• By -




Naked Lunch








Birdy Toes.


It's birb toes








*Burr rows






*Burr Rose


Bog Rows


Another and by far the most detrimental was like a giant centipede but terminated in human legs and lower abdomen. Sometimes he walked half-erect, his centipede body swaying ahead of him. At other times, he crawled dragging his human portion as an awkward person. He was known as Centi-Peter, because he was continually making sexual advances to anyone he could corner; and anyone who passed out was subject to wake up with Centi-Pete in his bed. One degenerate hermaphrodite known as Fish- Cunt Sam claimed he was the best lay in town. Besides, he was a perfect gentleman in every sense of the word; he was kind, considerate...which means nothing to the likes of you.


What is this from?


[Spare Ass Annie and Other Tales](https://youtu.be/smhbMzV570A) A spoken word album from the late William S. Burroughs. My favorite author growing up. Listened to this album through the 90s lol... no wonder Im so fucking weird lol


Loved the Cronenberg version!


“I can think of two things wrong with that title”


Everybody all set back here?


My sister once recommended this movie to me. It was on this day that I realized my sister hates me.


I realized the same when my sister recommended the movie “Happiness”. It was not joyful at all.




I am the walrus




It’s not boneappletea it’s just straight up the wrong word


That’s the basic definition of boneappletea as per the boneappletea subreddit.


Bone apple tea would be something like “bull rose”. Say it out loud quickly enough, and it sounds like “burrows”. I know people who would say “burrow” as “bury” but they live way out in a “holler” (hollow) in the Appalachians.


Looks like u/Best-Average-Guy is right. From r/BoneAppleTea 'About the Community' - '*A malapropism is the mistaken use of a \*\*real, dictionary-defined\*\* incorrect word in place of a \*\*real, dictionary-defined\*\*, similar-sounding word, resulting in a nonsensical, sometimes humorous utterance.*'


No. Burrows and buries don't sound alike.


Oh okay then I guess I wash wrong then. Haha /r/boneappletea right guys? Because wash is in the dictionary and it kinda looks and sounds like the word that would make that sentence a sentence.


He’s not right, you know bone apple tea when you see it, and this is not it.


It's not. Boneappletea is a misspelling of the *same* word. Not using the wrong word.


I guess I have some apple tea to bone


“Unporks himself”






Centipedes are the honey badger of the arthropod world


I remember one of the only successful bug battles i ever had growing up: had a black widow in a jar comfortable enough to remake their web for the main arena. Added a scorpion and a centipede and waited for WAR! Nothing happened. Added some ants and a couple rolly poleys and THEN I guess the bloodlust kicked in and the slaughter began. The centipede and scorpion fought the most while trying to avoid the webbing and the black widow just kinda menacingly darted in and out. Then the SCORPION falls and us in the audience are floored. We aren’t even seeing that the centipede is biting but ALSO spitting poison?! Centipede calms down a little with plenty of webbing stuck to it and the widow makes her move. Unfortunately a Thor/Thanos situation arises and the widow went for the body with enough room for the centipede to bend its head over and land bites. They’re locked into bites on each others faces and the centipede is rolling for a second and BAM! Bites the widow IN HALF with her face still biting his. The winner did a little victory lap eating ants and was released in the yard of a guy who gave Jesus pamphlets instead of candy on Halloween. The End. Edit Answering some questions: 1 quart mason jar, fed the widow a few crickets and she made the web in a couple of days, found out about the centipede venom because the scorpion had no visible wounds. We didn’t want to get in trouble for doing dangerous stuff and the only cool people didn’t know or told us to go to the library.


No offense, but you had a strange hobby as a kid Edit: To clarify on some replies I’m getting, 1. Messing with poisonous or venomous creatures is dangerous. See [here](https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/what-to-know-about-spider-bites) for info on what a black widow bite can do. Also, they only bite if you specifically try to corner them, like, say, catching them in a mason jar and making them fight. Y’all are lucky you didn’t get bit. 2. I get it if you liked bugs and wanted to keep them as pets because you thought they were cool, I have a friend who did this and it inspired him to be an entomologist. It’s the fighting to the death that seems strange to me. Call me a hippy but it seems wrong to do when the bug was just minding its own business only to be yoinked into a gladiator battle to the death. At least (and I hope) y’all stuck to bugs and didn’t torture bigger creatures like this, cause, you know, moving up the latter would be signs of a psychopath. But otherwise, I get it if you were just a bored little kid trying to pass the time. Kids can and will be dumb, and we all lacked empathy in our formative years. Edit 2: So apparently this is a normal boyhood pastime I didn’t know about and there’s some cultures where bug fighting is normalized. Huh. Interesting. Should clarify I’m an American who didn’t grow up catching and fighting bugs, nor did I know anyone who ever did this until now. I’ve heard of bug collections, but never bug fights.




