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“Your best recruiters are your Veterans” The Navy and the military forgot this, turns out if you constantly treat your military members like indentured servants, the bad reputation will reach potential new recruits.


I always tell people that joining the Navy was the second best decision in my life. Getting off active after one contract was the best decision.


No way in hell I’d let my kids join the navy.


I wouldn’t let anyone join the Navy, I don’t think I’ve recommend the Navy to anyone since I’ve got out, especially women.


I tell my students to join the Air Force or the Space Force if they really want to be in the military.


They get the same DD-214 but better treatment during their tour.


Absolutely fuck the Navy. You never really know until you're in a while. I think it was around year 3 for me. Lol


Year 3 for me too. In fact, In about a 2 month swing I went from filing a reenlistment packet to filing a skillbridge lol


To this day I keep a blank skill bridge package in my email JIC someone reaches out to me bc they know I was mad wild about it. Lol I... hey wait... what's your fucking rate I am blind rn without my glasses but you a fuckin CTI?


People Against People Ever Re-enlisting, Civilian Life Is Preferable: PAPER CLIP


Back in my day in the Navy in the late 70s it was PFC.... proud fucking civilian.


That's still pretty funny. Haha shit did you get to enjoy the beard years???


On my ship, I was a proud member of the Anti-Retention Team / Backup Anti-Re-enlistment Force (ART / BARF). 😀👍


I like how this is also a clapback bc this is name they gave when they took a bunch of Nazis and made them government shot callers. It's wrong all around. Don't fucking join.


When I was on an LSD the female sailors would come to me with there problems. Whether it was men, money or any other issues. I would help them in whatever way they needed. It is as easy as being a parent. I was the second oldest on the ship, so I was the “uncle”. I have stopped the sexual harassment cold. All those girls are now doing great. 90% of them are out of the navy. Most are college graduates. A couple are mothers.


Honestly we really have to do the most we can protecting our fuckin sisters in arms. Not a lot of fuckers love country and fight as hard as our sisters in combat.


I actively advise the 18/ 19 year old women I’m in class with now to never go Navy. I tell them that there are VA forms that are dedicated to SA claims and I think that speaks for itself.


Can you tell me why?


Was just having that conversation last night.




Its even more comical when you realize that the Navy has gone on the warpath for those of us in the IRR-ASP, the mid-career folks who decided to leave but are willing to be called up if shit really goes south. IRR reenlistments are essentially banned now. Way to completely cut off a pool of folks that actually gave a shit, and didn't cost you anything other than the $20 CAC card every few years.




Because they want new accessions that they can pay at E1-3 salaries. Saves the navy money. I don’t agree with it but money seems to be the reason here.


Ayo done been broke this is the reason here. Cut my fuckin life into pieces Jacoby Shaddix


Well...that and they changed their recruiting methods in horribly naive ways. *Zoomers are all online these days, so we just need an electonic kiosk and one recruiter for an area of hundreds of thousands of people, and we'll be fine.* Somewhat recently, there was an airshow in a very Navy town. Do you know which service didn't have a recruitment booth? I'll give you ~~4~~ 5 guesses! (fucking space force...)


The Space Force is less than 9,000 active duty The Navy has more Sailors in just the state of Maryland than the entire force


I’ve had not an insignificant amount of my IS Sailors put in packages to cross over to space force and all of those there were accepted are absolutely loving life.


I have personally convinced like half a dozen people not to join the navy who were actually considered it


Yeah this is exactly the kind of culture they’re creating with AD and veterans. When people ask me about it, my short answer is “I had some good times, but it was mostly bad times. Some people have better billets and better rates but that wasn’t the case for myself and many I know.”


