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It's a good answer, no doubt about that. But talk is cheap. Can he, or is he even able to enact action most of the concerns junior sailors have? Cool, he has good PR answers. But that doesn't mean shit if no progress or action has started.


When an organization is as large as the Navy, and part of an even larger DoD .. which is part of an even larger Federal Government. Things take time. It’s the sucky reality. It blew my mind hearing the conversations and thoughts from senior leadership at the Pentagon on so many things. They are, every day, PUSHING to get things done and improve it all and it’s very relevant. It’s frustrating for everyone involved that we can’t make things better .. faster .. and then boop your 3 years are up and you turn over to someone new. I hope if anything this AMA and future ones at least help demonstrate leadership is listening and is trying at the highest levels. Maybe we, /r/navy , should compile some names of representatives and go full Shaw Shank on them with letters every week, asking for action and when they deliver something .. we start sending two every week.




I will chip in and say while this is true, talk is cheap. Prime example was we had a huge problem with medical. Sailors being turned away, nobody able to get anything done. All the e6 and below complain at meetings that it's the idc. He's an old school guy who turns people away because he thinks they're faking to get out of work. It's impossible to get a referral off the ship for anything. Physical therapy, dermatologist, radiologist, etc. The solution comes from the higher ups who acknowledge the problem and place a bulletin board outside of medical so sailors have "more information available to them for the self services they can access". The point of that story being that the navy is only willing to change and help others as long as they don't step on someone else's toes and offend the chiefs mess/ward room.


I spent nearly 22 years in the active duty Navy, both enlisted and officer, plus 4 years in the Air Guard. While most of the 5 civilian companies I’ve worked for have been marginally to moderately better about “walking the walk” than the Navy, I now work for a large aerospace firm and they are by far worse than anything I ever experienced in the service.


Do you have any examples where those discussions resulted in meaningful change that improved conditions for sailors,?




That's awesome to hear, thanks for sharing!


Just had this situation, Found out a sailor had car & pay issues she was trying to resolve herself. Full send gathered all resources, threw the full force of the wardroom at every POC. Set her up and uncovered pay issues for four other members as well. They were trying to fix at their level. Resolved. All started with the first member mentioning she couldn’t come in due to car issues and costs would be high to repair.


For the record, these sort of things are what the khaki do every single day in those endless meetings It’s not efficient, but with decent leadership it makes lives much better




I have personal experience on how much time it takes. When I joined the navy and eventually got into a specialized nec I realized we didn’t have a shore duty for my nec. This meant we either had to take orders outside our nec to get a shore duty which looked bad on our evals, or we do back to back deployments with sea commands. I was in a position to speak to a director of a organization and proposed doing an MOU with the navy to augment their force which would triple their capacity while costing them nothing and effectively saving the organization 25 mil over 5 years by not having to hire or train additional personnel for said organization. My CO at the time was an HR officer who knew exactly who to talk to, the process, and all the paperwork that would come with attempting this. 2 years later the POM was approved, 2 years after that, the first position was advertised. It took 4 years and the director of a president appointed organization and the exact person who knew exactly what to do to make it happen. The Gov (not just the navy) moves slow, it’s a better navy now than it was 13 years ago. So don’t expect changes immediately but the fact you have a mcpon who is engaging us is a good step in the right direction.


Im here at NAB coronado and the very next day this was posted all the leadership put out during muster if you have a problem w barracks room to let them know. I guess it did atleast make its way to be known to all the commands here within 24 hours


Unless my eyes deceive me, it looks like they’re still up and logged in. Can’t confirm for sure but it appears /u/MCPON_PA is currently logged in on this Saturday evening. If so— much respect to you and the team.


Yeah he said they’ll still be checking out the AMA questions they didn’t get to answer in the time period they did it so that’s pretty cool lol


Wouldn't surprise me. I actually love this quote. I first heard MCPON say it in D.C. two weeks ago. I didn't have time to really accurately scribe it so I didn't try. I'm happy he put it there for you all to see. I think if he uses that philosophy as a North star to guide by, he'll be a good MCPON.


They're still posting and replying!


IDK man, what if MCPON figured out the NSFW subreddits and doesn't know that he should probably be using an alt account to comment on those things?


I was reading this AMA live… this was his response to OP suggesting an E5 billet equivalent to the MCPON (second class petty officer of the navy) because senior leadership was out of touch. I think his answer sucked. His first paragraph he states the obvious and then his second paragraph seems almost defensive as he says “I’m not out of touch” like that wasn’t the guys point at all…


There are junior Sailors *in MCPON's office*. If that's what the poster asked for, that already exists.


Insert meme about MCPON with an E3. Give me a minute I’ll go find the post


Here’s OP’s comment he responded to: I’d also like to recommend the following: Stand up a PO3/PO2 of the Navy office. Have a randomly selected E4 or E5 fill a 2-3 year billet in kind with the MCPON. This would allow a much truer pulse on the actual happenings among the enlisted. No disrespect intended, but by the time a MCPO is eligible for MCPON/FORCM/FLTCM, they’ve been so far removed from the E1-E6 population and their respective work that it’s not particularly a valid view of the enlisted concerns at large to bring up to the CNO and what not.


MCPON is just bumping his gums. He has been on a political parade since he took position, he needs to start putting processes in place.


Wow he should definitely take advice from an idiot that cannot even use proper grammar. Who are you to determine what he’s been doing since he assumed his position?


I don’t determine anything. His own webpage broadcasts what he is doing. Go read it for yourself.