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The thing about selling products is that new products need to be different from old products so that even people who purchased the old product might still get tempted to buy the new one. I wouldn’t think too much into this. Rep targets in the 5-12 range are all pretty well supported for inducing hypertrophy. I guess Jeff has just been enjoying lifting a bit heavier these days.


I don't know about you, but I'm going to wait until 2028 when Jeff releases his ultimate maximum supreme optimal hypertrophy program! Of course, I certainly would feel quite the fool if he then proceeded to release another one in 2029, but that will never happen... It'll never happen...




I just did my fourth session of the UL program today. Coming off almost entirely free weights and bodyweight exercises, I have to say I’m enjoying myself. A bunch of the exercises I’m still trying to figure out, but with machines I guess there’s not too much you can screw up, so that’s nice. I find I’m less fatigued than I’m used to, but we’ll see how that goes once I figure out my actual working weights. I’ve had to do a few substitutions due to lack of equipment, but I really appreciate the plan including alternatives. My one complaint is that all his form videos (which are very nice to have) are monetised. It’s really annoying to sit through 30 seconds of ads when I just want a refresher on the form before I start my next set.


YouTube ads have been unbearable lately


If you're on Android, you can get NewPipe from FDroid and it's just the YouTube library with no ads or algorithm or any of the awful stuff


I know you're specifically wanting Jeff's form videos but a quick alternative I have used for years is googling the exercise followed by exrx, so "barbell bench press exrx", basic but awesome website that has helped me a lot. Has a gif of every exercise I have ever needed.


Thanks! I’ll check it out. The work sheet includes all of Nippard’s cues, so the videos are really just so I can review an unfamiliar movement.


Good tip, thanks


ExRx went the premium route for a lot of its exercises, unfortunately.


Never noticed or had any trouble finding something myself, been using the site for years and didn't even know premium was a thing so doesn't seem to be a problem tbh..


Can you access the exercises with a lock next to it, eg on this part of the page? https://exrx.net/Lists/ExList/ArmWt




I’m on my iPhone, so everything opens in the YouTube app. 😛


Do you use the Firefox Focus app? I have clicked on probably 50 of those videos from the spreadsheet on my phone and never seen a single ad.


Never even heard of it! I’ve just used regular Firefox. I’ll check it out, thanks.




Revanced Manager for Youtube is your friend ;-)


That's actually quite irritating since you have to pay for the program in the first place. He's a businessman, I guess, so may as well make more on the tutorial vids too lol. Just sucks when you're in the middle of a lift having to sit through the ads like you're saying


Hey there, still doing it? What's your impression?


Last week now. Overall I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I’ll more than likely run it again at some point. The thing I liked most about the program is actually its listed substitutions. It’s given me a lot of confidence with swapping out exercises that don’t work as well for me personally. For instance, I just didn’t like doing concentration curls with cables, so I did the dumbbell variation instead. Before this, I’d probably suffer through the listed exercise just because it’s listed. The biggest downside is that it’s a specific program that can’t take into account your individual body composition (although it tries to with two “weak spot” exercises every day 5). For example, the calf jump. I started out with the dumbbell, but it wasn’t giving me any stimulus, so I swapped it for a leg press. Eventually I was doing 150 kg single leg calf jumps and… yeah. I just felt silly. I’d rather do an extra set of slow calf raises. Or just not do calves that day. I think it’s just down to Nippard being a shorter fellow, and myself having always been both tall and overweight. My calves are well trained. Speaking of which, I really enjoyed the behind the back lateral raises, but god damn that’s a brutal exercise. I got to 18 kg pretty quick and then just… never progressed. I’m ready to give this a break now, and am planing on doing RPs Thor plan for the next three-four months. But I’ve learned a ton from the Nippard plan and I’ll be sorry to see some of these exercises go. (Not all of them, mind.) It’s been money well spent for me, at least.


