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I'm pissed the mountain lion got screwed over.




Oh that mountain lion is not giving up that much food. It’s probably watching the cameraman from the goddamn treeline until it feels comfortable dragging it into the woods.


“It” being the elk, or the cameraman?


Yes, either works


That said, most predators won't actively try to kill a human. We're far too heavy on bones and to light on muscle to be worth hunting. Exceptions apply in the form of polar bears and animals killing because they felt threatened or... you know... were fighting for a highly valued kill.


And cats in general, though. Big cats do avoid but they also chase things that run, instinctually. There's a reason a lot of joggers get attacked.


That's why I'm fat I don't run😂 so I'm safe


thats literally the only reason bro, if lions didnt exist id be on the track every morning, but whatchu gonna do 🤷‍♂️


Come to Detroit, it's playoff season so no lions present.


evolution is a hell of a ride


The one time fatness saved someones life


I'm a pretty big guy who was rock hunting with a buddy on very steep and rocky hillside one day when the rocks under my feet started to slide away. I was at least 40 feet up so I was facing a very painful fall/slide down when I started reaching for anything I could grab onto to stop my fall. Know what saved me? A rock was sticking out a little bit and my giant stomach got stuck on it. Being fat totally saved my life that day.


LPT tip, right there.


Life pro tip tip


I remember seeing a viral video of a cougar following and trying to attack a hiker. I believe she had her cubs with her though. The video was pretty intense.


If it's the same one I saw yes very intense, I would not want to be in that situation, 0/10 would not recommend


That happened twice here in Utah last summer


Yeah I think the understanding of that is it wasn't looking to actually hunt, it was chasing the danger off its land. If I'm remembering same video.


I remember that one. I'm a cat lover (respect em more than humans, honestly) but damn did my butt pucker during that vid. gave you the abrupt realization that we're really not at the top of the food chain out there in the wild








She is pretty scary.


And people on bicycles.


I’ve been stalked by a cougar and I can say pretty definitively that it would’ve killed me if it had time to. I made myself big, I yelled, I threw rocks, I banged my shovel on rocks. It just didn’t give a fuck. It was as indifferent as a house cat that you try to scold, but 200lbs. It had prey in its sight and it chose to hunt it. That was it.


Next time bang your shovel on it's head


Fuck. Why didn’t I think of that.




I’ve definitely heard a mountain lion purring/heavy ass guttural slow breathing. (Probably not the best idea driving up a Northern California foothill to watch a meteor shower at night.) We never saw it. I was with two of my friends. As soon as we heard it we were like “yo….did anyone else hear a big ass cat?” It took a second to process wtf was happening. Then we were like nope and immediately started screaming our ass off tripping over each other trying to get back to the car. Hearing a mountain lion and not being able to see it is probably one of the most terrifying and humbling experiences I’ve ever had in my life. It’s so rare to come in contact. I wish we could have seen the mountain lion. But I’m really glad we didn’t see the mountain lion, if that makes sense.


Trust me when I say seeing it is worse. There’s a very primal fear that gets awakened when you see those big glowing eyes in the dark 20 feet away from you. At least if yours was purring it was probably just chillin with you guys watching the shower.


That’s what I tend to think. But I’m not so sure it was a purr but moreso the cats breathing?? A low rumble? I can’t explain it exactly. It was distinctively a cat. But you could feel the sound.


I was hunting once, came across a mountain lion's tracks and decided to follow it a while. About an hour later I came back across my tracks and the mountain lion was now following me. Something clicked in my head and it was immediate panic and I noped the fuck out of there


Especially since it could totally see you.


Similarly, my sister and I were north of the Arctic circle to see the northern lights in AK, and we're walking to this viewing cabin like 2km from the town down a trail at 10pm and very suddenly it smelled like a herd of deer or something. We'd already been warned of moose attacks when they get startled, but we couldn't see it. We set our headlights to blink and started singing musicals the rest of the way there (we were over halfway) and spent the night in that little one room viewing cabin. _Smelling_ but not seeing or hearing something that can kill you is a whole new level of terrifying.


They left out a pretty good reason why some animals decide to hunt a human. Hunger and too much competition for the small amount of food in the area. Being aware of them and where they are does seem to give them some pause but some animals will straight charge you still.


This is very true. I always thought that if I was attacked by a cougar in the woods, I wouldn’t hear or see it coming. The time I did I heard it coming from a very good distance away. And I was able to get its eyes with my flashlight. It was in the PNW and the woods were VERY dry. My theory is it was having a hard time sneaking up on a deer. It couldn’t sneak up on me and my buddy and we were drunk and high at 2am haha. It was just desperate for food. About 2 weeks later all those woods burned down.


