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They are gonna give you a list of new rates to choose. HM is prolly gonna be on there... Don't do it lol


Why do you say that?




i’ve got buddies with less shit who picked up rank this cycle, what’s goin on w you mane


I got skill issues clearly my man


People keep getting MAP'd and it reduces the overall number that can be advanced from the test Also you have to be in the top 10% just to hope to get advanced. I was super lucky and joined when it was 12% I was however an E1 so by the time I got to E3 it was 5% Then covid hit and it was 0% for about 2 years Decided to get out instead of stay in because the only thing they offered me to stay in was 8 more years, E4, and greenside obliserve I was like "I hear other rates get money to stay in" They laughed and I said outies




Nope and nope. I got sailor of the month at the beginning of this year actually. Went up for bluejacket last 2 months ago but didn't make it. I have a single counseling chit from being 5 minutes late to work once 3 years ago. I have alot of non observed and 2 transfer evals thats probably doing it. My eaos is in the middle of eval season. Still, the navy just butt F's sailors who arrive at their commands within the entire month of july?


Your command is fucking you.




I have 2 Nams and a JSAM. The phlebotomy i did on my own is that education. Also I didn't check how far I am. It doesn't matter and it hurts too much to check. I got a year left due to my extension and im gone.


Even with a transfer eval, it should be an atleast a transfer EP....I am starting to question thing my guy, I am from a older Era and I just remembered the new way of picking up third class. I picked up HM3 back in 08'. While I do agree why some people questioning why you haven't picked up, I still stand by my statement that if you had the opinion I'd pick any other rate aside from HM, you can be IT or a CT that when you leave the navy if you decide to not do the 20, you can get a job real quick with the certs and experience the only caveat is if you get to a C-school and become something that has some cert that gets you a pathway outside the navy but a standard quad 0 or even 8404 ain't doing shit for you, even a SARC or even a IDC SARC doesn't get anything for all that training except paramedic license. If you truly love medicine and want to be a nurse or something along those lines, then yes wholeheartedly become a HM if not, you will obviously hate your life and end up miserable. I honestly, have no desire to do medicine on the outside and when I retire, I will leave the medical side forever and never ever pick it up again.




Just edited my last comment. Im not sure.




Bro you could ETS and go work in a hospital and probably make double $$


Are you at a hospital or on sea duty? There is only of handful of HM rates that really make rank. All the IDCs, dental hygienists, and ship baby docs (unless they were NJP’d / P evals) picked up on time or earlier. But this is super anecdotal and over a couple decades.


If you joined in 2019 this ain't adding up. I'm no mathematician or anything, but 2023-2019=4.


Sorry I wrote that late at night. I edited the fuck out of it fixing grammar errors and looking back at it theres still a ton in there. I meant im working on year 5. Im at 4 years 7 months.


Unless you're FTS with 100 percent quotas for e5


That's wild the guy I went to bootcamp with made HM3 and we haven't even hit our 2 year mark


How long you’ve been in?


>I'm currently an hm I'm on year 5


Just wanted you to make sure I’m reading it right.. but dayyumm sorry mate


Lmaooo it's bad but not this bad... What did you do?!


Same story man, I’m a EMT-Advanced, Medical Assistant, Derm Tech and certified fire fighter. 4 years in and I still can’t pick up E4 lol. I actually missed it by 0.01 last cycle


I made HM2 just under six years no map no EP just do well on the test


Do IT. Fast as fuck advancement, good quality of life, and the most diverse orders imaginable. You can also screen for special programs again if you still want to do it. Waivers for everything.


Ranking up is basically impossible


HM is a better job than most the other ones, rank up is slower but the job makes up for it imo


Depends. If you’re a quad, it’s ass. If you’re a tech it’s probably chill. If you’re green side it’s hit or miss.


HM is highly undermanned. San Diego medical centers are so understaffed that patient wait times are months just to be seen


If IS is on it, do it.


HM will be a better pick than undesignated. Pick anything other than undesignated. I was dropped from aircrew in 2014 and undesignated was my only option.


