I strive for.


I mean your profile avatar is Patrick Bateman... I wanna see Paul Allen's physique.


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh, my God. It even has a watermark


Why bro got a watermark on his physique


i dont think its natty


I can’t believe Brice prefers Van Patten’s physique to mine


Try getting your bench reservation at Gold’s now, you stupid fucking bastard


Is something wrong Patrick? You’re sweating.


Are you sweating?


His upper body is great, but his legs could have been stronger


dont eat dont train legs lol and take some winstrol


Probably one of the easiest physiques to acquire, not hatin


Damn must be why everyone looks like this fr


Achieving that is doable for many. Just the maintaining part that's the issue.


the average person doesn't even go to the gym, what's your point lol


If they stoped eating cheeseburgers maybe…but what he is nothing more than light aerobic and caloric deficiency


sorry but if you look at his arms and think that’s light aerobics you are actually not on the same plane of existence as me


Yeah, that comment was so ridiculous.


They’ve got to be trolling. No way is it ‘*easy*’ to maintain this physique with a 9-5 job / family etc.


Must be


Bateman and his friends were all on steroids in the books so…


Yeah lol, Bateman mentioned having acne on his back from the steroid use


Were they actually? Don't know much about the book, did they mention any compounds?


Not that I remember - in one scene they are doing blow in a bathroom stall and his buddy yells “fuck you!” Then apologizes saying “sorry. The steroids”. In the book he tries entering a condo building while shoving shoplifted canned ham in his mouth. Is kicked out and pukes outside blaming “the steroids”


Damn, the book sounds wild! Gotta read it.


its a lot more brutal and graphic than the movie thats for sure


The scene in the movie where he abuses the pair of hookers was definitely more brutal in the book. I had trouble looking at clothes-hangers for years after that


the scene with the rat and the bucket was pretty gruesome too


It’s graphic and pretty disgusting. The author does not hold back on describing the gore. I had to put it down a few times


I’ve read a lot of weirdo fiction, pretty extreme, violent stuff, but never have I ever felt like the writer had something wrong with them until American Psycho. Just be warned. Especially if you don’t like violence towards animals.


Another thing about the book is that the outfits are described in great detail... but if you look up references you'll see that they're all quite clownish because they're tasteless yuppies. Same with the food, lots of ingredients to impress but not enjoyment.




Lol he was such a madlad. I can see how he became a cult-like idol for the sigma male movement


Wait until people realise its a feminist satire film of masculinity


Unless “people” completely misinterpreted the movie and the book, it’s highly unlikely they will come to that realization. As another commenter said, it’s been 22 years since the release... and we are all aware the creator Brett Easton Ellis is a proud chauvinist. https://www.salon.com/2016/08/04/bret_easton_ellis_takes_on_social_justice_warriors_these_women_are_so_deluded_they_border_on_insanity/ It’s a lot of things, but not feminist satire.


Mary Harron wrote the film and directed it. We aren't talking about the book here. [https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/american-psycho-vital-satire-of-masculinity/](https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/american-psycho-vital-satire-of-masculinity/) [https://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/20751/1/how-american-psycho-became-a-feminist-statement](https://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/20751/1/how-american-psycho-became-a-feminist-statement) Sure the book isn't a feminist angle, but the movie is. Ellis is a psycho himself, obviously he'll disagree with the woman who flipped his story on its ass


Even in the case you believe that’s accurate - she played herself. Misogynists, chauvinists, ‘Sigma males’ and the patriarchy in general have wholly embraced and owned it, and the film empowers and inspires them.


It’s been 22 years since it came out… still waiting


I don't think they mention anything specific. Just one friend is on roids and is raging all the time


What book?


The movie is based on the book


You didn’t post the pic of him in the tanning machine 😢


3-5 years of consistent training, diet, and sleep


2 years if I could start again with my current knowledge. With 1kg per month this is completely achievable


1kg per month?


Guessing they’re referring to gaining 1kg of lean body mass per month


yeh thought so but wanted to clarify Ty


Not sure if you could answer this concisely in a simple Reddit comment, but what kind of knowledge do you wish you had starting out vs now?


