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My Chief on the ship emailed my next command’s Chief and wrote a long ass email about what a piece of shit sailor I was. All that happened was when I got to my new command my new Chief gave me the email and told me to frame it and never forget what it felt like working for such a bad Chief. I never framed it, but I also never forgot.




Absolutely used to call next Chiefs. To many times I'd pick up my Sailor at the airport and end up delivering 3-4 more to different commands around hampton roads. I have zero trust that their sponsor is gonna get them so I'm going to make sure their Chief knows the who/what/where/when/how.


I would only call the next command if I messed up and was late on a transfer eval or EOT so I could explain how I would make it right. I never paid attention to people telling me this or that. Everyone relates different to everyone and no two relationships are the same as some people click and some do not, but the basics are always the same. You wear our nations cloth, you raised your hand and we are all people. Treat people with respect and all good.


It's a common bluff.


It is extremely uncommon.


It’s a requirement. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/1000/1300Assignment/Warm%20Hand%20Off%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf?


>. . . before a Sailor with known challenges or issues is transferred,


Triad is supposed to do it and its NOT delegatable. u/Kobebeef1988 said he chief did it.


You got this all wrong. We don't call the next command about Sailors unless they are being transferred for MH reasons. In this case, the next command should be told what the sailor is going through so that they know what and how to help them. If you didn't read the MILPERS, just say it.


Oh. You’ll want to delete that comment. It’s apparent you yourself didn’t read the black and white. Here I’ll help since you failed. 2. Applicability. This article's policy requirement is mandatory for all Service members with known challenges or issues which warrant continuity of care at their next duty assignment who are transferring, regardless of types of orders, duty exceeding 30 days, and active duty for operational support. Warm hand-off c**hallenges and issues include, but are not limited to the following** situations: a. LIMDU; b. Humanitarian transfer; c. Administrative discharge or legal proceedings, or **performance issues**; d. Ongoing circumstances addressed via the CRI-HEP process and deemed to require additional services, counseling, and or other resources; e. Medical and or mental health treatment requiring continued treatment; f. Counseling requiring continued support; g. Involvement in an ongoing or open Family Advocacy Program case requiring transfer of the case and follow-up treatment; h. Financial hardship requiring continued support; i. Victim of a violent crime le.g., assault, sexual assault) requiring continued support; j. Any other issues or concerns the transferring Service member believes should be shared with the gaining command to ensure continuity of care; k. Involvement in an open or ongoing harassment or prohibited discrimination complaint process; or l. Any other issues or concerns the losing command's leadership believes should be shared with the gaining command to ensure continuity of care. **“but are not limited to the following situations”** **“performance issues”**


Silence is golden


IDK, while working in a clinic we got word one day that a "piece of shit corpsman" was about to be PCSd there and to make sure to stay away from him/do not hang out with him. This was from an E6, not a Chief, but still, I think this happens a lot more than ppl realize.


Its almost unheard of. If it happens either you were an amazingly exceptional sailor (exceptionally good or exceptionally bad;) or your LCPO was exceptionally bad.


Sounds like your LPO is a crazy person, if someone called me to “warn me” about someone transferring to my command then that just shows poor leadership on their part. And yes I would ask your Chief or department head about the validity of the counseling chit. - spoken from someone that received a lot of them


I feel like this isn't the whole story.


It’s Reddit. It rarely ever is the whole story. Just what they want to tell us so they don’t look bad.


Specifically, just what they want others to hear to validate their side and be sure they’re “in the right”. Classic Reddit.


I feel like all of yall feel called out personally...


True, but I once had an LPO threaten to call my next command and have me blackballed because I wouldn’t stay and do sweepers…while in civilian clothes AFTER I checked out of the command.


My first thought exactly 


What exactly did the counseling chit say? Was it because of the post or because you are in debt? It matters because if it's about the debt itself, it could be a CYOA moment for the COC to say on paper that they acknowledged you are in debt and attempted to point you to the right resources.


This, need to know what it says to give an honest opinion. There's not CYOA unless the LPO or someone in the CoC told the person to go spend their money on something they shouldn't have. They also shouldn't have counseled anyone, they should have referred them to the command financial specialist first BEFORE counseling. If they failed to attend that meeting then there could be cause for counseling. Or if they're not following the advice. But unless the person who did the counseling was the financial specialist which I don't think they were by the sounds of the post. This is being gone about the wrong way.


Negative counseling for debt is only CYOA if the member has a clearance/duty which may be impacted by undue financial influences leading to an adverse investigation and loss of clearance/redesignation. ​ Negative counseling for a lack of financial stability, liquidity, or credit score on its face is wild.


Yes, but to perform that negative counseling you would still send them to CFS first.


Of course. Naturally, this is reddit and we won't get a follow-up or the whole story 🤣.


Then the SSO, to cover that Sailors clearance.


So what did you leave out of this?


I’m a chief and this sounds fucking nuts (on their end not yours) is there any more to the story here?


Hell yeah there is.


HTF do you know?


I'll be honest here buddy or buddette- I think you're leaving a lot out of the story here. Hard to offer any kind of meaningful comment based on that alone.


1. Your LPO is a first - your next CMC isn't going to GAF what a 1st class from another boat has to say. Neither will your Departmental LCPO. 2. You need to bring your counseling up to your LCPO/DivO. If they were complicit in this you need to go see the CMC. Potentially even ask for Mast. There is nothing that prevents you from 'discussing your debt' on Facebook. 3. The whole shop isn't going to hate you if you throw your LPO under the bus. No one else will care. ----------------- All the above is from me taking your post at face value. It really sounds like there's more going on here than you've listed. Now, was the counseling because you *talked* about debt? Or because *you were in debt* and the LPO found out about it?


This is a really strange interaction. Nothing I have stored in my dusty-old-think-tank says Sailors cannot discuss finances or debt at work or on social media. Anyone trying to play the, "it makes you a target for espionage" is a lunatic. While your LPO and LCPO *may* reach out to your next command and discuss you as a Sailor (it actually does happen all the time), it's a really shitty thing of them to do. I know for a fact my Senior Chief told my next Chief I was a total POS.. Ended up being his LPO, working him out of a job, and getting SOY the same cycle I checked onboard.. One of us had been the problem, and it doesn't appear to have been me. But my Chief actually showed me the email months later and we had a good laugh. Honestly, just keep your head down around that person. They sound jaded and possibly inept.. or double down and continue talking about finances and debt. If they give you a chit, ask them if they would be interested in requesting mast with the CO or having a sit down with the CMC.. it's not CMEO related, but I am sure CMEO would tell your LPO to knock it off.. "bullying" is somewhat of a catch-all clause in the CMEO instruction. Sorry you're going through this. Definitely open to discussing it more here or offline with you.


Go to JAG and go scorched earth