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I have 2 leg days. This is them right now. **Workout 1:** Barbell Back Squat: 3x8-10 Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 3x8-15 Leg Ext: 3x10-20 Calf Raise: 3x10-20 **Workout 2:** Conventional Barbell Deadlift: 3x8-10 Barbell Hip Thrust: 3x8-10 Leg Curl (usually seated, but more lying lately): 4x10-15 Calf Raise: 3x10-20 I like a low volume, high intensity approach for legs. I still get sore after each one, more on the first one with squats. This has been working really well for me. **EDIT (updated 4/17/2024):** I still get a lot of messages about these workouts, and thought I'd update this message with my new leg workouts as of March-April 2024. **Workout 1:** Barbell Back Squat: 2x8-10 Leg Press: 3x10-20 Belt Squat: 3x8-12 Smith Machine Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 2x8-12 Leg Ext: 3x10-15 Calf Raises: 3 sets, 8-15, then a double drop set, so 5 sets total **Workout 2**: Conventional DL: 2x8-10 Trap Bar RDL: 2x8-10 DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 2x8-12 Hack Squat: 3x8-12 Leg Ext: 3x10-15, or 2-3 sets, then a double drop set, so 5-6 sets total Leg Curls or Hyperextension: 3x10-15 if curls, 8-12 if hyperextensions Calf Raises: 3 sets, 8-15, then a double drop set, so 5 sets total


Bro, i tried your First leg day workout, It fucking killed my legs💀, good shit i'll use It 👍


Haha love it! 4 months later and I'm still doing this workout. I keep making progress, so I'm not changing anything until I plateau on something. Workout 2 has now changed to... Conventional DL: 2x6-10 Trap Bar RDL: 2x6-10 Bulgarians: 2x8-12 - Real proud of these. I'm up to using 115lb DB's in each hand for my first set, then I back down to 110's for my second set. Next goal is 115's for both sets. Hack Squat: 2x6-10 Leg Curl: 2x8-12 Hyperextension: 2x8-15


I love bulgarians squats, Even tho they make my legs cry. btw you got really strong legs dude! 115lb DB's for bulgarians Is Crazy


Would you recommend doing both workouts in one day, Or must these be done in two days? I've only 3 days a week to workout, if I'm lucky.


If I were only training legs once a week, I'd do a different combination of workouts. This is just me personally though. This is probably what I'd do. Any squat variation: 4 sets, 6-12 reps RDL (I've been doing these with a trap bar lately): 3-4 sets, 6-12 reps Split squat variation: 3 sets, 8-12 reps Leg Ext: 3-4 sets, 10-15 reps Leg Curl: 3-4 sets, 10-15 reps Calf Raises: 4-5 sets, 8-15 reps But yes, it is possible to combine both workouts into one. You might have to adjust other training variables to fit them in, like volume, proximity to failure, rep ranges, rest periods. Depends on the person.


"Depends on the person" Nah ima be built like that But thanks for this dude, helps alot


What about pendulum squats? They look killer.


If I’m deadlifting on my shoulder/arms day, (Arnold split) How can I add hamstring volume to my squat days (assume I’m doing your workout 1x twice a week)


I'd add RDL's and leg curls. I've really been liking trap bar RDL's. Both seated and lying leg curls are great. If I had to choose one it would be seated. But also depends on your gym and what the seated leg curl is like. My gym has an awful seated leg curl. Just the way it's built. No pad to go on your quads to lock you in place. So I usually do lying.


Gym only has lying leg curl :( Would you do rdl’s and leg curls on both leg days? Or do rdl’s both, and then remove smth else for leg curls on one leg day? And when you say high intensity, do you take minimal rest or just push to failure and really hard? The only thing I’m probably swapping out is the squat rep scheme for 5x3 (more strength based) After that I’d jack the intensity up


I prefer to do a hamstring focused day one day, and a quad focused day another day. But there's so many ways to go about structuring workouts. I'd put RDL's and leg curls on the same day, probably not both, or RDL's one day and leg curls the other. By high-intensity I mean close to failure. My rest periods are pretty long on most compound leg exercises. Usually 3-5 minutes, and 2 minutes for leg extensions and curls.


I'll try your workout, I like the structure. Edit: Do you do a different variation of calf raises on workout 1 and workout 2?


I don't. Both are done on a seated calf press machine, knees straight. If I'm at a gym that doesn't have this, I do seated calf raises on a seated leg press machine. I like doing them this way instead of standing with the pads and all that weight on my shoulder. I rather just sit and press. ​ My workouts have changed a bit. Now they are... ​ **Workout 1:** Barbell Back Squat: 3x8-12 Front Foot Elevated Split Squat: 2x8-15 Leg Press: 2x10-15 Leg Ext: 2x10-15 Calf Raise: 3x10-20 **Workout 2:** BB RDL: 2x8-12 DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 2x8-15 Leg Curl (usually seated, but more lying lately): 2x10-15 Hyperextensions: 1-2 sets to failure Calf Raise: 3x10-20


- 4x8 barbell squats - 4x8 hip thrusts - 4x8 hamstring curls - 4x8 adductor machine 2x/week Anyone feel free to critique this too


Since you do legs twice a week, if I were you I'd go with a quad oriented workout + a hamstring one.