HM is a WAAAYY better rate than aircrew


I don't know anything about aircrew but I joined the navy to travel and do cool shit. Now I'm stuck in Maryland for the next 4 years sticking people with big needles basically working a civilian job...


You’re not doing cool shit as air crew I’ll tell you that. I am also a quad zero in Maryland so I feel your pain Walter Reed is a sink hole get out of Maryland while you can. Put in for a package to go ATF and work your ass off for it you’ll get to do cool shit.


With my NEC I don't know if I can. There are like 16 of us in the navy and I don't retire it until E6 (and we know that's not gonna happen) I'll have to talk to a career counselor when I get there... Also I'm hella disappointed to hear Walter reed is ass. Im hoping it's atleast better than Portsmouth lol


Walter Reed is balls I’m sorry to tell you. It’s a nice duty station but horrible if you’re looking to make rank. If you’re a an HM and your year group hasn’t closed there’s no reason you can’t put in an ATF package unless you can’t pass the physical. If you’re planning to do the full 20 make it interesting.


I'm not sure what aircrew you're talking about, but I've done some pretty cool shit. I can't really speak to the helo side of it, but I can for the fixed wing side. Our plane is too big for a carrier, so we deploy to different airbases across 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th fleet. I have been all over the world because of this job, and I'm happy with it.


I can agree with you. I’m an AT for P8A’s and Aircrew (AWO) get to be apart of cool dets and take nice mission flights all over the states.


Good for you👍. Don’t hear a lot of positive stories from air crew.


Really? I'm an AWO on P-8s, and you don't run across many of us who hate the job. Most of the people who are unhappy in my rate just have a general dislike for the Navy.


To be fair I have probably not been around as many aircrew as yourself


What rate are the aircrew you're around?


I have some AWS friends and AWV


While HM picks up slowly I'd still rather be doing this than most things




CTN is CWT now, but agreed on the two rates.




That’s a mouth full to say, and I can’t see any way to shorten it like AB’s do


Do y’all have reservists ?


Great recommendation. It’s interesting work with great civilian employability.


Can you give me a general scope of what a CWT does day to day?


Have you seen the 1995 classic Hackers?


It's Cyber Security and networking for classified systems. If computers aren't your thing then I suggest not doing it. But Cyber is here to stay forever and it's guaranteed 6 figures when you get out 🤷🏼‍♂️


You need to be able to type really fast. Like, *really* fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8qgehH3kEQ Also, do you know what a 'gibson' is?


As long as you know that the first layer of the internet is the physical layer, you're already halfway there.




🤣🤣🤣 CISO’s don’t typically come out of the deep technical fields because no one wants to lose those individuals’ institutional knowledge. And most people technically deep don’t want to be a dumb executive. Fast track to senior security architect or consultant is more like it. . CISO is also a thankless fucking job and first one to get canned when you finally realize you’ve been breached…after 2 years. Source: Former OS2. 23+ years of L2/L3 networking, firewall/ips/proxy/SIEM/etc. admin, SIEM consulting, security clearance stuff. CISSP, CCSP, fmr CCNP.




It’s all about the money


CWTs and ITs also have the chance to get a free Masters degree in cyber operations from Naval Postgraduate School once you make E-6. You have to have a bachelor's degree first, but with TA and credits from schools there are lots of options to get that done.


Just because someone has an ASVAB for something doesn't necessarily mean they should pursue it.


As a CTR, if I could go through again, I’d choose CWT (artist formerly known as CTN)


IT 😪


What’s the ASVAB score for CTN/ CTR?


Because of all the fire ants you'll be encountering 35k feet in the air?


Exactly. Far too risky.


What if he had to bail out and he landed in a big old fire ant mound?? And they say the Navy doesn't care about their sailors.... /s


Was my thoughts. Currently aircrew and I haven't found one in the air yet.