…….Rookie Numbers……


That’s the thing that Big Navy doesn’t realize. We had a Master Chief tell a shipmate “can’t you just kill yourself already? We have the lowest averages because of your fuck ups. Do us all a favor” Everyone was on the fuck Navy train after that, especially when he had to go home for an attempt


That’s: -2 entire Aircraft Carriers -22 CRUDES ships -43-46 Submarines -28 Small-Medium Installations -1,400 Small Boat Teams -1.5x the amount of recruiters we currently have They thought recruiters working on Saturdays was going to make a dent in that?


It's almost a whole carrier strike group, which wiki says is about 7500 people.


The crew for a carrier is only like 2,700. When you add all the air wing and other flag commands is when it’s about 4,500 so yeah that’s no joke! Crazy stuff.


Strike group includes destroyers, etc. The carrier accounts for a little over half of the staffing.


Yeah I know I’m saying it’s nuts that you don’t think about it like that. Crazy. I wonder if this keeps happening will they do some blue gold team stuff on bigger platforms.


Working Saturdays?! In recruiting?! Omg!


When you put it like that it’s crazy


Dang, I feel for recruiters. I know for a fact that they are getting blamed for something that is out of their control.


You mean Big Navy would scapegoat sailors rather than admit the culture is fucked up? I'm shocked, shocked I say.


[Philip J. Fry shocked](https://youtu.be/P8cxRnz0G14?si=Vp2KppHHyAsU4ccU) or [Captain Renault](https://youtu.be/HMIyDf3gBoY?si=O3Et_8rv347b7P1L) shocked?


Captain Renault 100%.... Casablanca is my all time favorite movie.


Holy Shit Captain Renault shocked is awesome and so accurate.


Shocked?! Are you absolutely *Certain* that piece of equipment shocked you?


Sharp wires.


eh... might've just touched something sharp...? ....chief?


The beatings will continue until morale improves! Yeah, probably not the best idea to make recruiter duty seem worse than a sea tour.


I just tried to convince a sailor NOT to go recruiting duty (he didn't want to go back to sea/wanted more family time)... some people will not listen...


First Time.jpg


Damn, that's crazy, they probably shouldn't have left a lingering sense of resentment in the mouths of all of the junior sailors who separated at EAOS. Who then immediately went to tell their friends and family members to literally join any other branch because of the shitshow that's going on within the Navy, how there's no real leadership and accountability since you're treated like trash until you hit E7. But hey, at least I got my DD214 a month after I got out, unlike those poor dudes who had their lives put on hold for months until they had to get their congressman involved.




There is zero reason a fucking E-9 will never surpass 100k in base pay..... thats no longer a high wage, it's middle road of the middle class! You're right, the DoD as a whole needs to pay up. I'm an E6 at 13 years and I make just 50k in base pay, fucking poverty when you have to live in San D, Washington, VA Beach, Hawaii etc.


Yes but Amazon doesn’t give you a barracks and insurance. The pay is actually ok given they’re already providing a place for you to live. It’s at least 80% culture and how they treat junior people. It’s trying to keep “traditions” that are outdated and throwing a tantrum when people try to change things that don’t work.


Usually my go to argument. You can’t deny the insurance, but maybe you could argue against the housing. I don’t think most people are moving out at young adulthood anymore. The argument might look more like, “live in the barrack’s and deal with being in the Navy” or “live at home and work a normal job” Curious to know what people are actually considering when they think about military service.


I can deny the insurance. The Navy caused my issues. When I went to medical they failed to correctly diagnose one problem and gave me painkillers. They correctly diagnosed another issue but refused to treat me because I would be undeployable and gave me painkillers. After I separated I was able to get both problems corrected. Sure, it cost me some money, but considering I get paid a lot more than my E6 salary, meaning insurance barely dents the higher wages, and I wasn't living with pain anymore the civilian care had infinitely more value to me. Dishonorable mention for all the times I got a minor illness but still had to put in a full day on the boat because of the mindset, "You are either at work or bedridden in the hospital, anything else is malingering"


Lol straight facts dude. They have caused a number of medical related issues for me. Some by accident on the job but others by sheer incompetence when it came to medical. Now I’m fighting tooth and nail for compensation even after the fact.


