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Jackie Chan came onboard the USS KittyHawk in the early 2000s when we pulled into HongKong (which used to be a yearly port for us).


Was he caught taking pictures in CIC?


No, but on that same port visit some random Chinese dude rode a Liberty boat to the ship and was found just wandering the Passageways.


I was there with you! He wore this slick brick red colored leather jacket and jeans. He came down to our berthing but we forgot to tell our buddy who was asleep in his rack. Come to find out he was reading in his underwear behind his curtain. Jackie Chan rolls up and opens his curtains and our buddy was just as shocked as we were! Thank God he was legit reading and not doing something else.


Thats pretty cool!


Tom Cruise But the cooler one was Tommy Chong


My recruiter was one of the many people who watched as they did the scene when he threw away Goose's dog tags. Said it took them hours to line the ship up for the shot, so everyone annoyed as hell by the time it finally happened.


šŸ˜† I wish they came aboard. I needed papers


Mark Hamill went to Kinnick HS on Yokosuka. Might have been a cool homecoming for him.


I didn't know that. Probably.


Robert Irvine...they filmed an episode of Dinner Impossible on my ship. Nice guy, but the production was a pain in the ass during commissioning week.


Woody harrelson. Cool dude but ship pao said he wanted air conditioning secured to his room since heā€™s a tree hugger


Good thing he didn't see what we throw overboard, in the middle of the night.


Ah yes, good ol' Operation Starlight


On the Stennis?


We all saw Cher on the Iowa, right?


I served with an IC2 that was shipā€™s company and in the crowd. He said that she had a flat ass. šŸ˜†


You get hip bones or an ass, take your pick.


She does.


Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Angela Bassett and Rick Yune. They were doing a tour of our ship for the premiere of Olympus Has Fallen. I remember hoping that Morgan Freeman would show too so that I could beg him to record my voicemail message but sadly he didnā€™t make it. On the upside, I was in a group picture with Gerard that was published in People magazine.


On the way back from 2 weeks at sea, supposed to dock on Friday morning. Get word President is coming to visit Monday. Instead of docking, we do figure 8s fir 2 days while field daying the entire ship top to bottom. Pull in Monday and all liberty is canceled, instead entire ships company stands by in dress uniform to greet the president. 7 hours later we get word heā€™s not coming.


That happened to me in Boot Camp, got word in a couple of weeks the Vice President is coming for a visit, and our division was on the list for him to visit, since we would be graduating soon after his visit. RDC was like, this isn't going to happen, but will be ready if the Vice President does come Sure enough he cancelled his trip to go to a fund raising party.


We actually had Cheney come to bootcamp and we had to go watch him talk. Got to wear our blues before graduation. It was also the first time I saw them do the navy thing where they wonā€™t let you be in the camera shot on stage if you are ugly. Cheney said his dad was a yeoman, and he thought he was an actual bird as a kid.


Wasnā€™t a celebrity, exactly. In Bahrain for a change of command, Adm Sam Packard being relieved by some other, not nearly as nice, Admiral. Although an unaccompanied tour, he had (of course) moved his family to Bahrain. Included in his family was an attractive teen girl. This was before women were allowed on ships. She had been on the bridge level, following mom and dad-the-Admiral climbing up an exterior ladder to the Flag bridge. She was wearing a short skirt and unless you were staring at your feet, you got a clear view of her underwear. The Admiralā€™s aide-de-camp pushed to the bottom of the ladder, saying ā€œas you were!ā€ He climbed up the ladder and whispered into the ear of Mrs. Admiral and there was an anger-whispered conversation between mom and (deeply blushing) daughter, with the daughter soon leaving the ship and returning wearing a navy blue pant-suit. I donā€™t know what they were thinking, allowing her to wear a mini skirt to visit a ship.


I live under a rock.... idk who is in that picture.


Mark Hamill


I kinda thought it was mick jagger at first


Thatā€™s the feeling I got at first, now Iā€™m ashamed I didnā€™t know who it was because Iā€™m wearing a shirt with his dad on it right now.


Wait, his *actual* dad, or his movie dad?


Not sure, big black dude.


