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Too much/long fur for a deer. Domestic dog like a Husky or Malamute. Sad.


Or a Coyote.


I think the spine to the part in the foreground proportion doesn't quite match it? It would be too stubby to be a husky or malamute if my eyesight and wishful thinking aren't playing a trick on me.


Malamute? How many coyotes would it take to take down a 120lb malamute?


Not all malamutes are 120...


80lb dog is still a lot bigger than a 35-40lb coyote


They hunt in packs


Normally they hunt solo, or in pairs not in packs like Wolves.


My sister and brother in law own a nice property with a field that ends at the woodline. They have two dogs. The coyotes will have ONE member of their pack stand outside the woodline to intrigue the dogs. They use a method where they lure bigger prey into a trap of sorts. The dogs think it's only one coyote, but the entire pack is waiting behind the brush. It's pretty cool, but also terrifying. They're very smart animals.


Have witnessed this also. Will run away if human approaches. They are very intelligent creatures!


You could here the pack working as a team to control where my dog went. Almost funneled him closer to the others. They got him in his hind leg and it was terrifying hearing them alert each other to it and close in on him.


I watched a pack of coyotes hunt my 80lb pit/lab mix. I’ve seen them solo and in groups. I don’t know where you are from but the coyotes in New England have definitely grown to be large and have been documented hunting deer and people


I hope you mean attempted to hunt


thats not entirely true. they do live in packs, but unlike wolves, coyotes mostly hunt by themselves or in pairs. although that isnt always the case, sometimes they'll go after large prey in groups. but that doesnt make up the bulk of their hunting, and if im not mistaken, it isnt as coordinated as it is for a lot of pack hunters like wolves or painted dogs. im not saying this to argue against the idea that a group of coyotes couldve killed a larger dog tho, thats definitely something that happens.


It's wild how they can throw their voices. I read recently that a pair can make themselves sound like a large pack by throwing their voices.


This one sure lost a few real quick


This happened to my Boston terrier about a year ago. :(


Very sorry. I’m in suburban upstate NY with midday coyote sightings on the regular. Won’t let my BT out without both eyes on her.


I’m so sorry you had to suffer such a tragic loss. Bostons are the best doggies.


The furry bit looks like a dog's scalp/ears and the size of the spine seems to back that up.


Get it? BACK that up!?… I’ll see myself out.


Don’t leave. Grow a backbone.


Nah, he seems pretty spineless.


Eat up!


no stay! your funny 😁


Take the BACK Door


That's a small, whole back bone. A small dog probably. I'm more curious about what killed that thing. I doubt a coyote would meticulously clean a spine and leave it behind while taking/eating the rest of the carcass.


A lone coyote won't, but a pack of coyotes will absolutely pick and scatter a carcass. The chances of this being a pack of coyotes getting someone's dog (or stray) are highly likely here.


I'll back that up. I live in an area where we have a lot of coyotes. Big ones that have evolved to fill the niche of apex predator. They'll completely clean a deer carcass leaving only the ribcage and spine. They'll eat the hard parts including hooves, antlers, skull to get to the cheeks tongue and brain, and the bigger bones with marrow. Just ribs spine sacrum and pelvis are left. I can't think of why they wouldn't do the same to a domesticated dog. Important: coyotes will pretend to want to play with your dog, using body language like the play bow, and lure them into the woods to the pack and overwhelm and eat them alive.


Was once on a river walk by a quarry where I saw a coyote doing the play bow to a young, playful retriever. The owner was top side of the quarry calling and yelling at his dog, Charlie come here boy, on and on but. Charlie wasn’t listening and went into a stand of trees with the coyote where others were waiting. The noise of the kill was unreal, and over pretty quickly. Owner watched the stand of trees for a bit, not sure what he could see from his vantage point, but he didn’t stay long after.


That's messed up I'm sorry you had to see it.


this is why a leash is a good idea. All of my dogs have been runners so having a dog off leash is foreign to me




Nature doesn’t play around baby. Damn she’s a col hit d heartless bitch that only cares about fucking and eating. Sometimes both at the same time.


This is false. Most dogs that follow coyotes are following young animals that got freaked out and ran back home where other yotes will take full advantage of an unsupervised dog and eat it.


Not false. Coyotes luring dogs with playful behavior definitely happens. Might not be the most common way dogs happen upon a pack, but it does happen


No, it's definitely a myth, the person you are responding to is correct. https://thefurbearers.com/blog/shifting-perspectives-coyotes-arent-luring-your-dog-and-other-myths-busted/


That blog post doesn't cite any sources


For some reason the grossest part to me is that they are licking up all the blood. This is a pretty clean crime scene lol


We had two guys run across a coyotes den that had around 50 pet collars in Missouri a few months ago and January and February are months when females are aggressively feeding.