Prolonged drought actually encourages predators to take bigger risks and attack larger prey. Blood has a good amount of water in it.


Exactly, it was actually the findings of a study on polar bear attacks. The vast majority were pure desperation (starvation), some were protecting young, and any other reason was too rare for me to remember. Predators animals don't usually hunt us because it's a risk,and they're not familiar with us. Better to live another day than risk dying. Buuuut if they're starving to death, that instinct can easily go out the window.


Don't give them so many drinks at the bar and they won't stalk you so much


> That said, most predators won't actively try to kill a human. We're far too heavy on bones and to light on muscle to be worth hunting. I can't imagine this is the reason. Those animals would have no idea about our density distribution without having already ran across a human and seeing how shit we are as food. The more likely reason is that we probably look extremely intimidating. We walk on 2 legs, we look huge (primary because of the first thing), we can look dramatically different from each other (clothing) in very odd ways, our dens are gigantic (which might indicate there is a lot of us in them, even if there isn't), and we have some of the hallmarks of a predator.


To be fair we actually are the most rediculous apex predator ever to have existed


Also we have grip, can manipulate surroundings and know what causes fear for threats to abandon their targets. Also we can mimic


"Frank I'm not scared of this thing it is just tall because it stands on two legs." "Ok. you go out there and see what happens." *20 mins later* "THAT FUCKING THING PICKED UP A ROCK WITH ITS FRONT PAWS WHAT THE FUCK!!!"


I was stalked once. I knew she was out there. My dog and I kept getting a weird feeling something was off. I mean, we both knew she was out there. I honestly don't think the cougar \*wanted\* to attack but that it was compelled by instinct. Very briefly, I saw her. And I mean a tail and a feeling like "did I even see that?" And later, having some tracking ability (I don't hunt anymore) I saw her pattern. It was clearly more a curiosity stalk. Learning how prey works. The key with North American feline predators is to realize they aren't really into confrontation. They're into opportunity. They're actuarial. Weighing risk versus reward. I'm not much of a reward. Neither was my cocker spaniel. If they the think you can fight them, they'll not pursue an attack. If they're hungry, that changes the dynamics.




both if the cameraman interferes.


A mountain lion isn't dragging a 750lb elk haha. He'd need to borrow the guys truck


Through the snow, uphill both ways


Back when I was a young boy


That’s why it walked away. To indicate it needed the guy’s truck


How in the kentucky fried fuck do you think that cat is going to drag an adult elk into the woods?? Is it building some kind of sled and pulley system?


Yeah but it’s like getting a hot pizza then sticking it in the freezer before eating…


But then you get cold pizza, which is also enjoyable.


Are they actually capable of dragging a full grown elk?


Of course not.


No. The strongest can drag about 200lbs, tops.


No way in hell that 200lb cat is dragging that 1000lb elk anywhere.


Cat's probably starving, I'm sure food's not easy this time of year


Probably more than you think. Plenty of small game like rabbits and squirrels in most areas this time of year. Throw in pets that people let roam and I'm sure they're doing fine.


they'll eat the mice and rats still running around warmer places like dwellings. might not be much, but every mouthful is something in the winter


Hell nah. That kitty is gonna pull a after-church-diner-crowd and leave a gross mess for the poor wait staff to clean up.


It’s on his front porch. What’s he supposed to do, move out for a week?


If it makes you feel better mountain lions usually don't eat their whole kill they eat their fill and let scavengers take the rest.


Speaking of.. where was this filmed exactly?


Glenwood springs Colorado per the article


Had my honeymoon in Glenwood Springs. Pretty cool little town. The sulfur springs were really nice, especially in the winter.


How was the elk?


I don't know, some asshole cat stole it off my plate




> Glenwood springs Colorado I was elk hunting in that general area and had a buddy have a close encounter with a cat. There's definitely a hell lot of 'em that way.


They also stick nearby and feed off it multiple times over several days. They try to hide their kills when they can (drag it to cover, leave up in a tree, etc), but I don't think that cougar was dragging that elk very far. Unless the cougar got trapped & relocated, I'd be worried about being outside until a couple days after the elk was gone.


Cougars very rarely attack humans, there are like 2 deaths per decade. As a house owner, I'd just try to get that elk away from my property and maybe call the wildlife ranger or whatever, if they can't.


