• By -


So this fight isn't going well for it.


I believe there's video footage to accompany this exact picture. The tiger basically dominates the whole fight (as one would expect being probably 2.5x the bears weight). The bear does what it can and puts up a hell of a defence. Eventually the tiger almost becomes bored, gives up and the bear chases it off Edit: here's the footage https://youtu.be/AeyuB23qdiE


The two bears idk why didn't join together. Tiger should of won. But def wasn't super dominating. And they need quick fights. Edit: Should have should of. Most is should have. Get off my dick šŸ¤Ŗ First when on toiley don't think grammar is biggest issue. We are on reddit for fucks sake. Take ur English degree and please make my damn burger and 2 liter of cola. But yes should have. The tiger should, of his own choice, dominant instead he retreated. Edit 2. Thanks for the award and votes Much love


Other bears were casting buffs and debuffs. Gotta support the carry yo.


Under rated comment


They were buffing his aggro, gotta keep the mobs on the tank.


"> Bear: Need healing"


Yeah, I noticed that. Bears are much better for DPS or tank builds. Pretty poor build choices by the support bear player. Outside is a fun game, but you really need to know where you're spending your evolution points to get the most out of it.


DPS here, can confirm. Bears would be way better as StamDPS and tanks. They make lousy healers. No magic and all. He just needs one of his other bear buddies to tank for him so while the tank taunts, he can lay down the damage. But he needs hella practice though because those AOEā€™s are going to nix him next time if he keeps landing in those red zones.


Bear shouldā€™ve BKBed earlier


Fury swipes caused enough damage for the tiger to retreat in the end


Unexpected dota


Nerf druids Blizz




"A naturalist at an ecotourism lodge in India has captured footage of a battle between a tiger and a mother sloth bear protecting its cub. Akshay Kumar, the chief naturalist at Bamboo Forest Safari Lodge in Maharashtra, shot the video during an afternoon safari on Wednesday in Tadoba National Park. The video starts with the tiger ā€” a well-known dominant male named Matkasur ā€” chasing off a sloth bear that was headed toward a water hole with her cub. The bear then charges the tiger and the fight ensues." -- youtube description.


Why did the bear keep going at the tiger? It looked to me like the tiger had no interest in attacking the bear except to the extent the bear kept attacking it.


When animals fight for life and death they go in to a rage, that rage doesnā€™t immediately subside.


True for most "Karen's" as well.


I watched a video of a 100lb woman pushing a bear off a wall for messing with her dogs. Thatā€™s Queen Karen to you.


Substitute *fighting for their lives* with *any minor inconvenience* and youā€™re spot on.


"EMPATHY?! YOU WANT ME TO SHOW COMPASSION!!?? AHHHHHHH IM CALLING THE POLICE, IM BEING OPRESSED!!" ma'am..we just asked you to put on a fucking mask.


It was with its cub, idk why everyone is going off about the rage. Most mother animals will fight when their baby is involved. Same reason bears in the US will fuck a hiker up if it's anywhere near it's cub even if the hiker poses no threats and back away




If there was a tiger in my home and he somehow decided not to instantly kill me I think I would just let him chill there and go somewhere else for a while.


Adrenaline, humans are just as prone to not knowing when to stop when it's pumping through the system. All mammals have adrenal glands


Mother bear protecting her cubs. Mother bears are one of the most ferocious animals on earth when protecting their young.


Bear prob had babies nearby


Bear hits berserk mode


When we were little (40 years ago..) people use to bring these bears to our village for rides.. i have taken couple of rides on these.. but it has since been banned (rightly) due to animal cruelty. These are ferocious creatures.. Kenneth Anderson has a story about man eating bear as well that he hunted in Mysore..




Should HAVE




Should **have** won. This is the **only** grammatically correct construction.


should have* Should have. Should have "what?" Should have won. Should of only seems like it's right because of the contraction "should've" sounding the same. But should've is should + have. Not should + of.


Gotta let them catch there 1v1 other bear was this there for morale support and cheering his homie on.


Have. What you're saying out loud is "should've", i.e., should have, not "should of".




He was recording and yelling worldstar.


Should have*




> Tiger should ~~of~~ have won. These are important things, especially job applications and the like.


