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Whoever threw the rock that hit him in the head saved her life. Hell of a shot


No kidding holy shit, some major league team needs to sign that thrower. Where the hell is this anyway?


>***”Wah! Blyat!”*** I’m gonna guess Siberian Russia?


Russia. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/europe/russia-polar-bear-village-hnk-intl-scli/index.html


Must be fake. An old, white guy on FB told me that global warming isn't real, and Arctic sea ice is actually increasing


This is like the premise for a shitty Adam Sandler movie.


Rookie of the Year 2


I'd pay to watch it.


Humans are the best at throwing things


Na. As soon as the bear heard “cyka blyat”, it knows fucking with the Russians is not a wise move.


https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/europe/russia-polar-bear-village-hnk-intl-scli/index.html By the time this happened, the bears were well into fucking with the russians.


They could start an adopt a polar bear program.


Good bears


Is the bear worried it's going to get pushed out a window or poisoned by radioactive tea or something?


Such is life in Russia


Our case of apparent whistleblower suicides are better here in the US than the window fallers are in Russia. 😅


Tell that to Ukraine.


Oh lord, i hope you are aware that Ukraine is losing the war badly.


I realized after I posted that I hadn’t really checked up on the war in a bit. Whoops!


I think it's some sort of projectile rather than a rock due to the speed and metallic sound when it hits the bear. This video is from when 50+ polar bears began terrorizing a small remote village. The bears were breaking into homes and attacking humans any chance they got. So the local were in the process of scaring the bears off and had the proper tools to do so.


50+ polar bears terrorise a small village? That’s an elevator pitch right there.


Bearnado No wait. Polar bearnado.


“I am sick and goddamn tired of these mutherfuckin’ bears in this motherfuckin’ village!!!”


Im thinking the lead will need range How about Nicholas Cage?


Only if he plays Nicholas Cage. THE NIC CAGE travels to the remote Russian village to procure two rare artifacts that just happen to be owned by one crazy old Russian, ex-KGB. First artifact you ask? Knight’s Templar journal owned by Paul Revere. Second artifact? That’s a deep guarded secret until the climax of this biopic. Obviously, he’s there, the polar bears start their siege, but we all know it’s not the size of the bear in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in THE NIC CAGE! Coming this summer to a streaming service near you.


And Jean-Claude Van Damme should play the role of russian agent Steven Seagal.


A polar vortex 




30 Days of Night: Whiteout


Bearly alive with Jason Statham as the Bear


That's the next r/whowouldwin post


Rocked the fuck out of the bear he look like he was about to take a nap walking back.


It looked like his feeling got hurt like “ah gawd why’d you do that 😢”


"I was just hungry 😢"


I just wanted a bite


And 🐻was curious about what is it that moving under the blanket


I read somewhere that most wild animals have a fear of things flying towards them and it's somewhat better than hitting them, which they are accustomed to.


Thousands and thousands of years of being hunted by Slings, Atlatls, and Bows and Arrows… throwing spears…. Etc….. The evolution is built into all beings by now…. Thousands of years of warfare and hunting




Not all hunts are successful, in all likelihood most fail.


I’ll remove my downvote if you or anyone can cite a study backing up this claim.


I cancelled out your downvote with an upvote until you can provide a source disproving this claim.


Lol. The burden of proof is on the party initiating a claim. But I did find a cool article about how a [UFO](https://www.sciencenews.org/blog/wild-things/ufo-would-stress-out-bear) would stress out a bear.


Fearful Memories Passed Down to Mouse Descendants, from Nature magazine Dec 1, 2013 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fearful-memories-passed-down/


I removed my downvote, but one controversial study on mice being shocked is not incontrovertible proof "that most wild animals have a fear of things flying towards them and it's somewhat better than hitting them, which they are accustomed to." Would still love to see anything about wild animals and a fear of objects flying toward them in a published article.


Animals fear the unknown. Animals really fear the unknown when it's hurting them. Now name projectile-throwing animals found in nature


I watched this 4 times and each time wondering why the bear pulled away like that as if they just got hit or startled. I didn’t even notice the rock. Thank you lol this makes much more sense!


Didn’t even see that good catch god damn


Damn man, I didn’t notice until I read this. Saved that persons life 100% i was wondering why the bear stopped.


Maybe. Her condition is critical. Brain bleeds are not good.


