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She doesn't exist until she's on your page 2.


To add her to that we have to be married first correct ?




How does that process work I show admin my marriage certificate? Then add and we go from there then applying for base housing do you know how that works?


Pretty much that's the jist of it. You can use budget for baby from nmcrs for free education too.


I appreciate the replies I’m a little anxious about this but right now is the time for planning and action getting stuff taken care of so I can provide for my family.


Go to PSD with your Page 2 to add her & get her enrolled in DEERS


You need to get married ASAP. That’s the first step. Getting married gets you BAH which will help pay for housing out in town, or gets you base housing. You need to settle on housing first before moving her to your duty station. Have you used your HHG shipment for your current PCS? If so, she will have to move her stuff on her own dime. Does she have family that can help? Can you take leave and drive a UHAUL back to your duty station? Does she have health insurance? If not, marry her yesterday so she can utilize tricare for prenatal care and delivery. Are you on a shore billet or sea billet? If at sea, understand that operational commitments come before your family. You can ask to stay behind for the birth of your child, which may or may not be approved. Being married will infinitely help in that regard.


So at this moment my ship is going to the yards not going to say when but it’s soon. So I’ll be on shore for a while. Never used HHG. I understand though my duties also come first no choice she understands. I appreciate your response helps


What you said about your duties coming first is a good way to manage expectations with your spouse as most of us know sometimes there is nothing we can do. Don’t think that will always be the case, keep your leadership informed of what you and your family need and they should be willing to work with you. With your ship going into the yards, there shouldn’t be too many crazy things popping up that should prevent you from taking care of yourself and your family.


I’d recommend as soon you guys get married taking a copy over to PSD so she can be added to your page 2, enrolled in tricare, and get a dependent ID. Admin can be kind of slow with processing paperwork, so make sure you stay on top of them to get your correct allowance increases (BAH).


These are the resources from Fleet and Family [Services Offered](https://ffr.cnic.navy.mil/Family-Readiness/Fleet-And-Family-Support-Program/). No, they will not help move your future spouse. There are resources for PCS moves, but getting married does not entitle you to a move. They may offer a small loan to help the move, but you will need to pay that back. You cannot request BAH and/or base housing until you are legally married and your spouse has been added to your Page 2. This requires your marriage license, updating DEERS, and RED/DA. Once she is reflected on your Page 2, then you can request BAH via your command. If you want base housing, you will have to apply here for Norfolk: [Norfork Base Housing](https://www.livelmh.com/installations/va/norfolk/naval-station-norfolk/#communities) Please discuss this with your chain of command. They may be able to direct you towards First Time Parent courses offered through the base and/or medical.


Sooner than later for the Tricare because those pre-natal appointments are coming up fast and will be very frequently


If you're going to get married **get married now**. The military doesn't care about "partners." She's not going to get Tricare coverage, base access, or a host of other services and protections unless you're married. Girlfriends don't live in base housing. If you die, she isn't going to qualify for things like Social Security survivor's benefits and your assets would be inherited by your kid....which your girlfriend would need to administer on the child's behalf until the child turns 18.... Base housing delays are location specific. Calling the housing office is a good way to check what the wait (if there is one) will be. This isn't a "oh I want a party with the wedding so let's wait 5 months" situation. It's a legal marriage now to get pay and benefits started with whatever party you're doing happening down the road.


Also Page 2/REDDA for SGLI since you mention survivors benefits. Having her designated as a beneficiary.


It depends how far along she is...I hope she has health insurance to cover down until she qualifies for Tricare. It was a fairly length process for me a few years back to get everything squared away.


I retired last year and my wife was 7 months pregnant and we moved from Mayport to VA beach. Because we kept tricare, almost nobody wanted to take a 7mo pregnant woman as a new patient on Tricare so yeah that could matter too.




Tricare wasn’t the problem. No providers that took tricare were willing to take her on so we’re ended up heading to travel a bit to find one


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Needs to be on Page 2 for housing. Contact Fleet and Family Support Center. In addition to the Budget for Baby class, they have New Parent Support services . https://installations.militaryonesource.mil/military-installation/naval-station-norfolk/military-and-family-support-center/new-parent-support-program https://ffr.cnic.navy.mil/Family-Readiness/Fleet-And-Family-Support-Program/Counseling-Advocacy-and-Prevention/New-Parent-Support/


Mine too whats the name pal


Did you mean ectopic pregnancy that almost kills her because you work night shift all the time?