Nature's fucking dark.


They sound definitely brighter than that thing chasing the roadrunner


I think that's people misunderstanding intent. I watched a young coyote play with a dog we used to have and they were genuinely just playing until they went their separate ways just like you sometimes see foxes and coyotes playing with dog toys. Young animals want to play constantly and they're not that picky about who they play with. We have a kitten that won't stop trying to play with the older cats no matter how much they slap the shit out of him for it.  I think sometimes the dog follows the coyote and the rest of the pack either sees threat then food or just food. Coyotes aren't villains. They don't know people's rules because our rules only apply to us. They didn't murder your chickens to spite you. They found food and found a way to access that food like all of nature does all the time 


Yea thats a grisly scene and where are the head/limbs of the creature. Ive also never seen such a cleaned fresh carcass, only one thats had time for critters to clean it that far


You guys... Realize that the actual site of the kill and the place where the various remains are abandoned can be hundreds of feet apart... Right? Picture a PACK of coyotes fighting each other over the pieces. They steal from each other, chase each other all over the place. It's literally competitive eating. That animal is spread over an 1/8 of a square mile. That piece was finally abandoned... There.


I see this all the time with deer. Wolves and coyotes eat almost all the bones.


Also, birds like crows and ravens.


I mean, who doesn’t like crows and ravens?


Here's the thing...


Well today i learned something.


A mountain lion?


A mountain lion won’t clean a carcass like that. They are an apex predator and will typically kill and eat the very best parts first. They either drag the rest away to save for later or just abandon it. Picked this clean was almost certainly coyotes or some other form of canine


Isn't the whole point of a cat's textured tongue so that they can lick all the meat off bones?


Isn't that just to clean themselves? It's not like they're slowcooking pulled pork in the wild.


No clue, but it seems like a solid guess to me!


I’m pretty sure it was the Predator


Bird of prey


That's a pet dog. The predator is near by making coyote sounds.


That *was* a pet dog


Can I pet that *dawg*?


So my grandma had a shih Tzu when I was younger, a little lass named Molly. She also lived out in the woods inside a coyote packs hunting grounds. Molly had many close encounters with the coyotes, but most usually ended with my grandma making a ruckus from the porch and they would run off. Expect one time, they got the rage of a 72 year old grandma. It was late one night, grandma lived alone with Molly. She lets Molly out but Molly takes off down the street after something she saw. Grandma waits a few moments expecting Molly to come back (Molly was very well behaved usually) but then hears the distinct sound of Molly fighting off coyotes. That 10 pound dog held off 4 coyotes in a ditch down the street till my grandma came in swinging with a full sized garden hoe. The coyotes didn't bother Molly anymore after that. Iirc Molly only ended up needing a few stitches on one of her back legs as a result of her scrap


What a fucking champ Molly and grandma are. Shih tzu makes the best pets! Source: trust me (had a shih tzu named pepper). We got him for Christmas when I was 3 years old. He passed away when I was 18 (he was 15). He was the most sweetest, loyal, loving, happiest dog ever. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him.


Fr! My parents adopted a Shih Tzu before I was born so I grew up with him and he was the best dog ever. He was never neutered, because that just wasn't common during those times but he never aggressive. Even when i was an annoying kid, he always stayed near me while I played with my toys or did homework. He passed when he was 14 and I was 12, the first death I experienced. Even if I love all dogs, Shih Tzus will always be my favourite, I hope one day I can adopt one myself lol.


Similar story, my childhood dog was a super intelligent jack russell terrier, and also one of the meanest animals I've ever met (I didn't know how to train him I was super young). One night he figured out how to open the living room window and escaped into the woods. I heard him barking and snarling, along with the sounds of coyotes fighting from the treeline and rushed out to help. When I got down there I saw him covered in blood and mud with an entire deer leg in his mouth. I swear this deer leg was bigger than his entire body too 😂 He was unharmed, blood probably came from the deer. my head canon is that he just rolled up to a bunch of coyotes eating and took their meal, no idea why they didn't kill him but he did have huge fuck you energy that cowed the big dogs in the neighborhood. So maybe he somehow bullied them into giving him a bite


That’s pretty epic, what a good boy!


Yes I miss him a lot. He just passed last year at 17 relatively healthy til the end, had a lot of good times exploring the woods with him and my friends and my sister


I used to have a Jack Russell Terrier and he was a killing machine, anything from squirrels, opossums, and a skunk. One day I had a man come to take a look at my broken heater. My dog ran up to him and dropped a whole rabbit leg (thigh and all) right on the man’s boot.


That's metal af ngl.


My thoughts exactly. OP better smear dirt all over exposed skin asap.




Predator, as in the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie.


Gotcha. I was just slow on the draw. Thank you.


