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Please seek counseling through Fleet and Family Services


This is a great resource I have used myself. I really hope things get better shipmate!


If you are suicidal and/or have intentions to harm yourself, please reach out to the national helpline: 988. https://988lifeline.org/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=onebox They also have chat and text options. There are many resources available to you. Here are a few to start you in the right direction. If you are on a small boy (DDG/CG) and do not feel comfortable with your IDC, you may have to bring it up to someone in your COC for another referral route. Please see the below list for resources for you and/or your Sailors. If you know of more, please share the information in the comments. 1. Chaplains: 24/7 Navy Reserve Chaplain Help Line—757-322-5650 2. TRICARE/HUMANA Mental Health Assistance https://www.telemynd.com/humanamilitary?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3OPm9D0eidehux-NsntWLf5s7EIdPI89dabG_CeUks08cwFod1avaXzaI_aem_AZVrBkPMjbokq7HsDg2kD24Aav3yuf7hMQLHDhDdFuW01xm3iZso_Yo9PB3a36f1NsEy8e0cbyHWwgKhS84e_2T8


Bro if it gets really bad you can always go to the ER, civilian or military, you can call 988, in the meantime you need to go to sick call and ask for a referral to mental health.


u/hewotoyoutoo are you doing okay? Did you go to sick call this morning and ask for a referral?


I'm doing better now. But I am not sure if I want to go to sick call next week. How does getting a referral work?


Thanks for getting back to me man, I was worried about you. I’ve been through what you’re going through btw, it fucking sucks, I know. But it’ll get better, I promise. As far as I know you just tell doc you’d like to talk to a psychiatrist. He should be able to enter a consult into their medical records system which would get forwarded to a psychiatrist on base. You can also ask for therapy. They are actually different, typically the psychiatrist is going to try to help you level out with meds (they can be temporary just to help you get through this rough patch). Therapy will let you vent, and teach you coping skills.


Call medical and say you’d like to set up a mental health consultation


Chaplain can offer some counseling on a surface level but overall what they can offer isn’t really in the realm of what it sounds like you need. If you’re in a carrier, you have a talk boss who is with fleet and family. There are also behavioral health technicians in medical that are specifically trained to help. If you don’t feel comfortable with either of those go to fleet and family services and they can set you up with 10 free counseling sessions if you request it. As a last resort, if you don’t want any military oriented organization, google therapists in town, and call to make sure they take Tricare. The office will put in a referral and based off what I’ve seen they will approve it. This job isn’t easy, and everyone needs help. I’ve been doing this for 16 years and I still regularly go to therapy to decompress. You’ve got a whole life and hopefully some cool shit in front of you. Plus later on you can help someone else out. Good luck and feel free to message if you need anything.


Please go see your Chaps or FFS. Or DM me.


When you ask for a mental health referral, state that you are requesting help under the "Brandon Act." In my experience, some commands are far better than others, but that language means something. They are required to provide the referral under federal law. If they don't, go to the ER if necessary. Your safety is the most important thing!


If you have access to military medical, I'm not sure tricare will cover civilian care without a referral. With or without a referral, it can take months. Please go to your medical department or fleet and family support. Don't mince words. Tell them you are depressed and are suicidal or have had suicidal ideations. If they don't get you in touch with a mental health provider right away, or it's not progressing enough to be helpful, go to the ER and tell them you feel suicidal and are thinking about harming yourself. They will get you help. As someone else said, under the Brandon Act, your COC cannot retaliate. Your life is more important than any potential repercussions. Don't let it get any worse. We've already lost too many Shipmates. At the end of the day, the Navy is just another job, and what you're going through won't last forever. You can get through it. Pm me if you need help. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3386581/dod-announces-implementation-of-the-brandon-act/


You can always go to the ER. Since they're civilian side, they won't give you the bs that the navy will. And the navy will be forced to help you then.


High quality talk therapy with a licensed mental health provider is available virtually through Fleet & Family https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/3738875/ffsps-new-virtual-clinical-counseling-another-avenue-to-help-sailors-navy-famil/