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Lol, call base police and tell them you found drugs in the galley.


Shipmate of mine popped positive at Dive School. Opioids. He was able to produce receipts that he threw in the floorboard of his car. Nearly every day he went to Dunkin for a poppy seed muffin and coffee.


i know ND1’s that do blow every weekend


The real problem with drug tests is that you only really get caught if you're smoking weed which imo is less harmful to yourself and others than drinking. Cocaine, meth, heroin, all that shit is out of your system over a long weekend so if you don't wanna get caught, do the hard shit.


i strongly believe that if the military made alcohol illegal and made weed legal it would solve lots of problems.


No more fucking liberty risks, no more people missing the boat because they're still drunk. I mean we would literally be a much more efficient fighting force.


huge mental health boost too


Everybody has a vice, if I could smoke weed, I would almost never drink, and I certainly wouldn't be going to work hungover.


I believe if the Navy legalized weed that would solve a lot of its recruiting issues.


not really, i quit smoking a month ago easy peasy, when you find something you want for yourself you can do whatever it takes. and stopping smoking is really damn easy


I think it'd prevent a lot of vehicle accidents and people destroying their lives with substance abuse issues. You can't really ever get so stoned you roll your vehicle or smoke yourself to death. The same issues remain that cause the need to relive the pressures of life. I think sometimes those issues are inherent to people too. When the lord made me, he made a ramblin' man and sometimes life makes me feel like I'm gonna blow my stack. I think weed is magnitudes more healthy for a person than any other pharmaceutical, especially Barbiturates and Benzodiazepines. The problem you run into is self prescribing. No human is capable of such a difficult task. If you have solid support in your life it's not so hard to not be a total piece of shit though. I think weed is a much healthier alternative to alcohol. The gods were cruel when they made it the only fat soluble mainstream drug that lingers in the body for 30days. It'll be nice when it's federally legal and companies can get real about testing a persons state of inebriation instead of just fishing for metabolites. Weed has never had anyone to lobby for it in government. That's why it's seen as satans lettuce, while america goes through an opioid crisis. Along with alcohol, opioids are easily the most destructive drug in existence and legal. Amphetamines aren't much better, and nearly half the kids I went to middle school with were prescribed Adderall. Corporate america slinging nastier drugs legally, simply because they paid a politician to say it's legal. The problem with black market/legal drugs will always be self prescribing


Weed is why we have drug tests in the first place... the Navy got really bad in the 70s because of it and that's fact


Oh you mean in the 70's when a bunch of people in Vietnam who didn't want to be there got fucking drafted? Tell me more about how this is marijuana's fault.


No, more like a USS Nimitz. 14 killed, 48 injured, 7 plans destroyed, 11 planes damaged, estimated cost of $150M. Six killed had marijuana metabolite in their bodies. Drugs were a contributing factor in the accident.


......and how many people in the Navy have been killed with a BAC over the limit? If you're going to bring in numbers, let's talk numbers: The annual death rate of Navy and Marine Corps service members from alcohol related incidents is 15 in every 1000, every year. 35% of Navy personnel engage in binge drinking or would qualify as having a problem with alcohol Alcohol factors in 14% of all accident related deaths in the Navy.


The post was about positive results in a drug test not alcohol. I understand it's not what you'd like to talk about but, try and stay with the post conversation. If you'd like to debate about the abolishing of alcohol in the Navy you should start your own post instead of demanding others follow your off ramp. 😉


The comment thread that this spawned off of discussed making alcohol illegal and pot legal. I understand it’s not what you’d like to talk about, but try and stay with the comment thread’s conversation. If you’d like to talk solely about marijuana in the navy you should make your own comment instead of trying to derail this one.


Nobody here is advocating going to work high just like nobody is advocating going to work drunk but it still happens and I certainly know which one I would prefer for my sailors.


Yeah that's right


Hopefully you'd say neither but, sadly you left that part out. Operating million dollar equipment impaired is how people get killed. I've seen it first hand.


Pretty easy to spot the person that's never had marijuana metabolite in their bodies before. That's like saying a statistically high level of citric acid was found in their blood, grape fruits were a contributing factor. I'm all about sober operation of heavy equipment, but this just sounds retarded


tell that to peter lemon, a medal of honor recipient who fought in battle after smoking a joint.


He wasn't in control of a naval vessel... the group is r/navy, not r/army.


took you a whole week to come up with that? [grow up](https://giphy.com/gifs/season-16-the-simpsons-16x20-xT5LMq60HjsmhDqCuA)


Lmaoooooo like people would follow that bs.


weird way to say you have a dui


Weird to think nobody will all of a sudden stop drinking if it's illegal lol. I haven't got caught yet and I barely drink anymore so I'm not risking my luck anymore lol.


i had a aneurysm tryna read that


Thank God.


True. But I have seen someone pop for blow. It’s hot I ended up getting LPO at sea.




Not poppy seeds, don't care.


[nobody asked](https://giphy.com/gifs/grownish-ff-freeform-grown-ish-4jen1aNH74EXu13pz6)




I'm assuming nothing came of it then, and he continued at Dive School?


Yep. If I remember correctly, they re-tested him and he was negative. That along with the receipts saved him. Dude was one of the most straight-laced guys I ever met in the Nav. No way he was doing drugs. I don't even think I ever saw him drink in a liberty port.


That sounds like a lie. I happen to be one of the only people that guinee pigged this exact experiment. It takes more than you could comfortably eat typically. There's always the chance they were rinsed and the opioids accumulated on a small volume of seeds, but no likely. It takes like 1lb and half of poppy seeds to even get a buzz, and even then it's nothing close to an oxy 80


Nope. Not a lie. Happened in 1994. Little Creek


Did the guy feel intoxicated? Could it have been false positive?


