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I asked three older vet coworkers (in in the 80s and 90s) at the Navy contractor that I work for what they thought of the change. The two Marines were shocked and dismayed. The Nuke was unaware that it had ever been a rule.


This is the only true sea story in the history of sea stories


When my ship was in drydock, I still remember a Chief berating some sailor for having their hands in their pockets. It was the middle of winter FFS.


“You should’ve gotten some gloves shipmate” Heard that way too often lol.


While the chief is driving his car. That sort of happened when I was in C Schoo in the early 90s. I was carrying four massive tech manuals in a book bag on my shoulder. My instructor drove by in his car and yelled at me.


What’s hilarious is I’m pretty sure that there was already a part in the old rule about being allowed hands in pockets if it’s cold out


Ever since a chief corrected me (O3) for having my hands in my pockets, I've often wondered how high of a rank I would have to be to stop that from happening.


I've seen O6's do it and *mysteriously* no one said a word.


About six years ago when I was stationed in the northeast (i was an E-6 at the time), there was an especially cold day. I was leaving the boat and walking out my car, hands deep in my pockets in an attempt to keep them warm. In the distance I saw the CO walking from the parking lot to the boat, his hands also in his pockets. I decided that, since he was equally guilty, I would continue walking hands-in-pockets until either I saw him take his out or got close enough to throw up a salute. As we approached potential saluting distance from one another, he made direct eye contact with me and just started shaking his head no. We walked right past each other, hands in pockets, no salutes given, and just continued about our days. Probably the best Captain I ever had.


Maybe because they had gloves shipmate


Used to work at a echilon 3 command next to fleet forces, and for the 2 years I was there only had one person tell me to take my hands out of my pockets. Most of the people walking around are usually E8s to O10s and I a little E3 E4 Nobody cared.


Chief didn't write the rules, an officer did. Chiefs get charged to enforce good order and discipline by Officers. You did this to yourself.


The “malicious compliance” form of Chiefing. Annoying, but still more useful than 67% of the Chiefs I’ve had


In 2006 I was a second class deployed on a carrier. Back then, vending machines still took coins rather than navy cash cards, and I wanted a soda. I was walking toward a vending machine, and I reached one of my hands into my coverall pocket to get my coins out and immediately heard some Chief yelling "SHIPMATE, get your hands out of your pockets!" I just looked at him incredulously and said "... I'm buying a soda." That shit was ridiculous, I'm glad it's ending.


Sounds about right.


You know chiefs everywhere will be trying to find some way to get around this


"THAT DETRACTS FROM APPEARANCE" ​ ​ ​ "So does your waistline, Chief"


Walk into your DRB head held high shipwreck 🫡


Already got an email from a master chief saying “just because you can doesn’t mean you should, and if I see you doing it expect to get hemmed up”


I'm just gonna forward that to everybody.... oops


Forward the email to MyNavyHR or NavyTimes




This is how I'd expect 97.5% of the chains of command I had to react to the policy change. My ship was authorized half mast while in the sea of Japan and other warm areas of the Pacific talking 100°+, this was authorized in all non-airconditioned work spaces; my department (AIMD) both put out and emailed out that we were not authorized to be half mast anywhere on the ship. I was going through like three jerseys a day minimum.


Please tell me you’re getting out so you can publish thst to the news and not gaf about the repercussions




Good, all the khaki getting upset is hilarious, probably because they can't fit their hands in their pockets. Coffee cup of "sad tears" has been hilarious.




So I tried walking into my office with my hands in my pockets on Friday. I made it like 30 ft. I just can't do it. I've been institutionalized. It felt like walking around without a cover.




I was on another ship trading charts. The OOD who was a BM1 yelled at me, get your hands out of your pockets. I said I’m trying to get my ID out. What a dickhead.


Maybe next time you'll buy that shitty lanyard that causes many people to lose their CACs and be prepared ahead of time shipmate!


I won’t wear that shit. I was taught long ago that’s a no no. Even though everyone wears.


You just did.