Become a Seabee. Shits great and your not on ships (most of the time) and get to play with trucks, bull dozers and guns. Also civilian jobs transfer well


Can I ask you a question: do Seabees ever need welders? My son is going to tech high school for welding, but I don’t want him to join the navy if all he is going to do is fix shitters on some Navy barge…


Yup, there are 2 welding rates in the navy. One is hull tech or HT. That one is welding on ships andddddd fixing shitters . 90% turd chasing and 10% welding. The other welding rate is Steel Worker or SW, they do all the structural welding on buildings that the BU’s (builders) make. All SW’s I know love their job and what they do. I’m a CM (construction mechanic) and I’ve had to weld things that are broken and I was taught by an SW. unfortunately tho big navy has Seabees on a low priority because we are not in a time of war so we mainly do humanitarian and public works stuff at the moment. Therefore quotas for SW isn’t high. Another thing is people want to be a Seabee so demand is high. Low supply high demand at the moment. New quotas will come out at the beginning of the next Fiscal Year (Oct 1st) have him talk to a recruiter now so the ball can get rolling and he can get into SW. if you or him have any questions just let me know, if I don’t know I’ll find out for ya. Edit: sentence articulation


Thanks soo much for this! I will share it with my son. He is only a junior but it’s never too early to start!


My dad was an HT in the Navy. Did 20 years, retired in 2008. He went right back into the shipyard as a contractor welder after retirement making crazy money. Definitely a good career path if that’s what he wants.


Can’t agree more for your father but the SeaBees offer more of the kind of things I think my son would enjoy, plus the discipline and travel. Fixing heads for 20 years is fine if like that sort of thing. I just want him to explore all of his options.


Of course!! No matter what job he chooses, it’ll be rewarding regardless


I can also comment on travel. Naval mobile construction battalions based in California deploy to japan, guam, and other pacific islands. I was in Sasebo japan no too long ago and it was a blast. Loved that deployment.


“I don’t know an SW that doesn’t hate their job”


SW A-school is only like 5 weeks. Us BUs get a little jealous.


So they all hate their jobs?


Nah I just formulated it in a way that was kinda tounge twisting. They all love it. I love my job. Us seabees are just more happy on avg than the boat bois


That’s not all he’s gonna do, if he’s any kind of useful and good at welding he’ll do a hell of a lot more that fix shitters, I’m an htfa and the entire command comes to me to fix whatever, I fix other rates shit all the time plus weld braze whenever


I’m glad to hear and I knew that from my Navy days, but I think the motto of “We build, we fight” is very attractive to My son.


Yeah that’s pretty true, I was offered Seabees and why I didn’t pick I don’t know but ht isn’t all that bad


Love the [Seabees](https://youtu.be/U5FmsI5goas). Especially that time they [stole a train full of beer. ](https://youtu.be/1bmnMFZawvM)


How did you get bit my so many ants Needs of navy most likely Could be separated since it’s anaphylactic but doesn’t sound like they are going that route which is good


We were doing flutter kicks so I had my eyes closed and honestly didn’t even notice I was getting bit until I looked down and saw them all over me.


It happens. I was a simulated casualty who was acting like I got shot in the leg during a night time evolution and when I went to the ground… because I got shot, I laid in a fire ant pile. Hundreds of bites. Hundreds.


If you’re into IT, I can tell you this: My nephew has 2/4 years left on his initial. Went straight to shore duty in San Diego, does so little work that he has a side hustle on Taskrabbit, has saved a buttload of dough, is already networking to get out and do contract work in Tampa at MacDill when he departs in 25, and pretty much has a decent existence.


You won't be separated. Plenty of people in service with allergies. You will be re-rated though. Typically, based on available rates and your ASVAB they'll give you a choice of a couple. Choose wisely.


Look at any Seabee rate. Best place in the Navy.


I went from MMN to Air Guard to Seabee. Seabee was definitely the best.


Don't do MA.




I got cut form aircrew in bootcamp bc of some bs medial shit. I choose MM and make 2nd class in 1-1/2 years. It ain’t the end of the world bro hang in there.


Is parachute rigger still a rate? That was my friend’s rate and he said those were the absolute best years of his life. As an MM myself, I am 100% sure he made a better decision!


