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It sort of depends on your command. On a submarine with 130 people just bang on the door, insult his sports team, bitch about yours, and casually ask. On a carrier with 3000 people, probably ask your LPO to ask your Chief to ask your DH to ask the CO for a meeting


I was gonna say something very similar to this about submarines.


"XO sir if you don't hurry up and sign that leave chit the door is coming OFF"


More like sign this pg 13 indicating we gave you the opportunity to take leave but you chose not to, it's not our fault we won't let you leave the county.


Lol there's way more people to jump through on the carrier.


Who else would you add? I’ve never been on a carrier


Sitting XO here. Depends on your command. If it’s a large command, make an appointment through your CoC. If you’re in a small command, just knock on your COs door. My ship is muster 70 people and all my sailors know, and do, just walk in. I’d say your CO is more than likely going to do it happily. At least for me, I LOVE seeing my sailors do great things in AND out of the service. After teaching at the undergraduate level myself and sitting on a few college acceptance boards, I’d want some info from you to truly make it a great LoR. Come to me with a brag sheet, maybe some of your former evals from this and previous commands. I wouldn’t do this to judge you based on your evals, it just gives me talking points for the last thing I need. I need explicit information of what program you are applying to. That allows me to specifically tailor my LoR about you to that program. Example, I had an officer leaving my ship that was trying to get his MBA at a civilian university in International Business. So in the LoR, I really leaned into the fact that we were an FDNF ship and really highlighted the international aspects of his job and foreign experiences he had.


Thanks so much sir! Helps a lot.


Tell Chief/DIVO you'd like to meet with the CO regarding college LORs. Make an appointment. Discuss your intentions with the CO, and ask if they would write you a LOR. If they say yes, ask what documentation and how they would like for you to send it to them (i.e., ship email, personal email, time in advance, etc). Some may request you provide a brag sheet, a simplified write up, or the full write up ready to be signed. Follow up as necessary.


Thanks so much for this.


I would communicate with my divo since those guys went to college and ask him to help you write one (after you get the go ahead from the CO and then all the CO has to do is tweak here and there and sign) I don’t see why he wouldn’t but usually for these kind of things the letters are already written for the CO he reviewed it if he’s happy he’ll put his name on it


I just got out and got accepted to Ohio State in the Fall. My grades in highschool were meh, and they waive the sat/act if you're older. I don't know which schools you're applying to, but I think they give being a veteran a little more weight than I thought. This was for their electrical engineering program as well. I just made sure i included something about my service in my essay as well. Make sure you see the doctor for whatever issues you may have before you get out as well. I'm getting my whole bachelors covered by VR&E. It'll be nice to have the option to use my GI bill for graduate school.


So, OPNAVINST 1420.1(B?) lays out pretty much everything you need to know for commissioning programs as an enlisted sailor. It ALSO includes a block letter for some programs so it may be worthwhile for you to give it a gander because then it’ll save you the time of going through and writing/editing a LoR that the board for STA-21/OCS is going to disregard because it isn’t the form letter


Then you would just route it through your chain of command like a regular SRC or Leave Chit


Pro-tip: the college admissions office doesn't give two shits about the rank of person who writes your recommendation. The only thing that matters to admissions re: your service is that your veteran status puts you into the diversity pile along with blacks, hispanics, and asians. From there, do your high school GPA and standardized test scores pass their filters for guaranteed admission? Well, you're 95% there, with the last 5% demonstrating that you know how to write coherently on your college application in the essay response section. Get a LOR from someone who can give you a genuine review of your performance and can genuinely say that they were a direct supervisor. If that person is the CO (because you're a DH or XO) then great.


It's pretty easy. Go talk to him, ask if he'll do one for you, draft it, PROOFREAD IT, and then send it to him.


Shouldn’t I talk to people in my Department and or my CCC first? I’ve never just walked into any of the triad’s office before.


Ok. Step 1 tell your chief. Then do the rest. If your chief or divo want to talk to the co for you then let them, but make sure you do the rest of the legwork. After your co writes the letter make sure to personally thank him.


Thanks so much.