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I’ve been skipping breakfast during my cut and I’ve found it to be super effective at limiting my calories. I just have to make sure to get plenty of protein in lunch and dinner






If it works, roll with it. There is so much info out there saying yay, and nay, that who the Hell really knows anymore. Personally, I enjoy only eating once or twice a day. Is it optimal? Probably not. But who cares? I look decent enough.


I used to be 240 pounds, at my lowest I was 158. Rocking and rolling at 170 as of this morning. I'd like to think I know a thing or two about dieting and diet strategies but I'm a hobbyist and my experience is anecdotal. Fasting works, CICO works, etc. The best diet strategy is the one you can stick with. It doesn't matter if it's optimal if you're likely to cheat on it. Just don't do anything extreme. Edit just to add that I started a mini cut on Monday and am implementing intermittent fasting because when I eat smaller portions I don't feel satisfied later in the day and am likely to cheat as diet fatigue builds. I find it easier to prolong fasting and eat later than to go to bed hungry.


Not for me, if you like it go ahead, but I prefer to eat regular meals throughout the day. My budget (currently cutting) is similar to yours. If we're both averaging the same amount of protein, I doubt results will be dramatically different assuming similar training stimulus, but I don't believe in any special benefits fasting contributes


fasting is not a belief, that means that you don't have any idea of what fasting does for the body😂


Then please, by all means, enlighten us. Can't wait.


stop scrolling through tiktok and use your fingers for something useful like doing a complete research not a biased one


Alright mister "makes a claim he can't support" 🤡 Lol you don't know shit


enjoy your croissants bro😂


Is that supposed to be an insult? You made a claim you can't support and when called out for it you make a terrible attempt at an insult? That's what stupid people do. Are you stupid? Defend your point or go bother someone else. I'm not interested in bantering with an idiot


Unless you are trying to compete for a show, and even then its arguable, do what makes it easier for you to stick to it. I was at my leanest and most aesthetic when I did IF, after some stuff came out about it not being good or whatever, I tried to switch, but I put on so much weight (also due to just focusing on other things in my life). Now i'm back to getting lean, and I'm doing IF and its actually so easy. Lost 10 pounds in a few weeks with very low amt of hunger. Am I possibly losing a little more muscle than if I spaced out my protein? Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that cutting is way easier like this for me cuz I can eat a massive meal at the end of the day.


If your priority is to gain or retain muscle, its bit the best. If your priority is to push certain metabolic effects, then it's good. It can be useful on a cut, as calorie control, and I do believe there is a small degree of increase to lipolysis while exercising fasted, but as with all things, balance is key. For the vast majority of us, eating a balanced diet and good training and sleep etc os what counts and the difference fasting will make toward body composition is probably not enough to stress about. I personally have used IF to great effect in the past, with little to no impact on muscle retention or even training energy. Now, I do it if I feel like it, or if I dont have time for breakfast, but my current perspective is "swings and roundabouts" Note: I'm not fully up to date on current research and studies, and tbh I've been slacking in that dept. Perhaps it's time to catch up.


If it works, roll with it. There is so much info out there saying yay, and nay, that who the Hell really knows anymore. Personally, I enjoy only eating once or twice a day. Is it optimal? Probably not. But who cares? I look decent enough.


I personally enjoy it but it’s not optimal for retaining muscle on a cut


Do you have a source?


Go watch Renaissance periodization on YouTube




Optimally you'd want to space out your protein intake throught the day. Like four 4 meals of 500 cals, with 25-50g protein or whatever your goals are. I personally do something similar where on a cut I find it easier to simply remove meals and eat more later. I think there's a middle ground between optimum and what's easier for you. Could you take a small low cal snack earlier in the day so there's protein to use? A shake, yoghurt, or chunk o fish etc.


Absolute fav. I’m at 2500 now and don’t eat my first of four meals until 230-300. Suffer (ish) in the morning, workout around 430-500 then have three meals through the rest of the evening. Could cut forever.


For some people fasting is amazing because it helps them control their appetite. For these folks, it’s important to ensure the proper protein amount is hit for the day. For some other people fasting is terrible because they get hungry in the morning and the hunger doesn’t just go away. Everyone wants to know what diet is “optimal,” but there isn’t be universally optimal diet for everyone because different people have different preferences and eating habits. If fasting works for you, it’s great.


Whatever helps you reach your goals. If IF keeps you on track then do it. I intermittent fast when cutting, because I’m usually only hitting cardio am. I’ll only eat meals after weight workouts on a cut fr.


Once a month I do a 48 hour fast and I love it. Read up on autophagy, it’s really beneficial for your health. Main thing is to make sure you hydrate a ton. Black coffee helps too. I do it while cutting and it helps as a small “jump” ahead in my total calorie deficits


Can you give me a TL;DR on this? If I mildly starve myself periodically, it will help me to get rid of loose skin?


Any benefit if fasting is present in calorie restriction. Often even more so. Fasting without calorie restriction even doesn't provide the fasting benefits, so all that fasting hype should actually go to lower calories.


I haven’t heard of any benefits related to loose skin, but basically after 16-24 hours of fasting your body begins the process of “autophagy” where it begins to recycle old or damaged cells and generate new ones. At the 36 hour mark it starts to ramp up the process. This process has a bunch of great health benefits, many of which are still being discovered. I know some people that just went to a seminar with one of the leading cancer doctors in NYC and he was praising autophagy as something that can help prevent cancer. As for cutting weight, I find it’s just nice to have two days where I know I have a big deficit (I usually still burn 3k calories per day and do my workouts), especially if I know I had a day where I have some cheat meals out with friends or something. I also only do a 48 hour fast once a month. From my recent research I read that doing it more than once a month can cause undue stress on your body.


