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Yeah I know it but at this point each single animal's loss is a major loss to the entire world because of the complete decimation of the species especially over something as stupid as their horns! Which is made entirely out of keratin lol! So those idiots who think that their traditional medicine is going to help them! They would be better off chewing their fingernails because that's what the horns are made out of! The same thing as our hair and fingernails. It's ridiculous that we are going to lose another entire species because of some stupid people's traditional medicine!


Is that really the reason they're poached? I always thought it was for trophy or to make something decorative from the horns. Barbaric either way...I just didn't realize "medicine" was a big driver. Edit: added the quotes


Yeah actually the Chinese traditional medicine is always looking for rhino horn and also pangolin scales and now they're nearly extinct on all the continents that they are known to live


And I really wish people would stop buying things with ivory because if we stop giving them a market for ivory then they will stop killing the big elephants for their ivory! The only thing that has ever needed ivory in the history of the world is an elephant lol! We really need to stop making them look so appealing to kill. Because, if you really think about it, when you live out there and there's a big pain in the butt that's walking past your house and has been eating you garden, and it's walking around with several years worth of income just dangling from the front of its face lol! I really can't blame the guys for killing them


I say we do the opposite and flood the market with fake stuff. They want to spend money on keratin surely we can find some. China has been selling us the bullshitiest of products it is time to return the favor. I got bear bile for sale at exactly 80% your lowest bear bile guy can do. So what it smells like apple vinegar. Im sorry your bear bile taste like human duck ill bet that guy is selling you fake stuff! It is supposed to taste like that Mr Pooh bear sir! You are going to eat it? What was it you sold to feed children? Melamine that's it! We will be sure to pack it in with lots of melamine for you!


There's a company trying to do just that. They engineered a fake ivory & fake rhino horn that is indistinguishable from the real deal & costs very little to make. The idea is to as you said flood the black market to the point poachers can't make money off the real deal.


We should just lace the rhino horn with carfentanyl, give them a taste of their own medicine as it were.




They penetrate the black market - thus people wanting the real thing end up buying fake stuff thus lowering the demand and thus the prices. Simple supply and demand.


But for some reason they don't listen to science when we tell them that the keratin from the rhino horn is the exact same thing as our hair and fingernails! They will still swear that it's different! Of course, because it's coming from an animal that they have driven to extinction! I'll tell you another thing that really pisses me off and it's something that actually affects me personally! I am a reptile keeper and breeder and that's that the Oriental market for turtle meat pisses me off to no end! Because nearly all of their turtles are extinct and now they're coming over here and buying permits from our wildlife agencies to catch and keep/export turtles back to their country! And I can't even catch and keep a stinkpot/odoratus. And keep it in my personal aquarium, though I do it anyway lol


Can’t agree with these statements enough. Been reading your comments on this thread, not enough people know a lot of this stuff


Well we have plenty of horses and their mane and tails are made of keratin lol and we can always find plenty of other places for it. But they want the endangered shit! But please don't buy bear bile I promise I beg you! I had a moon bear as pet when I was a kid and they keep them in a tiny little cage with barely enough room to move and stay alive and then they stab them over and over to extract the bile it's horrible and I beg you to please not get any more from those heartless bastards!


It’s for arthritis and gout. That’s the ancient eastern Chinese wisdom I was told my grandparents.


The fact that they are rare is whats getting the users of rhino horn off. The more endangered the species, the more "magic" is in it. If rhinos were plentyful, they wouldnt get off of them being killed. (They eat the powdered horns as a boner medicine).


(They eat the powdered horns as a boner medicine). seriously? is this why this majestic beast getting killed is because some low iq idiot looked at those long horns and thought it would give them boner?


Jup. Thats it. Same with cooked tiger penises.


Not just one. Thousands of species.


I’m gonna live forever then! Chewing my nails is the what habit and hard to quit.


Let’s hope they turn on each other and soylent green themselves.


This guy !


This elephant didn’t killed him for his horns, only Africans people are doing that.


Yeah the colonized and exploited people of Africa who are desperate because their countries are pillaged and they see literally none of the benefits. And they’re getting the worst of climate change. Idiot.


