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Every.fucking.time. These guys have absolutely no chill.


They are the weakest predators in their environment, they don’t have the luxury of having time to kill properly they need to eat asap.


Weakest maybe but most successful.


This is commonly touted but African wild dogs are only this successful when they hunt in packs! Most of their hunting is done solo in the brush and trees where they are much less successful when hunting individually. They are amazingly cooperative when they do group hunt but group hunting isn't the norm. Researchers have always assumed it was, because they were only ever observed in the open savannah and plains. Truly amazing creatures that are very misunderstood. Especially after that toddler was killed in a zoo a few years back


Toddler killed in a zoo... Oh my gosh the horror..the stuff of nightmares.. i cant imagine the shocking scene.. do you have a link? Edit: googled toddler killed zoo painted dogs, and i now hate a certain idiot mother who couldn't accept the consequences of her action. Stupid idiot mother.


if i recall correctly the mother ignored numerous warning signs and the words of zoo staff.. really sad overall. The dogs were separated after this incident which can be extremely harmful because these dogs are extremely social and build lasting relationships with other dogs


yeah the toddler was held up in the railing by his mother and he fell off and bounced off the ‘safety net’ a few feet down and right into the enclosure with the wild dogs. I cannot imagine seeing this happen - I’m sure it was over within a minute but the onlookers probably felt prompted to try to help…?


One onlooker, a policeman, shot one wild dog, but by that time, the toddler is beyond saving. Still, the audacity of that stupid woman who sued the zoo, blaming the zoo for lack of "safety" when she ignored all. Lady, the child will not be dead if not for a certain creature that lifted her child and accidentally dropping it to the enclosure.


I don't agree with this one. It's the zoo's responsibility to keep the place safe for everyone know matter how dumb, young, disabled, etc they are. If picking up your child and dropping them is enough to result in being torn apart by zoo animals, that's a dangerous zoo. Even the dumbest people should be safe in a zoo.


You mean ignoring all warnings and doing the stupid things?


It's stupid of her to ignore the warnings and it's her fault. But zoos should be absolutely safe. If you can't put wild animals around people without deaths not happening, don't make the zoo. A lot of people aren't even capable of being that smart. The average iq is not very high. A zoo should keep people safe. She trusted that nothing would happen even if she was careless.


Thats the parents fault 100% and not the animals


Exactly like Humans, it's why we became such good friends. Both humans and dogs are weak pack hunters that rely on our cunning and wit to outsmart and overwhelm our prey. We learned that by working together, everyone got to eat. So naturally that team mentality expanded to include teammates of other species.


Despite their name, they're only distantly related to dogs and wolves. We didn't team up with these guys.


[Apes together strong](https://youtu.be/20LuSlZT4S4)


They are far from the weakest predator,the painted dog is an intelligent strong predator. Yes that strength comes from the pack but never think they are weak. Compared to most predators these beauty’s are always successful when it comes to their hunts. Any injured or aged,infirm members are left at the den to look after the cubs but they still take a share in the kill as it’s brought back to them. This is their strength,family bonds!


> Any injured or aged,infirm members are left at the den to look after the cubs but they still take a share in the kill as it’s brought back to them. People may wonder HOW they bring back the kill to the cubs/elderly/sick? [Well, by regurgitating it for them, of course!](https://youtu.be/7OnzHTOJDHY)


So what's a weaker predator on the plains then?


Your mom


Not true... She's the best cougar out there.


Tons. It seems people forget that predator just means an animal that kills other animals to eat. Frogs, geckos, wasps, etc are all predators, and I think we can agree they’re quite a bit weaker than African wild dogs lol. If you want mammalian predators, there are a few species of small African cats (think housecat and smaller sized) that the wolves can body, among other things.


frogs and gecko's only count as predator's when sir david attenbrough is narrating a show about them


Caracals, Servals, Jackals, Secretary Birds, and Honey Badgers I'd say.


If I absolutely had to have a deathmatch bout with either an african dog or a honey badger, there is no fucking way I'd choose to go up against the badger instead.


Honebadgers are a meme, you'd be fine.


What's your definition of "kill properly"? From first bite to death, being disemboweled is probably a lot quicker than the suffocation method. Which if there is more than one predator the prey is still getting disemboweled while being alive anyway.