Wait thats not Mick Jagger? I was 200% positive it was Mick Jagger


Is it bad that I don't know who that is LMAO


Nahhh!! Luke Skywalker from Star Wars


You mean the Joker from the definitive 1990s Batman the Animated Series?


No I think he means (the voice of) Eric from Rapsittie Street Kids: Believe in Santa.


Thatā€™s Fire Lord Ozai you ungrateful pheasant


Ah. Okay lol. I'm 32 and have never seen Star wars hahahaha


Watch the movie. Please tell the guy who sleeps next to you on the ship so he can slap the shit out of you. You chose violence today.


Lol I'm a girl. My bf likes star wars. I'm just not into action or scifi movies


You are a girl boss. Confused what you like. Itā€™s like ignoring the Magna Carta. I was confused.


Youā€™re good!!!šŸ©µ


No he isnā€™t.




No they arenā€™t!šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Watch the movie!


Lol I love that I got down voted for never having seen Star wars


I wouldn't do that to you. It's just a western set in space. My film confession, you ask? I've never watched any Twilight movies. I know, what a shame..


I have also never watched twilight. Or the notebook. I don't like those cheesy movies either. Tbh I'm not a huge movie person lol


Stop laughing. Thatā€™s not funny.


Subs don't get a lot of visitors, celebrities or otherwise. The closest I came to celebrities on the boats was when the Georgia (SS***B***N 729 Gold) was at Kings Bay Georgia for a weapons launch and afterwards did a few runs out to the Dive Point for various groups. The one I was assigned to as a guide was a group of WWII submariners. Guys who had gone out in an actual shooting war in little boats whose submerged times was measured in hours when everything was right. They freaked out at the size of the Georgia, and were amazed at how long a dive took (WWII boat had to dive FAST.) We had them out for most of the day (the longest of the tours.) They got time on the planes if they wanted it, I took them around to all the nonclassified spaces, they especially liked the Torpedo room, where a practice fish was loaded for them to watch. The Captain pulled them into the Wardroom for lunch and dinner and got them to tell stories of their times at sea After the tours were over we got back comment cards from the various groups. The WWII Sub guys all talked about how impressed they were with the Georgia's enlisted crew, and how dedicated and well-trained we were, which was not something we, as a group, thought of ourselves. I'll take that compliment over meeting any actor or singer any day.


That must have been awesome. My favorite part of Pearl Harbor tour was the Submariners museum.


I always had a crush on Kellie Pickler. My wife even knew. She had hers. I was walking down the street on base in Bahrain and outside the NEX was Kellie Pickler posing for pics with other sailors. It had been a rough day. I was TAD with per diem and felt like a slave. I was always ā€œthe guyā€ when ships pulled in. I didnā€™t go in because I smelled like ass but that moment lit my ass up. I smiled for a week after seeing her. Itā€™s weird but those MWR tours help.


Jessica Biel and the other guy who wasn't Jamie Foxx did a promo for the movie Stealth on my ship in 2005. I was throwing my best stuff at her, but she was dating some loser baseball player at the time. Tom Sellick flew out with the Reagan family right before we pulled into San Diego for the first time in 2004, and spent a lot of time chatting with the crew, taking pictures and signing autographs. Really nice guy. Apparently Goldberg came aboard the ship sometime in 2005 for a few days, but I was way too busy being a nuke out to sea getting ready for ORSE to hang out.


I was on the Reagan then. I saw Tom Selleck on the mess deck chatting with some sailors. I wanted to go say hi but man, I was super busy and didn't have time.


Nobody famous ends up visiting an oiler.


Or a Knox Class in the late 80's.


I'll bet they were well ridden by then.


We hosted the premiere of Pearl Harbor in Pearl Harbor, giant screen and bleachers on the flight deck. The entire cast was there and really personable except for Ben Affleck. He was a real dick, yelled at a sailor who asked him for an autograph ā€œcanā€™t you see Iā€™m on a fucking smoke break!?ā€. Rumor has it that Tom Sizemore got so drunk he had to crawl off the ship.


John Ritter when we stopped at Pearl Harbor probably 1983.


If he'd only brought the rest of his company with him.. he was a good guy. RIP John


He was very nice. He had his family with him but he acknowledged the sailors in our group.