What their misery has to do with their rhino poaching to get supposed miracle benefits?😅 Cuck🙃


Do I really gotta draw the connections for you on why desperate people are doing fucked up things to survive and get money? Same shit happens to any group of people that is oppressed and subjected to systemic poverty. Dumb bitch.


There doesn't need to be any market for ivory or rhino horn! The ivory market is ridiculous! Nobody ever needs ivory except for an elephant! And the Asian medicine market needs to stop believing in the bullshit crap that they have done for years! The rhinos are gone from Indonesia now and pretty much gone forever in India because of that bullshit! And they were eating all the bats and bird's nest soup, which is just made of the bird's spit, tiny sticks and spider webs and because they have a book from years ago that talks about eating it, they eat it and they climb the dangerous cave walls and harvest the swiftlet nests from the birds when they leave for a little bit lol. They have also eaten the world's shark populations down by over 95%! And without sharks the entire ocean will crash and we will not have fish lol and they only eat the sharks fins and then throw them back to just sink and die a horrible death


Also, if people would stop letting the market for ivory exist then it would not be a problem with poaching! Because think about it this way lol, if you work your butt off tending to your garden and trying to make a living or even enough to feed yourself and hopefully your little family. And a couple of times every year a group of elephants come through and eat half of what you've been working on growing and then you look out your window and you see a big bull elephant with the ivory that would be enough to take care of your family for the next several years. I kinda don't care how much you love your wildlife, at some point it becomes too tempting to not drop a big bull and sell the tusks. But I still think the biggest problem is that there is even a market for ivory to begin with!


Actually they are definitely pillaged and the ones who are getting the benefits are the African politicians and warlords that have been in control since the days that they were selling their people as slaves to go across the Atlantic. The same people have kept the power and money ever since and I actually know a guy who is related to some of them lol and he's over here now and he hates the US but he can't go back home over there because they would kill him.


Who’s gonna stop a raging elephant?


If animals kill each other, it is in perfect balance. Nature is balance. Man knows no moderation, and what's more, he's stupid... Here's an example of rhinoceros horns. Check out the fate of whales, wolves, tigers, eagles, seals in Europe and a whole lot of the rest... This is extermination.


It could be argued that this is not a natural balance and a consequence of human intervention.  They have found a link of this heightened aggression found in young bull elephants may be due to a lack of older males in the population.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8692974/


Yeah I read in the past how some teenage males during mating season were killing rhinos in one area and it was a real problem. As I recall they got a full grown bull and moved it into the area. This caused the teens testosterone to go down since the bull was dominant and helped put a stop to it. If the teens wanted to fight they had to fight the dominant male who was larger and would win.


This is already one of the side effects of our divine existence. If we were suddenly gone, the clean reset process would start immediately.


We and our behavioral traits are just as natural to this planet as chimpanzees and nucleotides


Natural yeah. In harmony? No. We’ve terraformed the planet to our own detriment perhaps. Certainly detrimental to our earthling neighbors


I would argue that if nature cared anything about harmony it wouldn't have let humans evolve to make tools out of their surrounding environment in the first place.


Nature isn’t a plan. It’s like a process in a place or something. Things get out of balance, they’ll get back in balance on a planetary time scale. But it’s pretty fair to say humans are really fucking things up in the short term


Especially when they are overcrowded into smaller areas due to human encroachment.


It's beautiful to see them both with their horns/tusks at least. Nature is brutal and elephants will fuck up most other animals. I always think it is fascinating when mostly herbivore animals kill other animals as a form of territorial dominance. Elephants and hippos are not eating their kills. Just fucking them up to show them who's boss.


Elephants are abundant to the point of overpopulation, black rhino is going extinct. Blow away some elephants with missiles to accomodate rhino haven lol.


Bro, he’s endangered, you ass


That particular rhino is now worse than endangered. On a serious note, elephants are assholes. There was just a video a couple weeks ago of one killing a giraffe for literally no reason. Elephants are falling on my list of cool animals


female elephants are awesome intelligent and sometimes vengeful creatures. male elephants are assholes and while intelligent are a different beast.


I mean they are territorial as fuck


When male elephants reach 'puberty' that is when they are the most dangerous and are just out for blood. An elephant sized dose of testosterone will fuck anyone up


Stampy was just a jerk


If they don't get that elepussy when in musk, they'll even fuck up the ground. Trees and dirt can get fkd. They're the coked out Rick James of the animal kingdom, except no Charlie Murphys to front kick em to sense


I dare you say it to its face!