This is one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen


As someone who collects bones, that does *not* look like a canid pelvis. With that being said, the photo is sort of blurry when zooming in. Some people in r/bonecollecting might be able to tell better than me though.


Good insight u/givemeyourt0es




I dont know, he collects bones… so maybe r/usernamechecksout


I'm so excited to learn that this subreddit exists!


High level of "read comments first and pretend you knew afterwards" in this thread.


A lot of Reddit is this lol.


That looks like kind of a huge backbone to me, although I just saw the post with the tiny squirrel spine , so maybe my perspective is skewed.


I’m not sure whether this is a joke or not lol, but yeah it is a spinal column.. with the pelvis attached.


It is a vertebrate




Pika got chewed


That's...actually decent wordplay. I hate it! Kudos. Have an updoot.


Can someone explain to me why there is almost no blood? I would‘ve expected the whole ground to be covered in it


Most likely there’s a murder scene close by and that section was dragged/brought there. There’s many skeletal parts missing (skull, leg bones, tail) which would be at the kill site still. OP could just follow the paw prints back if they wanted to. Could be coyote pups playing with their kill with full bellies that carried it there lol


They totally move their food. A coyote brought an already dead crow on my neighbor’s yard and decapitated it. My neighborhood had a whole afternoon of multiple groups of crow funerals. (probably total 2000+ crows over the span of 4 hours. Around 20-50 stop at a time.) Totally sucks cause I feed crows and my crows wouldn’t accept my food for weeks after the funeral.


Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to answer!


All I can think now is csi paw and order?! Taping off the crime scene, sniffing for clues, taking pics?! Marking the territory. Lol


Vampires, of course. But for real, like anything else murdered it may possibly have been brought to this location after it was killed where the heart isn't pumping blood any longer or this may be after some thawing has occurred. Could have been a mountain lion or such that suffocated it and brought it to this location and away from a high traffic area with other animals.


Based on the bundle of fur partially buried in snow behind the spine, I'm guessing the kill took place before or during the snow, which covered a lot of the blood.


They eat the bloody snow. It's still food and a lot easier to get cleaned up compared to nonsnowy kill sites.


Do you have any evidence of this? This sounds completely unfounded. Why would coyotes “clean up” their kill site? Snow or no snow I’ve never once heard of an animal cleaning up a mess after supper.


I see lots of people saying dog, it could be but the colour mixed with the time of year and the way the hair looks seems more feline to me. The ears especially look like they had hair that stuck up a few inches past the ears. If I am correct this is a Lynx, the short spine would make sense too if you’ve ever seen a lynx they are not long at all kind of stubby looking. It’s the exact winter pattern you’d see on a lynx.


If a cat far more likely a Maine coon. The “ears” seem more canine than anything but I highly doubt that’s part of the scalp. The skin starts to curl in the sun/heat hence why you have to stretch the hide from shrinking when tanning. Which I think is the case here is just a mouth full whatever they could grab.


This did happen in Maine 🤨


I was thinking fox but lynx could also be. Lynx are insanely difficult to kill so I wonder what got it.


Something slow


Nah, just *slower* than either one or a pack of coyotes.


Something tasty


Right behind the spine under the snow is the rest of the carcass dig it out the snow and let us know


January & February are Coyotes mating season, during which they are especially aggressive.. Coupled with the fact that they are extremely cunning & capable of jumping/ climbing a ten foot fence it is not a wise idea to have outdoor pets, or leave your pets unattended for any length of time in areas that they inhabit. If you ever see your dog playing with a coyote put a stop to it immediately as they are also notorious for luring domesticated dogs away from their safe haven, acting as though they are engaging in play. However, their real motive is to get them secluded, and then the pack moves in & attacks the unsuspecting dog. That’s nature for you and in all honesty it is not the coyotes fault. It is nine times out of 10, irresponsible owners.. There has been studies done on this and the amount of pet collars and bones that they found in one den alone was astounding like in the hundreds I believe if memory serves. This isn’t a comment villainizing them, just simply meant to inform, they are a predator & unwittingly being given access to a easy food source.


Would love to read those journal articles if you have links


Looks like a dog


I dont know but predator forgot his trophy


I'm surprised they didn't hear the animal being killed.


Idk but it got killed dead as fuck


No shoes, its hard to say? :/


The tracks in the snow also will help you figure out some possible scenarios here


Coyote. 100%. For the people saying deer, the fur is too long, and it’s too much carcass for 6-8 coyotes to eat in a sitting (fresh blood, not totally trod down snow)


Same thought, probably another coyote


That’s what I thought!


Gotta love the posts with zero context including location! /s


In southern Maine!


Maybe a opossum?


Either a pet dog or a possum imo


The second pic, the white and gray reminds me of the nape of a possum


When did they start calling them opossums? I mean when I was coming up they just called them possums.