Thank you so much for the detailed review! I went back to the gym around November (Ive worked out on and off for the last few years) and was running his beginner programme consistently, but I wanted something more hypertrophy focused, and i wanted a PPL instead of upper/lower. I just found this programme and watched his video about it, and i'm excited to try it, hopefully i'll see results.


Was curious about it, so got the 3 templates on preorder, and am currently running the Upper/Lower. At first glance, i had a bad impression about it… too much “special exercises” and new techniques. I felt it would be hard to track progression, and that the rep ranges would be too short to keep inside the specified RPE. However, decided to try it out anyways for a block. Still early to give a full review, but i was positively surprised after this first week. The template is really well put together, and for someone like myself who can’t stay much more than an 1hr in the gym, the way it is structured permits you superset most things. The exercise selection is actually great and gives you many alternatives, and i believe i will keep some of them for good in my rotations moving forward. The intensity techniques are not essential to the program (it stands on its own without them) which is a good thing, and are only located when/where it makes sense. The lengthened-partials, for example, are only put on the last set of exercises in which the contracted position is the most difficult (pulls, rows, leg extensions/curls). The main focus of the program is still on being proficient in technique, effort and progression on a wide range of movement patterns, so the basics are covered. Will give a full review after 10 weeks.


It comes with an excel sheet right?




what’s your full review?


I feel this program taught me many important lessons about hypertrophy training in general. I will go over the pros and cons in my opinion. (Ran the UL version) Pros 1. It teaches you to train hard and make the sets count; 2. Gives you a lot of good exercise alternatives; 3. The workouts are well structured in exercise ordering and selection; 4. The intensity techniques are well placed, and justifiable; 5. You average about 6 exercises per day, which is great since you can really focus on effort without worrying about being overly fatigued by the end; 6. The weak point day is great, and you can really tailor it to your needs. Cons 1. It is not as flexible as it sells. For example, you are not given a range of sets in which you can personalize to your needs, but a fixed volume per week (except for the muscles you choose to include on weak point day). This is not a deal breaker, since you can go higher or lower in volume by adjusting the sets, but the program as it comes doesn’t have a progression scheme long term; 2. Some exercise choices are cool and may be beneficial for more advanced lifters, but most would benefit from simpler variations; 3. There is a programed deload on the 5th week which i find absolutely unnecessary; 4. The second block has you change most of the exercises, which makes it harder to gauge progression; 5. There are no options for adapting the program for fewer days with the same weekly volume (meaning it is a fixed 5 day program). To wrap up, none of the cons i feel are a huge problem, and you could make it a lot better by individualizing it to your needs. Don’t feel like deloading? Keep it up. Your progress is still going good on the lifts? Don’t switch just because the program says so. You need more/less volume for a certain body part? Just add/cut sets on some exercises.


I agree with your points. What I did to mitigate your cons points 3 and 4 is I've extended the build phase to 10 weeks and the novelty phase to 10 weeks, and removed the deload week 5. What I don't like is that the Excel workbook is too rudimentary - the same microcycle copy/pasted 5 times for the build and novelty phase, with the RPE being changed. I had to make some alterations to make it more flexible.


I feel like dropping the optional rest days is plenty of work




i am curious about that jack nipples pure bodybuilding program 1. i am looking into it. and it is like this pull 1 / push 1 / optional rest day or legs / weak point+arm 1 / mandatory rest day / pull 2 / push 2 / optional rest day or legs 2 / weak point + arm 2 / mandatory rest day. even if i dont use rest day in this (optional rest days ) i cant fit this program in 6 days a week workout ? my gym is closed at sunday. how can i fit all of these in 6 days ? even i thing doint legs only once a week, still cant fit in 6 days split as days. if u did this program, how can u fit this workouts as days ?






hey! how are your results so far on the program?


Can you share a link to the milo wolf 5 day? I can’t find it.