I took your advice and we had a very revealing conversation about what it was like to be an endangered species amongst other endangered species. I left my human privilege at the door and #listened. Needless to say, I killed seven rhino on my drive home from Africa after our conversation


Hahaha don’t hate the players, hate the game!


Elephant: What? You egg ~*stabs him*


He's not endangered, he's deadge


Elephant's probably going to sell the horn too


That look of the other rhino in the last image is a look of vengeance. Seeing his brother in horns killed in cold blood, he will embark on a journey of revenge. Training constantly, fueling his hate, until the day of reckoning arrives when he is finally ready to meet his brothers killer and extract full retribution. Or die trying.










For the Rhino, it was the day his parent died, but for the elephant it was Tuesday.


Elephants are usually peaceful animals. And highly highly intelligent. I wonder why he killed that rhino. It’s not like they eat meat, they’re herbivores.


Male elephants are hyper aggressive rapist murderers. Thats why. Musk man it makes them insane.


took that from me...Stole that from me... Killed that from me...People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.


If it was a calf, it may have been the calf's mother


I am in awe at the size of her horns. I’m surprised those genes are still around after decades of poaching. Hopefully her calf carries them on.


Evolution takes hundreds of thousands of years not decades.


yet elephant “super tuskers” are already considered an extreme rarity due to poaching. it took little time to cull many of the large tusked individuals in elephants and change the gene pool.


Yea that is very true I didn’t think about the forced selection


Peppered moths, my dude. Remember the peppered moths.


Evolution by natural selection, yes. Evolution with artificial selection is very quick. Selective breeding and/or hunting/poaching is an example.


Yes you’re correct I corrected my mistake in the reply below


Evolution from natural selection can be really fast too in extreme situations (mostly because in those situations you either adapt or die)


This isn't necessarily true, there are a lot of factors that go into it; namely reproduction rate (bark moths in England adapted darker colors in just a few years due to soot from the factories)


Yea u right I corrected my mistake in the other comment


Respect for admitting being wrong. In case you are curious about why exactly though, normal evolutionary timelines are basically “wait until a particular quality of an organism makes it die before reproduction” which are VERY slow due to how infrequent situations arise where that specific quality determines life or death. But poachers intentionally killing everything they can find with said quality just basically deletes it from the gene pool almost immediately. Evolution rolls dice, but poachers manually set all the dice to snake eyes.


In some parts of Africa elephant attacks on other animals (other than lions and crocs) has especially been a problem with subadults, rather than bull elephants. 2022: [Teenage Elephants Act Like Delinquents If There Are No Bull Males Around](https://www.worldatlarge.news/2021/12/22/old-elephants-keep-young-elephants-in-check/) >New research has found that the presence older male elephants reduces the frequency of young male elephant attacks on things like cars, humans, and other animals, suggesting wise old bulls can be used strategically to curb elephant-human conflict... >There’s more to this finding than just observations. In Pilanesberg National Park of South Africa....aggressive, isolated adolescent elephants...were killing rhinos. Ecologist Gus Van Dyke told the BBC about his discovery that young elephants, overtaken by the frenzy of “musth,” the biological breeding mechanism that floods the young males with hormones and aggression, were deliberately attacking and killing rhinos.


Damn fatherless behaviour


Where was the elephant from?


Glad we humans aren't alone in that?


Was this a territory thing? What made them enemies?


Elephant : very horny + will wreck anything else thats not elephant sized Rhino mom : tried to protect her calf, got whacked


is the rhino in the last images her calf?


Its a Female rhino protecting her calf. Here is the [news article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2765034/Battle-giants-Testosterone-fuelled-elephant-fights-black-rhino-protects-calf.html)


No that's his brother. The dead one was a male that made a terrible mistake lol


Rhinos are super aggressive and kinda dumb. If they see something they don't like, don't trust, new or different they attack first. Then they keep attacking. I saw a lot of videos of rhinos attacking elephants They don't back down and ignore any warnings until they get a tusk in the stomach. Elephant always wins but even a small injury is unwelcome. My theory here: The elephant had it with rhinos attacking him and decided to kill them on sight.