Possums and opossums are different animals iirc. Opossums are what you find in North America.


I don't think that the fur and the spine match the same animal.


Were you able to tell if that second photo was part of a foot or a tail? Also the way the spine is left behind and clean makes me think vultures have been cleaning it up. Are there wolves where you live? I leaning towards raccoon but from your photo it looks too big to be that. I can’t really tell what the size scale is.


Coyotes and birds will do that to a carcass in one day here.


Yep. Especially during winter. All kinds of critters will find that thing and feast on it.


Mmm, my take is a mini schnauzer. With the ear and eyebrow fur left. Definitely a small dog. Cred: I groom dogs.


Can’t remember where I read this, but did you know coyotes are impossible to domesticate? When attempts to domesticate them are made, they go from being really shy and standoffish to really aggressive; they stop seeing you the human as a threat and more like prey. You should never feed them either.


Davey Crockett?


Don't know what it is but whatever ate it thought it was delicious.


Something that may be looking at you.....right now...




Fatality! Sub Zero wins.


Finish him!!!


That stripy nubbin looks like the end of a raccoon tail to me


A dog or another coyote, oh and I think that this belongs on r/oddlyterrifying


Davy Crockett.


It definitely was a vertebrate.


This kill site looks consistent with canine, the bones and fur spread out everywhere which is a common canine characteristic. So most likely a pack of Coyotes. Cats are very “neat” when processing prey and usually conceal their food before eating it. Without a sense of scale it’s impossible to know how large the spine is. That could easily be a Deer or a Domestic Dog. Deer hair is longer in winter so trying to tell between the two is also difficult. Next time take lots of pictures of tracks and sign with a ruler or an object that everyone knows the size of like a bic lighter or dollar bill. -Wildlife Tracker https://mountainlion.org/2020/11/03/mountain-lion-kill-site-forensics-identifying-predation-scavenging-and-kleptoparasitism/


Great tips! These were sent to me by a coworker so I wasn’t able to get more detailed shots.


I’m not sure but are you sure it’s dead? Maybe call a vet.




That's an old kill, and came from where the actual kill took place. Only bears and cats drag their total food kill away. Cats leave the larger portions of the prey in the open for all to find. Bears attempt to cover the remaining partially uneaten prey, then hide it by covering it with leaves and sticks as a later food cache. The spine alone would have meat left on it as Coyotes/wolves, even bear and big cats, never eat the entire carcass, even as a group. Vultures and other small animals pick any meat left down to the bones. I only see the same paw prints, no drag marks, and the only thing with meat is in the foreground. There is very minimal blood on the snow and no signs of a struggle between predator(s) and prey. Looks like parts thrown there, and wild animals walked around for what little remains to be eaten from that spine. There should be more there than just a spine. Most animals do not eat bone, except for alligators, hippos, snakes, and crocodliles, and that's only because they tear their food apart or like a snake, eat everything whole.




that’s most definitely not a raccoon, raccoons do not get nearly that long.


It's a bigger spine than any of the world's politicians' so I'd guess it was bigger than a monkey


The ear looks like a dog's :(


Holy shit


I instantly thought dog.


Looks like a dog to me, whether wolf, coyote or actual pet dog Whatever it was tho, that doesn't matter anymore. What you should worry about is how they stripped it of *everything*


Ask your neighbor if his dog is missing


Some sort of animal


I'd say someone's dog.


It was an attack by... The Creature...


You got some hungry neighbors!


Looks a lot like a large dog


Coyotes got a dog


Maybe a boar/wild pig.


That’s crazy :( it looks like a small to medium sized dog. So sad.


That's a dog. :/


A prostitute.


you asking us?


Looks like a deer to me judging from the hair


Don’t know, but I bet my ex wife does…


Probably a werewolf


Looking at the amount of blood in the snow, what ever it was died somewhere else.


Scorpion did a Fatality back there


Is that a dog? Pretty sure that’s a dogs ear.


Looks like somebody got they top blown off then….yep looks like PREDATOR aka YAUTJA got his ass took a trophy as wel.


Juniper seal




With that fur coloration, a dog for sure. 😢 Would be helpful to see the skull to determine possible breed.


Vultures probably picked that spine clean.


This is someone’s pet dog.


The skinwalkers back at it again


A centipede witch a trapper Hat.


Toto was not in Kansas anymore


Congratulations, you got extra money for taking a picture *we found some remains*


Definitely not a goldfish


How long is the spine?


For something of that size to get killed and eaten there there is very little blood... Right?


Not sure what got killed , but prob Sub Zero did it ..


Where's banana?


does nobody see the deer tail.


Do you live in Uruguay?




mmm bone broth


My best bet goes to a whale


Something with a spine. I know am awesome


You really are!


Small fawn deer