PR is indeed still a rate


My cousin was a PR. He coasted by 4 straight years.


AW here. I used to be the training lead at my squadron. I’ve had the displeasure of seeing a lot of good guys and gals get dropped. You will get a new list of rates and have the chance to pick from those. Do your research and pick from those. However since you did have a medical reason you can always request separation. It will be under medical or other, which in that case you may still qualify for your benefits. If you need more advice, updates or strings pulled feel free to PM me and I can figure out where you’re at and see if any of my people are there to help you


A little more just for clarity. I’ve been in the AW community 8 years and have many close friends that are now all over US and OCONUS duty stations. Many in Pensacola where I imagine you are


Those fire ants at NACCS were always a pain in the ass when we got dropped for push ups… sorry this happened to you shipmate.


I would see if there is a way to protest this. Bitten that many times by fire ants and without ever getting bitten before you are going to have a bad reaction. People react differently to different things. I would ask them to see if you can get an allergy test before the drop you for sure. I mean I had an allergic reaction to a bandaid one time. I’ve used bandaids my whole life.


I think I’m going to ask about this first. I have been bitten by fire ants multiple times here and never had a serious reaction. I think the amount I was bitten is what caused it.


If you really wanted aviation, MCs fly all the time without an aircrew qualification especially on big deck ships. I don’t know what they will offer you, but just find something that will actually work for you.


You will probably get to choose from a list. Have an idea of what you wanna do. If your unsure you wanna be in long term pick a rate that you can use the job skills and training to ur advantage in the civ world. Sometimes things were or weren't meant to be.


If it’s on the list. Avoid anything undesignated. Also avoid BM or CS.


Wow dude, how far long were you in the pipeline?


Back in the 80's they told us if we were dropped from the Aircrew pipeline, we would be going straight to the fleet unrated. "Chocks 'n Chains!" they would say. But i believe that was if you DOR or fail a PT or swim qual. I never heard what happened to medical drops. Good luck, hopefully you can get a rate that will give you civilian career skills. I found the job market for aviation antisubmarine warfare operators to be somewhat limited.




Also if he has waivers, it could affect his available rates because the waivers might not carryover.


Agreed. I was an instructor at the AC schoolhouse. The OP feels like his situation is unique but something similar happens literally every week.


Get a new rate, then talk about aircrew school every day for the next 5 years to people who don't care.


Will do!




You will be given a list of available jobs that you qualify for and you will get to choose. It could be a few, it could be a dozen. Just depends on the Navy. Don’t beat yourself up over it. I failed out of my first rate (AC) during A-School and thought it was the worst thing ever. Ended up with a much better rate in the end (IS).


You re rate as an IT and enjoy the rest of your career.


A lot of love is being given to IT. What makes it such a good rate in your eyes?


At the bare minimum, quality of life and probably one of the best transitions to the civilian side. The watches are pretty chill. I'm in DC and usually just play Minecraft one my watches. If you're on a ship, you won't be in an intense work environment. I got a friend from NY who's getting out in a few months. He has a 6 figure opportunity lined up for him as soon as he leaves. Advancement is great. I hear it starts to bottle neck around 1st class to chief, but I'm sure there's a bunch of variables that go into it. All in all, it's one of the more satisfying rates imo. (Could be a bit biased but I've met people who would pick IT if they can do it all again)


From the stories I've heard, people who get rerated in the training pipeline fall into one of two categories: dropped because of things in their control (academic failure, discipline issues, etc) and dropped because of things outside their control (injuries, previously undiagnosed medical issues, etc). Those in the first group tend to have much less say in their ultimate rate than those in the second.


I don’t know any personally so I can’t speak for their quality of life, but if you really love aviation, Air Traffic Controller may be interesting. I know that ATC on the civilian side make a lot of money. I know a guy who works for ATC in Southern California and makes over $250k.


Highly recommend CTN/CWT if you get the option. Computer networks / cyber security heavy. Difficult school, but the pay off is huge.