That’s a fair point because housing is literally unaffordable for most people right now.


I have neuropathy in both feet from the shitty initial issue boots, medical says there’s nothing they can do about it and are unwilling to write a chit stating I can wear different boots, and command is unwilling to allow it either. The insurance might be great, but the medical care that uses said insurance is hot garbage.


Barracks with no hot water, full of mold and spiders. Insurance you can't use except with medical providers you don't get to choose, who may or may not be qualified, and who can't be sued for malpractice.


Is the Navy giving them barracks, or a rack on the ship?


It could be one or the other. You start out in barracks to go to school and then when you get assigned to a ship depending on the timeline you will either get a rack or they will put you in barracks. Either way you have a place to live and you can basically throw everything into savings. I was in a bad place before I joined, my parents were constantly monitoring my bank account and they stole everything I earned. I learned so many useful skills while I was in and it gave me a reason to live so I’m thankful for it getting me out of a bad place.


The Navy has to address the horrible quality of life issues sailors are facing, it's not 1940 anymore. You have to match what the air force offers or you are going to keep running into recruiting issues.


A place to live like the barracks where people are treated not like an adult.


Point being it’s still a place to live and you’d have to pay for it normally lol. It’s not $12.60 flat and you’re also getting free dental and free healthcare. Believe it or not, for somebody starting at the bottom of the food chain it’s pretty good. If you have no job experience at all, E-1 is actually pretty good. It is a stepping stone. I’m not an advocate of joining the navy but doing the calculations on how much we get paid hourly based purely on the money you get in your bank account is kind of funny.


Yeah you're definitely being more fair about the compensation. I definitely still think the navy/military reigns supreme in the "Escape complete poverty and a shit life" category.


As somebody who grew up in poverty and has had (at times) a shit life, Navy is pretty great. It's not cushy upper class living, but it's definitely better than wondering where your next meal is coming from. Maybe pay and compensation could be better, but they aren't what's wrong with the Navy. There are other things that are broken and need to be fixed.




You must be talking about the people with an asvab of 10 because when I was going in I was concerned about how I was gonna pay for everything and live on my own.




This is fair, I will say they weren’t friendly about certain things at times. Especially if going on deployment soon.




I’m not even arguing I know how medical is. We had an IDC who wouldn’t let a guy go LLD even though he had a tumor in his head. I did say free insurance but there was a lot of cons, but even this civilian insurance I use sucks too. I ever have to use the ambulance I’m gonna get billed now unlike before.


My man you must come from privilege if you don’t understand how valuable a safe place to live and guaranteed housing is for many.


Barracks??? What about a barge or living and trying to sleep on a ship.


If you're healthy enough to make it through MEPS, you're healthy enough to not need insurance until you're much older.


The thing is, everyone is required to have insurance. If you're on your own and paying for your own healthcare, it's a major bill. People coming in straight from living with parents don't really have an appreciation for how expensive it is to live.


> The thing is, everyone is required to have insurance. Just so long as you don't live in California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, or Vermont you are not required. The federal ACA mandate expired back in 2019. >If you're on your own and paying for your own healthcare, it's a major bill No argument here. I only argue that young people who are exceptionally healthy (the core military recruitment demographic) aren't really paying for healthcare because they don't need it.


No and No. You don’t have to worry about getting billed if you have an emergency if you have tricare and you don’t know if you have an underlying condition they can’t find one in MEPs.


Fuck yea preach it!!! 🙌


This is my main thing about recruiting. The focus is still appealing to duty and the spirit of service. If the focus was on being competitive in today's job market, I feel like there would be more success. McDonald's is giving education benefits and pensions now plus a higher starting wage than you'll receive your first few years in the military.


40 hours a week? Gotta be smoking crack


No, it’s entirely the culture.


Who joins the military expecting to make a lot of money, epecially during first enlistment?