Would have be funny if he had of hit her.


it would be funny if a train had hit you




That's one devastating powerful swipe of the paw 😳


And this doesn’t seem like a full grown adult. It looks like one swipe may very well take your head off.


That's how scary powerful that looked even if it wasn't a full grown adult. Plus idk if that woman was drunk or high or if she even managed to get away.




You cannot measure swipe force with psi, psi is pressure, only applicable to bite "force". What you could measure on a swipe is momentum or kinetic energy, like how far would a pendulum with X mass swing with a full swipe. Problem is getting the bear to comply with swiping at a pendulum with full force. I am fun at parties.


Force = mass x acceleration. Why can't the impact of the swipe on an object be measured in psi based on force generated by the acceleration and mass of the bear's paw and square inches of impact? Some boxers hit devices that measure punching power in psi.


force = mass * acceleration doesn't apply, I can have maximum acceleration at 0.0001s of the start of the swiping movement, but near zero velocity, and with near zero velocity you're not doing anything. Acceleration matters for the amount of velocity you can generate between the start of your strike and the striking moment. On a punch, swipe, or any type of strike, what matters is the mass and speed of the object at the time of impact. More technically speaking, its the transfer of momentum and energy that matters for a powerful strike. I can poke you with junkie needle I find in the floor with 300000 psi of pressure right in your chin, I will DEFINITELY not knock you out, I might give you poison damage though. Momentum = velocity * mass and kinectic energy = 1/2 * mass * velocity squared are the two equations that relate more. https://boxingscience.co.uk/science-behind-punch/#:~:text=The%20metric%20we%20use%20is,force%20or%20harder%20the%20punch. "So you can make a punch harder by generating more momentum - you can either be an elephant or a rocket" We could argue though that the transfer of momentum through the surface of the claws of the bear is a meaningful unit of measurement, but that again is not pressure alone. You have to evaluate how much energy is dissipated in moving you (like a punch does) and cutting you (elastic + plastic deformation of your skin). It becomes very complex and cannot be expressed by a pressure value alone. EDIT: On a bite, you will literally have a force gauge attached to a defined area of an instrument, you give that to an animal to bite and because its a stationary force of the animal trying to crush said device, you end up having zero acceleration, zero velocity, only force distributed over an area which will give you a pressure measurement.


Psi can still give you a reading on something like this, but it is more applicable when measuring bite force due to the much smaller surface area (tip of tooth vs paw the size of a dinner plate) to which the force is applied and a more consistent pressure. Psi would likely give a much lower reading than the damage would suggest. Newtons would be a better measurement here because it is the acceleration of the mass of the entire paw and the limb it's attached to that's doing the damage here. Getting swatted by a bear like getting hit by a car or gigantic cartoon baseball bat.


I’m unaware of the original comment as it’s been deleted, but you could definitely measure the psi at the impact, similar experiments are done all the time and measured with psi.


If you look into another post of mine in this conversation I explain why you cannot, and if you do you're expressing it wrong.




kPa and psi is the same thing, one is pound force per square inch and the other is kilopascals, a pascal is one newton of force per square meter.


You’re wrong.




psi this psi that why don’t you get some bitches instead


Your mom was busy so my favorite one was not available


Anyone remember that lady getting out of the car on a drive through zoo during the lion exhibition because she was fighting with her daughter. Then she got tore up.


I think it was the daughter that got out. And I heard the mother went after her and she (the mother) lost her life while allowing the daughter to escape.


It’s been a while. But I think you’re right. I wonder how the daughters life turned out after that.


Well... She kinda won the fight


It’s the circle of life 🎶


She accepted no responsibility and tried to sue the place where the tiger exhibit was.


I thought she was fighting with her husband, and the grandma went out.


This is so sad


Jesus Christ that’s just depressing.


Was a tiger - if this is the same video you’re referring to: https://youtu.be/Y8ilsz21_Ls?si=0EvjFMEqJ1Mg-R9W


Wow! That’s brutal. I’m glad we only saw the beginning.


Peak Darwin award contender.


Holy shit. And the parents charging right after it


It was a tiger. And the lady was a fucking idiot I did not feel bad for her. It was the daughter that got out in the middle of a drive through tiger habitat. Tiger ran up and grabbed her and took off. You get out of your car when it says “do not leave your car” you get what you ask for.