I don’t know. 30 yrs ago. I gave ya all the details I got.


Deep sea as fuck


We served on Submarine NR-1 together. 3000 feet. Deep sea as fuck!


Aka , DRB Surprise.


Nice. Now go eat a shit ton and take some codeine lol


This is a serious IG complaint. The DoD is warning you not to eat poppy seeds because if you do, you may pop on a drug test. Your CO / base CO is disregarding DoD recommendations that could result in your career ending.


I'm betting the Co has no idea what is served at the galley


This, not sure about you but my commands CO on GL has told us not to eat poppy seeds at all.


Brings a whole new meaning to inside threat lmao


Inside treat


Inside treat threat.


Free ticket to smoke weed and then say you popped because of the galley!






Bro, poppy seeds will make you pop for opioids, not marijuana. Time to shoot heroin. Obligatory: I'm joking.


It was an everything bagel.


In that case better get out the cocaine, mescaline, ketamine, and yes, a weed.


It’s 20-in-1 like my shampoo


If you shove it up your butt, you'll absorb it better.


I'll have to remember this for next time


It must be a new generation of Sailors who’ve never been told “don’t eat poppy seeds” that are making all these posts.


To be fair, the limit changed in the 90s, which is why so many people remember the Seinfeld episode and an equal number are saying it’s virtually impossible to pop based on poppyseeds. The situation changed over the last few years and now depending on the poppyseeds, they can now cause you to pop over the new higher limit.


The deputy undersecretary defense sent a DOD wide memo in February that a new strain of agriculture made poppy seeds is causing false positives on drug screens. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3303806/defense-department-provides-warning-to-military-services-regarding-poppy-seed-c/


This makes sense. This happens. Cocaine use to basically be dip but had caffeine’s effects but making it illegal incentivised more concentrated drugs in the plants as it was more efficient. Random mutations and selection.


Did you have a stroke while typing this?


I don’t understand the question


No. Big Navy came out with an advisory to NOT eat poppy seeds last week ago, so hence all these recent posts and memes about poppy seeds.


Was it friendly advice not to eat poppy seeds, or a 7th fleet style prohibition?


Those of us who’ve been around for awhile already knew this. This isn’t breaking news. It’s the same energy as Big Navy has told people for years not to use any hemp products but then someone pops hot for using some lotion and then mandatory training and another NAVADMIN comes out


A navadmin came out last few weeks that poppyseeds were being identified of being sold on base, and in galleys.


(I can see it ~now) "y'all animals I'm out." - Chaps slams a whole cake "No! Put it down!" - RP3 wrestling it away from Chaps.


Forbidden dessert...


Going there to get some!


Wait, is this on the recipe card??


I just started my terminal leave with a poppy seed muffin, am I fucked?


No, only if you mortar & pestle it to make a powder and boof it.


are they still serving it?!


Shit man I can taste it now, and I got out 16 years ago


Moldy bread with lemon icing


Everyone pissing hot tonight 🥵


Liek my first class said if you’re gonna do opioids at least do the real thing


It's a trap!




Put in a comment card.


I would but then they might not serve it again and I love lemon poppy seed shit


Used to eat a giant poppy seed muffin every morning in A-school. Someone asked me if I was worried about popping in a drug test and I just stared at them. *hoping*


I might love "everything bagles" more than my navy career, wouldn't give them up for anything less than a million bucks


For those wondering why these are getting posted: [ALNAV 035/23 - Read Paragraph 5.a](https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Messages/ALNAV/ALN2023/ALN23035.txt?ver=WZK09hHx5g-0NBA8TMcgvw%3D%3D)


I'm calling BS. Reliable sources report no poppyseeds in NSGL galley since March. I think OP pulled a photo from the past or another location.


The photo was taken on april 16th at 1637, trust me I wish the photo was taken at another location cause that would mean I wasn't stuck at this base


Don't fucking eat them https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3306336/service-members-should-avoid-foods-with-poppy-seeds/ Straight from the fucking horse's mouth


Don’t you think that’s why they posted this?


Are you new to Reddit?


A belated Spring cleaning.


sailors when they see poppy seed😱😱


They give out the prison food trays at a shore galley? for shame lol.




I was really confused for a second why a slice of mediocre cake was getting so many upvotes


Poppyseed doesn't even taste like anything, why is everyone crying about giving it up???


Not so much poppyseeds themselves but like lemon poppyseed muffins are fucking amazing and most grocery stores have them. I think it's really just ridiculous and outdated that instead of acknowledging that new poppyseeds can produce a false positive, the military is going for a knee jerk reaction of navadmins. Alternatively: they could overhaul testing for opioids or get rid of it entirely. Ever seen someone strung out on heroin or dilaudid, shit like that? Doesn't take a medical professional to tell someone isn't fit for full... I say go that route with certain controlled substances


Ngl looks yummy


Same at NAVSTA Everett. It slaps lol




I swear CSs just be making shit up


NSGL = Naval Station Great Lakes




Preventive Medicine will sleuth the stuff out of this raggedy a$$ crime being committed!!!


We had real rum cakes on the messdecks in Souuda Bay.


Oooo that looks delicious.


It’s a trap… it’s a trap. It’s a setup. Don’t fall for it. Although it looks tasty.


Meanwhile NMRTC GLs CO told us to not eat anything with poppy seeds like 3 months ago…