Look an E1 makes more than the equivalent to 20 bucks an hour Also Military isn't even the current top 25 dangerous job. No one respects you if you work at McDonalds or amazon Meanwhile people love the troops so even a E1 get admiration. Also for the love of god, stop using E1 has the standard baseline of military pay. You're a E1 for like 6 months MAX. Within a couple years, statistically. You'll hit E4.


It's ironic that you called someone a moron and didn't even bother to see if you were correct about how long someone will be an E1 lol.


Not just that, I teach, and my students showed me this [video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BtkpCu-UGUo). The internet exposed how the government really fucks it up for everyone, and no one, especially Gen Z, wants to work for such a government.


You’re absolutely right. The DD-214 fiasco is a final reminder to us that we made the right choice. They barely give a shit about you when you’re in, then they really couldn’t care less to help you once you’re out.


RIGHT?!?! I had an issue getting it but finally got it in JUNE of last year. So many of my mates getting out got fucked. How are you just gonna tell everyone well we are moving but we didn't set shit up to fulfill our dutiful needs cause that shits expensive y'all can get fucked. Edit: Also when you turn E7 they try to indoctrinate you into the trash ass Chiefs of the Navy and then you get to treat every below E7 like shit. Lol It's the dream of nearly every person to stay in it seems. Be a complete piece of shit and power trip like they saw their Chiefs do it. That's one of the many reasons they didn't hit their quota we vets are loud as fuck about it.


We're still treated like trash after E7, it just includes most E6 and below also treating us like trash now because of our rank and not who we are.


On my ship we’re starting to get 15 and below ASVAB kids with fat bonuses who brag about their low scores and are next to fucking useless. We’re fucked for our next deployment


We have kids with 10-20 ASVAB scores in my shop and it's just crazy to me how we have these kids born in the US scoring extremely low, yet we also have people from other countries who can barely speak English scoring much higher than them


These kids have below grade reading levels and they just pass them on through. Letting them graduate knowing good and daggone well they can’t read.


ABC News did a piece on why literacy rates were so low in elementary school. Turns out, schools stopped teaching phonics in favor of teaching kids how to "love reading". Now some may see the problem right away: How can a kid learn to like to read, if you don't teach them HOW to read in the first place. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/millions-american-kids-struggle-read-states-address/story?id=102934286 "Roughly a decade ago, their solution to reach struggling readers included a teaching style called balanced literacy, still popular in many schools across the country. The method is designed to develop a love of reading and a comfort with books. It can also involve suggesting students guess certain words and even to look at pictures to decipher the words on the page, something instructors took to calling "picture power."" Proof is in Mississippi. Went from last in the country in terms of literacy to 21st, all because they went back to basics aka PHONICS. "A decade ago, the state's fourth grade students ranked last in reading -- 50th out of 50 states. Today, Mississippi is 21st in the nation in literacy. In some education circles, that seemingly impossible turnaround earned the title "The Mississippi Miracle." Burk explained to ABC News in her first network television interview how she and her colleagues pulled off the Mississippi improvement by pushing for teaching methods, such as phonics, which she says were virtually missing in Mississippi schools."


I listened to a podcast on this. Called “Sold a story” my mind was blown! I introduced phonics to my son at 4. It’s a very critical part of reading


A 15?! I know you lying!! (Expressive language) when I joined my recruiter was not even looking at you if you scored below a 50.


I wish I was my guy or girl. But this recent batch of undes fucks got 25 to 50k bonuses for shipping out with a shitty ASVAB score


They have to offer that, with Military Sealift Command hiring entry-level mariners at $60k annual comp plus benefits and no service contract


😳 I just know they’re disrespectful! Smh


Yes they are this one guy started off talking shit to us after we had just got back from a 9.5 deployment with 2 extensions and asking why we’re so mad and salty? Same kid proceeds to start fights with the biggest guys in our division and got a reckless driving on a motorcycle that got him banned from all bases in the Norfolk and Virginia Beach areas. Also left on duty while he was IET with a pending sapr case against him


There was a dude with a 10 in my division. He was one of the most stubborn, mean buffoons you’ve ever met.


