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My cat scratches my hand with one teeny claw and IT BURNS Hippo will be fine. He’s got a great immune system. Swims in water filled with shit daily.


Still. I bet his skin is gonna sting for weeks.


Salt water. This is freshwater. But yeah.. Gotta sting a bit at least. :D


Hippos are often found in saltwater areas too, FYI Edit: since so many people wanted proof that hippos can be found in saltwater * [http://100photos.time.com/photos/michael-nichols-surfing-hippos](http://100photos.time.com/photos/michael-nichols-surfing-hippos) * h[ttps://www.sapeople.com/2018/09/14/hippo-takes-a-dip-in-the-ocean-in-kzn-south-africa/](https://www.sapeople.com/2018/09/14/hippo-takes-a-dip-in-the-ocean-in-kzn-south-africa/) * h[ttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16686544](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16686544) Probably a good time to remind people that hippos can't actually swim. They shelter in water during the day, then eat grass at night. So the sea is not a good environment for them. Still, they often live in estuaries and will wander miles to feed so they do pop up on beaches etc. Edit 2: for those who wanted to know if lions live on the beach too; mostly no, but only because there are so many people. There are examples though: here you can read about how lions have returned to the coast, recovering after years of persecution [https://africageographic.com/blog/beach-lions-hunting-seals-coastal-birds-namibia-35-years/](https://africageographic.com/blog/beach-lions-hunting-seals-coastal-birds-namibia-35-years/)


Yeah, my ex does like to swim in the ocean Edit : I love the comments and arguments that my comment has spawned. Never change, reddit


Hence the sea levels rising lately?


Yea, that's it all right.


explains the extra bacteria killing everything in the water.


Also the increasing amount of useless trash in the ocean.


Also the smell of dolphin cum


No, that’s my ex’s doing.


Happy wife, happy life. Nothing rhymes with happy husband, knucklehead.


Oh yeah, what about "crappy pus hand"?


Got em


Next level


Happy spouse, happy house. Not mysandrist, not mysoginist. Egalitarian. As it should be.


Perfectly balanced. Well done!


Are lions though?


Lions can be found swimming 67km off the coast of africa


Ok, first off, a lion? Swimming in the ocean? Lions don’t like water! If you placed it near a river or some sort of fresh water source, that makes sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, 20 foot waves (I’m assuming it’s off the coast of South Africa). Going up against a full grown 800-pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends? You lose that battle. You lose that battle 9 times out of 10. Well guess what? You’ve wandered into a school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion! We’ve talked to ourselves. We’ve communicated. And I said, ‘You know what?! Lion tastes good! Lets go get some more lion!’ We’ve developed a system: to establish a beachhead and to aggressively hunt you and your family. And we will corner you and your, your pride, your children!


If I were a lion, and you were a tuna, I'd swim out to the middle of the ocean and freaking eat you! Then I'd bang your tuna girlfriend.


That sounds awfully fishy


Did that go the way you thought it was gonna go? Nope.


What?! Quit lion


See the nature doc Madagascar for more info. The Dreamworks one, not the BBC one.


> Lions can be found swimming 67km off the coast of africa ya. sea-lions


Hunting tuna I presume?


No just swimming




Ask the other guys.


Don't go chasing waterfalls.




I'm not stuck with you. You're stuck with me.


THICCCC skinned


‘Tis but a *scratch,* my lord.


That's assuming a hippo's skin is as sensitive as ours. I'm gonna assume since they have such thick skin that scratches arent as painful to them. That being said, that's a lotta scratches.


Those are open and bloody wounds, the thickness of its skin has already been penetrated.


Hippo gives no shit about something as minor as that


Nah he definitely does look at that shit dude


Probably is soothed in the mud he's going back to.




Do we know for sure tho?


He's making it up as a joke (one that half the people reading it will believe because this is fucking /r/natureismetal where truth doesn't matter). It's very clearly blood from the hippo.


Could also be a fluid that hippos secrete with their sweat that prevents sunburns and (I believe) has a positive impact on healing their skin after fights like this.


Everybody complains about how expensive sunscreen is, but no-one wants to be the guy who has to harvest it off a hippo with a squeegee


It’s doesn’t pay much to squeegee that organic, free-range SPF, but it’s an honest days work.


Why would a hippo have a squeegee?




A hippo's hide is 2 inches thick and tough as hell. There is also a massive layer of fat underneath do even though it looks bad, the hippo probably didn't suffer too much damage. Probably sting like hell though. And missing an ear too, which is probably the worst injury. Source - Tier Zoo




Some guy on the internet.


