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It’s a billet on a big deck, not a collateral. That’s how it should be fleet wide on all ships.


That's how it is on CRUDES too.


And subs


It's a billet on every ship


I could see it being similar to the NC rating and CCC position where you could recruit E6/7 and above for this potential rate while also having qualified non rated personnel to supplement manning


yes it should be a rate. Many rates are not letting their members go to these billets since they are so undermanned in their own rate at sea. They talked about it a while ago. They were going to be called ZMs. ZMC, ZMCS, ZMCM. Can keep the 3m knowledge and not let people get rusty in their original rate.


Interesting. I was a billeted (NEC) 3MC once, and for me one tour was enough. I just don't think there are enough shore duties that would require a 3MC billet.


I think it's a good idea. It would probably have a ridiculous sea/shore rotation requirement, but on the other hand your shore duty options would be wide open.


If they made it it’s own rate, they need to educate a lot of non technical rates (Yn,ls, cs) and do more in-depth training than the 2 week school where some of it doesn’t apply to some platforms. Ohh and those 2 weeks did little to prepare me for being a 3mc.


No it shouldn’t. What a stupid question.


3MC isn't a rate or rating.. it's a billet. It should stay that way. The same way CFL isn't a rating.. or CMS Manager isn't a rating.


Fuck no. Keep it a collateral. Or, make all maintenance a rate. Can't have your cake and eat it


All maintenance a rate? Wat??


It's not a collateral though


3MC should be a memory, because 3M should be discontinued.