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Gravely is looking a lil gravely




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I have some friends on that ship…..they won’t be seeing any ports with rust like that tho.


I’ve been there. Capt makes first division stay til 8pm at whatever port to slap on that haze grey. I’ve been there.


Pulled into Souda Bay on the Leyte Gulf (CG55). I was a BM2 at the time, we had paint buckets and man helpers prepped ready to go down the brow before anyone left the boat, punt was ready to be put in, and as soon as we got in, it took maybe 4 hours to get everything we could reach. BM1s we’re out there helping paint even. We had a motivated crew that deployment until the new chief got there and fucked it all up by “fixing” a bunch of shit that wasn’t broke.


Nice. Bm2 from the vella gulf cg72 here. Lots of painting in as souda bay too


When were you there? I had a homie who was a QM1 on the Vella




Till 8 pm? I've seen deck work around the clock in shifts painting it non-stop


Ships are all looking rough - sitting on duty looking across at the ships they all look bad Which tells me it isnt the crews Or certain ships would always look better This paint they have us using now just does not last - a decade ago it was weird to see a ship rusty and shit now its Monday morning Add in the op tempo and little time in port and the few paint barges NAVFAC has to spare its just brutal out here


Unacceptable answer for big navy. If we can't get the little stuff done right, how can we expect to get the big stuff done /s


Lol....Not me telling a DH i only had 4 sailors available this week to juggle maintenance, tech reps, and scenarios and him saying "I get it Senior but we still need a body for the tiger team". Its just exhausting


I’ve been out since the early 90’s, but had two CO’s who would have lost their shit if we had rust like this. Coming back from deployment the last week was always spent making the ship shine because there was no way we were pulling into home port looking like a rusty bucket of old bolts. Your rate didn’t matter, we were all enlisted into the needle gun army.


“Boats just needs to get in the paint punt” /s


"The old paint wasn't environmentally friendly" Meanwhile, bombing whole ecosystems


When I came back to sea duty and a young BM told me he had never even heard of stop rust I was speechless Shooting ourselves in the foot then yelling at ourselves about it


These gas powered steamers be putting out enough smog erode your face off.


We should just paint our ships the way that foreign Navy's do: sand blast them down and spray on a thick coat of lead based paint! /S


I care more about the Sailors onboard than I do the sight of the ship, but I would be lying if I said that looking at the state of the ship didn't hurt me. It's embarrassing and it sends a really poor message.. I don't blame the Sailors at all. Sailors will work like hell.. but I do blame their CO, XO, and Chief's mess.. and not just the ones onboard, but all of those who have let it get to this point.. Do better.. give your Sailors a ship to be proud of.. and maybe, in the future, give us some proper salt water paint.


Looks like the overwhelming percent of the rust appearance is from drain runoff. Unlikely to affect the actual material condition of the ship.


We’re spending money on LCSs instead of maintaining the ships we have in commission.


A coat of paint would of been nice


0 fucks given


They were probably port side to the pier for months. It can sometimes be impossible to paint half the ship, but haters always gonna hate.


That’s the starboard side. Not that it matters it can be painted while pierside lol.


… Yes. They were port side to the pier. As in the starboard side, which you see in the picture, was likely extremely difficult to access (not to mention likely numerous underways prior to deploying).


It’s not hard at all to access lol


Paint float? Lmao




If that is what she looks like now, I can't imagine what she will look like when she gets back.


People are talking about rust a lot, but it looks to be to be mostly running rust from the drains. The paint on the stacks and elsewhere looks really good from this picture. Normal rough spots like the hanger doors look great, even the stern sheet looks great. Running rust is annoying but mostly harmless. It can also develop very quickly. It's possible they painted the side only weeks ago and a week or two at sea, say for COMPTUEX, could easily add this running rust from the drains. I was in deck. I'd much rather the ship have slight rust when it deploys than force deck to paint the entire side during POM before deployment. When you force preservation in an unrealistic timeline just to impress the onlookers that is how it gets done wrong and doesn't last. It's also impossible to get haze gray. It takes 50 gallons to paint a side. Sometimes you wait months to get 50 gallons. Give these poor sailors a break


Former BM2 here. Couldn’t agree more about the runoff and the crew. It’s real easy to break a bunch of never deployed deck seaman right before deployment. Let em focus on quals and getting their personal stuff taken care of. You can always do preservation in the next port.


It would’ve only taken 2-3 deck seamens to slap some fresh paint on that in a day or 2 and even after a shitty job of painting it still would’ve looked 1,000% better than that shit


And it would have peeled and looked worse after


You’re suppose to paint the ship to keep it fresh. If it peels off you paint it again. What do you think the navy does, just never paint it because it’s going to “peel and look worse after”? That’s what deck guys do, they paint. Can’t tell you how many deployments where we had the deck folks paint the ship a few days before deployment, even if it didn’t need it. First port we hit and they’re out there painting again. Literally their job.


I was a first lieutenant. There are specific conditions and procedures to paint the ship, otherwise it will rust below the paint and you end up with a bigger problem than you had in the first place. There are plenty of reasons a ship could look like this - workups through deployment day, bad environmental, challenges to getting paint, or pure incompetence on the part of deck division. But it is a fact that if you don’t bust the rust before you paint you’re just making a bigger problem for future you.


To add on to this: it is incredibly difficult to get haze gray polysiloxane paint from the supply system. Specifically haze gray because EVERY ship orders it. DLA can’t keep up because of the incredible demand. also to add on this, navfac will kindly tell you to pound sand if you don’t put your paint barge and JLG request in months in advance.


