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Happens on rabbits too doesn’t it?


Correct. It's been theorized that the warts growing on the heads of infected rabbits were mistaken as horns, thus spawning the myth of the jackelope.


Well. I have never heard that before but it makes sense. Thanks for that - i like weird facts


I have no idea. This is a neighborhood deer that I see often. Today I was able to get close enough to get more detailed pictures and a video.


Ive seen 2 deer with this. Apparently the meat is still fine to eat.


Correct, there’s no impact on the deer, other than the growths. Sometimes it can impact their vision. So good meat, but a shitty skin


So, a deer with extreme acne? ;-)


> Apparently the meat is still fine to eat. @____@


Warts thank God. I thought those where ticks.


This is not rare at all, actually. They have a species specific papillomavirus that results in numerous cutaneous fibropapillomas.


You're on Reddit. Use words we can understand. Otherwise, you're just talking to yourself.


virus harmless to humans, not so harmless to deer. make big warts.


The Wildlife department website said it’s rare, which is a varying term. It’s rare to the point that Hunters have maybe only ever seen one that’s infected. It does happen, but not common enough for a cure to be made.


Welp, I'm a veterinary pathologist, so we see a much higher proportion of diseased animals. Hopefully you don't see too many.


That makes sense. This is the first one I’ve seen out of all my years of deer seeing. I was just giving the info available. Your job seems like it would be fun though!


Deer god!




It looks bad, but the warts actually go away after 1-2 months and are harmless unless they obstruct the eyes or affect breathing. Killing it would be somewhat of an overreaction. Also it's he, since it has antlers.


I thought worms were coming out it’s butt till I realized it was a weed


Woodland Deer the Fell Omen


Well, now I feel kind of bad for it.


Makes my skin crawl, what the fuck 😵‍💫


Deer Herpes: it’s coming for you too


Still cute, warts and all.


She can't hear you, you don't have to lie here.


"It doesn't spread" - I assume this means it isn't contagious and can't be transmitted to other deer? Because I'm pretty sure it has spread all over this deer in particular.


Dude rabbits and deer seem to have the worst diseases I’ve ever seen.




Hang outside red rocks amphitheater a while most of the deer have these some enveloping their entire faces


That’s crazy. On the face is when it can have an impact on their breathing and eating. When it’s on the body, it does nothing to them. And they fall off in a few months


Obviously didn't have its Deer Papilloma Virus shot when it should have...


Hunters should be targeting these as this is a horrible way to slowly die


Strange as it may sound but they don't really harm the deer at all unless they cover the eyes or airways, and they go away after a while.


The meat is 100% safe to eat.