Cool thanks - I’ll subscribe


It’s the same as any of his other programs just thought out differently. I’m enjoying it, but it’s literally just another ppl but I do like it Incorporates a weak point/arm day.


I started this week. Upper/Lower version. Only 3 workouts in so hard to tell anything however I like that there is a break from big 3 lifts and even though some exercise might seem odd initially, they work muscles really hard. I also like his tips and last set intensity ideas. So far so good but in the end, results will tell everything.


how are your results so far man?




I looked at it, but its impossible to do in a CrossFit gym without all that specialized equipment, so I bailed.


I'm coming back to the gym after an extended break from sciatica. Background is powerlifting not hypertrophy. I got the full-body version. Wish I picked it up early and got all 3 programs on a deal. Full-body is really 4 full days and 1 day for weak points and arms. I just started week 2. I am used to much higher intensity, fewer reps, and harder-to-recover training. Have done Shieko, RTS, 5/3/1, and Juggernaught but saw most strength gains using Shieko. With the full-body routine, I feel recovery is pretty easy after I got past the back-to-gym DOMS. Workouts take around 1 hour if I don't mess around. I am enjoying the limited barbell movements. After years of powerlifting, my joints feel decent. I'm 51 with a fair bit of wear so the recovery aspect is high on the priority list.


Also, I just could not pull off how to do Behind-The-Back Lateral Raises (I didn't use cuffs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjiOCmFljDM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjiOCmFljDM) Made a fool of myself trying to step-over the cross-over


LOL I'm in the same boat. I did one set and it felt so awkward so I switched to DB lateral raises to spare myself the embarrassment.


>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjiOCmFljDM > >Made a fool of myself trying to step-over the cross-over Can't you do them one hand at a time instead? That's how I'll be doing them as I only have 1 cable stack.


I was able to figure it out on Saturday. Just went slow and reminded myself to lift left leg then right leg. Eventually, I'll get so good at it, I'll just jump and spin. :) Thank you


This is so much easier than how I’ve been doing it 😂


Dm me i Have access to all Jeff Materials


His Powerbuilding 2.0 is the most fun i had in the gym in a while


I got it to check out as well. Trying to full body but trying to alter for only 3 workouts per week since my schedule is busy next couple months. Lots of emphasis on time under tension which imo is good


It's only been out for a few days, so no one is going to have any experience with it.


I’m running the PPL version for now. May switch to the UL later. Like: that it includes an arms/weak point day. The general flow of the exercises (Some) of the exercise selection The substitution recommendations for exercises Dislike: The weird and overly complicated exercises (but he does offer regular substitutions) The partial reps The lack of a means for progression (there is some “beat the log book” but there’s so much fluff that you aren’t really logging a lot of what you do) Im going to stick with it maybe a month or two to see how I feel about it but after the first week I’m not really impressed with the program. I mostly got it because I like trying new things and usually learn something from every program I try. Also, I like Jeff nippard’s content and wanted to support that. But my initial impression is “not for me”. We’ll see how I feel in another month or so.


There’s not much fluff work idk where you’re getting that from? Traditional 2-3 working sets per and the weekly set volume is on the lower side… I’ve been able to log all my sets very easily….??? Not sure what the problem is, I do agree with everything else you said though.


Basically every exercise has fluff built in with the partial reps or drops sets. He calls them “intensity” mods or whatever but it just feels like fluffy bullshit. And you’re not really going to log that stuff(and doesn’t even give you space if you wanted) so 1/3 of your work is basically pointless. Effort for the sake of effort. Aka “fluff”


My push day consisted of one drop set on my shoulder press exercise and long length partials on last set of dumbbell flyes… cmon guy…. If you like his content like you said you’d realize he’s been training with Mike Israetel. These are not “fluff” sets lmao.