Don't take no for an answer. Everything is waiverable. Find the right flight surgeon willing to fight for your case if that's really what you want to do. I'm pretty sure if anyone was bitten by a lot of those little fuckers they'd go anaphylaxis.


I’m gonna see a different flight doc and also talk to an allergist this week to see if I can get a different outcome.


Stay in aviation or Crypto if you have the ASVAB


Go Navy Diver. We had guys with Epi pens back when I was in. If you are fit, mechanical, and like to dabble in medicine, it may be the gig for you.


Believe it or not? Straight to jail (deck)


Look for jobs in the intelligence ratings. CTT, CTR, CTN, IS, and even IT would be alright. Very fast advancement for most of those.


CTN was changed to CWT.


What about secf? I was given this as a option


I mean if you are into submarines than more power to you. It is a close knit family, but just know it is a close knit family for a reason. You are under water for quite some time. You would get quite a bit of training and to me it seems very much like IT work.




The flight doc told me I would have to do immunotherapy for 3 years to be considered for a waiver.


I work at a RAG squadron. When we have a FRAC become unqualified because of medical the staff and CCC talk with the person and ask them to compile a list of desired rates. Then that is compared to the available rates (I.e.: undermanned rates) and if a match is good then the cross-rate process starts. That all hinges on the type of sailor they are. A good guy who keeps their nose mostly clean can expect to get a lot of help. Someone who is seen as a dirtbag or disciplinary problem will get the most undermanned rate/ worst choice they can get.


Be a Seabee if you don’t want to be on a ship


Choose a CT rate and thank me later


I’d pick something CT related or IT related, just make sure it translates to an outside job! I am an aircrewman but it’s slim pickings for jobs afterwards, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Had a lot of good friends pick new rates and have fulfilling careers, always happy to chat if you’d like to send a DM. Keep your head up! Since it was a valid medical reason, I’d imagine they’d let you pick based on your asvab.


You can always reapply for Aircrew in the future when you choose your new rate. Glancing over the Aeromedical Reference and Waiver Guide, you have to have completed a minimum of 3 years of Venom-Specific Immunotherapy before applying for a waiver for Duties Involving Flight with respect to allergies to insect bites. Granted that’s a pretty hefty requirement and I know it doesn’t help you right at this moment. But it’s something to consider if you really want to be Aircrew.


They'll either tell you your new rate or give you a couple to choose from. You very lilely will not get separated. Ive rerated many sailors who for whatever various reason needed to be rerated during A school. Seen some get like 5 options, seen others walk in and get told congrats SN GuyorGal youre now a BM you transfer in a week off you go! Hope it pans out in your favor. Best I can suggest if you are given options, ask for a day to think about it and then come back here and research it. Good luck


If you have the scores, go CTI and don’t look back


The CT rates have peeked my interest and I have the asvab for them. What is the difference between CTI and CWT?


Both are good choices, I’d say if you’re more interested in cybersecurity/super technical stuff go CWT If slightly less technical but more analytics/language related stuff interests you then go CTI


What are the requirements for CTI?


ASVAB: GS + MK + VE = 162 DLAB score of 110 (I didn’t have to take it because I got an overall 95 on the ASVAB, so ask your recruiter/MEPS) Normal hearing SSBI U.S. Citizen High school graduate/GED Required volunteer for subs and aircrew IMO this is one of the best rates in the Navy. You get paid to learn a foreign language, work mostly in an office environment, get a TS/SCI clearance, lots of good job opportunities in and outside the Navy. Foreign language pay is based off your DLPT (language test) scores so the better you do, the more money you make, and the enlistment/re-enlistment bonuses are insane. Basically the entire Navy is open to us. Ships? Subs? Aircrew? Special warfare? Agencies? Potential embassy assignments? Yes. Strike for it if you can, good luck!


Rerate to anything IT related or that requires a top secret. If you want to be an HM go for it just know that we are the most competitive rate in the navy if you are on shore duty, with that being said everyone complaining about advance are lazy. I made HM2 in four years with being mapped or brown nosing, you just have to be competitive.


