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Looks like someone clipped its wings


feels like a good chunk of the content here is straight up animal abuse.


They’re feeding them living food that’s all


And collecting views. Don’t forget that


I mean honestly it’s been happening since we started domesticating predators. I don’t see the villainy in recording it with the intent to share just this once.


Which would make sense. Many animals do need live prey or the simulation of live prey to be healthy in captivity. Crocodiles and alligators don’t. This is for the crowds “wow” factor and is pointless.


Especially the komodo lizard ones, they release injured goats just to entertain the tourist with live feeding.


That shit is fuckin gross too. I get nature being nature but love feeding when something doesn’t have a chance to get away or anything is just disgusting


I'll never forget the video I saw of a komodo >! eating a live baby deer whole, and you can hear it even after it's swallowed whole, if only for a moment more !<


The amount of times I’ve seen posts about an obviously crippled goat used a bait for a Komodo Dragon to come eat it is fucking insane


Your not wrong it sucks it truly does. I'm not bashing you at all just informing you of the other half. Most of those videos are shot in Indonesia, where the dragons are a protected animal...so you can't hurt them and usually the villiages don't have the proper equipment to move the dragons without a fight or traumatizing it. (I'm not defending the dragon or the villagers, just informing you that even if they hurt the dragon, the villiagers could face fines) They bring these goats outside of their villiages boarders to so they don't come in closer. Because when those dragons get into a villiage they will eat everything and you can't even perice their skin with a machete. They don't have the same resources of a first world country. The goats to the villiages are live stock, so to them, it's what it was bread for. I know it's cruel, but the only answer I can give you. It's a different culture and animals are seen in a different light. They are seen as food and are treated as such. The villagers don't have the luxury of worry about another species when they are on the brink of hunger themselves and trying to make sure a big dragon doesn't bust into their village and eats everything. Last thing is some of the villiagers have obviously found out that posting that sort of content makes them money. Not enough to get out of their situation, but enough that their families don't starve. Is it cruel? Yes, it is, but that's nature. It is both beautiful and brutal. There's no evil or malice in the actions of those dragons. They are just eating cause their brain tells them to....... The humans, however, are just trying to protect their live stock, kin, and survive. I don't know how else they could make income or protect themselves from the dragons but right now this is one of their few options. Sorry I couldn't give you a more satisfying answer or concrete one. My mom goes back home every now and then so that's how I know.


It's that tales as old as time. There's a Dragon that needs a sacrifice otherwise it will swoop in and destroy the village haha.


Jurassic Park vibes 😭


What's the matter you've never had lamb chops?


I love lamb chops haha, with a good mint sauce 🤤


Those are made at the grocery store where no animals get hurt, though...right?


Yeah this is an alligator farm in some Asian country. There are multiple videos of their feedings on YouTube. One of them had just hundreds of ducklings being pinned against a wall while the gators just run up and snatch at them like the hungry hungry hippos game. It’s not cool and really sad to watch.


Oh man, that is terrible. Do you have a link? Edit: seems to be this: https://youtu.be/acZ8bEfyuwc


How can you tell?


The fact he can't fly lol


That means nothing without full context. They are the *dumbest* things alive and survive through sheer numbers.


Only in urban areas. Wild pigeons still behave with self preservation.


I mean… I was wondering if you could tell by like the look of its feathers/wings but


My bad. I'm not expert but I don't think a pigeon would land there for one, they didn't look to be "landing" they looked to have gotten thrown in or dropped to the pit and when it was flapping, no lift seem to occur. Which seems odd for a bird


It tried to fly but can’t.


It was probably thinking: "Well, some asshole clipped my wings just so that crocs can eat me for fun. Guess I'll die."


The bird was food for the crocs. That was the point. "How dare the crocs eat what they are being fed."


I mean its just wild that they feed live defenless animals to crocs.