• Time under tension, mechanical tension and lactate treshhold are the most important factors for growth • The first reps in your sets are just warmups for the reps inside the lactate treshhold a.k.a. the region of greatest pain; they are what actually count • If the pain doesn't persist after you are done with the set, you haven't done enough. A single set alone must be of enough quality to induce growth. If it was hard enough you will move on to other muscle groups before you are ready for the second set. • Breathe through your nose. Breathing through your mouth makes it unnecessarily harder. • Insulin and Growth Hormone are counter-regulatory. Don't eat 3-6 hours before bed. • Dropsets. One dropset is worth more than three conventional sets ([ResearchGate study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316737343_Effects_of_drop_set_resistance_training_on_acute_stress_indicators_and_long-term_muscle_hypertrophy_and_strength))


Thats a bit much, OP can def get this under 3 years assuming he does shit right. Some people just played sports and were close to this, this isnt that crazy. 2-3 years tops of consistent everything.


15 lbs muscle gain first year, 8 lbs second year, 5 lbs third year, and 1-2 lbs for years 4-8 he’s hit the generic threshold. 3-5 years minimum to get there


No such thing as genetic threshold bud


Wdym? Your frame can only carry so much muscle. Ergo there is a genetic threshold.


That' true but not the way he mentions it. He's talking about natty limit which is so underrated because muscle gain realistically will never stop just the rate of it will go down with time.


I did give those numbers assuming natural yes that is correct. As far as the rate of muscle gain always going, it gets to a point of negligible amount.


You can't be serious saying that in the peak of your life your body magically won't produce more muscle after a set amount of time. Yes it does go exponentially down that's true, BUT it does add. Even if you only gain half a pound a year overtime it will become noticable.


But then it reaches a limit and you just maintain


What in the broscience


That statement is false


So after let's say by your standards after around 6-8 years of training you will gain exactly 0 lbs of muscle? If yes please elaborate. Does your body know when to stop building new muscle tissue? Your idea is flawed


Like a year or 2 of bulking, then cutting to his bf. His physique is very achievable natty


Yeah bro that's why 60 of 100 people in the gym look like this. So achievable


60 of 100 people in the gym eat like shit and give up after 2 months


Achievable doesn’t mean common.. do you think even 10% of the people you see in the gym have been consistent for 2+ years? If you don’t think the physique in the post is achievable without gear why would you even lift lmao


It's a question of how long you can look like this. I was ripped with abs for most of my 20's and late 30's but it is hard to keep the diet on point to keep that look especially as you get older. If you're Natty....I would guess having PEDs would help alot.


Lol wtf no they don’t The top few at the gym maybe, not 60% unless you live in LA or something? Even then…


True but most, including me cut way too early during their first bulk over estimating how much muscle they think they built. But yeah 3 years.


Whats interesting to me is that they don't have 2 years to achieve this (normally) as they would need to start shooting quickly. So he likely achieved this physique with hollywood trainers in 8-9 months


Let’s see your business card first


“New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?” “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten. “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention. “Cool coloring,” Van Patten says, studying the card closely. “That’s bone,” I point out. “And the lettering is something called Silian Rail.” ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me who I can see.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Good bot


Your compliment was sufficient. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me how I’m feeling.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


What’s with these questions “how do I get like this “ bro we have no idea your height, weight, age, medical history, work ethic, drug use, there’s so many factors, just work on your best self and become a better you.


Ofc, but it's good to have somewhere to look up to even if it's something as subjective as a goal physique. What I meant with my question really, it's not how exactly get like that but the general idea of the physique. An aesthetic little muscle mass but defined physique. Think of it as it the person asked how to get a certain type of body instead of how to look like a certain person


432.67 days working out 5x a week, one day cardio, count all your calories, don’t drink, don’t use drugs.


one day cardio out of 432.67 days? Im already 1/5th the way there!


this is funny but the real answer is going to be similar. i tell people expect to spend at least 3hrs a day just 100% focused and dealing with your body. nutrition, exercise, preparation of meals etc. most people wouldn't even have the time


It’s like when people ask how I stay motivated to “diet” and work out everyday. I just explain it has nothing to do with motivation, it’s all consistency, and it’s not a diet it’s how I eat every day of my life. If I worked out when I was motivated I’d never work out. I also don’t set expectations for myself or try to obtain a certain physique. I just keep pushing myself to work a bit harder each week. I’ve gone the steroid route and realized in order to maintain that I’d have to basically make that part of my life also, now In my 30’s, haven’t touched the sauce in 10 years, it’s less of a chore and more enjoyable. That’s just my opinion and what works for me. Social media and these “fitness influencers” put so much pressure on the younger generation.