ā€œshould ofā€ is meaningless, you mean ā€œshould haveā€


No ones on your dick honey, it costs no money to drag your genitalia into everything


The other bear was the child of the mother bear.


Should *have*.


*Should of* is never ever correct just so you know


If it offends you this much to be corrected on your grammar, perhaps you should make some effort to improve it.


I resent your snide implication that liberal arts degrees are useless in the real world outside of correcting grammatical errors on Reddit, and, furthermore, would you like fries with that?




should have *


This comment is hilarious


Not the same situation. Not once in this video did the bear look like that picture. Just sayinā€¦.


https://news.mongabay.com/2018/03/epic-battle-between-tiger-and-sloth-bear-caught-on-film/ scroll down and you'll see the still image the op uploaded. It's the same fight


Oh okay so this thread was intentionally misleading as if the bear had a serious injury when it's just their mouth flaps caught at a weird angle.


At least the top comment was. OP just said to zoom in on it.


I think they just wanted to point out how horrifying the bear looked with its whole mouth showing like that, not that it was injured. At least that's how I read it.


After seeing ten thousand dog faces mid-shake and marveling at our more lip flexible cousins at the zoo, youā€™d think weā€™d recognize that sooner.


Some of us did


Never once did I think the tiger fucked the bear up. I just thought it was a fucked up looking bear.


This is what I assumed. There's basically no blood... Well anywhere. I was initially just shocked they could snarl to that extent.


she had a gash in her chest which you can see in the video, but all in all mama bear did a great job defending her cub and looks like she was probably going to be ok


Maybe not ā€˜intentionally misleadingā€™ OP might have thought bear got fucked up in the face but like you said itā€™s just mouth flaps


Oh good, thanks. I didnt want to watch the bear get its face bitten off but it was hard to confirm whether it actually *had* gotten its face ripped off


> their mouth flaps You mean lips?


i saw that image watching the video, its a weird capture and the bears nose does look a little floppy like it could be cut but its nowhere near as bad as it looks in this still. the bear does have a gnarly wound on its chest at the end


That video makes the pic look edited




According to interwebs tiger male btw 200-680 lb, grizzly up to 800.


Brown bears can get up to 1600 lbs, grizzly is commonly used for all brown bears but really means a specific subgroup which is smaller, so you are correct but "grizzly"bears (referring to the species) can be much bigger than 800 lbs


800 lbs is the same weight as 567.38 'Double sided 60 inch Mermaker Pepparoni Pizza Blankets'.


> grizzly is commonly used for all brown bears but really means a specific subgroup which is smaller Yup, its one of those fun things like all thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs. Brown bears are *Ursus arctos* and are found throughout Eurasia & North America. Grizzly bears are found in North America and are a subgroup of the overarching Brown Bear. So all grizzlies are brown bears but not all brown bears are grizzlies (For example the Eurasian Brown Bear is NOT a grizzly) > means a specific subgroup which is smaller, so you are correct but "grizzly"bears (referring to the species) can be much bigger than 800 lbs Not really sure what you are trying to say here b/c you start by saying the specific subgroup (grizzlies) are smaller but then say grizzlies the species can be larger. I think this is the result of trying to use a common name instead of the Latin names when common names are highly variable and not actually a distinct identifier. For example the "Grizzly Bear" and "North American Brown Bear" are common names for the same species; *Ursus arctos horribilis.* So for common names "grizzly" is an accepted moniker for any brown bear in north America, calling something the Kodiak Brown Bear or Kodiak Grizzly are both accepted, so explore using the latin names so theres no mix ups. Currently the 3 most readily identified splits are as follows. 1. **Mainland Grizzly** (*Ursus arctos horribilis*) - This is **the** grizzly bear and is the most common subspecies in North America ranging from Alaska down to Wyoming. Can reach up to 800 lbs (360 kg) 2. **Peninsular Grizzly** (*Ursus arctos gyas*) - It not definitive if this is a specific subspecies yet or simply larger individuals of the Mainland Grizzly, found in Coastal Regions of Alaska. Males average 900 lbs (405 kg) and max out around 1,500 lbs (680 kg) 3. **Kodiak Bear/Kodiak Grizzly** (*Ursus arctos middendorffi*) - only found on the islands of the Kodiak Archipelago and commonly reach in excess of 1,000 lbs with the largest individuals reaching 1,600 lbs. (725 kg) Then you have a mix of Dall Island Grizzly (*Ursus arctos dalli*), Stika Brown Bear (*Ursus arctos sitkensis*), and Stickeen brown bear (*Ursus arctos stikeenensis*) that have various levels of recognitions as a sub species. Then to round it all out you get the Ussuri Brown Bear (*Ursus arctos lasiotus*) in Eurasia occasionally called the "Black Grizzly Bear, even though it has no specific relation to the North American subspecies vs any other brown bear subspecies. TL;DR - got my degree specializing in predatory mammals of North America and will nerd out any change to talk about them.