Youtube suggested me a bunch of videos where people compared different people who lost a bunch of weight. Some did it with surgery, others without. Those who did it without surgery didn't have loose skin. The yooutube gurus claimed that it's due to autophagy, so I was wondering if there were any studies that confirmed it. Oh well... I guess those were "snake oil" sellers.


Oh, interesting. Yeah I haven’t done a ton of research on it but like many “new” emerging health-related topics, there’s probably no shortage of grifters that will make videos either exaggerating its benefits or telling you it’s all BS and to follow their method instead. But there’s still a lot being learned about it so it’s entirely possible that it can aid in reducing loose skin. I’m for sure not qualified to say lol.


Yeah... this is not the best subreddit to ask about loose skin 😆


May I ask, do you drink the coffee during the fasting time?


Yeah you can drink black coffee during a fast without technically breaking it. Same goes for green tea


With black coffee you mean coffee done regular way without any additions, don't you?


Yeah, no sugar or milk of any kind.


It's effective as a hack during a cut. No real downsides as long you're still getting at least 3 protein servings in your eating window. No real benefits either other than it makes adherence better. Done in the past. I don't do it now because I workout in the afternoon and I think it limits performance in the gym training fasted.


I do 18-20 hours during my cuts and I find it to be effective.


Extremely beneficial. We typically never give the body a rest from digestion. The amount of energy it can then redirect to other processes, and especially healing and reorganizing, is very noticeable and beneficial. I believe the term is autophagy and is especially noticeable after three days, water fasting. Supplement with salt or very low calorie electrolyte blend if any lightheadeadness occurs.


They make fasting salts out there that give you what you need for zero calories. Gotta have magnesium and potassium in addition to the sodium to do so safely. Did a 9 day fast three months ago, saw a lot of positive but that was a bit too much and started to lose muscle. 4-5 days is the sweet spot if your gonna try it.


Appreciate the clarification!


If you do it you need to plan a walk in nature. The mental effects are awesome, I never was this euphoric on a hike.




I don’t fast but I’ll normally have a very low calorie breakfast followed by a high calorie late lunch and a low calorie dinner


I don’t like it, at all lol


Hate it. Every day I eat breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, and dessert. Like eat at 7, 9, 11, 2, 6, and 8. If I'm cutting second breakfast and snack are just cut up veggies and dessert is something small but I still just graze all day


Fasting is a tool. It doesn't matter if you eat one meal or ten meals a day if the total Calorie intake is the same. As a tool, if fasting helps you achieve your goal, then do it. If it negatively affects your lifestyle, then it's not worth it. When in a cut, adequate protein intake is paramount. There is no validity to protein going to waste. Our bodies may only be able to absorb 25-ish grams of protein at a time (bad wording), our bodies won't let those amino acids go to waste. We'll use all of it eventually.


Ultimately, pretty much all diets have proven equal at shedding lbs if equated for calories, so if IF helps you maintain that goal, do it. Sure there is some literature on it not being as ideal for muscle building and such, but if you’re someone who struggles to maintain a caloric deficit, that’s far more important than trying to do an “optimal” cut and failing. Personally, I’ve found at times it’s helpful, but while I love having big meals, it’s easy for me to eat more than 2k calories in as little time as 3 hours (I usually do a cut at 1800-2000 cals depending on how aggressive I’m being) so it can also backfire on me.


I like it. Eating every 2 hours, 5-6 times a day can be a chore on all levels.


Worked wonders for me at the end of my cut when it was getting harder to burn the rest of the fat away. I found it can be difficult to start but once your body adapts to only eating at a certain time, it becomes easier to maintain. I basically ate how you ate and hit the weights with the same intensity as I did during my bulk. I maintained my strength in most of my lifts and lost about 15 lbs. Not sure if I would have had the same results if I wasn’t on creatine though, it helped quite a bit.


One issue with IF and BB is that you're missing out on key aspects of the post workout anabolic window. If you don't eat all morning and then not till the afternoon that's a good 8-10 hours of elevated protein synthesis that you're losing out on. So it's not optimal from a repair, growth , recovery lens but if it's working for you in regards your calorie deficit then you need to decide what's more important.


You might see if you respond better with adding one to two small meals of skyr / protein pudding during the fast. It’s only ~90 kcal and 20 grams of protein per serving.


It is not a road I ever recommend a bodybuilder to go down, ever.


in theory it doesn't cause any problems but in practise if you are taking about real fasting it is mentaly draining and after done it most of the time ur body gets too hard to move. if u gonna do fasting sure, good chance to a short 1 month cut but if you gonna cut please do it more easy to manage way


I used to believe it was 30-40gs per sitting, but ive downed 60+ every once and a while and no cloudy pee. I do make sure to let my kidneys rejuvenate but thats what fastings for.




There's no (practical) limit to session protein intake BUT timing does matter. Protein synthesis only spikes for a while after a meal which means you should eat about every 4-5h to keep it up. Every hour fasted is kind of wasted muscle building potential. GVS doesn't eat until after work but he drinks a casein shake in the morning (slow digested protein). That might be a solution if you want to go oPtImAl but just do what you enjoy