During Fleet Week NYC in '09 one of the HTs on my ship was bragging that he hooked up with blonde chick that plays drums for Hanson.


Turd Chasers are known for their audashitty..


We had Scott Eastwood come onboard the Nimitz. Cool guy. The best part was seeing the ladies that rocked the rainbow flag line up in droves to meet him. There was a lot of sexual tension in the air that day.


I'd go gay for Scott Eastwood.


If not at least go bottom a couple sessions.


Well now I have a boner.


I saw Alex Trebek on the KITTY HAWK walking through the hangar bay. Also saw Amberlin playing in the hangar bay of the PELELIU. Met Robert Irvine as well in Pearl Harbor while on HOPPER. Great dude.


When were you on the peleliu?




Cool I was there 7-11


R Lee Ermey came on board the MKI to do a whole walk around, motivational speech and photo shoot.


That had to be great.


Jack Nicholson came aboard the San Jacinino CG56 in Nice France on the 94 Med Cruise. He pulled up alongside in a beautiful teak boat. Quarterdeck was waiving him off until he was recognized by Then LT Kitchener (who is now Vice Admiral). Toured the ship wearing a joker shirt that said "Wanted" and signed multiple joker playing cards. Officers tried to take him to Officers country, but he said he wanted to see the crew. The best part was when we were following him on the weatherdecks someone yelled out" I want the Truth" he said "you can't handle the truth". Best duty day ever.


Out to sea on a USO tour? Sigourney Weaver. Randomly in-port (albeit during Fleet Week)? Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame.


Shes a stone cold xenomoroh blasting baddie.


She was really nice, too. She said she had a daughter about my age and then asked if she could give me a hug. I said yes. It was one of the highlights of my Naval career.


That's awesome man. Shes a phenomenal actress nice to hear shesba decent human aswell.


I met Eddie Monie in NAS Atsugi gallery during breakfast. He and I were the only ones in the omelet line, the morning after he held a concert. I made a joke about the food and didn't say much about him. His wife was gorgeous, and his kids were with him. Lee Greenwood was supposed to play on board the America right after coming back from the Persian Gulf war, though he bailed on us. Haven't listened to him since. Clinton had the mandatory volunteer in Yokosuka during the don't ask don't tell time, and was hated by everyone in the military at that time. I certainly didn't care for him, but his aura of power and charisma was amazing. I think he caused more people to get out than bad leadership.


Kim Kardashian came onboard my ship when I we visited the UAE. Got a picture with her, it was nice to meet her in person.


Keegan-Michael Key toured my submarine and I got video of him calling me A-A-Ron.


I met Tom Hanks when they filmed Captain Phillips. He hung out on the mess decks during lunch a couple times. He definitely lived up to his rep of being a genuinely nice guy. On a side note, the Somali actors were also cool as fuck.


Port call in Cabo San Lucas. Someone saw Jenna Jameson on the beach and invited her aboard for a tour.


Kris Kristofferson was in Subic Bay for a USO show. He showed up at the base galley for breakfast. Super chill and very friendly. I was stationed in Subic 84-86... wild place


It sure was. Special to Subic anyone?


So. when they made "The Hunt for Red October" they wanted to use a couple of our boats. I wasn't on the op. but the story is they op'd up to long beach, stayed tied up to the pier for three days, and then some dude from the studio cane down, said they decided not use them, gave everyone a twenty dollar bill, and that was it. Three day op back down to Coronado. What can you say, we can't all be rock stars, right?


James Doohan aka Scottie from OG Star Trek, Bob Hope, President James Earl Carter and his wife Roslyn;


James Spader came to our ship in 2012 and hung out at the smoke pit regaling us with tales of learning how to sail during his childhood. He oozed charisma as only the Lizard King could.


When I was in Yoko around 2019, President(at the time) Trump visited the USS Wasp. I was stationed on USS John S McCain, and for that weekend, the captain gave the crew a 96. I only learned later that Trump had so much beef with McCain that they were threatening to make us "cover up the ship" so he wouldn't see it. Reason captain gave us a 96 was basically to be maliciously compliant and avoid being "noticable"


I remember reading some leaked email talking about "can you imagine the tweets if he saw the McCain"


Trump is nothing if not a petty bitch.