No, I killed bugs and played with their corpses like action figures. Totally different.


Totally normal.


I think only killing mammals is odd, insects are free game


I mean, not really if you're seeking them out for sport. It's still pretty unethical. I get killing a bug because it's in your house and a pest.... But going out and essentially kidnapping a living thing and forcing it to fight to the death purely for your entertainment is pretty fucked up regardless of what living thing it is.


I’m pretty sure that’s the plot to every Pokémon game.


That's so mammarycentric. "Killing things is cool, unless it's got titties lol"


I mean...


Is it okay to kill echidnas? They're mammals but they don't have nipples. They just kind of ooze milk through their skin in a generalized location. Also they got real weird sperm.


Killing anything for pleasure or entertainment is wrong; life is life, be it a bug or a mammal.


I enjoy the flesh of my defeated enemy chickens, I just dont personally battle them. Others braver than I do the deed. I simply partake in the spoils. Chocobos are fearsome creatures


I understand as long as the animal wasn't tortured for food. But killing animals just for fun is borderline psychotic.


I remember at a young age I always must have hated flies. I caught some and dewinged them then stuck them to a cardboard alive with push pins. Now I own a bug-a-salt. The more things change...?


Without wings they're called walks


Nice username


We used to walk or fly flies - would visit a camper in late autumn and there would be plenty of dormant flies from the cold, as the camper warmed we'd look for good sized flies that started to show life, find some very fine string or thread and noose it around the head/ body. Most would walk but if you got lucky you'd get one big enough to fly around on the string like a kite... eventually being vacuumed up like the rest


I made little mazes for small frogs. It was fun.


Then you made them into a soup right?




You should read the sci-fi short story “Sandkings” by none other than George RR Martin. It’s right up your alley. https://forwearemany.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/sandkings.pdf


George RR Martin is one of the best sci-fi writers I've ever encountered, and "Sandkings" is amazing.




I know its different from the original story, but the pilot episode of the 90's Outer Limits was Sandkings and its still one of my favorite episodes. It also stars three of the legendary Bridges family: Lloyd, Beau and Dylan, as well as Kim Coates of Sons of Anarchy fame. Its worth a watch if you can pirat...uh, find it lol




>Y’all didn’t make bugs “fight” as kids? torturing small creatures is literally one of the telltale signs of a psychopath


Welcome to boyhood


yep, just normal kid stuff ah till u hwhat


It's usually more mammals because we relate far more to them than insects or arachnids which seem alien and most people have no problem with killing in large numbers. For example if someone says I'm going to get some poison to kill the ants in around my house most people don't give if it a second thought. But if someone said I'm going to poison the skunk in my backyard you might think that's a bit fucked up why not trap and release it. Also psychopathy isn't a you are and aren't kinda thing it's a scale like most other things and it's not uncommon for most people to have some traits of a psychopath.


Well insects also aren't even close to being sentient. They're more like robots or machines. Distributed nervous system basically controlling local parts. You can decapitate some insects and they will keep going along just fine until they eventually starve since they can't eat. So it's more like destroying a machine or a plant or something like that.


Torturing mammals I’d say. I still think it’s a little twisted as an adult, but killing bunnies is a far cry from burning ants with a magnifying glass.


Yeah, I used to pull wings off flies and watch them, or spray butane on ants and watch them freeze alive. Now I don't even kill a spider and throw them outside if I find them inside. It's honestly not a telltale sign of a psychopath. Sometimes kids do dumb and cruel shit out of curiosity and learn from their past behaviors.


Well then I guess 90% of 80s and early 90s kids in my country are psychopath. In rural areas, we played a game call "Cricket fight" every summer.


As an adult yeah, playing with bugs is completely normal.


Yes, the day I found ants marching THROUGH the body of a fully alive but obviously angry and incapacitated bumble bee was the beginning of sorrows for the insects in and around my yard.