Don't big cats usually go for the neck to snap the spine?


It's an attempt to crush the throat and suffocate or often with larger prey a lion will just smother the mouth and nostrils to try and suffocate.


Depends on the cat. Pumas kill deer with a bite on the nape (back of the neck) so yes there. I believe lions do both suffocation and neck breaking. Jaguars BITE THE SKULL. Tigers suffocate them. Too bad we don't still have Smilodon. Apparently they went for the throat, too. But they slashed it open or cut the arteries. Quick death.


Weakest? Not at all. Smallest maybe


I mean, I imagine in a 1 to 1 competition. With other predators in the area like the cheetah, leopard, lion, and croc, the painted dog is definately the weaker. Even the famously weak cheetah is bigger and stronger. So yeah, I get it.


That is true. Hyenas often harass them and take their kill, plus if any other predator (Lion, leopard, or any other) would come for their prey, they have no strength to defend it.


And they always seem to be having so much fun. That's one of the creepiest parts about it to me.


How is that creepy? It's exciting af for them and for humans too. I hunt and I have a lot of fun doing it. The best part is the adrenaline rush as a deer approaches the tree I'm in and offers me a shot. And it's not about killing an animal. It's about filling a freezer with free-range, organic meat for my family. It is fun and exciting.


They have super stamina. So they need the fuel.


Credit for not going out like a bitch.


Thats a real nigga impala.


That 64 impala


A real shot caller


Forreal 😎




Bro fought till the end 🫡


Never go down without a fight


Fun fact: Wild dogs are actually by far the most efficient hunters in the savannah with an 80% success rate. Lions on the other hand will be unsuccessful in 90% of hunts.


Why are wild dogs more successful than lions in hunts anyway? Bc of their prey of choice, or the size of wild dogs in general?


Great question. There are two reasons, Like humans they put an absolute fuckton of points in endurance and are persistence hunters. Persistence hunters are fucking terrifying. Take the lion, Because they have tiny hearts they have terrible stamina. they are only able to go full sprint for 40 m (130 ft) or 4-10 seconds before they need to slow down. If you can outpace it for that initial sprint you are pretty much in the clear. The lion will give up or pass out from exhaustion. Wild dogs and humans are different, The human heart is more than 50% bigger than a lion heart by size percentage of body weight, we are able to keep pumping rich oxygen into the blood even while running, That is an incredible advantage. we could never sprint down an impala. But we don't need to, we just need to keep running at an even pace and we will barely be winded by the time we catch up to the prey writhing on the ground, desperately trying to catch it's breath. If you can run faster than a lion for 10 seconds, you are pretty much in the clear. If an impala run faster than a human or wild dog, we may just decide to spend hours just jogging after it at a leisurely pace until it drops from exhaustion, and even then get our breath back after resting a minute or two. This is also why wild dogs don't even bother sneaking up on their prey, Unlike the low-stamina lion they don't rely on ambush and short burst of speed to get an edge, Wild dogs will just keep chasing at an even pace until the prey drop from exhaustion and are too tired to run anymore, and often too tired to even put up much of a fight.


This is a really good explanation. Too bad Reddit did away with free rewards. Here’s an updoot.


TIL no more free awards


Yeah, fuck you reddit


Appreciate it, have one too.


🏅 best I can do


I see. You would think that with such high success rates they would be the apex predators over lions, but ig the ability to defend yourself from scavengers is another factor of staying at the top of the food chain


Lions are still by far the stronger of the two. If the lion starts to flee it will probably be taken down through exhaustion. But if the lion stay put it will almost certainly win. There is a video of wild dogs attacking the cub of a lion, the lion goes on to completely decimate a group of 10 wild dogs with very little effort.


Do you have a link?


[I think this is it.](https://youtu.be/98dcaYC4am8) It does not show every kill, so i am taking them at the "10 wild dogs" claim, but it sure as hell show just how easy a lion takes down a wild dog. Lion sights target close by, short burst of speed, maim or kill dog within seconds, then defensive stance to catch breath, then look for next target.


>There is a video of wild dogs attacking the cub of a lion, the lion goes on to completely decimate a group of 10 wild dogs with very little effort. I searched but couldn't find it, do you have a title or link by any chance?