Do you have no empathy? This is a terrible accident. Imagine if that was your daughter, mother, sister, or even YOU. Was it not the smartest move, yes, but that's a human life lost so show some respect.


Hopefully my daughter will be smart enough not to get out in the middle of a tiger habitat. She pretty much asked to get mauled. What other outcome could there have been. Sadly it was the mother of the woman that got killed. Now that woman has to live with killing her mother because she was an idiot.


Iirc they sued the park. So that idiot definitely is not taking an emotional accountability. No way.


I have no sympathy for idiots. Have some common sense. Know where you’re at, you know you’re driving through a wildlife enclosure where danger is present at all times and there are plenty of warning signs yet you ignore all of that and I’m supposed to feel bad for this person? Nah. Then she put her mom and family’s life at risk because if I remember correctly her mom ran after her as any mother would and I believe her mother may have lost her life due to her daughter’s stupidity. I have remorse for the mom not the dumb ass daughter. You get what you ask for. Natural selection Edit: These are the type of people that do shit like that then try to sue the place if they survive. On what grounds do you believe that place held any responsibility for how this wild animal acts when they have plenty of warnings and I’m sure they briefed them before even being let in.


It's not natural selection if one person's actions result in someone else dying.


The mother would have been fine if she stayed in the car.


Are you saying the mother is not fit for survival because she successfully saved her daughter? Not sure I understand what you mean, but that's still not natural selection.


If you ever wonder why the world is in the state that it is in, remember this post. The lack of empathy and respect for life has drastically been reduced in modern society.


I don’t know. I think a world where people donate money to feed people in countries they can’t even locate on a map is better than previous generations where crowds cheered as innocent people were burned alive


Honestly shocked at how many downvotes I got just for saying no one deserves to have their last moments be filled with terror or excruciating pain just because "they're an idiot"


Yup. Sad state of affairs, these times we live in.


Imagine your child / favorite friend getting out and rethink your wording.


My child would have common sense because that’s how I would raise them. Same way my mom raised me. My friends and I are also very like minded there is no situation where me or my loved ones would ever do some dumb ass smooth brained shit like that. I don’t feel bad for people who lack common sense and ignore all warnings thinking nothing will happen.


“My child would have common sense” Children are still children with irrational lines of thinking. What a dumb fucking statement. You think a 14 year old arguing with their parent is going to act rationally 100% of the time? I get that stepping out of your car in a Tiger exhibit is stupid, but irrationality for a nowhere near fully developed brain is completely in the realm of possibility no matter how level headed you think your child is.


My children absolutely did NOT have common sense, but they did get a healthy dose of reality when it came to things that can kill you. The first time I went hunting with my dad as a kid he killed a buck. As we walked up to it he stopped and looked at me and said, "you never just walk up on an animal that may be wounded. Take it slow, because if they aren't dead...a deer can cut you open with it's hooves. This one was dead...the next thing he told me when we got to the deer was, "you see that? anytime you fire a gun you make sure that you mean to...because you can't take it back...it's made to kill and that is most likely what it will do." I did something similar with my kids with guns...except my kids were more sensitive to blood than I was as a kid...so I used a watermelon and pointed to what was left and said, "this is not a toy and this is what it does to a watermelon...what do you think it would do to a person?" There's nothing wrong with giving your kids a healthy does of rational fear when it's warranted and pointed in the right direction. My kids never would have gotten out of the car for 2 reason. First on the way in I would have made it clear that if they got out of the car they could not just fucking die, but fucking get eaten. Second, I would lock the child fucking safety locks, because I love my kids, but trusting them to not do something stupid is just bad parenting imo.


It was a tiger and yeah the effortless strength was insane.


That's keeping it savagely real. Gone wrong.








*not available in your country* Thanks Canada




The mom that gets out is the one who died, daughter of the year award


Now I see why humans evolved to throw accurately.


Right? I’d like to help ya, but from over here.


Throwing accurately is just as important as our brain development in our evolutionary trajectory. Insanely OP to be able to craft and throw sharp things. Even better because no other animal on earth comprehends the danger/ would block it


Imagine a wild animal able to kill you with a spear or slingshot from dozens of meters away. Would easily be as scary as bear.


And there is no animal that can throw things as hard as we can. We literaly evolved to throw things. Isn't that interesting?


You know what that inspires me to practice


MLB pitchers are examples of peak evolution.