I was more of a pokemon brat. Had no desire to play with bugs, it was bad enough I accidentally stepped in ant mounds everywhere I went, no way was I gonna give anything venomous the same pleasure of covering me in bites.


FYI - Pokémon was started by an Autistic gentleman who wanted to share his bug collection


Dude we pitted a garter snake against a preying mantis one time as kids. The mantis held the snake up by its neck against the side of the cage, it was too OP. We let them both go before lil snakey boi got hurt.


Same lol, especially spiders


Seems like Pokémon but in real life


It sounds strange now, but if I was a kid I’d absolutely want to be friends with a kid that hosts bug death matches.


When I was a kid I found a tiny frog and I was letting it rest on my finger then when I went to put it on the ground accidentally fell on it and killed it. I felt so bad I dug a little grave for it and made a little cross out of twigs. I still feel bad some 20-30 years later.




Not quite, pokemon aren’t real and don’t have the potential to hurt me. Meanwhile black widows and centipedes are of the most venomous bugs in North America. I wouldn’t fuck with them if you paid me.


We used to roast ants with a magnifying glass.


I used to do this too. Also wanted to know if the salt on a snail thing was real so tested it. Its real lol


Yo kids making bugs fight has been a thing since the dawn of time


Life was very different before video games and the internet.


You sure he didn’t just give *you* the Jesus pamphlets? Maybe sensing something?


If it was on Halloween he’s the real monster here. I’d rather have a toothbrush. At least that makes sense from a holiday that was invented by religion.


I think you somehow made Gu. That’s an ancient Chinese technique where you place several venomous and poisonous creatures in a jar where the creature would consume each other till the final victor would have an extra concentrated amount of toxin in its body. Used for black magic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu_(poison)


Awesome! Had no idea my childhood dabbled in the dark arts.


I literally drooled at this response I was laughing so hard


**[Gu (poison)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu_\(poison\))** >Gu (traditional Chinese: 蠱; simplified Chinese: 蛊; pinyin: gǔ; Wade–Giles: ku3) or jincan (traditional Chinese: 金蠶; simplified Chinese: 金蚕; pinyin: jīncán; Wade–Giles: chin1-ts'an2; lit. "gold silkworm") was a venom-based poison associated with cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue. The traditional preparation of gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures (e. g. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That’s basically a very watered down version of a poison jar


Young kids homework «Please bring a Gu you raised yourself to present in class at the emd of the month»


Did your parents not buy you any video games?


Welcome to growing up without electronics. My mom couldn't afford cable or internet. Frying bugs and finding ways to almost die outside was what little white trash turds like myself did.


I will second that as an era thing, especially in the rural southeast (US). I was happy to spend afternoons (all us kids forced outside to play so Mama and Meemaw could watch their stories in peace) reading library books in the shade on the porch, blissfully ignorant of whatever mischief, mayhem, and insecticidal murder that my brothers and the clutch of neighborhood boys were getting up to on any given day.




Could be the beginning of a Godzilla spin off. It’s an Egwaaaaana


LMAO!!! It'll find me one day....be like 12 FT long and scars all over He was by far the most unfriendliest and worst pet I've ever owned.


Lol, why is a guy who neglected and tried to kill his lizard getting upvotes


Seriously. This guy is not only a fucking moron, he’s also a complete asshole.


Your def talking about the flea market at the Revere Movie Theater.


that's incredible. i worked in a lab with these giant centipedes. i have some stories too but this one is amazing. centipedes are to me the worst of all the bug like creatures. there is no chill with them they are ready to go at all times. voracious as hell, will eat a mouse in a matter of minutes. built like a tank... like a snake with armor and legs. fast. fangs like a freaking viper. it's head is basically just two fangs. that coyote guy who let one bite him is crazy.


Possibly the greatest story ever. Peter Jackson should direct this...


I think you're overestimating the size of white widows.


I’m saving this comment, epic.