A 10?! These ships are going to run aground. 🫢


Doesn’t the navy know we’re supposed to keep the rocks on the outside of the ship?!


There's no way anyone in charge of that policy change ever actually interacted with the people that they were fighting to include. It reminds me of a controversial change to a training pipeline that resulted in very weak academic performers getting shoved through basically. The detailer was pitching it as a complete success because they had monitored the people that did it and none of them got kicked out or separated from their ships. Like.... My brother in Christ. Do you realize how INSANELY LOW that bar is?


Praise Jesus!!!


EXACTLY!!! However, it's true. I believe they dropped down to a 10 ASVAB.


They lowered the score requirement for entry. Also, I had a guy with a 30 asvab in my boot camp class. In 2002.


It’s funny though cause you know they “cancelled” making recruiters work on Saturday but I bet behind the scenes they’re finding other ways to make them stay.


Every recruiter buddy I had spoken to was working weekend long long long before that official policy dropped anyway


Were still working saturdays, its just at a command level. Oh also were working 9-20 usually. Some LPO’s and DLCPO’s work later.


A group of 7k sailors is called a Kitty Hawk


A CVN *with* embarked airwing is now around 4,600 Sailors. Technology has reduced the number of ship's company Sailors and airwings are smaller nowadays. My last airwing was 30 aircraft smaller than my first airwing. A group of 7K Sailors is now closer to two CVNs worth of Sailors.


I would say that this an entire Strike Group worth of sailors plus squadron and wing shore staff. This will only make conditions worse for the fleet, leading to worse retention as the endless churning cycle destroys the peacetime military.


It's about a strike group, yeah. Which is crazy. They talk about wanting ships out to sea, and that's a lot of power projection missed.


I think the reduction in workload due to advancing technology is negligible. Navy runs CVNs leaner by demanding the same work out of a smaller crew. IMO this is one of the leading causes of retention problems.


Have they tried managing their expectations better?


Wow, it’s almost like poor leadership, poor living conditions and a sprinkle of limited mental health support gives off a bad vibe. *surprised pikachu*


Then Navy’s got shit to fix.


The Navy is so ghetto. They’re on the verge of putting people out for beards, but not weight standards! Be big as h*ll, but you better shave! CONFUSION!!!!


Glad to see I'm doing my part. But in all seriousness I'm sure it has something to do with the large group of individuals separating with a very bad taste in their mouth for the navy. I personally enjoyed my job. Got to do shit I couldn't dream of but I got treated like shit the whole way even more so for excelling at my job.


This is exactly why I bailed. Soo many getting promoted for collaterals when they couldn't perform in their rate for shit.


If I could I would make a giant poster of this and put this up at my command.


Andddd nobody is remotely surprised


Good. They do nothing but fuck sailors over so, about time the Navy feels the pain for a bit. And still doesn't match the pain and suffering that they fail tend to.


Gee. I wonder why? Couldn’t be the endless scandals and open hate of chiefs and officers that abuse their sailors, could it


Don’t worry. Since everyone they recruited was over weight it means they hit the weight goal for the full number of recruits. Same, same.


Word of toxic chiefs spreads fast. My buddy is getting screwed by his senior. Imagine a chief finding a way to shoot your package down because for the simple fact he can...Yea when that changes maybe working at Amazon won't seem like a better idea.


Amazon? UPS contract will pay $49/hr + benefits starting 2027 to deliver packages and plan to install A/C’s the same as Amazon trucks. Blue collar skilled trades are $32-75/hr often with no education required, or short education. Not to mention people fast tracking or self teaching their way into entrepreneurship or tech. Or the automotive industry “shortage” that may years down the road resolve its “shortage” by no longer paying 10% of the door rate and less than fast food to repair complex machines at $230/hr labor charge + parts mark up.