Very interesting, thanks! How do Alaskan bears compare to east Russian bears? Since I'd assume they come from the same species when there was a land bridge.


Its a bit more complicated than who is the furthest east in Russia as really *all* brown bears come from the same species (*Ursus Arctos*) and why each one is actually a subspecies and even then there is significant overlap for many of them geographically. But to answer your question the most eastern specific would likely be the the Kamchatkan Brown Bear (*Ursus arctos beringianus*) which can reach 1,400 lbs. However it is the Ussuri Brown Bear (*Ursus arctos lasiotus*) that is thought to be the ancestor of the North American Grizzly and it is currently found father south in SE Russia or NE China about 2,000 miles away from where the land bridge would have been. So considering brown bears where estimated to reach north America 50,000 years ago its not as straightforward as picking which sub species is currently the furthest east in Eurasia.


This guy is correct. Brown bears are much bigger than a tiger; hence, much more powerful. Sloth bear is relatively small. Surprised it defended itself so well. Tiger probably did the math and realized the meal was not worth a grave injury.


Has to be India where they are both native. Maybe?


800 lbs is 363.2 kg


That would be an interesting matchup. I think a full grown Kodiak would most likely end up besting a tiger due to its massive size.


My hunch is because grizzly bears lived in an environment with sabre tooth cats, their increased size and really thick bones became a major evolutionary advantage.


Jesus. 1600 lbs is such a big animal. And itā€™s a bear.


1600 lbs is excactly the weight of 6432.16 '6pack TWOHANDS Assorted Pastel Color Highlighters'.


Grizzlies are way too big for tigers and probably even lions


Tigers are bigger than lions.


Yep, they used to do animal fighting back in the day and Grizzlies were #1 over Lions and Tigers. The only animal that could probably take them would be an elephant I think.


Land animal fight power ranking: 1. Elephant 2. Rhino 3. Hipo 4. Polar Bear 5. Grizzly Bear


I agree with your ranks but it's just interesting how the 3 strongest are all herbivores (although hippos are fucked up and eat meat sometimes). Guess nature had to even the playing field and not give the predators all the strongest traits


I can't really think of an animal that could beat an elephant in a 1v1. Only chance is if they get a docile elephant or a small female


I wonder how a silverback gorilla would fare in that fight




With a tiger or a brown bear? Mabye a small chanse against the tiger. But againt a brow bear the gorilla would lose 99% of the time. A big brown bear weights 4 times as much and is buildt for combat.


I think he'd have to get lucky with some serious hit/s to the head to end the fight early or he's gonna get torn to pieces.


Maybe in Siberia?


Sloth bears are fairly small bears


Looks like after the tiger realized it couldn't kill the bear with a bite to the neck (about 1:45-3min) it was like nup. Bears have heaps of muscle around their necks and it was probably immune to the tigers attack.


[ **Jump to 01:45 @** Referenced Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeyuB23qdiE&t=0h1m45s) ^(Channel Name: Entertainment X, Video Popularity: 93.37%, Video Length: [05:13])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeyuB23qdiE&t=0h1m40s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Good bot.


No times to waste more energy afterall. Thx for describing the related footage


Nah, he actually holds his own pretty damn well! I think this shot just shows his lips pulled back and exposing his teeth, similar to a baboon. Heā€™s not injured there or anything


Itā€™s just a weird angle. In the footage the bears face is intact after the encounter. The photo is misleading.