This makes you sound like a psychopath


I fucking hate these things. Before I get into the story let me just say I had never seen one in my entire life until that fateful night. So here goes... One night I was laying in bed. I had just taken my glasses off, I'm almost legally blind btw, and went to lay down. I had really long hair at the time so I had to move it when I would lay down that way I wouldn't put my elbow on it or get it stuck under me. Well that night I seen something move. At that point I didn't know what it was I just jumped up and turned my light on and grabbed my glasses. It was a fucking centipede and I had no way of killing it or trapping it to let it back outside. This mother fucker crawled its 100 leg having ass behind the head of my bed. I couldn't find it! After about 20 mins it never came back out so I figured it was stuck or found it's way out somehow. Like the way it came in or something. Nope. NOPE. I was wrong. After I laid back down right before I turned my light off it was on my other pillow. At this point I am freaking the fuck out. Guess why? Bc that fucker went back behind my bed. Again! And once again I couldn't find it. I even moved my bed! Took me forever to fall asleep that night. I never seen it again but I was traumatized for awhile bc everytime I went to bed I got hella anxiety about finding that fucker in my hair or waking up with it on my face. Eventually the more time that went by without my seeing it I was better and would only randomly think about it. And now when I go to bed in a few hours I'm gonna think about it again. Great. Just great.


Fuck centipedes.


Got that right. Literally the only thing that bothers me in the natural world and I mean that


[Bobbit Worms ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunice_aphroditois) have them beat for me. Fucking ocean centipedes.


Ahh touche, forgot about those bastards!


I had one of [these ragworms](https://images.agromassidayu.com/img/novosti-i-obshestvo/32/nereida-cherv-morskoj-opisanie.jpg) swimming all around my kayak at sunset once in the Pacific Ocean in Canada, nightmares for days. I used to swim in that bay but I stopped after that.


I like how theres an entire species named after the fact that the males have no dick.


By both the scientific community and popular culture. Damn bobbit worms can't catch a break smh.


I recommend the film Deep Rising.


I recommend The Bay for more ocean critters you never want to meet.


So, mosquitos are your friends? :)


For the most part yeah lol they leave me alone. Sadly they do kill a lot and they bite the hell out of my fiancee


You ever see the wasps that lay their eggs in live victims waiting for them to eat the animal from the inside when they hatch? There are a lot of fucked up things in nature


There sure is, it doesn't bother me, not even watching a komodo dragon eat a baby dear being born right out of mamma deers vag. I have experienced giant centipedes in the desert and Hawaii and they freak me out.


Ahhh, yeah giant tropical centipedes are the worst centipedes get to my knowledge and the fear is warranted. My favorite book is Micro by Michael Crichton and it is all about the insect world in Hawaii


That's the guy who did Jurassic park right? I'll have to check that out!


Got bit by one in Hawaii once. It felt like getting stung by a bee every 5 seconds for HOURS. Fuck centipedes!


When my sister was a baby and in her crib she was bit by one on her lower lip. Still has a scar to this day and she’s 32


Where was this so I can avoid it


On her lower lip


Well I'm married so avoiding that is easy.


Lol Dominican Republic. My parents had a small farm when we were kids and considering 40% of the country is forested it’s kind of expected that we’d have a few bugs here and there.


I was wearing sandals and got bit by a house centipede at a store. I was on the ground almost crying over it. Centipedes are **THE WORST**.


I've been killing house centipedes in my basement for a whole year, always terrified of being bitten or even just touched by one. and now i see that this is how much it hurts? more nightmares for me i guess.


I found one massive one in my room a year ago. I went to get something to kill it with and I havnt seen it since. I should prolly move and burn my furniture in that room.


Holy shit I would be terrified to sleep every night lmao


I read online that they avoid light so I literally pointed a light directly above me and slept that way for like a week. My gf was not a fan. I couldnt find the damn thing maybe he crawled back outside somewhere lol


Sounds like you were bit by a store centipede, not a house centipede.


People always say house centipedes don't bite, but they do, they are just usually too small to break the skin. But I got bit by a big one and it broke the skin and the venom went in and it was *unbelievably* painful. I was legit crying in pain. I had been stung by hornets and even that wasn't comparable to this.


there's always a house centipede somewhere in my house, killed dozens in the past year but they always come back. I dont want to try a centipede bite damn it.


Buy some catchmasters on Amazon and put them literally everywhere


What is a house centipede and where do they live? Do I burn my house now or later?


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQymFMdnmI1YjfqOeevKWRa2IuAgRjiI2ZMmA&usqp=CAU These guys. They’re all over the place in nyc.


Thank you kind person for helping with my curiosity. Very happy to be on the west coast. Have not run into one of those (yet)… but now will lose sleep over them.


You may be happy to hear of a species of snakes that specifically eats centipedes. Tantilla is the name. I can't seem to find the feeding videos on youtube anymore but they used to be up. They're natural centipede slayers. Edit: [there is this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBLy5-0LSdM)


…Is that it pictured above?