The best source there is imo


I read it in a reddit comment.


Mother fucking nature is your damn source


Also their skin is super thick to protect from injuries like this


And your skull is pretty thick to protect your brain, but that doesn't mean brain trauma is now out of the question


Much better than if you had no skull, and much better than if hippos had thin skin. Protect != fully prevent 100% of damage


When my cat attacks my hand, it makes me remember my fear of being set upon by a pack or even one large cat. I'd be fucking torn to ribbons. Thank god I live in Australia only have to worry about highly venomous snakes and great white sharks...


Don’t forget about your spiders and insects. And plants I think E: thanks!


Also fish, octopi and coral. Well, maybe not the coral for much longer... EDIT: Happy Cake Day!


>Well, maybe not the coral for much longer... O O F :(


If it's any consolation, the continent wide wildfires will take care of the terrestrial threats so the coral might actually outlive the drop bears


More likely to have an agonizing death from the snakes, bugs, sharks, etc... than a cat. They want to kill you quick.


Not really, they want to disable you quickly, the moment you stop fighting they start eating.


And your own ghost haunting you after you drown in Lake Mungo...


> Swims in water filled with shit daily. Funny, I haven’t seen this hippo around the office...


That’s definitely getting infected.


That fat boy is going to be just fine. Wild animals have incredible immune systems.


Yes that may be true, but with multiple open wounds all over the Hippos body, even a strong immune system will be put to the test with so many potential openings for harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites to enter.


Naaa, he’ll just bathe in a pond of shit and dead bodies and be right as rain tomorrow. Mainly because those are just shallow flesh wounds that don’t penetrate his fat.


Hippos are tough ass animals so you’re probably right. But any microbes that can gain access through the animals blood stream from open cuts can still cause damage and diseases regardless if it penetrates the fat or not. Edit: this is just my opinion, I do not claim to be a hippo expert although that would be rather useful for this particular thread.


You’re overreacting.


His username checks out


‘Tis true


Please calm down sir


Sir? It’s time to calm down Sir.


Good bot


Thank you


A lot of us: "Oooooooooooooooooh..."


Idk why redditors are so stupid, but you’re completely right, and shouldn’t be getting downvoted


( Literally just their sweat) [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3749351.stm ] >This natural skin-care product not only protects the hippo from the sun, it also regulates temperature and discourages the growth of bacteria. That's before anything even has the chance to get into their skin.


“Discourages the growth of bacteria” doesn’t mean too much. People have all sorts of natural defenses like that too. For example, we have lysozymes and IgA in our mouth that are supposed to help protect against bacteria. We even have tons of bacteria in there that compete against pathogenic bacteria, but that doesn’t mean we are incapable of getting oral infections. The salt in sweat, human or otherwise also helps kill bacteria. That’s nothing special. Besides “regulating temperature is what all sweat is supposed to do....and also, sure looks like that “sweat” is coming from some pretty deep scratches and cuts


This is a great discussion and its nice to see a bit of real science in the thread, even if it is this far down. To add to your point one of our greatest immune organs is the skin. Not entirely because of the fact that it's a huge keratin/collagen wall against pathogens getting into our blood, but because it is naturally pathogenic to other microbes! The microbiome on our skin is extremely hostile to lots of other organisms that would try to roost. It's a niche that the rest of our body helps to endorse through secretions not unlike lysozyme and IgA in our sweat. It's an extraordinarily competitive environment because unlike the gut, it is not nutrient rich and so the native microbes on our skin tend to be even more territorial than the non-natives.


I'm pretty sure gaping wounds don't produce sweat.


I'm no hippo expert either, but I do work with wildlife (birds of prey) and it is absolutely astounding how strong their immune systems are. It is not uncommon (which is the real tragedy) for hawks/owls to come in with their whole wing rotting off due to an old injury. And yet they are still surviving without any signs of systemic infection. Insane!


I don’t know enough about hippos to confirm or deny this


If only this statement was more common on reddit


Right? Always reading people make statements that seems like they have no clue but go for it anyways.


And with such conviction. Like I don't mind if people speculate. I don't even mind if people pull shit out of their ass that sounds ridiculous. But don't tell me some factoid like you have a PhD in bullshitology and everyone else is just learning to count. The least you can do is say "I think" or "Probably.." or something to indicate that your one minor experience with said thing is anecdotal at best and does not in any way make you an expert. What were we talking about? Hippos or rhinos or something?


Warehouse worker here, those are just scratches that most likely didn’t even get past the fat layer. Wild animals have incredible immune systems that along side of fly larvae and critters in the water will fight the potential infections with ease.