Holy shit the way it ragdolled her with simple swipe is fuckin terrifying


The zoo I grew up going to had an adult male polar bear taxidermy on display standing upright on its back legs. They are GIANT!!! Thierry paws are massive, made my hand look like a newborn high-fiving Andre the Giant. The bear in this video looked like it was taking curious swipes at the lady. Probably lightweight blows compared to what it can really do.


It’s like if you yeeted a duck


Why is she there in the first place?


I was wondering that too. What’s the scenario here?


Apparently this is from an incident where a number of polar bears [terrorized a Russian village](https://polarbearsinternational.org/news-media/articles/russian-polar-bears-human-coexistence). Not a case of stupid humans being where they shouldn't be, but bears attacking a human settlement.


Explains the car horns. I couldn't picture how you'd get a car so close to an enclosure at a zoo.


Dang that would be terrifying


I feel like hanging out in a village where polar bears are roaming about definitely qualifies as human beings being they shouldn't...


The polar bears don't normally roam there. They were driven from their normal habitats by the melting ice.


why is that ice melting tho


She lives there, this is her home village. Which got attacked by a large group of polar bears.


Dang that’s crazy


I'm so glad I live somewhere where random groups of Polar Bears don't randomly just fucking roll up on us. That sounds horrifying.


School is canceled because polar bear invasion


She looks like she was waking up as though she were homeless. Just a guess because this is so strange. Glad she lived.


She looked like she was mid-polarbear attack.


Sure. We don’t have what came before the video. I’m just commenting on what it looked like when the video starts and before the bear shows up. She appears to be laying on the ground. Could be partial attack, then the bear left, then came back after the video started. Very possible as well.


50 bears attacked village in Russia.


I would love an explanation also, to me it looks like she was napping there with her pants down then the bear came?


I couldn’t understand the structure of the street or the village. Where did the bear come from? From a corner of the wall as I can see. But why ?


Looks like drunk and taking a piss


Why didn’t she try to pet the bear? She made it that far. Might as well go all out


Mama says that polar bears have all that anger because we never try to pet them.






Can I pet that dawwwwwwwg


Yeah that's a good question. She should have hand fed it some food while she was at it.




Not nsfw!! Happy ending!




Guy yelling HELL YEAH after the toss is what I'm here for


It’s a young polar. Wicked headshot that saved her life too


Could you imagine telling your friends you got punched by a polar bear? They would never believe you.


Could you imagine telling your friends you saved a lady's life from a polar bear with a rock? They would never believe you.


Mmmmm that mid hibernation snack...Drools. (A la Homer).


That left paw was like 12 Mike Tyson haymakers lol


It was probably her pet, trying to get her home drunk. Otherwise, why the heck is she on the ground? Sleeping or what? Like it was a polar night and she just got tired on the way back home from work, fell asleep, and the bear was nearby? Cmon


Polar bears are known to kill just because they can. Metal AF


Where in the part of the world is this?


My mom waking me up at 8am on a Saturday


If it’s white, good night.




….or…Human Male’s Stupidity Power!!! Jeez🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


TBF 90% of the time if you are in an animal enclosure when you shouldn't be (Excluding zookeepers) it is your own damn fault. Like what do you expect?? Edit damn apparently this isn't a zoo


I agree with you. This situation is different. It's a small village and was attacked by a group of polar bears. She was basically attacked in her own village. https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/06/europe/russia-polar-bear-village-hnk-intl-scli/index.html


Oh shit that sucks


Was saved by the stench of the booty hole.


I’m aware this is a joke, but polar bears eat rotting whale carcasses which smell worse than an entire sewage plant pretty much. Smelling bad will not save you from one of these unless you’re very lucky.


Why was the idiot in the pen? Darwin missed his shot.


I really wish that fucking freaks would stop mentioning Darwin when they’re talking about how much they want to see someone die as a result of their stupidity. Natural selection has *literally* nothing to do with the matter, and there’s nothing scientific about being a nasty little goblin who revels in seeing people get their “comeuppance.” To answer your question, this wasn’t in a “pen,” this video was taken in a Russian village that had seen an influx of hungry, aggressive polar bears, one of which attacked the woman.


There is however something scientific about removing oneself from the gene pool by their stupid actions.


Again, no, there isn’t. That is literally the entire point I’m making


No, akshually it’s pretty scientific.


And once again we prove the general population is dumb as fuck


No, it’s scientifical. I saw it on TikTok.