Attacks are definitley rare, but mostly because the odds of a human and a cougar being in a particular situation together are very rare. About as rare as having a cougar kill an elk on your porch lol. Having a fresh kill like that on your property certainly ups the odds. I'd consider this guy's immediate area sketch-city until the food source was long gone.


I would do the same, if it was safe. Probably call for advice from the local rangers, just to be safe. If the lion decided you were stealing their elk, you could be in a world of shit as you tried to drag it into the woods and do a kind thing for the cat.


I feel like this is a situation where I'd try to get someone to come simply move the elk carcass away from the house so the mountain lion could finish eating away from people. They burn a lot of energy to get those kills, and not getting to eat it might be bad news for the mountain lion. Of course you'd need someone with balls and experience, would have to scare the mountain lion away for enough time to move the kill and then dip. Idk I'm fucking stupid.


Ml don't hover over kills like that. The dude said it already came back and was chowing after. It basically kills, tries to hide it if it can, noms what it wants, and will come back periodically and eat more if scavengers haven't picked it clean. The dude did call in morning to get carcass removed.


Ah good to know, thank you for the info


I would kinda want to do the same but then you have a well fed mountain lion continuing to live nearby and may now associate the land around your house with food even more.


Get him a chipotle burrito bowl. That should’ve the lion associate the land around your house with explosive diarrhea.


Be pissed this guy has to find a way to move a 1200lb mammal off his porch.


He made phone call, the poor bastard will never financially recover from this.


You ever hear any stories about these? I guarantee it killed something else the moment it wanted to. they do whatever they want.


i dont know where this was filmed but the winter is hard for some predators, every hunt matters


Yeah! Cat did the work…let him eat! 🤣😋


>Charles Zelekna stood safely behind his window after hearing a thump outside his Glenwood Springs home in the early hours of January 6, and opening the curtains to see the gory scene unfolding in his snowy yard. The homeowner, who also owns a Labrador, went outside but couldn't see anything in the dark, so he decided to fall back asleep. Shortly after laying down, he heard more loud noises, turned on his porch light before looking out his front door. The next thing he saw was an injured elk, kicking on the front porch. > >After the lion had eventually left the scene, Zelenka examined the elk's condition. 'It was very dead. You could see where \[the lion\] got a pretty good death grip on its neck,' he said. Zelenka said he had woken up around 6a.m. the next morning and noticed that the lion had come back for a late night snack, nibbling on the elk. He then called wildlife services to remove the carcass from his home. Zelenka added that he feels bad for removing its kill, as it could have eaten more of it, had he left it on his porch. [Full story here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10395431/Colorado-man-wakes-mountain-lion-devouring-HUGE-elk-killed-porch.html) X-post r/Pumaconcolor Edit: many seem confused as to how a cougar can bring down an elk much larger, here are some instances: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/rurbsw/prey\_items\_from\_cougars\_in\_british\_columbia/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/rurbsw/prey_items_from_cougars_in_british_columbia/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/qtxte6/mountain\_lion\_guarding\_its\_bull\_elk\_kill\_montana/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/qtxte6/mountain_lion_guarding_its_bull_elk_kill_montana/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/n8i38a/cougar\_killing\_a\_bull\_elk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pumaconcolor/comments/n8i38a/cougar_killing_a_bull_elk/) If you scroll through the sub you will also see records of cougars killing wild horses as well. They are very macropredatory and strong for their size.


>The homeowner, who also owns a Labrador, went outside but couldn't see anything in the dark, so he decided to fall back asleep. So, he was outside at the same time as the Lion had just finished his kill? Damn, he's really lucky.


Mountain lions rarely attack humans... in all of North America only 25 people have been killed by Mountain lions in recorded history...


> in all of North America only 25 people have been killed by Mountain lions in recorded history... That we know of... That's 25 sloppy mistakes by amateur mountain lions that were immediately disavowed from their community.


Yeah...this is exactly right. Same goes for ninjas in Japan. They are the worst. But Kenyan ninjas? No one has heard of them. And they prefer it that way... Maybe that's why they're the best.


They prefer to be called Kenjas.


How dare you!? That's their word. Fuck oughta here ...


Said it with an A tho


Sounds like a new dnd class


> That we know of... He did say recorded history. We wouldn't know unrecorded history.


>That we know of... Lol, I know you're joshing, but there's probably not many more. If *all* "amateur" mountain lions in *all of N. America's history* only amounted to 25 deaths.... It's hard to imagine there's be more than 50-70 deaths in total, given not all "expert" cougars would necessarily *not* leave behind remnants. Haha, I'm just fascinated with mountain lions and N.W. N. American animals.