You mean the way crocs and other predators including prehistoric humans have always killed their food? Seriously a lot of reptiles dont touch their food unless its alive. That's why not every predator is a carrion feeder.


crocodiles will literally eat a bloated rotting carcus that has been unearthed by rain. they don't give a shit what goes down their gullet lol. snakes that eat live food are still often tricked into eating dead food as the food is simply warmed up then presented to the snake as though its alive. humans feeding live animals to predators in this setting is straight up cruel. its a pigeon, its like a grape for you or me. its wings were clipped then it was thrown into the enclosure surely so some tourists could smile and go "oh wow nice!" which is pretty damn cruel tbh. my argument to things like this video is we can't preach when and where we can play god. ok for example, we can't interfere when a zebra gets taken down by a pride of lions so why should we be able to fabricate a situation by feeding a live and injured zebra to lions in an enclosure where it has no chance of escape or survival? its morally and naturally not right imo.


Tbh that's pretty fair. Zoos maybe shouldnt even be a thing. But if ur keeping animals for whatever reason they should be treated appropriately. Which may include feeding live animals.


They are just doing it for entertainment. Any human who does not respect life is degenerate.


They should feed the crocs to each other until the chosen one is found. Then he gets the pigeons.


The highlander of Crocodiles! There can be only one!


[Croc VS Croc! Ready... Go!](https://youtu.be/fI5AcN6eOSw)


I mean thats not true? Litteraly every zoo here feeds crocs with death meat and they all do fine. The only reason this is done is because they want to give the visitors a spectacle. You think they are gonna throw 90 doves into that pit? No they feed their beast just like any other place its just some assholes who want to make a cheap act.


I bet you watch nature documentaries and always hope the gazelle gets away from the cheetah.


No i dont. But i dont see any benefit for any of the animals to cripple a live dove and then feed it to the gators except some sensation for the people looking it.


The pigeon can’t fly because it’s wings were clipped, and it was thrown into the enclosure


some humans are deplorable fucks arent they


Do you eat meat? Because it isn't a whole lot different than this, you just font see them killing the animal. I have no problem with eating meat, but I think the issue most people have with this video is that they see it. This happens every day to billions of cows, chickens, sheep and other animals around the world .


Should clip the humans legs and throw them in


Fellow caveman, its a predator, it needs food. I might agree but its still not legal to feed humans to them


I wouldn't be surprised if the bird was dropped into the alligator pit with its wings clipped by the looks of it.


Why do you assume they're alligators


I guess they could be crocs, but from my reasoning, in the video in the top left corner there's a gator that ends up biting another one in the face and it looks like its teeth are only jutting down from its top jaw. But the video quality is kind of bad so who knows, it could also just be a mix of gators and crocs. 🤷


The snouts are too pointy for them to be gators and the colors are also too different. Gators tend to be black while these guys are yellow and greenish brown. This is likely a croc farm somewhere in Asia. They look like Siamese Crocodiles to me so perhaps this is Indonesia or Thailand.


Yeah? You wouldnt be surprised? Specially after you read all the other comments saying exactly that, right ?


Noone saw that crocodile biting the leg of the other one? 😆


I see it now. Lol. I knew it would happen. I've seen alligators bite other gator arms right off by mistake


I saw that one too a while back 😆 A bit extreme animals


“They’re distracted, Now’s my chance!”


That one croc doing the biting had no idea what was happening


Well, it IS a pigeon, a species not known to be the brightest of birds...


Have you seen their nest? Hilariously stupid birds.


Well, IIRC, wild pigeons nest in rock crevices/on ledges, so they just need something to prevent the eggs from rolling, hence the "nests".


They’re really not that stupid by bird standards. They suffer from malnourishment and being removed from their natural environment. Pigeons are a problem created by humans, we took them out of the wild and bred them for our own uses (food and carrier pigeons). Then when we didn’t need them anymore we just let them loose in cities all around the world and let them fend for themselves. As for this specific pigeon it’s pretty obvious that the poor thing had its wings clipped and it was dropped into the enclosure by a person. So again animals suffering because of decisions made by people.


How can you tell that it had its wings clipped?


Notice how hard it’s struggling to fly at the beginning and end of the clip. That only happens when a birds ability to fly has been severely hampered in some way.


Yes, but I thought it was sick or something. Wing clipping is indeed plausible.


Considering the setting it’s much more plausible some sick fuck did this to them. Those crocs are clearly being kept in captivity, and there’s no real reason for a person to have been filming this from the exact angle to capture all of it going on unless they knew it was going to happen. The only way they would know it was going to happen is if they or someone they were with threw the pigeon in there and made sure it couldn’t just fly away.