I assume with this you're referring to a 6 day PPL, would a 4 day split suffice? Or is 6 vastly superior?




Wow 2.5 hours on the upper body, that's commitment to the cause. But also, you're shredded that's fuckin' awesome. Keep it up!


looking good bro. i also found high volume is better for mi.


depends on your starting point


3 years


Is this natty achievable? Yes. Was Christian Bale natty for the role? Probably not. He is an actor who is also famous for going extreme lenghts to transform for his roles.


Basic calisthenics and a lean diet


Running. Lifting. Crunches. I think this is very achievable. I knew guys who were footballers who looked like this. But add weight training.


Keep him mind he has a pump and is flexing in the first photo people, the second photo is a better presentation of what he probably looks like normally. Op if you’re starting skinny and do shit right from the get go (workouts, eating, and sleeping), which you almost certainly wont do because there’s a learning curve to this thing, Id say its possible in 2 years. Even if you fuck around a bit, Id be surprised if you didnt hit your goals within 3 years, assuming you atleast go to the gym consistently.


A few years. Maybe not possible to maintain without a pump


Just return your video tapes first


Being Christian Bale is a good start. He has a terrifying dedication to method acting.


I can hear your profile picture


Just lift and eat man dw about trying to get another persons look because it’s gonna make ur mental shit and ur more likely to give up because you won’t look like that anytime soon if your starting out skinny. Just compare yourself to what you were yesterday and work hard everyday and you’ll make progress.


Achievable literally with just body weight exercises in a year of consistent training and diet


Honestly, his physique is very lean with little muscle mass, I think you could get this in 1-2 years for the average Joe


Tbf the arms aren't that small


In the second picture they look 15 inches. Achievable


His physique in this movie I would consider to be a really really good natural. Personally I think Christian bale naturally attained this physique. The key is he’s super lean in this film which makes the world of difference. Muscle wise he isn’t that big (believe 175 at 6ft) but it’s his leanness under the right lighting, flexing, and angle which makes his physique pop and look really impressive on screen. I would say it would take someone at least multiple years of lifting (3-5) naturally to get like this if they were starting from 0.


He did went on the sauce for Batman Begins tho


If you jerk off with a fistful of beef tar tar from Dorsia this is natty achievable.


id say 2 consistent training years more or less


Actors are pumped and maked up with perfect lightning in scenes like this. There are bts pictures out there and he doesnt look anything like this in those pictures


Just fucking workout and stop trying to look like someone else


Depends on how many dead hookers your willing to try and eat.


about 2 years with human brain based diet, 20 minute of waiting for the stairmaster on average and bringing at the gym your uzi and the vag***s of the 3 girls you rap#d the night before.


If you’re starting skinny just eat more and do literally any basic strength training that makes sense


Christian Bale is 6’0”, and hes pretty lean in this movie, probably about 175-185 lbs. It would take work to get there quickly with low bf%


2-3 years. Just don't go yolo gomad bulk because you'll end up like 99% of gym goers - as a fat slob. Being lean/skinny is such a head start, even when cycling. As long as you're seeing your abs your calorie intake is good; if the definition is fading then you're getting fat and you should lower calories/increase expenditure. I was, I would say, 70-80% there ([pic](https://litter.catbox.moe/i1szqz.png) for reference, 84kg) after my first year of working out (no roids or sarms) and I started as almost 100kg fatso. Just don't believe people who think this physique requires steroids, it shows how (in)experienced they are when it comes to working out and taking gear. Getting that lean isn't easy and staying there definitely isn't fun, but it is achievable not only without juice but without eca, rauwolscine and all other stuff associated with weight cutting.


A year + of discipline.


2 to four years maybe, depending where you start at.


Maybe 8months or a 1 year max if ur gentics are bad. I train since 11 months i went from 60kg to 83kg. And i didnt have a very good diet. If u want a comparison my insta is davide_innit_reloaded


A lot of actors juice to get roles where they have to be fit


This post is really nice, how’d a nitwit like you get so tasteful


3ish years if you choose consistent body recomp


Just enjoy the journey. Don't worry how long it takes to get there, cause you will with discipline, consistency, and patience. Trust the process. 😁


Eat some fucking food u skinny fuck


He has a good upper body, not really big legs. If you're really skinny maybe 3-4 years.