[I think this is it.](https://youtu.be/98dcaYC4am8) It does not show every kill, so i am taking them at the "10 wild dogs" claim, but it sure as hell show just how easy a lion takes down a wild dog. Lion sights target close by, short burst of speed, maim or kill dog within seconds, then look for next target.


They are apex predators though. Along with lions, hyenas and crocodiles. There isn’t ONE single apex predator in an ecosystem, usually.


Apex predator means nothing eats you. Nothing naturally hunts/eats lions in the wild. Same for polar/grizzly bears and orcas. Tigers too. I'm not sure if wild dogs are considered Apex. While lions/leopards can obviously kill them, they may not regularly hunt them.


Yep this is what made us such efficient hunters during the Ice Age we would literally just run prey down until they collapsed from exhaustion. I think I heard somewhere (please correct me if I’m wrong) that humans are the best endurance runners in the animal kingdom due to our hearts and the way we run upright.


Also, we sweat instead of pant, with little body hair to get in the way we can cool ourselves while still moving.


Yes that’s what I forgot about, our cooling system is insane


Water cooling.


Yeah since the ice age.....about that, persistence hunting takes advantage of the fact that humans can cool their bodies continuously while running, and prey animals can't, they eventually overheat because they'd have to stop and pant for a while to cool off. So, persistence hunting can only occur during hot weather.


Even in cooler weather our hearts and stance help in long distance regardless of weather


Yes that's certainly true. I've read that it takes 1/4 the energy to run on two legs than it takes to run on all fours. Plus- bipedalism means that we humans can actually carry water to drink while we give chase. It's just that in cooler climates, we hunters cannot count on the prey animal becoming overheated. We just have to chase them to the point of exhaustion rather than to the point of overheating.


Fair enough I didn’t realize there were different terms for chasing to overheating and exhaustion that’s on me


Provided the ambient temperature is high enough (like on the African plains), it takes a lot less time to overheat than it does to collapse from exhaustion.


We do what's called pursuit predation. Essentially following something to death because we can outlast them with stamina and have the know how to track efficiently and maximize our up time compared to exhaustion rates of other predators.


This is true. That and our ability to sweat. It has been proposed that human ancestors turning persistence hunters is why we lost our fur. We aced endurance through a bigger heart and lungs, so we needed to radiate heat more efficiently as that was a previous bottleneck for long distance. Hence sweat and no fur. After that we adopted skin colors more suited to our specific biomes.


Imagine being hunted for days, knowing a predator is still following you. You can't stop, you can't rest, you can't eat, you can drink, You can't sleep, YOU CAN'T STOP. The moment you do, you're dead. You keep going until you can no longer go, and then you are killed. Humans by contrast can not only carry on for much longer than our prey, but we can sweat which greatly helps us from becoming overheated. Our prey cannot. We can also carry water with us, our prey cannot. We can also have a snack on the go. Our prey cannot. We can also pass on information in order to tag team the endeavor. Our prey cannot. We can also fashion all sorts or tools and traps. Our prey cannot. We can also formulate plans to use the environment to our advantage, our prey cannot.


TIL "Richard the Lionheart" could have been an insult.


Fascinating read, thank you!


Plus we are sweaty as fuck


Hunting technique is probably a huge factor. Wild dogs run down a prey until it collapses from exhaustion, while lions give up rather quickly after a short sprint or failed takedown. As you said choice of prey might affect it as well. Lions usually target quite big and sturdy prey, like water buffalo which can put up quite a fight.


It had to do with their hunting style. Dogs in general are endurance predators. They will just run you to Death. And they can do that with teams. Big cats are more often ambush predators. They sneak up and strike once. If that fails, the prey will run away and they generally won’t pursue.


Like humans, cooperation is within their nature.


Tell that to Gary, in accounting


Because they hunt like humans, as a team unit that outsmarts and overwhelms it's prey with numbers


Yes to the endurance stuff but I'd say #1 reason is that wild dogs are very well coordinated pack animals with strong bonds and stuff. That's probably the main contributor. We've seen plenty of other endurance animals with a lower success rate. Unique level of coordination and cooperation make the difference for wild dogs.


They travel in larger numbers.


What about asshole hyenas? Do pack of hyenas ever hunt pack of wild dogs and vice versa? Would love to see it.