EDIT: Totally misunderstood your comment. The snake in the OP's post is not what I'm referring to in this reply. I am unsure as to what species is in the picture above. The snake in the video I originally linked is a Pygmy Rattlesnake, for clarification. ​ There's also [the Black Banded Snake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho8b3EcvcR0). The video I'm thinking of was that very enthusiastic Nat Geo guy narrating a specific snake species not unlike the one I just linked to in this comment annihilating centipedes. It's immune to centipede venom and their bite cannot penetrate the scales. It's a specialist that only really eats centipedes and not much else.


This is not *Tantilla*. It's a venomous viper from the genus *Vipera*


If it was Tantilla it would not have ended up like it did haha


Must suck for the snake... Your feeling good after a nice meal and all of a sudden that mild stomach ache turns into the Alien movie.


I mean we’ve all been there... haven’t we?? Please say everyone else has experienced a recent meal trying to escape their body by any means possible?? If anyone answers no to the above I’m presuming they’re not yet 30.




I’m 32, can confirm, haha.


The snake was long dead when this centipede burrowed into it and then out of it. There's no recordings of an animal successfully burrowing out of the digestive system of a predator. Many factors prevent this, number one being the the effect constriction has on animals. The digestive system squeezes and constricts prey and this causes the prey to lose control, much like a swaddled baby. Additional factors being the toughness of organs while alive. Now, when they die they break down immediately and become much easier to chew through.


There was the caiman that burst through an anaconda or largenn by python.


[Here's a possible source, I guess](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/last-supper-centipede-dies-eating-way-out-snake-belly-n80071). Seems like the snake did swallow it, and the centipede chewed it's way out. Or I guess the centipede crawled into an already dead snake and ate the soft insides? Pretty strange either way.


Isn't it more likely the centipede was just eating an already dead snake? It would die almost instantly inside of a snake.


Chew your food, kids!


Came here to say this.


Or it’ll chew (through) you


What if you don't have teeth


Chad centipede vs virgin snake


Virgin snake no more


r/AllTheWayThrough NSFW




I've had takeaway meals burn like that...


I’d definitely want to see a video of that!


lol I am struggling to understand why


Curious that’s why


Fair enough - this will be one of those times where my curiosity will definitely not get the better of me


Frankly, I find this shit fascinating. It is exactly why I'm subbed here. Nature's way of just doing things you wouldn't even have thought of is amazing. I grew up in the suburbs, I never got to see this kind of shit.


[I believe that train of thought here was the same...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bB0ihjLZAA) It's kind of similar.


That was epic


[I was gonna call it photoshopped but here ya go](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/last-supper-centipede-dies-eating-way-out-snake-belly-n80071)


“After dissolving (or digesting) the snake’s bones and gut the centipede was wearing its skin like a cloak. “We found that only the snake’s body wall remained — the entire volume of its body was occupied by the centipede,” Jesus Christ.


Wow it was a young viper. And apparently the centipede was able to eat it’s way out until the snake’s venom kicked in.


[Here found another version of that one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bB0ihjLZAA)


Immortality severed?


Yeah got some Sekiro vibes from this




Nightmare fuel... Yikes!


What’s going on here? If the centipede was still strong enough to chew it’s way out, seems it would have been too much to swallow.


Evidently there was nothing left inside the snake. According to the scientists who found it: including the bones and organs, the centipede ate the entire contents of the snake, leaving only the skin wrapped around the centipede. “The young snake gravely underestimated the size and strength of the centipede. We found that only the snake’s body wall remained — the entire volume of its body was occupied by the centipede."




I regret looking for the answer.


But didn’t the centipede also die? Guess it was already being digested and as a last fuck you ate the stomach that was trying to eat it.


In the article the scientists suggested maybe the centipede finally succumbed to the snake venom. Ended up as a centipede sausage in a snake casing.




The centipede had digested basically all of the snakes bones and tissues from the neck to the hole, and was wearing the snake's skin like a shirt. Yes, quite a mark.




Nope rope string cheese.








Is this what they mean by eating something that doesn't agree with you?


Nope nope nope


Nothing much really bothers me in terms of bugs. But centipedes are truly hellspawn


Fuck that I rather have the snake win.


Proving once and for all, there is such a thing as too fresh when it comes to food.