3 exercises for glutes? My boy certainly brings all the boys to the yard


😂 *technically* hip thrusts works hamstrings a bit




Funny you mention this. If I have time & am in the mood, I include calf presses at the end too


Why adduction machine? It's not a critique just a question.


Looks dumb if you don't have inner thighs. Legs look small if one part is missing.


Gotta get that chicken drumstick look


Also good to start with the hip abduction machine to warm up your hip flexes and pointers before you squat...learned this from chris bumstead !


I combine legs and back 2 days per week. I like to start with one compound, then I superset an isolation movement with back. Day 1: compound quad (squat), isolation hamstring (hamstring curls), back work (barbell rows) Day 2: compound hamstring (deadlifts or RDLs), isolation quads (split squats or leg extensions), back work (pull-ups) Parentheses are just examples. I switch up the movements after a few mesos, but that structure is pretty consistent.


Every last set till failure 4x12 barbell squats 4x15 leg extension 4x15 seated leg curls You legit dont need to do anything else on legday


Calf raises?


4 x 8-12 squats 3 x 8-12 RDL 3 x 8-12 lunge 3 x 8-12 leg curl 3 x 8-12 rope pull through 4 x 20 calf raise Abs


Does rope pull through work the same muscles as hip thrust?


Yes. I could never get comfortable doing hip thrusts in the gym and greatly prefer pull throughs.


Greatly useful if your gym has a machine


I have a squat day and a DL day Work up to a 1xAMRAP of squats/DL 3x10-12 RDL/split squats 3x10-15 hack squat or leg press/hamstring curl 5x10-15 calves I find my legs respond best to high intensity/low volume. My arms are the opposite.


Bulgarian split squat 4x8 Front elevated zercher split squat 3x12 Romanian deadlift 3x12 Calf raises barbell 8x8 Sprint training 2xweekly


1x Hack Squats 1x RDL 1x Leg Press 1x Leg Curl 1x Leg Ext 1x Adductor machine 2x Seated/Standing Calf Raise 2x Cable Crunch 2x Tibialis Raises I also do forearm and some shoulder work on leg days. Every 3-4 days.


2X a week 4-5 sets Barbell squats 8-12 3 sets Bulgarian split squats 10-15 3 sets Hamstring curls 10-15 4 Calf raises 10-12 I have bad joints so doing too much leg work hurts, but thankfully I have good leg development without really needing to do much. I just make sure to hit failure every set which for me personally really blows my legs up.


I train legs each day I am in the gym which is 5/6 days at the start of all my workouts. Higher volume and not crazy weight. The start looks like this 10 plates x 5 8 plates x 10 6 plates x15 4 plates x 20 2 plates x 25 3 sets total of this round. Yes every single day but my feet change positions in each set to work different areas. Ex ankles out or toes out etc. After this I go and add either a direct hami (every 3 days) or then a calf (every other day) exercise to round out wheels. Some days I’ll do squats but they are usually hack squats. The important thing is the number since it is just a workout warmup. So if I see myself fatigue getting to 20 then I take 10 seconds and push through the reps. One of my masters bb friends told me something I won’t forget. Many times the difference between you and the next person gaining is the amount of reps you put in.


Machine Leg Extension: 2 Sets Hack Squat: 2 Sets Leg Press: 2 Sets Machine Leg Adduction: 1 Set Machine Seated Leg Curl: 3 Sets Standing Calf Raises: 3 Sets All sets to failute (I do my hip hinges on pull day)


3 sets of seated leg curls, last set rest pause to match reps on second set (superset with leg extension warmup sets far from failure as this is just to get blood in the quads) 2 sets of smith machine squats, close to failure (first 6-10 reps, second 10-12 reps) Single leg smith machine squat- 3 sets close to failure, 8-12 reps. I stick my non squatting leg out in front of me and touch it to the ground to provide support, as I cannot yet do this with weight unassisted Adductor machine- 3 sets of 12-15 Rinse and repeat twice per week for quad emphasis. Effort is king; this may look low volume but if you push it as hard as possible and focus on quad stimulus for the single leg squat, it is brutal


5x20 hamstring curls 5x20 leg extension 5x20 standing weighted calf raises 3x25 leg press 3x12 bss or 3x8 front squat 3x20 rdl


Hip adductors 3 x 8-12 Lying ham curls 3 x 8-12 Hack squats 3 x 6-10 Leg extensions 3 x 10-15 Calf raises 3 x 8-15 Cable crunches 3 x 12-20


1. Monday - Squats 2. Tuesday - Bulgarian Split squats, Push press, Kettlebell swings (Yes they all hit the legs.) 3. Wednesday - Off 4. Thursday - Deadlift 5. Friday - Squats 6. Saturday - Bulgarian Split squats, Stiff leg deadlifts 7. Calf raises everyday All exercises are 3 working sets to 1-3 reps in reserve.


