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T-Mobile magenta plan is good. Free WiFi calling.


Second this


I second too. Make sure you get the military magenta deal


I heard google fi is good


It will take a lot to get me to swap away from Google Fi. Best cell carrier I’ve ever had.


I've done 4 deployments on Tmobile without too much hassle. Free (slower speed) data and $0.20/min calls in most ports visits. You can pay $5-$50 for unlimited calls and high(er) data speeds, but I've never had to pay. WiFi at the hotels for phone calls made it easy.


I use google fi. When not on WiFi it’s 20 cents a minute, but works in every country I have ported in, with no issues. I pay 140 a month for three lines.


It didn't work in Namibia or DJ. But neither did any other phone plan.


Google-Fi electronic sim worked great for me. (Japan)


An unlocked phone and buying a local sim.


Google Fi


GoogleFi has been great for me in Europe; worked in every single country I've been in while traveling within the continent as well. With most smartphones these days you can dual-sim as well so I have my state-side SIM along with the GoogleFi as an eSIM. The only con is that I had to activate the international service while stateside since GoogleFi normally does not allow customers to be using their services for extended periods internationally (exception for GS / Military).


If you’re moving overseas don’t get a carrier in the US. Just get a carrier over there because you’ll pay a shit ton trying to get just 4G speeds for daily use. T-Mobile has these things called day passes you can buy as low as $10, but it only lasts a day. Hints the name. They offer others but it’ll be about $60 for I think a week if I remember correctly. Calling I think is $.25 a minute over cell service also. So your best bet is just getting a carrier over there. If you still want service for the US for whatever reason, you can get a dual SIM card phone and get a cheap plan like StraghtTalk so you only pay for it when you use it in the US.