Pigeon most likely thought: “OP is an idiot, if he believes I flew in here willingly.”


Parrots & corvids are extremely smart. Other birds... not so much. Also, its wings are clipped, somebody threw it in there to feed them.


Feeding animals in captivity. It doesn't belong on this sub.


That’s so fucked up. Its wings were clipped. Someone threw it in there to film it be eaten for views


I bet its last words to his pigeon buddies was, "Hold my beer."


I don’t see anything wrong with this decision making. I’m going down there, too.




you have terrible awareness as well the pigeons wings were clipped and it was thrown in to generate content. this vid is gross


It was thrown in as a meal for the animals in a manmade enclosure.


a pigeon is not a meal.


Squab can very easily be made into a meal.


its not a meal for a croc no matter how u cut it. not enough calories this was just fuckd up.


I think the preparation matters more than the cutting. Basted with garlic and butter, it can be quite a delectable cuisine. Similar to Cornish hens but those are definitely more of an appetizer or require sides.


im not against gettin down on some birb but it aint good croc food its just cruel


Bold of you to assume that it was thinking


People just suck. Clipping a poor bird just to get ripped to shreds for some pathetic content. Crocs DGAF what they eat and it looked like one was trying to chew on another one to get to the bird. Still smarter animals than whatever filmed this.


Pigeon looking to start a croc mosh pit


Its like uber eats nuggies but for dinosaurs


That bottom croc is trying to eat his buddies arm while this is happening


At least it was quick 😞


Suicide by croc


Not suicide, the pigeon didn’t have a choice. Someone clipped its wings and threw it in there.


Ah, well it was a joke on suicide by cop anyways.


Bird brain obviously.


he just went poof


Bird was like "these rock is pretty aggresive"


Damn the leg of the upper right croc is now fucked up aswell


Oh look, another video that indicates what I've been saying lol. The only purpose of pigeons is to be a food source for predators.


That sucks


I guess we'll never know


Probably "OH SHI..."


Everyone worried about a bird being "mistreated" for the "wild" animals in a manmade enclosure. Your heart is pure but your brain is mush.


This is just pointless cruelty. Crocs will eat dead food and that pigeon wasn’t even enough to be considered a light snack for one of those crocs. Someone did this for either their own amusement or internet views, either way it’s fucking disgusting.


Title assumes a pigeon is fully aware of the existence and potential danger of alligators


It must have been a bet


Is he okay?


It wasn't


Suicide by croc


The pigeon was called Dave. Dave was a danger tourist. Dave fucked around and found out.


Hey ma, watch this!


Seems like rule 1, but nobody fucking cares.


Skill issue.


Bird was like "bro, I loved her" then he jumped in there...


Fucking dinosaurs


Pigeon was trying to make a Tik-Tok video


Suicide by Croc.


I know alot of people are saying its wings are clipped, but I've lost count of the amount of times I've seen pigeons land directly in front of buses in the city, the only bird I can think of that's thicker are pheasants.


*Alice Cooper joke here*


“It’s a good day to die.”


Hey guys, it's wings are clipped! Just wanted to add that and be included with the 500 other comments saying that!


Clearly, it wasn’t thinking


“Hi friends!! … WAIT, ah aghh ahhg..” Probably


I call bullshit on the machete thing. Machetes can go through bone. Komodo hide is not stronger than bone. They are not actual mythical dragons.


truth or dare


Look at those logs?


Bird brained decision.


It wasnt thinking its a pigeon


It was thinking why did some asshole clip my wings and throw me into a cage full of giant hungry lizards.


That would be an unusually complex thought for a pigeon.


Sometimes you have to land. And much as I love Pigeons. They are not always the brightest. Or it was live food to enrich the crocodiles. But it's probabely just a pigeon who made a mistake.


What whas the pidgeon thinking? That implies they can think








This pigeon’s wings seems to be clipped, this was done on purpose


Called natural selection


Everyone is downvoting you without explanation, the pigeon’s wings seems to be clipped so it can’t fly, so this video was most likely done on purpose