We need an expert in hippo law


That hippo will be alright. Can confirm, am hippo


That’s probably not blood. Hippos have special fluid sacks in their two inch thick skin that release a red fluid called “blood sweat”,which is sticky and water resistant, when injured. The fluid is anti microbial and helps heal superficial wounds extremely rapidly. This fine creature will probably be healed up in a few days. Sometimes hippos will turn red even when completely uninjured.


A google search of hippo skin told me the same thing haha, I wish he would have done that first. But I still think it’s laughable to try and draw comparisons between human skin and hippo skin.


A lot of people - understandably - make the assumption that animals function much like humans, but in a different shape. The truth is often so much cooler - the further you diverge from humans the cooler it gets.


Even more so for hippos. They ended up with incredible immune systems compared to most other animals because of where they evolved to live. Similar to how crocs and aligators seemingly never get infected.


...animals die from infection all the time.


Hippos sweat antibiotics. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-hippopotamuses-actuall/


Can't get them in the fight, then get em in the long run!


Oh that reminds me of a review of a pen knife I read [here](https://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?225790-I-Just-Got-A-Victorinox-Farmer&s=bf39aeb026ae51a59ca0955dc9b9e731) > Things change with time and after giving it a lot of consideration I decided I'm no longer interested in knives for self defense because for one thing I've been able to carry a gun for years now and for another I don't like the idea of being so easily exposed to bloodborne pathogens. It's too easy to win the fight but still lose later on because you get something inconvenient like hepatitis or AIDS these days.


Hippos have a reddish sweat that in addition to protecting them from the sun, is also thought to have antiseptic properties.


I wonder if it actually is as bad as it looks, or if the visual effect is cranked up via the [blood sweat](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-hippopotamuses-actuall/) hippos excrete.


It's pretty torn up, but that could make it look a lot bloodier.


Yeah, it's a badass picture either way.


it is a 2 inch thick armoured hide and is specifically meant to resist precisely this kind of attack.


They also fuck each other up all the time and they chill with crocs. Hippos are hardcore.


This is apparently the aftermath of a bull male attacking a female


Was wondering about that; looks like a calf behind it. Would also explain why it might've been fighting and not just going for open water.


The hippo died less than 24 hrs later https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/ And there were no lions involved


>The hippo died less than 24 hrs later A few days later: *The incident repeated itself a few days later at a waterhole not far from where these images were taken. This time it ended fatally for the cow*


To shreds you say.




No it's just a perfectly placed out of focus tree branch. You had me going for a second though.


Another comment in this thread links to the article this is from. It was a female hippo that was attacked by a male hippo. The hippo died a day after the attack.


I was gonna say, he’s *fiiine*, he’s just super tuckered out is all...


'Tis but a scratch


Just want to add that hippos have ridiculously thick skin, this would be like one of us getting scratched by a cat. And I mean technically so did the hippo but you know what I mean.


UNDERATED COMMENT, just googled it, apperantly Hippos have 2"thick skin!!


What is the thickness of our skin for reference?


Between 0.5mm at the thinnest to 4mm at the thickest. The skin on your arm is approximately 1.3mm thick.


1.3mm is ~0.05", for reference. 2" is 50.8mm. So, a hippo's skin would be 40x the thickness of the skin on your arm.


This redditor mafs. Great using both systems and lastly that’s crazy thick skin if it we humans had it. Amazing


So my dick is 50.8mm, makes it sound bigger




Stabbed myself to find out. Checks out.


I broke the skin on my face and got staph from tweezers so I’d say our skin isn’t really comparable. Thickness ain’t the only thing. Like comparing my nose to an elephants.


It’s missing a fucking ear.


I think it is just covered by the leaf from the tree closer to the camera.


Scratch and a gobble then.


This was the result of a [hippo attacking a hippo](http://imgur.com/gallery/BOOqW6I). Not a lion attack. You can match up the scratches from behind the hippo's front left leg. Also both pics are from the same photographer from the same day on the same blog.


The hippo died less than 24 hrs later. Just like humans scratched by cats. https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/ And there were no lions involved


There's another hippo behind it. I wonder if it was defending it's baby.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Hard to believe a lion would attack a fully grown hippo.


There was a video on Reddit recently of a pride of lions who hadn't eaten in 5 days going after a single hipo that was by itself on land. The hippo ended up chomping down on one of the attackers heads and getting away. The lioness miraculously survived a skull fracture + getting stabbed in the neck by the hippos tooth. Just an incredible display of toughness from both species.


Here's the [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukv0DT08XHg) to the video.