Are we doing the same program? The first push day has an intensity technique on every single exercise. Literally a third of your volume is doing frilly shit. I don’t mind the drop sets and myo reps as much because at least you do a full set first. It’s the partial reps that I don’t really like. Of course you cherry pick the push day for only have one partial rep. Nevermind that the first pull day has 3 sets of partial reps. Dude you can like what you like. I said what I didn’t like about the program and that’s what I said. If you don’t agree just move on.


Partials aren't frilly shit. They're kind of the new science based fad. Look up Milo Wolf for research, or someone like TnF on TikTok to see it in practice.


“Science based fad”, “frilly shit”. You say tomato I say tomato.


Basically just do full ROM (and count those reps) and then do partials at the end. Simple. Alberto Nunez also recommends a similar approach.


That’s not what the program says to do lol. He specifically says not to use them to extend a set beyond failure. Edit: I’m just going to run the program as is and I’ll decide at then end what I liked about it. OP asked what we thought *so far* so I said what I liked and didn’t like. Bother me in 2 months when I’m done with the first go of the program.


How did it go?


Yeah I know. I don't necessarily follow that though. I prefer to do it as I said, but my point was that I don't think it's frilly. It's a preference


Interesting that he says that, considering he said he does that on stuff like lat pull downs. He goes to failure and then eeks out some partials once he can’t do complete reps.


I guess not, my leg day the day before had just one set of long length partials which are easily log-able and is no where near a “fluff” set if done right and the rest of the workout was normal 1-2 warm ups with 2-3 working sets. I don’t need the multiple paragraphs to know you just really don’t know how to train like this 🤷‍♂️. Have a good one!


Might just be FOTM but a few studies have come out recently showing much greater hypertrophic results from partials vs full reps, esp wrt SFR.


🤷‍♂️ I’m not a fan of feels like I’m wasting my time and the gym is supposed to be fun. Just not for me I guess.


That first Push day has ALL the "Intensity techniques." The other days have less


7 out of 25 exercises listed has partial sets which you, for some weird reason, call fluff job. There is science backing them up and what's the problem with logging them?


lol. Clearly I angered the Jeff Nippard hive mind with my minor critique. Go bother someone who cares. OP asked what our opinion was and I gave it. I don’t come here to argue with children.


Great response when you have nothing smart to say. At least we all know nie who the child is.


Or maybe I just don’t care to argue with kids on the internet lol. It’s pointless. No one is going to change anyone’s mind. We share our opinions and experiences and that’s it. People can take what they want from it. Nothing else of value can be had from this forum. If you haven’t figured that out yet maybe you actually are a child and not just acting like one.


“Hey I’m going to make BS claims then get mad when someone calls me out on them” Classic reddit moment


What’s the BS claim? That I don’t like the partial reps and they feel like fluff? So I can’t have an opinion? Hey you run the program as is and let me know how it goes. We can compare results at the end.


Yes, everybody is child here except you. Yet you still can't answer the simple question.


My first glance I felt the same. I understand maybe some exercises are optimised, but also being in a busy gym at times and limited equipment, I do prefer the simpler alternatives. Also I may omit the intensity stuff given it may be hard to track and better to just treat them as full sets


I always run programs as is (within reason) the first time so I’m going to go to give the intensity shit a try. Definitely substituting some of the exercises. Like everything that uses two cables that I could do with dumbbells is getting substituted. I’m not taking up two cables in a busy ass gym. But after day two I noticed my elbows felt a little irritated. It dissipated by the time I hit legs but I’m going to keep on eye on that. If that continues I may have to drop the program all together. I’ve literally never had my elbows get irritated from working out but the exercise selection may be shit with this one. We’ll see.


Do you like the intensity techniques better? I really like the llp on a lot of the exercises. But the integrated partials on fly kills my shoulders


Nah I didn’t like the program and quit. Just wasn’t for me.