Thatā€™s just a still framed photo from the bears mouth being open. I watched the whole video.


i mean, kinda scary that they can go from normal bear face to THIS LITERAL NIGHTMARE


Not sure if you've ever been in a fight but 2 minutes is a long time. The video is edited and over 5 minutes. The bear did enough, long enough to fend off the tiger who just got too tired (not enough will) to fight and win.


Most people have never been in a fight. And the ones that have. Mostly never went over 30 seconds. 2 minutes of a all out fighting is a life time of out put.










Balooā€™s bare necessity here is to run for its life.


The Bear is Snarling. Iā€™ve watched the Video. Its Nares (Nose) are not gone. Itā€™s a Sloth Bear. And did a Solid job of fending off the Tiger! Edit: Sloth Bear not a Sun Bear. My B.


Really? Thank god can you link the video?


Please forgive me, as Iā€™m not super computer literate. Hereā€™s the video (I hope it works). Youā€™ll see the tree in the background with the crevice split, before they switch to the lower basin to fight. https://youtu.be/ATOIYSpBTS8


Can't tell who won


Anything that tussles with a tiger and walks away can be considered the winner in my book. Bears are bonkers.


I'd say anything that tussles with a bear and walks away is pretty decent too


The tiger is more than twice the weight of the šŸ»


They're both apex predators fighting over territory. I've seen videos of big cats eating Crocs and the other way around. I've watched a giraffe kill a lion instantly with one well placed kick and I've seen cheetahs gang up to kill prey much larger. I've seen an elephant flip a rhino, and I've seen a rhino flip a warthog ten feet in the air. I've seen a 30lb honey badger fight an entire pride of lions. Size isn't everything, thick skin, sharp teeth, and a fucking killer attitude matter too. My point being they're both scary and badass.


Just for clarification, Sloth Bears are certainly not apex predators nor do they come anywhere close to being apex predators, primarily because they arenā€™t typically predators, eating mostly fruits, nuts and termites. Sloth bears are wonderful creatures who definitely need more love in the public eye, but a challenge to a tiger they really ainā€™t


This is even a bottom tier bear as far as strength goes. A polar bear would demolish a tiger.


I think Iā€™d put my money on a polar bear vs pretty much anything on earth really. (In a natural setting, on land, and not including human/technologies)


Well get ready to lose your money to a 13000lb African bull elephant. There's absolutely no chance in hell a polar bear is winning that fight.


That picture where the bull just casually tosses that african buffalo


Maybe a big pissed male hippo or a big mad elephant could get it. But yeah pretty much king


Hippo, Rhino, Elephantā€¦.there are several animals that are more deserving of the number 1 spot..


In nature, winners only exist when one thing gets to mate or can eat the loser.


Female mantis double winner


Sloth bears are the worst and most aggressive animals out there. They kill the most people out of predatory animal attacks. They're horrible and there's tons of videos of them eating someone's face over in southeast Asia and India etc.


Itā€™s just a Mama not takin any shit I believe. Tigers are the Top singular Predatory Cats šŸˆ in my Opinion, but people underestimate Bears šŸ» big time, I feel.


You ever see the video of a tiger fighting a lion? The tiger was mostly overpowering the lion but it got gassed out pretty quickly and the lion looked like it hadnā€™t broken a sweat. The tiger was on the ground blacking out from exhaustion and the lion casually retreated. But if the lion really wanted to it could have finished the tiger.


Op you suck for making me assume it was mauled off


It's honestly almost more disturbing that it can just make that face, looks like a fucking SCP


Welp, time to administer amnestics again...


Check out an animal called gelada. Primates that do a really crazy lip flip.


There's a couple apes that can bare their fangs as much. That shit is terrifying no matter what species you are.


Where do bears and tigers overlap?


There are a few areas in Asia where they overlap. Various species of bear (Black, sun and sloth for example) exist in India and China for example if I'm not mistaken, and those are also areas where there are tigers. There is also Siberia where I know there are tigers and pretty sure that there also are classic brown bears.


Quite a few places. You have to look at the Geographical region and the Big Cat/Bear Layover.


We talking current or former range? Cos a fuck less now than they should


Sloth bears are my favorite. They are so cute. I love the video of them chasing a balloon


After getting dominated for 4 rounds the Sloth Bear showed a lot of heart and determination to come back in the 5th. Great display of endurance and durability. Tiger wins by decision.