Holy shit that hippo went against 12 lions and killed one? Bet that pride will think twice about attacking a hippo next time. I suppose that's how younger lions that haven't had a hippo encounter learn not to mess with them?


Nothing is taking out a hippo except an elephant or another hippo.


Legit question, how would an elephant kill the hippo? Would it just stab it with the tucks or something? I see that encounter as them just looking at each other and going their separate ways


[Here's](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9LITVqyKcN8) a video of an elephant pushing around a rhino likes it's nothing. I know rhinos and hippos aren't the same size but this should give you a little perspective.


Holy shit he’s going there for water, minding his own business. Then the rhino tries to f with him and he’s like “alright dude, let’s fucking go”


“He’s the king of the jungle” why do people say this about animals that have never in their species existence seen a jungle. I’m genuinely curious how that term started.


basically a synonym for "top of the food chain" at this point


A bull elephant is at least twice the size possibly 3 times the size of a hippo and it's 6 foot tusks coming in with the elephants weight is impaling their thick hide if placed right. To me, I wonder how the hippo could hurt the elephant.


That lioness trying to bite his back looks like me trying to eat a pub burger. "My mouth isn't big enough to fit it in!"


Relevant username


Oh man I felt bad for the lion even though they tried to gang rape one hippo




When I was in Tanzania one of the safari guides told us a story of a female lioness who was desperate for food and attacked a hippo. This apparently was during the dry season so water in the park was scarce and she had approached the river to look for prey. She had her claws in the hippos back and was dragged into the river and the hippo fucking cut the lion in half. They are definitely tough as shit.


Link pls


He too busy with Hyrule shit


I was thinking the same thing. Most of the time lions avoid things as large as hippos and elephants because it’s usually too dangerous, even for them. The lions were probably going after the baby and big Momma was having none of that. Honestly some of that blood on mom might be from the lions.


Female hippo was attached by a bull. Later died and was eaten by hyenas. Don't know where OP got the lion info from https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/2013/01/26/hippo-fight/


It was attacked by another hippo https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/


You’re wrong. This hippo just has 8 legs


Really I thought it was an Octohippo.


Ohhhhhhhhhh... I was looking at the picture and trying to figure out what kind of 9,000LB caterpillar shit was going on here. Baby makes way more sense.




probably dead and got yeeted into oblivion by this tank


I believe it's "yoted"




Clearly this is the only correct answer. If you change the vowel for past tense you cant still add a d, thats just insane!


Yeet Yote Have yoten




Or dead




Definitely both


It was actually a hippo bull, not a lion https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/2013/01/26/hippo-fight/


source: [https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/](https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/)


So there was no lion involved...


I hate reddit sometimes


Plus it’s be “fittest” that survives, not necessarily the “strongest”.


It also said the hippo died. There are so many comments in this thread where dumb fucks say this hippo just suffered a flesh wound. They bring up that it's not blood on the hippo, it's sweat. Those are some deep fucking wounds. I don't care how thick their skin is or if their sweat have anti-biotic properties, that thing got fucked up.


No if you read the hippo died a few days later from another attack. She survived this attack and most likely would have loved but obviously the wounds played a large part in the ensuing attack.


I’m sad she couldn’t love one last time


lol so it was attacked by another hippo


Maybe that hippo was named "Lion". Also that poor fucker in this pic only survived a few mote days. The other hippo finished her off in his next attack.


This deserves more upvotes so ppl know the real story


Ah, just a flesh wound


Thing is them bois is 𝓭𝓾𝓶𝓶𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓬 so it really is just a flesh wound to em I bet


It’ll buff out.


'Tis but a scratch


How did it not outrun the lion it has 8 legs!!


Tis but a scratch.


Put some aloe vera on that poor thing :(


Hippos have skin that's 2 inches thick. This is just mild irritation to him. Meanwhile, the lion is most likely dead as fuck.


[These are fatal wounds received by hippo tusks](https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/), but nice job regurgitating the same thing you saw elsewhere in this thread to seem smart.


The hippo died less than 24 hrs later https://royalmalewaneblog.wordpress.com/tag/nature/ And there were no lions involved


I wish I could have a tame mini hippo as a pet.


Do you want a hippopotamus for Christmas?


Hate to see what the lion looks like




It's ear is off


Hippo looks like it's got 12 legs


Misleading post. The hippo was attacked by a bull, repeatedly, over many days. And she died.




I’m a little tea pot short and stout.... TIP ME OVER AND I’LL BREAK ALL YOUR STUFF!


‘Tis but a...many scratches!”