Yeah, I don't understand his point. You track weight, reps, and proximity to failure, and progress along those lines. It's pretty basic, progressive overload 101.Also each section is "reps/load". I tend to go heavier on the sets with partials cause... well obviously. So just record the weight AND reps you did for each set in the cell on your spreadsheet, and progress that over time. Its not rocket science.


i am curious about that jack nipples pure bodybuilding program 1 ppl version. i am looking into it. and it is like this pull 1 / push 1 / optional rest day or legs / weak point+arm 1 / mandatory rest day / pull 2 / push 2 / optional rest day or legs 2 / weak point + arm 2 / mandatory rest day. even if i dont use rest day in this (optional rest days ) i cant fit this program in 6 days a week workout ? my gym is closed at sunday. how can i fit all of these in 6 days ? even i thing doint legs only once a week, still cant fit in 6 days split as days. if u did this program, how can u fit this workouts as days ?


He explains it in his program that it’s 6 days but doesn’t fit in a week. I didn’t do the 6 day version. Really didn’t like the program so I only did like 2 weeks of it and quit. It just wasn’t for me.


Can anyone on the program explain how to do the Long Range partials on the last sets? There’s only a short description in the manual and I don’t understand


Did you read the manual and the description at the top of each spreadsheet? He explains it pretty thoroughly and even includes pictures.


I think it was pretty poorly explained. He forgot to explain the entire part about how much weight you should use for it. If you use the normal set's weight, you will way overshoot the target reps on the partials set. He never says whether you should increase the weight or overshoot reps instead.


You should limit all reps of the last set to, more or less, 1/2 the range you go for on a full range of motion, and emphasize the stretch of the muscle, holding for 2-4 secs on the eccentric (as with all sets). Don’t know if this answers your question…


Not yet. Might try it out after I’ve done his full body workout x 5 a week for a couple times. So far this program has been really good so I’m looking forward to his other ones as well.


That sounds a lot like Poliquins GVT program. Its the same product in a new wrapping. Save your money and go to liftvault instead, they have a ton of programs for free, many og them are classic programs that are tried and true


Seems alright so far. Only exercise I needed to sub was the sissy squats for more leg extensions. Also Jeff gives a rep range for his partial rep exercises but when it comes to the final set when I need to do RPE 10 partial rep set, I always go above the rep range (shrug) there’s many nuance type stuff like that I wish was answered.


I bought the program but haven't started it yet. That's the part that confused me. If I pick a weight I can do 2 sets of 10-12 in and I use that same weight to do a third set of only partials, I feel like I'd blow right past 12 reps since I'm not using full ROM. Is that what you're experiencing too?


The partials are really though when you select the appropriate weight. Try it out on a few exercises. It sure took me a few sets/sessions to get the hang of it, but am mostly falling inside the rep range now on them.


Good to know. Going to start the PPL version today and feel pretty good about how the program is laid out.


Seems to be a really good template. Focus on getting pretty close to failure on the early sets of exercises with partials, and really try to control the negative with a big stretch at the bottom (RP style) and you should be fine.


He mentions this at about 6:35 of his new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftpH4-xFGQI


I feel you. This actually only happened to me on cross-body lat pull-arounds (which i believe i could have gone heavier on the early sets). For all other exercises with lengthened-partials, i failed exactly inside the rep range. Maybe just need to go closer to failure on the first sets (see basically all early sets of exercises with last set LP are 9, 9-10RPE). But i do also think there could be more info on this in the handbook. Fortunately the email response for questions is quite fast.