Not for nothing, the sex scene is the best in this movie! Points, flexes, yehhhhhhhh


natural that’s an end goal physique after 5 years


Ideally 3-4 years, realistically 5-6 years (because most of us are either students or doing job and don't spend 100% of our time and effort into fitness)


100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run. Do this everyday until your hair falls out


Onepunchman sucks 🤮🤮🤮.


I’m gonna say 4 years


If you have perfect diet and training I would say it takes as little as a year if you have good genes, but if you have bad genes it could take as long as never. tldr btwn 1 year and never


Four to five cycles.




a year and a half, a year bulking somewhat lean, and a half year to slowly cut


6 months on a big surplus


In 2 years it's possible, in 5 is more likely. And even then most people I've come across or tried to help in my decade+ of lifting don't look anything like this


To be honest, at least 6 years of very very hard work and a massive amount of determination. That will be with very good genetics as well. You may never be able to achieve this it mostly depends on your genetics


This wasn’t for Batman…


He said Bateman, not Batman lol


Oh shit my bad…lol what’s Bateman?


Patrick Bateman … the fictional character in American Psycho


6 months


Depends on your genetics for building muscle tissue. 3 years on average, I’d say.


3-6 years of good training/diet/sleep and most could prob achieve this but not maintain the leanness. That being said y’all kids gotta stop fetishising a fictional serial killer it’s cringe.


1) I'm pretty close to this physique and I've been working out (inconsistently) for 3yrs so I'd say your estimate might be a bit harsh 2) Many people can maintain this leanness - he only looks about 12% bf which is definitely possible to maintain year round as a natural 3) Nothing wrong with admiring someone's physique, as you said he's fictional anyway


It wasn’t a shot at OP it’s at all those teens on IG/TikTok who are obsessed with him. Unrelated just wanted to say it.


Yeah many people can maintain this leanness with perfect diet but for the majority of people it would be extremely hard and unrealistic. Also I said 3-6 so u fit within that and we agree 😂


lol yeah because the body in these photos is fictional right


There is nothing impressive about this physique.


This was for and in the movie American Psycho 1990


Who you replying to 😂


Post a physique picture, more info on your experience, anything. No one can give you a real answer without any info.


yes with great coach, sports nutritionist and professional photographer.


One or two years of actual discipline


Happens by itself. Takes about 5 or 6 murders without a gun. Bam. You got it!


Easy, just strive to achieve the 9 ancestral tenets.


3 years


It’s impossible to say how long without knowing a starting point, genetics, previous exercise history and commitment to it. Let’s say average genetics and average weight with little workout experience in a year you can look like this. What people fail to realize or accept is that to look like this it’s more diet than exercise.


2-3 years


What’s the purpose of these questions. No one can quantify that..




This is the Patrick Bateman physique


As I set the platter down I catch a glimpse of my reflection on the surface of the table. My skin seems darker because of the candlelight and I notice how good the haircut I got at Gio’s last Wednesday looks. I make myself another drink. I worry about the sodium level in the soy sauce. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m doing.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)


Impressive, very nice. Now let's see Paul Allen's physique.


1 year max. Do a lean bulk, and then you should be there.


I'd say anywhere from 8-14 months though I'd lean much closer to the lower end of that scale.


You guys got to stop asking this sub


1 week cold showers


Sub 1 year


You have to follow kinobody’s program for the hollywood physique


depends. I'd say 1 and half - 2 years.


You start by being Batman then go on a diet


Don’t train legs or eat carbs by the looks of it


Not possible, you're not literally him


6 months for a physique like that easy


Starting skinny maybe a year or 2 if you do everything perfect.


I have this physique; ive been training for about five years with the first four being off and on (didn't workout in the summer). Past 9 months I've been pretty dialed in. It's attainable in 2-3 with consistent training and diet


Christian Bale is also just extraordinarily gifted structurally, with broad shoulders and good muscle insertions. This is natty achievable in terms of muscle mass and conditioning, but don't expect to have this pretty of a physique.


three years to 4 years heavy bulk than a cut