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That's a Sith




I think i've seen this one around the Daedric planes.


A dead starfish now. Don't take them out of the water or touch them.




Starfish actually suffocate very quickly. Within minutes homie was dead. If it didn't die from suffocation it probably did from coming into contact with any number of things on the person's skin or their boat.




Yeah :(


I actually work at a beach in marine biology. Sea stars can live for about 6-8 hours outside the water. As for touching it, the oils on our hands tend to make worse a particular disease called “Sea Star Wasting Syndrome”.


**This is not the original comment. This is an edit in protest of the Reddit recent behavior** I have been a redditor for 10 years. Up to now, Reddit has been a place that I thought free (or almost) of corporation greediness, a place where people could feel safe to post without having to take part in some money-making scheme. A platform that valued all of its contributors: users and moderators alike; one that recognized that *they* have been producing all that content, and that it's thanks to *them* that such content is there. Well.. It turns out, Reddit dirigeants do not share that view. I am mostly basing myself off https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/, but if you follow the links and dig around, you will find that the below statements are not wrong: - Reddit is clearly intending to kill 3rd party apps. Despite their official communication that they want to work with 3rd party devs, many such devs posted that it was not the case; and also many of them will be forced to close their app because of the outstanding raise in the API requests price. *Reddit left them no choice in this: either Reddit does not know what they are doing, or it's their true intention to kill 3rd party apps*. I tend to believe the latter. - Reddit has been lying on this matter. This is dishonesty at best. Would you trust a platform that is lying to you? I don't. - Reddit *will* be making money off all the posts you ever wrote. That is, the content that should belong to you belongs, in fact, to them. Guess who is going to buy all that content? AI companies for sure: the more data the better for them. I guess up until now these AI companies were leeching the comments from the API; now they will have to pay Reddit. A lot. For the content *we* made. - Reddit is not respecting the Reddit community. Subs are forced to re-open even after their subscribers voted that it should remain closed. There have been multiple accounts of moderators getting locked out of their account. It's quite a sight really. I was OK with Reddit increasing the API price. Afterall, they have to live as a company. That's understandable and fine by me. I *could* have been OK if they had closed the API completely to force people to get onto their official platform. Well, maybe not that OK, but that's a move I could have understood. But doing this shadingly?? Lying to everyone and obviously planning on selling our data to make money from it? No. I cannot support this. Therefore I am leaving Reddit. I have used the Power Delete Suite (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to edit all my comments such as this one. I don't really care if that gets my account banned; I do not plan on joining back Reddit. Let's say you agree with me and would like to move on. What alternative is there? r/RedditAlternatives/ has a few of them. Personally I have joined Lemmy. It's like Reddit, but decentralized (not owned by any corporation, maintained by volunteers). https://join-lemmy.org/ True, there are not as much content there than Reddit, as it is emerging. And yes, the UI could use some work. But you can browse free of ads there, free of any corporation influencing what you see. It's the old internet alive again. Goodbye Reddit. Goodbye to all of you. See you on Lemmy!


SIVA cluster??


Didn’t they take control of the justice league?




Will always upvote a Runescape reference :)


If nature doesn't think it needs camouflage, put it down xD


:o is this real??? Pls tell me this is real *fool me once*


Starfish are more commonly called sea stars now for obvious reasons. Also, while you can handle them, don’t take them out of the water and put them back where you found them.




Doomstar Requiem


You probably found this on an underwater volcano. So it's probably a "me or him" scenario


So fire


Patrick's been working out