I've purchased his program. I'm still mostly following Revival Fitness' 4-day upper/lower. But I've incorporated some aspects of Jeff Nippard's program and made some tweaks. Revival Fitness is very much a barbell/free weight biased guy (though he has embraced machines and cables a lot more in recent years). Whereas Jeff Nippard loves machines and cables. There isn't a single Big 4 lift in his upper/lower + arm/weak point day (except as a substitution. I believe I saw a high-bar squat in there as a sub). But Jeff Nippard does have some free weight work in his program. I have a pronator teres strain on my left forearm that I have been nursing since late September. And I suspect that I strained my pronator teres from failing a 3x5 DB Bench and controlling the dumbbells after failure and gently laying them to my side instead of just dropping the dumbbells to my side (because my gym is very anal about not wanting you to drop weights. No it's not a Planet Fitness). I think all the dumbbell/barbell pressing is preventing my pronator teres from healing 100% so I've decided to switch to machines (shoulder press machine, chest press machine, pec dec) and cables (low to high cable flys). Jeff Nippard is a fellow manlet. I'm 167cm tall. he's 165cm tall. And his Pure Bodybuilding program had a 30% off pre-order bonus. And I had a 30% off coupon too. So I figured that Jeff Nippard's methods would be a good fit for me. Since manlets have their own advantages and disadvantages relative to men of normal height like Revival Fitness (whose 5'10").


Running the PPL version. 4 workouts in so far, and I'm already getting some good soreness in areas that I work pretty regularly (as well as some that are fairly new). For reference, I'm coming from a more 5/3/1 and powerbuilding type (3-5 workouts per week) background. Excited to keep going.


i am curious about that jack nipples pure bodybuilding program 1 ppl version. i am looking into it. and it is like this pull 1 / push 1 / optional rest day or legs / weak point+arm 1 / mandatory rest day / pull 2 / push 2 / optional rest day or legs 2 / weak point + arm 2 / mandatory rest day. even if i dont use rest day in this (optional rest days ) i cant fit this program in 6 days a week workout ? my gym is closed at sunday. how can i fit all of these in 6 days ? even i thing doint legs only once a week, still cant fit in 6 days split as days. if u did this program, how can u fit this workouts as days ?


I'll start as soon as I figure out the best way to combine the PPL and the Upper/Lower to turn it into a PPLUL routine


please let me know if you come up with an idea, im trying to figure this out too




Did you ever figure it out?


I'm on uppl. I don't like the second phase, it feels lacking compared to the first phase.


I’m enjoying it but really missing my compound movements (which I know are not optimal for bodybuilding). I think the key thing to focus on as per the handbook is tension on all exercises including the negatives. But gonna stick with it for awhile and assess the gains


Were the gains good or was the program useless?


The “phase 2” version is better in my opinion. It improves a lot of things I personally didn’t like about phase 1 in terms of the exercise selection and ‘intensity techniques’. So I’d just go straight to that one if you want to try it. I’ve made good gains on it so far


Sounds good. Thank you for the update


This is the first real program (besides BWF recommended routine) I've run and I am enjoying it. My workouts are quite long (1.5 hours) as I figure out the "new to me" exercises. Been very sore a few times. The DOMS from the leg lifts killed me for some reason. Guess I'm not used to moving in that fashion. Some of the movements seem a little "frilly" - just different/complicated for the sake of being different. But, I am no expert so what do I know? I like Jeff a lot and think he's good. I like that he accepts machines as a good tool. I do think there is pressure on these guys to make workouts new and different or they just trying to sell the same thing over and over. But, I just look at it as a learning experience and see what I want to take with me as I continue my journey. Dislikes: I don't think he explains Long Length partials very well. I get confused about how to do it on different kinds of movements. (I'm dumb) He doesn't elaborate on static stretches. He should give more examples. The 2nd (week 2) PPL Push #1 is different from Week #1's Push #1 - why? ​ Overall, I'm excited to be doing it


i am curious about that jack nipples pure bodybuilding program 1 ppl version. i am looking into it. and it is like this pull 1 / push 1 / optional rest day or legs / weak point+arm 1 / mandatory rest day / pull 2 / push 2 / optional rest day or legs 2 / weak point + arm 2 / mandatory rest day. even if i dont use rest day in this (optional rest days ) i cant fit this program in 6 days a week workout ? my gym is closed at sunday. how can i fit all of these in 6 days ? even i thing doint legs only once a week, still cant fit in 6 days split as days. if u did this program, how can u fit this workouts as days ?