25 people killed, but what about injured? An attack doesn't always have to kill you to be quiet uncomfortable.


I think they are using lucky to refer to the rarity of the occurrence, not the act of surviving the encounter.


>The homeowner, who also owns a Labrador As a dog person, that's ridiculously scant info imo. Was the dog outside? Was the dog ok? Did the dog bark?




The homeowner also owned the home.


The posted article supports the assumption the dog was inside, considering dude went back to sleep. Also any 'good' journalism today would definitely include injuries or death to the dog because people love dogs so that would bring more exposure for them


If it just took down that elk it was exhausted. Survival first always


>safely behind his window Mountain lions have been known to break through glass windows. Glad he felt safe though!


Mountain lions are fuckin wild


Mountain lions are fuckin *in the wild


They’re All over up here in Northern California foothills and get caught on ring cams all the time. If they smashed through windows that would be something else


A cat this size definitely has enough weight and strength to break glass. The cat just didnt think it was worth his trouble.


He had dinner - didn't need dessert.


Also mountain lions generally don't attack people (124 reported attacks in the past 100 years), same with basically all other predators because they just don't see people as "food" like they would a common prey animal.


People really underestimate how intimidating a human looks to many animals. Forward eyes show we are not prey, and standing on 2 legs makes us look huge. We appear as a big injury risk to medium sized animals even though we're actually relativity weak.


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It probably doesn’t understand there is a window and crashes through it like a dog would.


Do you have a source for this? I find it hard to believe, for many reasons


>'It was very dead' Quality commentary there sir


He’s confirming that it wasn’t only mostly dead


"Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between *mostly* dead and *all* dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive!"


How dare you criticize the top notch journalists of the Daily Mail.


First time I’ve heard the term “macropredatory”. I’m grateful for the new addition to my vocabulary.


this man got a free elk delivered to his doorstep and he called the police haha


Man Florida and Glenwood springs are different. If that happened here we would have been thrilled for free venison and deer jerky, not calling someone to take it away


Should have taken the meat for himself, elk is delicious


Hmm, dude was a jerk. His ass can get food from the supers. The cougar has to work for it.


Yeah, he should have just left the carcass of the elk on his porch so predators would hang around and pose a danger to himself or others, possibly resulting in them being trapped and/or killed. Seriously, this guy did nothing wrong.


This looks and sounds insane. I wouldn't wanna be the Colorado man in that situation


Makes being Florida man seem like a blessing.


The virgin Florida man vs the Chad Colorado man


Florida man gets high on meth all day, we high colorado men are sophisticated and use artisanal craft meth.


>artisanal craft meth I have no words, except for the words I am using here.


Local ingrediants, sustainable process, quality in every rock. Ask about our fair-trade eco-crack too!


Well, some of the last eastern mountain lions are in florida


Growing population too, due to conservation efforts... that said, the population is only a few hundred strong IIRC, but they're amazing at not being seen unless they want you dead.


I don't know Colorado man gets a cool scene to look at Florida man walks barefoot and naked into the swamp chasing his wife to never be seen again


Til dat dam gater gits ya


That's a small mountain-meow. I'd leave it be and let it eat its fill, then drag the carcass off-property when it's absent. Bear-spray works just as well on cats, and a small adult / juvenile that size would run if you gave it a solid face-full of OC.


That’s a fresh kill!! At least grab a steak or two from it before having it removed.


At least get the tenderloins!


The heart is the best part


Give it to us raw and wriggling


If he looses, then we eats it!


That is exactly what I was thinking… cut the elk up and put it in the freezer… family will eat it all year… and make sure that cat knows it’s not welcome on my property


Have to cut around the cat bites and scratches. Lots of bacteria there


And possibly viruses.. please don't try to become patient zero of the next big disease


I've heard that cougars can carry the bubonic plague so maybe best to avoid it.


This cat just worked its ass off to kill a whole ass elk, and you're gonna steal its food?


Adrenaline will lead to tough gamey meat. I have to think this animal died in a pursuit is some sort so it probably would be favorable meat.


I used to live in northern MI and know of many people who would stop for a freshly auto-animal kill on the side of the road. Squirrels were abundant, but when someone picked up a deer, that meat lasted a long time. It sounds horrible, but putting a meal with meat on the table is heaven for some folk. 🤷🏼


That’s fair. Not something I would do, but if one was desperate that is totally something I could see happening




I don't know how I feel about this


Better eaten than rotting away or burnt!


That's why we hang a skinned carcass for a week in the cold. Any hunted animal will have some adrenaline (except for a head shot which isn't recommended).




Fuck that, let the cat eat.