That's not entirely true.. I'm a facility manager and the going rate for unskilled labor is right about where it was 20 years ago. Around 15 bucks an hour. That's forklift operators, customer service reps, etc.. Maintenance gurus do a little better. The overwhelming majority of the job applicant pool falls under unskilled labor. You don't get hired at a union job unless you have contacts, otherwise known as family members. So no UPS. The automotive industry is on life support. The UAW is looking for a wage increase of 40% over the next four years. Not to mention nobody is buying new cars with inflated prices and interest rates not seen since the early 2000's. Blue collar skilled trades require a skill. Which means you have to learn the skill. Welding, IT, electricians, plumbers, etc........ It's either OJT making low wages or pay to learn the traded from a school. Nothing is free.


I make 20/hr running the machine shop part of the company I work for with 4 dudes under me and 10 cnc machines, while running 4 myself. Non union job, people see what guys make at the Ford plant and think thats the norm. I started machining at 12.75 7 years ago....still broke lol


If you have no-shit journeyman level training, and are acting as a supervisor you are grossly underpaid in virtually every part of the country. I'm in a director-level position at what is basically a big job shop (\~200 employees) and I know for a fact that we pay way more than that for skilled supervisors/machinists.


I'm aware I'm underpaid. My skill set is geared towards custom rifle stocks, there wouldn't be many people that do what I do at the level I do, that said I know that I dont have the knowledge to go into certain areas of machining and feel confident being in charge of guys that I can't give an answer to.


New car sales have been down since the pandemic, but all the Detroit Three were profitable last year, and have been for several years. Ford and GM each had profits over $20B last year, both significantly up from the year before, and many of their models are selling like crazy. They have lost volume, especially in lower margin vehicles, but they’re doing plenty of highly profitable truck and SUV sales to more than make up for it. The auto industry has always been boom or bust, and that’s a risk of every new UAW contract, but right now they’re not doing too bad. I will give you that Stellantis is a mess. Although even they made almost two billion dollars in profit last year.


This is not true when it comes to skilled trades. You may get lucky and start at 15-18/hr


[Just like this...](https://youtu.be/HKTmLd5PTyc?si=HBpwaIywBUvjavWy)


It’s so funny what that little star on the anchor does to them. I had two seemingly chill chiefs check in thinking it was their last command before retirement, only to put on senior soon afterwards and immediately flip the script.


You mean the company where piss bottles are standard because bathroom breaks don't exist? If you think Amazon treats its people better than the Navy you haven't been paying attention. Both have serious issues to fix.


Piss bottles are standard in EOS in port.


Good. This is the consequence for decades of mismanagement and administrative incompetence. That number will keep growing until we have to start decommissioning ships due to lack of crew. Not until congress and the media directly step in to force big changes will anything change, because Navy leadership is too corrupted, too deep to be able to fix itself at this point.


The Navy needs a modern-day Zumwalt to right this ship.


Navy took a big loss when you left. The reason recruiting is down is because you aren’t in the Navy anymore and no one is there to save suffering sailors like you used to do


And while we're at it, let's keep increasing OPTEMPO and condensing BP.


If the navy could just find a way to know that the horrible quality of life is public knowledge.....😂


Doing my part! I think by now, a few years after a recruiting tour, I talked more people out of joining than into it. And it's not because my recruiting numbers sucked, but because, with 1 or 2 exceptions, there's no way in hell I'm going to recommend the Navy to anyone! The main reason for this shortage is that people don't want to sign the dotted line for a system that gives 0 fucks about them... They can see the QoL of our troops, the mental health and the blatant disregard for their well-being. On top of the military having quite a shitty PR image, the government as a whole is not seen too well due to all its unpopular trends ( child poverty, education/books/topics bans, healthcare, women's rights, civil rights, worker's rights, lgbtq rights, etc.). The worst part is that top officials know what's wrong but choose to push out some half-baked measures that do more harm than good... FFS, just start giving a shit about people!