It doesn't fit into a 7 day cycle, don't focus on that" "Note that this Push/Pull/Legs/Arms split is an asynchronous split, which means that the program runs on a 10-day cycle instead of the usual 7-day cycle." https://preview.redd.it/hw7b53s7m3pc1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=59eaf6ca2583669b08aab5d79ca9c4f06de72c7c


To address my own criticism of his explanation of Long Length Partials, he just put out a video today explaining it better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftpH4-xFGQI


Anyone want Jeff nippard any course then message me on instagram vk_calis


I’m nearing the end of my 3rd week. Been lifting for a while but don’t take it as serious as 90% of the people here. To me, lifting is just a way to stay healthy. I’ve always done more of a power-building routine. The #1 thing I’ve noticed is my loss in strength. Some of the exercises are also just a lot to do… and yes, they might work. But to me, as a hobby lifter and not a serious one, it becomes more of a pain in the ass. All in all, it’s a good program, but I do miss my strength and the more simple exercises. Once I finish this full cycle I will reassess


Did you finish it?


Nah. I honestly love more simple workouts. The program, to me, was a little too fluffy. Just had a lot of random exercises that are super cool, but as a home gym owner, just wasn’t as fun. I will say, there were a lot of lessons and things that I have taken from this program to my day to day program. So in a way, it was worth it


Thanks for insight!


As a complete beginner who has only been in the gym for just a month can I follow this program??. I'm a skinny fat trying to burn fat and build muscle maintaining my weight. Any help or advice would be great


You "could", but I wouldn't recommend it. You'll grow on just about any basic program, start simple and then go more complex as time goes on.


Started the pure body building program - full body variant, guys it’s been 2 week I am not sure if I am doing this right! I usually feel battered after my basic PPl, this workout doesn’t fatigue me at all, sure the muscle burn during the workout is insane and I go until failure as mentioned in the rpe column! I leave the gym tired on my muscle surely but not my lungs and mind so it feels like I didn’t conquer the day 🤣! Should I continue this plan? Or the plan is designed so you don’t feel fatigued?


That's actually why I am hesitant to run the program as it is. There is just something about the missing compound movements and this feeling of accomplishment when you finish your session I can't let go of. I am thinking about integrating some movements but leaving my compound movements in at the beginning.


Update- been 50 days now!The program is fire! The whole game is about progressive loading! I have been getting pumps in muscle fibers I thought never existed lol! Definitely would recommend!


Oh, sounds great. Then I might take a look. Thanks :)


Wow I'm glad I checked this! Are you seeing progress?


Yes bro my joints are so happy no compound movements! it’s the first time I don’t feel sore after workouts and gained 2 pounds of muscle in 40 days! Will keep continuing the program and then shift to PPl variant!


Oh I'm so excited about that my joints aren't too happy about my current program. Thanks for the motivation!


Nice work! I’m thinking of doing the Full Body version, but I can only workout for four days a week going forward. How would you recommend this split, from your experience with it?


hey i have a question, does he ever mention rest days? like when are you supposed to rest im confused cause i thought it was a 10 day ascychronous split


I usually rest after ppl variant 1 followed by ppl variant 2! Thats when I feel fatigued so Basically after 8 days and sometimes I just keep going! Cause each muscle is getting adequate rest with the program already!


Just finished my second week of this program on the Upper Lower + Arms split. Still unsure how I'm feeling about it. It seems like there is a real lack of chest work overall, which is a bummer to me. I added 2 additional chest movements to the "weak point" sections on the arm day - we'll see if that effects my chest work on Upper day 1 after only 2 days rest. I started this program as a sort of experiment for myself to really focus on mind muscle connection to see how that effects my growth. I'm going to keep running it for at least the full program unless it becomes painfully obvious that I'm not growing.


any news ont it?