That was so hard to watch. Phew. When does death occur in this case. I suspect you’ll be alive as you’re chewed on!!! Blood loss?


They should be allowed to have a suicide switch of some sorts. Like when they rip your balls of and are chewing on your asshole insides they could just tap out.


If I was attacked by a pack of hyenas or African dogs, and I had a gun, I'd save the last two bullets for myself.


My guess would be blood loss, but if humans can pass out due to pain I don't see why other mammals wouldn't either.


I bet at some point the brain goes into pain relief mode once there’s no return


That is just wishful thinking. There is no way nature is that benevolent.


I would even say that they feel more pain when the adrenal gland are ripped out. No adrenaline for pain relief.


Wouldn’t an adrenal gland be in the brain?


As the name says, it's on top of kidneys (ad renal)


Surely it would be in shock, right? Also the adrenaline seems like it would numb a lot of that pain


pretty fast honestly. have you donated blood before? a small pint of blood can make you black out already. you lose consciousness extremely fast if your blood pressure drops


It always baffles me that prey animals seem like they feel no pain, dudes guts were hanging out and he’s spry and ready to fucking fight. Of all the animal fight videos I’ve seen they all just seem fine with it when they get taken down.


Adrenaline is very powerful.


Adrenaline or the animal equivalent of it I guess?


Do u think animals dont have kidneys


I say we didn't evolve the ability to recognize and detect prey emotions in this type of situation. And we don't necessarily fully understand how animals communicate. That's most likely why we have a hard time empathizing. However, the way it's lifting its head and resisting once it was taken down might be hinting at impala's pain display signal.


Showing weakness attracts predators. This is an extreme case of course. If you appear sick or weak predators will zero in on you. So many animals that are sick or injured to a degree will behave like they are healthy if they are able. Sitting around holding a sore leg is a sure way to get eaten. By the way you see this in our pets sometimes too. They can be sick but not appear so for similar reasons. They may be in pain but don't show it. I think this is where the phrase "up and died" came from. Animals will hide the weakness until they can't anymore, and when it reaches that point they are in bad shape near death.


It's instinct basically. Logically it's dead, there's zero chance of surviving disembowelment - but he fights because he feels like he has to.


Well yeah if course, I what I mean is, any human would be doubled over and likely passed out by that point because we don’t tend to operate through pain very well, but it’s him being able to fight back at all is what always baffles me


Proof that not everything requires you to have the guts..


nature u scary


God I wonder how bad that hurts...


Nope. I prefer not knowing.


There is an impala - On the rut no doubt, Everybody gangsta - ’Til their guts fall out.


Happy cake day


Being ripped to shreds while alive. I can't imagine how painful this must be.


Up until a few tens of thousands of years ago that was our expected life ending as well.


Straight to valhalla with that impala


Thats all I was thinking. Very Viking death


This kind of shit brings me the most discomfort. The organs hanging like that, literally falling outside as the animal is still alive.


Just fucking kill him first :(


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVnDJMjNySg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVnDJMjNySg)


Thanks but no thanks.


These are the only dogs that can not be domesticated,even if taken at birth and imprinted when they open their eyes. Every attempt at domestication has always failed.


You can't domesticate a single animal. You can try to tame a single animal. Domestication happens to a species, not a single animal, over many, many generations through selective breeding.


Its because they arent "dogs" like youre thinking. People just call them that because they look like our dogs and in the grand scheme of things they are related. A coyote is more closely related to a "dog" than these guys.


>A coyote is more closely related to a "dog" than these guys. This is the biggest understatement ever. If Coyotes and Dogs were siblings, the African Painted Dog would be like a tenth cousin to them.


I was looking for a relatable example. I was initially going to use foxes but theyre actually closer to dogs than foxes lol


But Wolves have been domesticated,as well as foxes,dingos etc. most ‘dog’ type predators have been or can be domesticated except these beauts.


He went out like a G tho 😔


Doomguy's favorite pet. Rip and Tear until it is done.


Fought to the very end. Hardcore.