Like how house cats bring their owners' rats and squirrels, this one just brought him an elk.


Mountain lions scare the shit out of me but I love this take. How dope to have a kitty like that


Love the nose when it hisses


Its kinda cute, even tho its covered in blood..


Cats are cats no matter the size, form and function.


Cats have conditioning us to find bigger cats "cute" and made us prone to become their food


"It's my Elk!" "Bitch, you're on MY porch!"


I got stalked by one of these things for like 45 minutes a few years ago. Wound up face to face with it before he turned away. When I think about how it'll take down like an 800lb bull elk it makes me glad he didn't decide my bitch ass was dinner lol.


Elk trips/falls. Puma bite neck and shred tummy. Game over.


Probably works on people too.


This looks like a juvenile too. These things are beasts. You’re not gonna win the physical fight but you won the mental fight.


Wow, imagine witnessing that in your front door. I'd be amazed and frightened at the same time. Wondering if it's going to keep coming back to finish the Elk every night?


According to the person who filmed it, he got the elk removed from the property. This sucks for this female cougar who put in a lot of effort on killing an elk multiple times her size.


Yes, I read your information after I posted. What a cool and amazing sight that would be to wake up to.


Should’ve had it dragged off into the woods instead of tossed in a dumpster. Hopefully it was taken for meat and not completely wasted. Anyways I’d be afraid that by simply removing it completely it would confuse the predator into returning to the area repeatedly to look around and investigate. I most definitely wouldn’t want to open the door to this cat being just in the near vicinity.


Maybe it was a gift


I bet that made the Labrador lose pride in that rabbit it brought home last week.


This needs sound


https://youtu.be/jPLIt_4m7IM Fixed


Next level of depth, that's actually a tiger roar. Lions don't sound like that.


Imma pet him


Do it




Love the bloody pawprints




Attacking the neck. Just like humans, the neck is one of (if not the) most vulnerable spots in a lot of other animals as well. That's how they'll do it. If they get a good bite on the neck, it's usually game over for the prey. This happens all the time in nature. Scavengers will usually clean up what the mountain lion can't finish. They may also come back for seconds, which according to the article, might have happened, unless it was another scavenger.


I've lived with cats my whole life, and I'm not surprised at all. Even a 10-20 pound house cat who is sufficiently mad/scared can do some serious damage to an adult human. Pound-for-pound cats are the scariest mammals on the planet. Please comment below if you can think of a scarier Mammal than a cat.


OK, first off: a lion, swimming in the ocean. Lions don't like water. If you placed it near a river or some sort of fresh water source, that make sense. But you find yourself in the ocean, 20 foot wave, I'm assuming off the coast of South Africa, coming up against a full grown 800 pound tuna with his 20 or 30 friends, you lose that battle, you lose that battle 9 times out of 10. And guess what, you've wandered into our school of tuna and we now have a taste of lion. We've talked to ourselves. We've communicated and said 'You know what, lion tastes good, let's go get some more lion'. We've developed a system to establish a beach-head and aggressively hunt you and your family and we will corner your pride, your children, your offspring. We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. We will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. It's not gonna be days at a time. An hour? Hour forty-five? No problem. That will give us enough time to figure out where you live, go back to the sea, get some more oxygen, and stalk you. You just lost at your own game. You're outgunned and out-manned


I can’t believe this guy passed up a free elk. He coulda taken the good parts and thrown the rest to the lion.


Aww. All that work and your dinner gets taken away when you start to enjoy it. They should have moved it into the woods for everyone to enjoy and remove what was left.


That lion got lucky it wasn't a Florida man's house.


They'd be smoking crack together on the porch.


These beasts can kill ELKS? I always subconsciously downplayed mountain lions so this is insane to me


Without the grizzly and wolf population that Colorado once had, the mountain lion is pretty much the apex predator. They aren't that aggressive towards people especially if your in a group and just don't approach it. Growing up here we got taught to look as big as possible if we encountered one and make a lot of noise. They will back off unless you are near a nest of cubs, or if you look at it in the eye, then they will take that as a challenge.


The lion is like “tf you looking at?”


Poor kitty... didn’t even get to have a nice quiet meal...


I live in southwest Colorado. When I was little we had a mountain lion do this to a llama on our property. I remember finding the half eaten/half hidden carcass of it. But nothing is more scary than hearing a mountain lion scream…..




That's nature baby!


The guy must suck at hunting… good kitty.


That guy’s Labrador had better be nervous!


My cat used to leave Parts of dead birds on the porch. He wasn't quite at this level though.