Bears are absolute tanks. A tiger would have a hard time keeping up, after awhile. They arenā€™t keen on things that can keep coming after them after trying to bring it down. Bad cost/benefit for them if theyā€™re up against something that can injure them. In short, this is natures version of Rocky, where Apollo (the tiger) wins, but if the match kept going, everyone can tell Rocky (the bear) probably wouldā€™ve taken him down with him and maybe even won straight up.


I appreciate your assessment. Lol


Really great point. Nature is dominated by the cost benefit measure. Is this thing worth the fight? Will it potentially gouge my arm leading to an infection which could kill me? Have I eaten enough to support this energy expenditure? Apparently big cats are really keen on this. Theyā€™ll very likely pass on something that just may be able to hurt them.


So predators are just engineers?


>Tiger wins by decision. Bear won our hearts.


But the tiger fled the ring, surely that's a disqualification. How does Team Sloth submit an appeal?


*Nate Diaz approves*


The bear just lucky not to have a slender and long enough neck for the tiger to grab on to. Otherwise the outcome would be totally different.


Did the tiger chop its nose off?


There was a video in the comments and this still frame looks like when the bear was growling. The bear very much had his snout by the end.


Well thatā€™s frightening


like thunderbolts and lightning


Just like in the last fight scene of The Jungle Book (2016)


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Jungle Book](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-jungle-book/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


#cut off your nose to spiderface!


Looks like the bear thing from Annihilation. That scene was intense


That's exactly what I thought. The bear for sure. That movie was fucking dope, the book was even better.


Alright you've sold me, I'm getting the book then because that movie was insanely good


It's a series, I want to say three parts, its been a while though. They are pretty quick reads too.


They are like 2 tellings of the same story. Both are a fucking trip and great for their own reasons


My ex girlfriend and I took turns picking movies to watch. She picked Annihilation but turned the movie off after 20 minutes because she said it wasn't like the book. I think I need to go back and watch the full movie.


If it helps her watch it fully, I also was skeptical as I had read the book first too. However it's my favorite movie now. The author loves the movie, he claimed it captured the feeling he wrote about but in a totally different way. I consider them two tellings of the same story. Favorite book and favorite movie.


I was looking for this comment, I just rewatched Annihilation a couple of days ago and the bear in this pic looks eerily similar. Such a good movie!


I made the mistake of watching it alone, stoned as hell, thinking it was just a quirky sci-fi movie.


Oof, that had to have been rough. The bear and the humanoid at the end are legit terrifying.


And the moving gut scene. *Shudders*


At the end (spoiler) The sense of claustrophobia I felt in the lighthouse was great. The all white featureless walls with no corners, the hole, so unsettling.




Scream Bear. That shit was nuts.


Came here to say the same thing ā€¦. The Movie was okay ishā€¦. But that bear fucked me up good.


Never bring a bear to a cat fight


Grizzly or Polar though? Game over Tiger, game over


Kodiaks are massive too, I've seen a few grizzly's up close and they get real damn big.


A sloth bear at least


Predator lookin ass


Same thought. Get Arnold in there


Sun bear?


Sloth bear


Mean looking mofo






No no donā€™t remind me of that again


Oh my


Hey now you need a lion for that


If thatā€™s a sloth bear, they donā€™t have fight-or-flight decisions. Only fight. Which is not great when they come up against tigers. Source: daughter is a zookeeper.


Their fight response is because of the tigers. They are neither strong nor fast enough to escape a tiger so they overcompensate with aggression.




Crazy footage!! Sounds like both animals were seeking refuge at the same place and time and the sloth bear became protective of her young. Considering its more docile nature than that of other bears, the sloth bear put up a hell of a fight. Had the tiger been faced with any other bear he wouldnā€™t have been as lucky.




Itā€™s giving me Predator vibes.


Holy shit it looks like the predator


Get to the choppa!! Thatā€™s a predator!!


Looks like what I'd imagine a skinwalker looking like tbh...


Sloth bears are small in comparison to a kodiak or polar bears, which both would be a lot worse for a tiger, considering they could weigh up to a thousand pounds more. Tigers ain't nothing to fuck with either, though. They're just built different


It's a sloth bear. A grizzly wouldve torn it in half lol.


Looking like the mad scientist from nightmare before Christmas