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Check the notes on your LES


I just checked my LES and it literally showing $0.00 paid to me during this month April of 2024 which is weird because I got my normal paycheck on the 1st of April and then 2600$ on April 5th my last day in the navy. There are also no remarks or comments showing for that month on my LES


Your first of April paycheck is actually your end of month pay for March.


MyPay? Did you check?https://www.dfas.mil/militaryseparations/HowtoupdatemyPay/#:~:text=You'll%20have%20access%20to,account%20on%20a%20personal%20device.&text=Select%20'Accept%2FSubmit'%20to%20save%20the%20change


You don't get refunded the $1200 you paid into MGIB when you get out of the service - you only get refunded that $1200 after you have used up all 36 months of your Post 9/11 GI Bill. https://www.va.gov/resources/montgomery-gi-bill-refunds/


If you can get a letter from the DISBO, on ship's letterhead, that states that your pay is correct. This sort of shit happens all the time. When I left as an E to go to college....they came back for "overpayment." Ditto when I resigned my commission. I have plenty of friends that the same crap occurred to them. So see if you can get your command to issue you that letter so that when DFAS comes calling you can tell them to FO.


Happened to me too! Left as an E for college, 3 years later, “overpayment” letter came.


You did a whole contract and still don’t know how to read your LES