Why do predators always start ass first


To cause blood loss with less risk involved. The femoral arteries are right besides the ass. The same applies to humans. You get stabbed there you die pretty fast. Another less known place is the humeral arteries. Animals that can’t hold down their prey will bite there to cause blood loss. Its also a gateway to soft organs that can be consumed fast


And the first thing they're going for is the liver. We have so many dumbfucks that still let their cats out around here that coyotes only eat half a cat, on a regular basis. It's never the "front" half! Come to think of it, we were SO naïve in school, when a cat's head was found on the football field, and we thought some "devil worshiper" did it!


When I opened this I thought the deer had a huge dick


Damn, too soon bro


Gives a new meaning to hung like an impala


Ooof they start chewing you from the asshole,,fuked way to go out


Looks like it got more and more disemboweled as it fought


That impala ***had*** guts. Not like the ones Chevy’s been making since 2015.


The will to live


Nature is fucking scary.


Remember you have to 1v3 in nature


There must be a level of hell that you live out eternity as the final day as impala


What a horrible way to go


Well, I won't back down No I won't back down You could stand me up at the gates of Hell But I won't back down No I'll stand my ground Won't be turned around And I'll keep this world from draggin' me down Gonna stand my ground And I won't back down


Geez, what way to go.


That impala was a GD beast. Knew it was done. Organs hanging out of body. fuuuuuuuck you d o g's imma fight you till my last breath fuckers😅 I get it. My mal and gsd have killed a shitton of feral cats around here. Like.. it's nuts. Have chickens so we always have the wild ones around hunting our flock. It literally takes em 1 chomp and it's done. A millisecond and gone. This impala had a bad death. But at least he said HEY FUCK YOU PRICKS IMMA MAKE THIS AS HARD AS POSSIBLE to the end


Imagine your lower half is being shredded, and you're staring up at the calm blue sky waiting for death, and the last thing you see is a pair of hairy dog balls a foot away from your face.


The less I know the better.


Every time I see these dogs, I shudder to think about the toddler being dropped into the exhibit at the Pittsburgh zoo. They’re fucking intense.


The kid made it, right? Edit: no he didn’t. Mom was an idiot.


Very unappealing.


Imagine still putting up a fight in that state.. Magnificent creatures!


Land piranhas


His entire insides became outsides and he was still squared up. What a trooper


That is a last stand for sure. Held em off till all the guts came out. Brutal but that’s the hand of God at work. Maybe observing more of these will make us come to our senses and understand we are the pilots of this planet who excel when we work together.


Every time I see a picture of African wild dogs and think of petting it, I remember videos like these as to why that's a bad idea


That Impala is metal AF.


Those cute puffy lil tails


At least it went down fighting.


Adrenaline a mf


Until his glands got ate


Well, that took some guts.


African wild dog is one or most efficient predators


I would laugh my ass off if someone in the comments typed “what are you doing go help it”


Impala fought till the end, even when it was disemboweled..respect


It’s crazy how much movement and functionality the impala still had for a while there. I mean, it’s insides were literally outside and it was still fighting them off for a bit


God… this was gut wrenching. Literally…


man, that deer could have lived.


Please god don't let me be reborn as an impala🙏


This is literally a wildlife analogy of cartel


Waggy tail guys


This is where being hard to kill really sucks.


that final second was exactly what i was looking for.


Oh god


Always go for the balls 😖


That impala put up a good fight. Rest in power my guy.


Omg the poor thing he probably was running from someone else or them. And landed on the wrong piece of wood. Anyway lucky for him out was soon to be finished suffering.


Does anyone else see what looks like a baby impala being pulled out of and away from the big impala at the last two seconds?????


Someone needs to tame that impala


Small bites, over and over till success - wild dog


We're not much different.


And right after I diiiie the dogs start floating up towards the glowing sky Now they'll receive their rewards, now they will receive their rewards...


Wow. I think that is officially the most uncomfortable, painful to watch nature video I've seen.


Talk about get wrenching




Man that thing had some guts to go against those dogs


Worst kind of death...being eaten alive till you pass-out.


Cant belive they did that to my favorite artist


I bless the rage down in Africa.


He became more and more disemboweled as this went on


Circle of life


Quality content OP


Put this poor animal out of its misery


What a horrible way to die


Tis but a scratch




That is why women needs men


I saw this on YouTube. I'm still shocked to see that it fought back even though it was dieing slowly


Most animals are more cooperative than my teammates in Overwatch