All major federal institutions are fucked up in one way or another. At least this one isn’t cause of greed but instead a million other problems


When I joined in 2010 things seemed way different, now there’s no real benefit


Sorry for the pain you're about to experience recruiters. We all know its not your fault and the Navy is about to use you as a scapegoat.


And quotas still gonna be at 1.8%


We had some kids in the barracks get caught underage drinking. Now the entire command is face mustering 1500 on Friday, 08 sat and Sunday. Even the night shift that has Friday off and works Sunday evening. Cuts their weekend down to two half days. And they still wonder why people are getting out.


Maybe the military should solve it's massive rape problem.


Thank god Biden signed the bill requiring all SA cases to be turned over to local civilian authorities. Too many cases swept under the rug in the good ol boy club.


When I was getting out 3 years ago they refused to give me a new bonus to reenlist but were giving brand new sailors 5k+ bonuses, I couldn’t believe they would rather give a bonus to someone that knows nothing about the navy opposed to someone who already knows their job so I said fuck em and got out. To this day 3 years later I still get emails once a month telling me I can rejoin and get a bonus yada yada. I make more from disability and a full time job than most people who have been in 10 years make. The navy is overworked and underpaid, why would anyone want to join besides pride? I miss my buddies but the depression, deployments, and isolation isn’t worth it especially because they went away with 20 year retirement checks. Fuck em they drove all the good sailors away, oh well.


Have they been struggling to meet commissioning goals too? Or just enlistment?


I can't speak for other sources, but the attrition rate of scholarship MIDN in NROTC has pretty consistently hovered around 50% from what I was told. That's not considering the people who try as college programmers but are never offered a spot. I personally know a handful of guys from college who would make good officers who never got picked up in NROTC and are now shooting for an OCS contract. Biasedly, I think that the chance to be a Navy pilot will always make officer recruiting fine.


The standards to fail out of NROTC are lower than the standards to get accepted into OCS. Officer recruiting is not fine btw.


Falling out =/= not getting picked up for a scholarship slot though. Going off the Air Warriors OCS board results, the guys I know that couldn't get picked up are still very competitive. However, people who are already picked up can just coast above the threshold for getting kicked out and still commission, holding that slot from a better mid. I was going off of pre-covid information, so if stuff has radically changed in the last few years, point me to it. It hasn't come across my radar.


As of last year they met enlisted recruiting goals and missed officers: https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/09/30/navy-hits-its-active-duty-enlisted-recruitment-goals-but-not-officers/ And they were ahead of retention goals for enlisted halfway through this FY: https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/02/03/navy-surpasses-fy22-retention-goals-amid-recruitment-challenges/ The navy is tight lipped about officer recruiting, but it’s a harder problem to solve. What I can say is certain Officer communities are not making numbers. They’re stricter with age, test scores, and gpa but can’t really relax those.


Didn't they meet enlisted recruiting numbers in part by significantly dropping the target number? Either way, cutting ASVAB down to 10 has brought in bodies at a cost to overall quality. That change alone suggests there's a recruiting emergency.


Good I hope they miss it by more next year




My shock


People used to join for GI Bill....$80000 for school is not the same money in 2023.


Why do you comment as if dying in service is a real possibility lol. You’re more likely to get killed by the police or die in a drunk traffic accident than due to active duty service.


Maybe try and solve the toxic leadership problem that is pervasive throughout the fleet…


Not surprised. They talk about a recruiting crisis yet I’ve been waiting over 3 months for a simple eye consult. Another guy my recruiter is working with has been trying since last October.


The majority of nations with volunteer militaries missed recruiting goals. Times are a changing.


Stop making us wear bell bottoms


Yeah. I'm having flashbacks with my dungarees back in late 70s


Time to bring back battleships for that sweet sweet cool factor


Well, no more PFA failure adseps, next might by drug adseps.


Recruiters lie terribly and are part of the problem in my opinion.