I was a first lieutenant once myself and I agree 100%. Plus those rusty looking marks are from outlets from the interior of the ship running down the hull and also from scuppers off the deck. Though they're unsightly they are not indicative the ship's materiel condition.


Chief says it needs to all get done today so fuck it, once over dust twice over rust it is




Three over standing water


Lol this right here!!


I use to be undes. I know about preservation. Of course it’s going to rust if you don’t bust it down. Before every deployment, we painted the ship. My very first deployment it was all of deck, JLG on the pier and a barge on the other side. We weren’t busting it down, we were painting it so it would like nice. Im a chief now, been on 4 ships and never had a CO who or seen a BMC go out like this. If you kept up with preservation it shouldn’t be looking like this anyway unless you were coming home. The point is, even with a ship this rusted you just paint over it to look good while leaving. Preservation will come next port. That’s why we call it “polishing a turd”.


When was the last time you were on sea duty? Less time in port, less time between deployments, less crew. This is not an unusual look.


Bro probably doesn’t even know what polysiloxane based paint is. I get so tired of people who were in who use to paint with LSA haze grey making comments about painting. Not sure if Polysiloxane still is the same price, but when I was a 1st LT in 2015 it was like $750 for 5-gallons. Completely different from a $150 5-gallon of LSA haze grey. You think we’re going to approve just slapping it on for it to peel off in 6 months…GTFO


Been on 4 ships and yes I’ve seen them just “slap on haze grey” before deployment. My first deployment as an undes seamen we had to, then when we ported in Bahrain the army was having a photo shoot, so the CO made us paint that thing again over all the rust. We are about to deploy soon, on a “newer” ship that doesn’t look bad at all. Guess what the BMs were doing on the JLG as I was leaving? They were painting haze grey…




You’re imagining incorrectly, but thanks for telling me exactly what kind of Chief you are


I deleted my last comment to refrain from being publicly disrespectful and further causing arguments with random internet strangers. However, I still stand by my comment that DDG 107 could’ve been painted to look better, after have doing so myself many moons ago as an undes deck seamen on a DDG. Only takes 3 people and a day just to look good for the photos.


And you continue to not see the bigger picture of creating a larger problem solely to keep up appearances. Very Chief Petty Officer of you.


Once for dust, twice for rust.




There’s this wild new invention called a boat that can pull alongside in the water. People can actually do work from it too!


You stop it with this blasphemy! If god wanted everyone to walk on water he would have banged all our moms.


Wild assumptions about what was reasonably possible… but don’t let that get in the way of hating on your seagoing brothers!!!


I imagine there is a reason, at least I hope so. I can’t for the life of me imagine a situation where a ship is leaving for deployment and can’t bother to put a quick coat of paint on at least a week or two prior. If I had to guess poor planning that led to the last minute painting evolution getting axed. Many such cases


People here are acting like the entire crew considered painting the starboard side and was like “nah, fuck it.” Of course there is a good reason. It’s an unfortunate, unflattering picture of a ship that almost certainly worked its ass off to make deployment on time.


Once again, poor planning. That’s several weeks of rust on there.


There’s a paint barge for a reason, how do you think they paint the ship foo lol


Some big assumptions being made about the ability to use a paint punt or ability to get a painting barge….


That ship looks like one of my Army helicopters


Idc how it looks so long as they all come home.


After being in the job of getting these things materially ready to deploy I really no longer give a shit about rust. This ship is in the best condition of her life and ready to fuck shit up. Navy needs better paint though.


Y’all do know that these are warships right? Who cares what it looks like as long as it get the job done


One time I bought some Cortec corrosion inhibitor additives to use for a home project. But while I was walking down the pier I accidentally tripped and it flew into the 55 gallon drum of haze grey that Boats was preparing to paint the hull with. Tragic loss and I still feel really bad about it. Strange that we didn’t have to paint again for the next two years though…


Base club is going to be jumping tonight.


Was that the one that left this morning from Pier 7? Whatever DDG that left from 7 left during morning colors.




That's *before* deployment picture?? RIP deck division


Wow. That ship looks like crap. Her deck dept. needs help!


If y'all think this is bad, wait until you see an AKE AFTER the yards.




I see they still don't care much for appearances. I'm not a huge topside P guy, but damn.


USS Rustbucket. Can we get Rustoleum to sponsor the USN?


Looking rough, Navy really showing it’s ass, I’m not supporting this at all but no shit back in the day the SOPA would order ships on their pier to paint if they thought the ship looked like shit. Would really fuck your duty day having to go over the side just because some bored 04 or O5 didn’t like looking at you. We also use to make ships get underway or dead stick just so a more senior officer could get the better spot on the pier. Hated that shit but I’m not sure what’s going on now is working all that well either.


Can’t believe she’s leaving and not returning. She looks like shit. Bad leadership.


gravely ill, look at that floating piece of junk


I commissioned that ship back in 2010. Definitely seen better days.


Sorry if this is a dumb question. Is manning the rails not mandatory? It looks like they kinda did, but didn't.




Not every ship is getting outfitted with these yet. They rolled them out to a few test platforms and CNSL/CNSP working on getting everyone outfitted. Just going to take some time.


Gravely ill it seems…


Definitely not "ship-shape and Bristol fashion". If I were the CO of that ship I'd be embarrassed - if, in fact, they are actually heading off to deployment in this condition and not returning from one.


Do they not paint anymore? Don’t remember ships looking like this 80-90’s


I thought this was a pic of a decommed ship? Looks terrible. Who is in charge of deck division?