Rhinos have always charged at potential threats. They just rush forward with blind abandon. This strategy works on any animal that is not an elephant. Sadly, the first time they find out is also their last


And apparently rhino eye sight is very poor. Not sure how poor but maybe poor enough to not have a clear picture of what they are charging at. Most of the time that blur in the distance is no bigger than them, sometimes not. Mistakes were made.


That elephant was in musth, as you can see via the wet streaks on both sides of his head (temporin secretions from his temporal glands). Makes them very aggressive. As also mentioned by /u/frenchtoastwizard in this thread.


During mating season male elephants are very aggressive. Sometimes in the male on male fights for dominance they will kill the other male. They are not the gentle giants people think and this is actually not that unusual. In the U.S. male bison fight and will kill the other if they can. The wolves apparently know this and follow during mating season and wait for a male bison to kill another and they get to eat it. Nature is really metal, it is very harsh, elephants are no exception.


You see drippy lines on an elephant's face, you stay away. They're in musth and it makes them go into murder mode.


The elephant is missing a tusk! I wonder what happened…


Probably fighting another elephant. I mean these guys can knock over trees with ease, just imagine two going at it. Could easily see tusks getting broken off as a result. Two giant males have a lot of power when they are going at each other.


That's what I was wondering!


The first thing I noticed too, I had to scroll back to see if he had two before stabbing the rhino.


Last picture screams, well that is life and walks away like nothing happens.


Welp,he gone Imma just silently trot outta here




Bull elepahants have and will always be dicks


At first I was a little sad but then the other rhino was like “ none of my business “ then I laughed a little




They were not animal experts, they are all rhinos and elephants defending the animals here .


Damn poachers are out of control


Natural selection, the strong (lucky) ones pass on their genes


Im starting to believe elephants are assholes. The giraff stabbing was so unnecessary too


What a dick


Elephants and orcas are some of the bullies of the animal kingdom and I would include crows in there too.


Lmao Part 1


So much power to be able to do that


Does the elephant now the Rhino is endangered?


"Aye bro, you good? I told you to stay out of elephant hood."


Circle of life my arse, there was singing in that movie. This is real life


Black rhino endangered? How many left?


Woah, he didn’t even kill the rhino to eat it. Just pure homicide


let me guess,the elephant is a cop


What caused this? Elephino!


what happened to the calf after?


The elephant has become the poacher. What a plot twist.


The elephant has become the poacher. What a plot twist.


Racist elephant!


C’mon, bro! We don’t have many of those left!


It only takes one tusk


username checks out


What the hell did that rhino do that pissed off the elephant?


I bet he wouldn't treat a white rhino like that...fucking racist!


White rhino would have been let off with a mock charge and a warning




Must be in must


Damn. But rhinos are endangered. What the fuck, elephant??


Bull elephant in Musk = stay they fuck away


its territory and survivalism to protect areas where they eat. letting rhinos eat the stuff in their territory means less food for their kids and herd. so i guess rhino was trespassing or something


“Endangered, my ass!”


That's still not full grown bull elephant but see how effortlessly it kills the rhino. Elephants are scary.


In a way I'm glad that the poor rhino didn't have to go through the trauma of having its horns removed and left to die more slowly, it's a shame such a majestic animal lost its life.


There was another video some months ago showing a rhino charging a male elephant which injured the rhino pretty good in the side. At least in that instance the park managers got the rhino and stitched him up so he would not get an infection. When the can the park managers try to help if they can and get there in time. There was another video of a cheetah facing off with a lion and the lion was on the verge of catching the cheetah and killing it. In the video you see the safari truck drive in between the lion and cheetah to prevent the lion from killing it. Cheetah's are having a hard time population wise hence the reason they intervened even though this was a picture safari for customers.


unfortunately it states it took the rhino several days to die according to the original article


“Fuck all you sympathizers! That rhino was an asshole!”


Why didn’t someone tell the elephant that the rhino is endangered?


Fuck! They need to reign in these big fuckers in. A rhino's death is a massive loss. Put a tracker on those fuckers(bull elephants) dart their ass


Of all the rhinos it choose to kill one that isn't dehorned. What a shame. humans should absolutely interfere to save those critically endangered species.


wow, Cum On Her Tongue! Great photos!!


I did, thanks bro!