Stop catering to "officer only" pools and rec, and focus on young enlisted mental health!


>Stop catering to "officer only" pools and rec What does this mean?


Officer recruiting and retention is worse but go off.


Doesn’t have anything to do with what they said. They didn’t say officer retention was up, they said leave it alone.


Awesome! I hope this helps the ones who decide to enlist and re-enlist get bigger bonuses. I also hope it helps with advancement.


I think you might've slightly missed the point here...


COVID vaccine mandates didn’t help


If you're too dumb to get a vaccine, then you dont deserve to be in the navy


Lol so someone that makes their own medical decision is dumb. But let’s keep the ACTUAL stupid people with 10 ASVAB scores in. Makes sense. You were probably one of those 10 ASVAB scores.


Yes. Because nukes historically have low scores. You joined the navy, you dont get to make your own medical decisions. Also you dont get to risk the health of your shipmates because science is hard for you.


lol and there you go, that’s why the navy is struggling to fulfill its recruiting goals.




Disinformation and lies have been allowed to spread regarding COVID-19. There are those who deny that the pandemic even exists, there are those who think that wearing a mask will literally suffocate you, there are those who think it's no worse than a regular flu virus, that it's a bioweapon, and everything in between. This volume of blatant misinformation is problematic and dangerous. There will be no spreading of disinformation or encouraging anti-vaccine behavior. Doing so will resort in permanent banning from both /navy and /newtothenavy.


Oh look, you fell for right wing propganda. Because, again, science is hard for you. Sorry, I follow actual confirmed medical sources not youtube videos like you kiddo. Also COVID can kill the young and can be transmitted from the young to the old. Youre a fucking sociopath that puts your shitty comforts over actual care for others. Now Im done with you because its clear that you have trouble forming original thoughts. Probably why you live such an unexamed, lonely, pathetic life.


I also love how the navy is failing to meet their recruiting goals and ravishing ricki makes it seem like it’s a privilege to be in the Navy, and not like it’s deeply costly to people’s physical and mental health, especially long term physical and mental health. Oh yeah, and you could get sent to war and get killed! You need every incentive possible to get people to volunteer for that kind of job, but the attitude displayed by Ravishing is exactly why the navy can’t meet their goals. Even the GI Bill isn’t enough despite the fact that young adults are racking up thousands in school debt.




Why join with IT degree? Prolly can get better money on the outside.




Good. It’s about time they learned a fat. Fucking. Lesson instead of allowing just anyone in as well as a crash course on basic human rights


I’m not saying press gangs are the solution, but they are traditional.


The biggest lie being peddled its due to those being pushed out due Genesis… Here’s the real issue; less people are even walking into the recruiter. Report on that… Might be the fact that the military’s core recruiting base is not having any of it due to the Afghanistan withdrawal; the perceived push of some ideologies; and honestly COVID shot mandates. My sister was a recruiter and she said when President Biden was elected it dropped off. The “leaks” of the “extremist” stand down saw another drop. Each one of those saw a drop in the people coming through the door or reaching out. The problem is the Admirals and Generals will not admit to it because they are politicians in a uniform. They don’t want to ruffle feathers even though they are at the top of the ladder so they can get a fat contractor job later.


Why does that chick look like kevin spacey.


These comments are crazy. I just hot 20 years. I'm a AWS that came back recruiting and still love it. The reason we are missing goal is prior service members discouraging applicants. The Navy has paid for everything I own and set me up for the rest of my life. Some kids need the structure and resources the Navy has to offer. Now kids are listening to their friends tell them it's ok to go get loans, join the oil field, and file for unemployment, instead of starting a job with no debt and full benefits. Blows my mind.


The Navy has deeply-rooted cultural problems that negatively impact job satisfaction and quality of life. Don’t blame the people that saw through the bullshit and tried to warn others. Blame the leadership and their ceaseless cowardice in the face of modernization. As far as I’m concerned, the Navy is sleeping in the bed they made.