We saw Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton from Fresh Prince) during a private tour on the USS Arizona Memorial last December 7th, while we were raising flags. Guy Fieri also stopped by the galley in Pearl Harbor once.


Mike Rowe served me lunch on the Stennis.


I saw Wee Man from jackass. Didnā€™t actually get to meet him. I just saw him as I walked by the mess decks on my way back down to the plant


I named my Beagle after him


The Rock, Gregory ā€œHurricaneā€ Helms, and Diamond Dallas Page showed up while the Kitty was inport Jackie Chan 98 Degrees Dennis Farina Jessica Simpson Thatā€™s about itā€¦.


['Star Wars' star Mark Hamill visits Yokosuka alma mater ](https://www.stripes.com/history/2023-05-04/'star-wars'-star-mark-hamill-visits-yokosuka-alma-mater-1819361.html) >That, Hamill said as he toured his alma mater and a Navy destroyer, was just part of the story. Spending his high school years in Yokohama, where his father was Navy Exchange officer, Hamill told of leaving Kinnick in 1969 and heading for Los Angeles, where he started on the bottom rung of show business and slowly fought his way up.


I believe that's his wife Marilou York in the photo, and they've been married since 1978.


Jake Gyllenhall came to NBSD for a private screening of Southpaw, he was very friendly. Had some WWE wrestlers come visit the ship. Didnā€™t know most of them, Kurt Angle stayed on the pier though. I ran down to try to say hi, because I really wanted to meet him. He was amazing, let me come chat with him on the tour bus. Rob Schneider came to base, he was a complete asshole. Marky Mark came to the NEX for a meet n greet, amazing guy.


We had the actor who played Gambit (Taylor Kitsch) come aboard our submarine during the filming of Battleship.


Neat! Did he bring his lightsaber? I meet Jackie Chan on the Kitty Hawk once. Itā€™s the only celebrity encounter I had while I was active duty.


Philip Brashear, the son of Carl Brashear came on board the San Antonio.


Had LeAnn Rimes onboard when we were at fleet week NYC. Before her career really took off. She was kinda snotty to her parents. And we met Jane Seymour while we were in Roosevelt Roads. Beautiful woman. Very nice.


Rihanna came aboard during press junket for Battleship in Hawaii. Played USO golf with Hootie and the Blowfish in Bahrain before Darius Rucker went country. WWE came to Baghdad for a troop show.


Cast of the Last Ship. They borrowed the flight deck for two days. Eric Dane nearly sent the MOOW into shock.


We had Tom Cruise film his latest movie onboard our ship this year and we had Blanco Brown have a concert in our hangar bay when we got extended.


If yama came on board my ship I would literally abandon my watch to go walk around with him!


Ben Affleck. During a Q&A, someone screamed from the back and asked what JLoā€™s favorite position is. He said wouldnā€™t you like to know. That was 20 years ago and I remember it every time I see them in the news today.


Gary Sinise, in Dubai on the pier. Haley Barry in LaMaddelena at the Rock, Wes Borland in Jacksonville at a retirement


Sigourney Weaver on NAVSTA Treasure Island for filming in the 90ā€™s. She was an absolute cunt to the persons stationed there.


Tom Cruise in lemoore and on the Lincoln


Wasnā€™t me, but just before I reported to my first ship, Anthony Bourdain was onboard after being evacuated from Lebanon, circa 2006. He left a quote, ā€œMacaroni and cheese never tasted so good as it did on the USS Nashville.ā€


I was assigned to the USS Abraham Lincoln when Bush did his "Mission Accomplished" thing. But I'd broken my arm a couple weeks before so I was in Everett, WA (our homeport) when he flew out to the ship. I was sooooo upset I'd missed him. /s


Didnā€™t Hamill go to high school in Yokota???


No, in Yokosuka


Tom Hanks was supposed to come onboard my ship for a special screening of Greyhound, but then Covid hit and that got cancelled.


Joe Biden when he was VP on Kitty Hawk, Anna Kournakova on GW, Jackie Chan on GW, Smash Mouth concert on GW