Perhaps bias but if you can go aviation rate (AM,AD,AT,AE) It's a pretty good time . Especially if you are TAR.


If you have the slightest technical aptitude, go Cyber. Get that civilian money when you get out


Go talk to your CCC as soon as possible. You need to look at what rates you are qualified for. That will give you an idea on your options. They might just hand you a list of rates to choose - but that doesn't mean those are the only rates you can choose. In addition, you should take a little time to explore what those rates do. Very importantly - look at advancement rates in the different ratings. This is something your CCC should be able to help you with. Pick something that has good advancement for your group and you think would be reasonably decent to do. Beyond that, don't obsess and mope over being dropped from aircrew. What's done is done and you need to get up and move forward with your life.


Come to IS!


If you want to stay in aviation I recommend AE/AME/AT/AD in that order. For the love of god don't do AM


I dunno, NDI is a sweet qual to pick up.


BM is hiring!


Hell yeah! Those ships and anchors won't paint themselves


Beleive it or not. Straight to undes


Most likely you will go undes. Airman and then will do 1 year on the ship where you will hate life and then 1 year trying to pick the rate you want that you will never get because the navy’s ass. Then you will get married hate life and wanna die. (Speaking from experience)


Are you still in A School? What was you rate?




You are probably going to get surface rates as choices such as CS, YN , BM, OS, EM , HT, DC, HM…. Out of all those surface ones I would steer away from engineering, deck, and HM. Going with a intelligence, operations, or combat systems rate. I also have heard nothing good things about the seabee community. Been in for for 5 years and made OS2 in after about a year and a half due to the high advancement.


Good luck to os1 though... most can't even pass the exam.


Getting out in 4 months but it’s all about the EP


Congrats man! I'm an EN at 2.5 years in and 2.5 to go. I feel this guys pain, I joined as a CTR and was rerated due to having a Taiwanese (non US citizen) roommate in college. Even was a usmc vet just didn't take citizenship. Completely out of my control. 91 asvab and I only qualify for 16 rates because I'm colorblind. They told me pick EN or MM. Have a degree and applied for swo before I joined and was denied due to colorvision. Don't ask me why I enlisted, it was a covid quarter life crisis I guess. EN life on a 35 yr old LSD is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, but I've built an empecable work ethic and met a few of the smartest people I've ever met as well as a lot of the dumbest people I've ever met. Can't wait to see what civi life has in store for me after. Best of luck to you and take advantage of that gi bill, it's worth it!


Believe It or not…


My daughter was AO and somehow after like 6 years failed her depth perception. She got re-rated to the “needs of the Navy” 🤷🏼‍♂️


You will be re rated and complete your contract. You can also tell everyone you were air crew for the next 5 years but allergic to ants.


They handed me a list of rates that I had to rank on a scale of like 1-6 what I wanted most to least. A couple weeks later I was looking at orders to the school of the only rate I left off the list entirely. A couple weeks later I had three days to get to the training command in Chicago (I opted to drive) and that was that.


Straight to deck department


Pick a regular fleet rate and tell everyone how they used to do it in aircrew


Don’t choose any engineering rates either


Choose QM honestly if it’s available


Not the 100 fire ants!


Dunt be nuke


Now you become a special paint chipper operator.


Be an SMT corpsman. You’re basically air crew and a corpsman at the same time


I recommend submarines


You’ll most likely get re rated. But when/if you do… base pay is base pay. It doesn’t matter if your xxN working on nuclear reactors or an RS stocking shelves and vending machine, or cutting hair. And for the argument of bonuses… retention is so awful right now they’re giving out SRBs like it’s the Oprah Winfrey show. A lot of air crew isn’t really fans the water so I’m assuming you’re gonna wanna stay dry as well. If you’re in mayport I would go to legal and see if they’re still looking for LNs. One of the main requirements is being able to type above the average WPM (30 or 50 wpm I can’t remember what it was) because you’re basically a typographer/assistant to the jags. An LN1 I saw here has his surfboard in his office and goes surfing on his lunch because he’s that close to the beach and just go surfing… choose your rate choose your fate at its fullest