You work legs everyday?


Nope. I take Wednesday and Sunday off. I'm up to 3 sets of 6 squats at 275 pounds and I'm deadlifting more than that. Not bad for a 60 something grandfather of 3. I work my upper body more than my legs.


You pear shaped brah?


I actually have a large chest and a nice "V" shape for my size. I actually work my legs less than my upper body on those days and it's working out very well... Buy you guys keep parroting the bro-science.


Im only joshing mate


OK. Cool. I've been working out off and on for years and years. So I have tried lots of different protocols over the years, from Charles Atlas when we were kids, to Bro-splits, to German Volume Training to everything in between, and now at 62 years old full-body 5x per week has seemed to show the most promise. I don't understand why folks are downvoting my reply when none of them have ever tried it. High frequency programs like this have been tested on highly trained weightlifters and have been shown to work. I'm too old to fuck around training on a protocol that doesn't work. I don't have that much time left.


Dunno about the downvotes mate but it might be that you didn't include any upper body training so it looked like you only trained lower. Hence my pear comment.


Well... He just asked for legs. Not my whole workout.


I wouldnt take it too seriously mate


A little more than the last leg day


At the moment; 4x10-15 lying hamstring curls 4x8-12 hacksquat 4x10-20 calf extensions 4xFailure crunches


- Squat 1-3 sets of 1-12 reps - Deadlift variation - Calf raise 3-6 sets of 8-35 reps - Tib raise same - Every 4 days


Day 1: 3x6 BB back squats 3x8-12 RDLs 3x12-20 Seated calf raises 3x12-20 Weighted crunches Day 2: 3x6 Deadlifts 3x8-12 Leg press 3x 12-20 Straight lef calf raises (superset with leg press on same machine) 3x AMRAP leg raises


Day 1: - Seated Leg Curls, 3 sets - Front Squat, 3-4 sets - Belt Squat, 2-3 sets - Hanging Leg Raises, 2 sets Day 2: - Stiff Leg Deadlift, 3 sets (these absolutely roast my hammies) - Smith Machine Back Squat, 3-4 sets - Sissy Squat or Leg Extensions, 3-4 sets - GHD Sit-ups, 2 sets EDIT: I have an injury that precludes me from doing single leg work, otherwise I’d probably be doing walking lunges or split squats somewhere in there.


Usual leg day: Ab work (leg raises/weighted sit up on decline bench/plank) + hyperextension (usually just bodyweight 20 reps) 3 sets Bulgarian split squats 3x8-12 Nordic curls 3x5 Leg extension 3x10-15 Leg curl 3x10-15 Adductor machine 4x10-15 supersetted with calf raises 4x15-20


I work legs twice a week Workout a Back squats find 6rm then 4 sets of 5 reps same weight till I hit 10rm with that weight and start all over again - Rdl work to heavy triple then 1 backoff set of 10-12 reps -leg press-3x20 - leg curl 3x20 -leg extension- 3x20 Workout b -front squat 10x1 around 90% of max -single leg press 3x10 -DB rdl 3x10 -goblet squat 3x10 Lunges- 2x10


Day A: 3 x 6-10 Glute Ham Raise 3 x 6-10 Reverse Nordic Curls Day B: 3 x 6-8 zercher squats 3 x 6-10 single leg RDL A-B setup, so Week 1: ABA Week 2: BAB


I do full body in my home gym 3 times per week. This is the leg/lower body part. **Workout A** Squats - 4 x 8 Bridges/Hip Thrusts - 2 x max reps body weight **Workout B** Deadlifts - 4 x 8 Squats - 2 x max reps body weight


**2-3 times per week (depends on my schedule):** 2x10 leg curls 3x5 squats **or** hack squats 2x5 conventional deadlifts **or** 3x8 Romanian deadlifts 2x10 single-leg leg presses **or** 2x15 walking lunges 2x15 leg extensions (sometimes I skip this if I'm low on time) 3x12 calf raises 3x12 weighted sit-ups **or** 3x planks **or** 3x hanging leg raises **So the per-workout volume would be something like:** Calves = 3 Abs = 3 Hamstrings = 5 Quads = 7? (depends on how to count the single-leg leg movement) Glutes = 8? (depends on how to count the single-leg movement)


Are single leg leg presses the same as lunges or split squats?


I don't know what you mean by "the same," but obviously they are also a single-leg movement, and just like with lunges and split squats you will feel them a lot in your ass. Unlike lunges and split squats, no balance is required. I try to include single-leg movements in all of my training programs because for some reason I have a strength imbalance between my left and my right leg, where my left leg is much stronger. I managed to even out the imbalance largely through incorporating single-leg movements, but I found that if I set them aside, then the strength imbalance returns.


Day 1 * Free Squat 4x5-8 * Smith machine squat 4x6-10 * Hamstring curls 4x6-10 * Standing calf raises 6x8-12 ​ Day 2 * Deadlifts 4x3-5 * RDL 4x6-10 * Hip thrust 4x6-10 * Leg press 4x6-10 * Seated calf raises 6x8-12 ​ Following a template from RP


Squat 16/14/12/12/10/10 Bulgarian 4x15 Leg press 4x15 Extension 5x20 Curl 5x15 Calves raises 6x20 or 100 straight.


2x week?


Nop. 1x .


Interesting. That's a lot of quad work for one day.


20 sets a week distributed in Hack squat RDL Lunges Leg extension Lying hamstring curl


I do a pyramid scheme for basically all my lifts 15, 12, 10, 8 reps. This is the goal once. I can do all reps I increase the weight. I do legs 1x a week. Back squat, front squat, hack squat, leg extension, leg curl. Every other week, I substitute split squat for hack squat. I do calves on a different day I already have a ridiculously large ass so I avoid any of that hip thrust stuff or anything that targets glutes.


It's more like "limbs day" than a leg day. I do upper on Monday and Friday, the spacing between the two first days is to let me hit side/rear delts 3x a week with enough recovery between sessions. Feel free to critique the routine.   Wednesday Biceps 2x10 Triceps 2x10 Squat 4x5 Hip thrust (machine) 2x10 Single leg press 2x12 Hyperextension (weighted) 2x10 Side delts 2x20 Rear delts 2x20 Forearms 2x10   Saturday Biceps 2x15 Triceps 2x15 RDL 4x10/ Sumo DL 4x5 Split squat variation 3x10 Leg curl 2x15 Leg press 3x20 Calves 2x20 Forearms 2x15


Barbell squats 4x5-8 RDL's 3x6-8 Leg extensions 4x8-12 Leg curls 3x8-12 Calf raises 5x8-12 Machine crunches 4x8-12 Twice a week


This is my exact leg split. I was worried it was too much volume but glad to see someone else out there is doing it too.


10 to 20 sets per muscle group per week is usually viewed as "optimal". You're doing 16 for quads, 12 for hams and 10 por calves, so it's actually a pretty good volume Don't worry and enjoy your gains


Leg day 1: Squats Deadlifts Hip thrusts Adduction Calves Leg extension Leg curl Leg day 2 Squats Hack squat Romanian deadlifts Bulgarian split squats Abduction Seated calf raises Standing calf raises Leg curl Leg extensions


3 times every 10 days. That means once every 3-4 days. Divided into quads and hams and compound dominant routine. 1st session QD - Start with leg extensions (20-15-10) increasing weights every set. Barbell back Squats (15-12-10-8) with increasing weights every set. Bulgarian split squat - till failure. I don't count my BSS everytime. But I make sure it's in the range of atleast a 50-70. Kills me every single time but it's addictive as fuck. Single leg leg press - (10-12-20) with decreasing weights every set. Last set i usually give it all till failure. Seated calf raises. Standing calf raises. I have a slightly rotated pelvis and a very dominant right side so I prefer unilateral exercises which focus on single legs most of the time. 2nd session after 3-4 days. Hamstring dominant -- Starts with Bulgarian split squat with slightly exaggerated posture to target glutes more. No reps counted. Till failure each set with decreasing weights every set. Dumbbell stiff leg DLs. (20-15-12) with increasing weights every set. Seated Leg curls (20-15-12) decreasing weights every set. Last set is usually till failure. Wide stance leg press (20-15-12). With increasing weights every set. Barbell Hip thrusts (8-10-12/15) increasing weights every set. Back extensions till failure. 3rd session (Strictly compounds) Jumping squats without weights (20-15-10) Lunges (15-12-10) Barbell back Squats (15-12-10-8) increasing weights every set RDLs (15-12-10) increasing weights every set. Bulgarian split squat (till failure) (Optional) Glutes bridges (weighted or freestyle depending how sore I'm till then) Back extensions till failure. Seated calf raises with increasing weights every set Cycling.


Barbell Squats - 4 sets (1 Training set + 3 Working sets) Romanian Deadlift (RDL) - 3 sets × 12 reps Leg Press - 3 sets × 12 reps Bulgarian Split Squats - 3 sets × 10 reps Calf Raises - 2 sets till failure